July 22, 2014 Bible Study — I Will Call Upon The Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:24-25

    There are people who are too lazy to take advantage of the opportunities which come their way. They will not take the actions necessary to feed themselves.
    The simple minded learn from punishment, while the wise become wiser when their mistakes are pointed out to them.


Psalm 18:1-15

    The opening of this psalm was the basis for a great praise song “I Will Call Upon The Lord. When we are distressed it is by calling out to God that we will be rescued. If we turn to God and rely on Him, He will be faithful and grant us salvation. If we cry out to God He will hear us, no matter how far from Him we perceive ourselves to be.
    The imagery used here to describe how God will deal with anything or anyone who gets in His way when He is coming to rescue those who trust in Him would make the writer of a super hero comic blush. And the psalmist is not being over-the-top! God is He who created the universe, do not for a minute think that there are any obstacles which can prevent Him from coming to your rescue. When you face distress, turn to God and call on His name. He will come to your rescue. No one and nothing can stand against Him.


Romans 7:14-8:8

    Paul here gives us all reason to hope and believe. First he tells us that we are not alone in our struggles. I want to do what is right, but I do not. Paul had the same problem. I do not want to do what is wrong, yet I do. Paul tells us that he too had that problem. He tells us that there is only one way to be freed from this slavery to sin. It is to put one’s faith in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who is able to free us from our slavery.
    If we are dominated by our sinful nature, we will think about sinful things. On the other hand, if we are controlled by the Spirit we will think about things which are pleasing to the Spirit. Which tells us what we must do in order to be freed from slavery to sin. We must not allow our sinful nature to control our minds and our thoughts. Rather, we must allow God’s Spirit to control our minds and our thoughts. If we do the latter It will lead us to life and peace. Let us banish from our minds thoughts about sinful activities. We can do this by filling our minds with thoughts about spiritual things and things which are pleasing to God. Let us call upon the Lord in all of our thoughts.


2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10

    In his dedication of the Temple Solomon prayed that if the people of Israel turned toward the Temple and prayed to God for forgiveness and deliverance for God to hear them and grant their prayer. Solomon also prayed that God would hear the prayers of those who were foreigners when they prayed toward the Temple. God answered Solomon’s prayer by stating that when people are experiencing distress if they humble themselves, seek His face and turn away from their sins He will hear their prayers and deliver them. If we call upon the Lord He will rescue us.

July 21, 2014 Bible Study –Follow the Spirit of God’s Law, Not the Letter

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:22-23

    What people truly desire is unfailing love. If you want others to care for you and find you attractive, love them unconditionally. If you are dishonest, others will not believe your protestations of love. It is better to be poor than dishonest.
    If we allow fear of God to guide our actions we will live a life of security. Those who choose their actions based on what is pleasing to God will not face trouble.


Psalm 17:1-15

    When our enemies attack us, let us turn to God for deliverance. When we are accused, let us rely on God for vindication. If we are honest, we can count on God to vindicate us. We must remember that God can, and will, probe our hearts to see what our motivations are. If we plan no evil, nor sin in what we say, God will answer our prayers and rescue us from our enemies.
    We can rely on the Lord to save us from the wicked, from those who look for their reward in this life. As for me, my reward will be to see God face to face. I will be satisfied to know that God will bring me home to be with Him.


Romans 7:1-13

    Through Jesus’ death we have died to sin and the law. We are no longer obligated to obey the letter of the law. Rather we are called to obey the Spirit behind the law. When people choose to follow the letter of the law, the law is constantly expanding and becoming more complicated in order to close the loopholes which people find in it. On the other hand, when people follow the Spirit, basic instructions are sufficient. When we follow the spirit of the law, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, and strength” is sufficient. Perhaps, we need one further corollary, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Between those two rules, someone who follows the spirit in which they are intended will accomplish the purposes for which any other righteous law might serve.


2 Chronicles 4-6:11

    The passage describes the tools and furnishings which Solomon commissioned for worship in the Temple. As I read that I thought about the fact that we are now God’s Temple. Do we furnish ourselves with similar effort to which Solomon furnished the Temple? I do not believe that this involved fancy clothes, or jewelry. Rather, we should furnish ourselves as a suitable Temple for God by memorizing Scripture, reading books which teach us how to do His will, discuss with our fellow Christians how we can best fulfill God’s will in this world.

July 20, 2014 Bible Study — Every Good Thing That I Have Comes From The Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:20-21

    If you want to be wise, take advice, listen to instruction, accept discipline. Actually, not just take advice, listen to instruction, accept discipline, but seek these things out.
    We can make many plans and seek to accomplish the goals which we choose. However, only those plans which align with God’s purposes will come to pass.


Psalm 16:1-11

    Everything that I have comes from God. He is the source of all that is good and nothing but trouble can be found by seeking after other gods. I renew my commitment to make God the focus of my life and to live my life to bring glory to His name. The Lord is beside me and will give me strength. Nothing can shake me so long as I remain at the Lord’s side.


Romans 6:1-23

    Paul explains how, before Christ came into our lives, we were slaves to sin. Through His death, Jesus freed us from slavery to sin. We are dead to the power of sin. I must refuse to let sin control my life. If I give in to my sinful desires, I risk becoming once more a slave to sin. Rather, I will choose to obey God and become a slave to righteous living. We can either “enslave” ourselves to the freedom of doing what is right, or be enslaved to sinful desires. We will be enslaved to whatever we choose to obey. If we choose to obey God, we will be enslaved to righteousness. If we choose to obey our sinful desires, we will be enslaved by them.


2 Chronicles 1-3:17

    God’s response to Solomon’s choice of wisdom is very telling. If we seek wealth, fame, or power, we may obtain those things, but that is all we will gain. If we ask God to give us the wisdom and knowledge to accomplish the tasks He has given us, He will grant us that wisdom and knowledge. And He will grant us other things which we may desire. As Jesus says in Matthew 6, God knows all that we need. If we make seeking His Kingdom our first priority, He will give us everything else that we need.

July 19, 2014 Bible Study — Who May Worship God?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:18-19

    Parents who fail to discipline their children are not doing them any favors, the lack of discipline will ruin the children’s lives. If you save someone from the consequences of losing their temper once, they will not learn and you will have to do it again and again.


Psalm 15:1-5

    While the psalmist says that he is listing characteristics of those who will be allowed to worship God, the list is actually a list of the characteristics of those who do worship God.

  • blameless
  • lives righteous life
  • speaks the truth from the heart
  • Note that they do not just speak the truth, but speak it from the heart (which I take to mean that they speak it out of concern for those they speak to and about)

  • utter no slander
  • does not wrong their neighbor
  • Note Jesus’ definition of who is our neighbor in the story of the Good Samaritan

  • casts no slur on others
  • despises vile people
  • honours those who fear the Lord
  • keeps their promises, even when it is inconvenient, or causes pain
  • lends money without charging interest
  • will not accept a bribe to lie about the innocent

These are the characteristics of those who worship the Lord. These acts taken together as a whole are a significant part of what it means to worship God. We are worshiping God when we do these things and it is not possible to do the opposite of these things and worship God.


Romans 5:6-21

    Paul points out that a few exceptional people might be willing to die for someone who they perceived as being exceptionally upright, exceptionally good. But Christ died for us when we were sinners, enemies of God. It was by Christ’s death that we were made right with God. If Christ was willing to die in order to make us right in God’s sight and restore us to friendship with God, surely He will bring us into life through His resurrection.
    This passage is such a wonderful account of God’s love and a challenge for us. Jesus was willing to suffer and die for us when we were living lives in conflict with God. We should be willing to follow His example and risk our lives in order to show those around us God’s love for them. All too often, we are not even willing to inconvenience ourselves to show God’s love to those around us. Oh, Lord let me follow your example and willingly risk myself in order to show others how to be made right with you!


1 Chronicles 28-29:30

    David gave his son Solomon some advice that every father should give his son, and to which all of us should pay heed:

learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.

God does indeed see every heart and know every plan and thought. We cannot fool God as we may fool our fellow-man. However, if we seek Him, we will find Him. Let us commit ourselves to worshiping and serving God with our whole being. Let us never be reluctant to do so. The consequences of forsaking God are too awful to bear.

July 18, 2014 Bible Study — Find Joy In Suffering

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:17

    This proverb reminds us of the true value of helping the poor, those who will never be able to repay us for our efforts. Doing such things is like loaning money to God. He will repay us with interest. Even if such were not the case, do we not owe God more than we can conceivably repay?


Psalm 14:1-7

    I have always loved the opening of this psalm:

Only fools say in their hearts,
“There is no God.”

It is so definitely true and all forms of folly follow from this starting point. The psalmist goes on to remind us that we have all turned away from God at one point or another. It is only through God’s grace that He has called some of us back to Him.


Romans 4:13-5:5

    We cannot hope to receive what God promises us on the basis of being “good enough”, no one is “good enough”. Not even Abraham was “good enough”. Abraham never wavered in his faith in God, even when it seemed impossible that God’s promise would be fulfilled. God considered Abraham righteous, not because of what he did, but because he believed that God would fulfill His promises, even when there was no reason to hope. God will do the same for us if we exhibit the same faith which Abraham did.
    Our faith will bring us joy, even in the face of suffering. Paul does a great job of explaining why we should be happy when we face suffering. The suffering and difficulties we face will teach us to persevere. Learning to persevere builds character. Those who have character have learned to hope. If our hope is in God it will not lead to disappointment. Therefore let us rejoice when we experience suffering.


1 Chronicles 26:12-27:34

    The account continues to list the tasks assigned to various groups of Levites, leaders of the tribes, army commanders, and various other government officials. In the middle of this we learn that these lists were derived from the census David ordered, which was never completed because of the plague which broke out. Despite ordering an ill-thought census, David had a carefully organized government which allowed him to rule over the land of Israel.

July 17, 2014 Bible Study — Counted As Righteous Because Of Faith

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:15-16

    God’s commandments teach us how to lead a healthy and happy life. Those who despise His commandments will follow a lifestyle which leads to an early death. There have been multiple studies over the years which show how those who reject God are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol, and abuse other drugs.


Psalm 13:1-6

    Until I started working on this blog and reading through the Bible each year I never realized how much those who wrote the psalms dealt with depression. Nor did I realize how much the various psalms offer a suggested antidote for depression. Today, the psalmist asks God how long he will struggle with anguish and sorrow, how long he will struggle with depression. Then he declares that he will trust in God’s unfailing love, he will sing to the Lord.
    Throughout the psalms we are told that the answer to depression is to place our trust in God and to praise Him for His goodness. I have never suffered from depression, but I know that this will work. It is not easy and requires self-discipline. I do not offer this as condemnation of those who struggle with depression. Rather I am suggesting it as an avenue to finding release from that depression. Seek the Lord, trust in Him, praise His name. Depression makes it harder to do those things, but doing those things will hold depression at bay and in time will drive it away. There is hope in the Lord for overcoming depression.


Romans 4:1-12

    Paul illustrates his point about no one earning righteousness by their actions by referencing Abraham. Abraham was counted as righteous, not because of what he did, but because of his faith. Abraham did not earn his righteousness, it was a gift from God. In the same way, we cannot earn righteousness through our actions. We must accept it as a gift from God. Just as Abraham was circumcised as a sign of his faith and as a result of the righteousness which God gave him, so we follow God’s instructions as a result of the righteousness which God has given us. We do not follow God’s instructions in order to become righteous. We follow God’s instructions because He has made us righteous.


1 Chronicles 24-26:11

    This passage has a long list of various groups of priests and Levites and the tasks they were assigned in the Temple. Which makes it easy to overlook an important insight contained within it. In order to avoid favoritism, or the appearance of favoritism, the duties of these various groups were assigned by lot. Those who were chosen to serve in each role were chosen irrespective of skill level, experience, or age. They were each chosen by lot (a form of random assignment) as directed by God. This is something we should take a lesson from in our congregations today. There are times when we should choose those given desirable appointments by some form of random assignment so that no one can claim that the person so chosen was chosen because of favoritism on the part of leadership.

July 16, 2014 Bible Study — We Have All Fallen Short

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:13-14

    Our parents can give us material wealth, but a wise and understanding spouse is a gift from God. I thank God every day for giving me a wife who understands both my strengths and my weaknesses.


Psalm 12:1-8

    This is another passage which reminds me that what is going on in the world today is not something brand new. The psalmist speaks here of a society where the godly are disappearing, where it seems like everyone has turned to evil. He refers to a society where there seem to be no negative consequences to lying and doing wrong. However, the psalmist reminds us that God will judge the wicked and deliver the oppressed. The people around us may look with favor on those who do evil, but God will still hold them to account.


Romans 3:9-31

    Paul tells us here that everyone has sinned. We have all failed to live according to the standard which God has set for us. None of us has a basis to claim to be better than any other. No matter who we are, we do not have the right to boast about being righteous. Every single one of us has done something which stands between us and being right with God. However, God willingly offered Jesus as a sacrifice to fix the rift between us. He has made us right with Him by that sacrifice. Any righteousness which any of us has is a result of that gift given to us by God. I cannot boast about doing what is right because it is only when God’s Spirit moves within me that I do so. It is a testament to God’s wondrous love that I do what is right with any significant frequency and I pray to Him that He causes me to do so ever more often.


1 Chronicles 22-23:32

    David desired to build a Temple in order to honour God. However, God told him that he had been too much a man of war to undertake that task. The Temple honouring God was to be built by a man of peace. This is something for us as followers of Christ to bear in mind. Today the Temple which is being built to honour God is in the bodies of those who follow and obey Jesus. If we are to build ourselves into a Temple to honour God we must be people of peace, not of war. God is honoured by us demonstrating His peace to those around us.

July 15, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Not Enough to Know God’s Word

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:10-12

    Controlling one’s temper is a sign of wisdom. Those who are sensible do not let anger control their actions. We should have respect for those who are willing to overlook slights and wrongs.


Psalm 11:1-7

    The wicked may be attacking those who seek to do right and the basis of law and order may have been undermined, but God is still in control. He will protect those who turn to Him. He will punish the wicked. God loves justice and will see that both the righteous and the wicked receive it.


Romans 2:25-3:8

    It doesn’t matter if you were born and raised in a good, Christian family. Or if you go to Church every Sunday. If you do not do God’s will, you will be condemned alongside those who have never heard His word. It is not enough to know God’s word, we need to be transformed by His Spirit. We need to seek God’s praise, not that of our fellow man.
    The fact that some who claim to be followers of Christ do wrong does not diminish the righteousness of God. Rather it highlights God’s righteousness and shows it in stark contrast to human sinfulness. However, that does not justify our sinfulness. The fact that God will receive glory for His willingness to forgive our sins does not give us an excuse to sin even more.


1 Chronicles 19-21:30

    Hanun, the king of the Ammonites, treated David’s messengers as spies and enemies, instead of as the gesture of good will which they were intended to be. As a result, he started a war with David which he could not, and did not, win. He compounded his mistake by seeking allies to fight against David’s forces, rather than begging forgiveness. The end result of this was the complete destruction of his kingdom and nation. It is all too easy to misconstrue a well-meant act as an insult, or part of a plot against us and offend those who wished to be our friends. When we realize we have done so, let us beg the offended party for forgiveness, rather than prepare to attack them.
    When David had completed two successful wars, one against the Ammonites a second against the Philistines, he decided to take a census of how many fighting men there were in Israel. It is not clear why taking the census was a sin. I have always felt that the sin was because David was attempting to determine how large an army he could field, rather than trusting God to supply him with sufficient men to accomplish whatever task God set for him. There is certainly some truth to that idea. This morning I came across a reference which pointed out that when God told Moses to take a census He, also told him that each person was to pay a ransom to God at the same time (something which David did not do). In a way, Moses census was taken by collecting that “ransom”.

July 14, 2014 Bible Study — Do Unbelievers Blaspheme God Because of Me?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:8-9

    Acquiring wisdom is something that is your own interest to do. Acting wisely benefits the one who does so. If we cherish and seek understanding we will prosper in what we do.


Psalm 10:16-18

    God is sovereign over all of the earth and for all of time. Any nation or people that refuses to acknowledge God’s sovereignty will vanish off of the face of the earth. God listens to the cries of the helpless and oppressed. He will deliver justice to the fatherless and the powerless. When they understand what God is doing for them, they will no longer fear what their fellow men may do to them.


Romans 2:1-24

    In yesterday’s passage Paul described the sinfulness of those who deny God’s existence, despite the ample evidence which God has provided. However, in today’s passage he warns us against condemning those people because we cannot truly claim to be any better. We know what God desires us to do. Yet, all too often, we fail to do it. It is not enough to know God’s will, we must act on it. When we work at teaching others to do what is right, do we do what is right ourselves? Are we able to say that we never do any of the things which Jesus warns about in the Sermon on the Mount? Let us examine ourselves and see whether or not any of our actions will give unbelievers cause to blaspheme against God. Let us find those actions and pray to God that His Holy Spirit remove those blemishes from our lives.
    In this discussion Paul points out yet more evidence for God. He points out that when unbelievers instinctively do what is right, they are showing that God has imprinted His law on human hearts, even those who have never heard His word. If those who have never heard God’s word know what is right, how can those of us taught it from childhood have any excuse?


1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17

    When God sent Nathan back to David with His response to David’s desire to build a Temple for God, it contained what I believe to be one of the Bible’s two-fold prophecies. These are prophecies which had a meaning and an application for the people to whom they were first spoken and a meaning and application that went far beyond that. In this case Nathan told David that God would raise up one of his descendants to build a Temple for God. That descendant would have God’s favor. God would secure his throne. To David and those around him, this prophecy would have been seen as applying to Solomon (although they probably did not realize it was Solomon until a few years later).
    However, this prophecy also applies to Jesus. It is through Jesus that God’s House has been built for all eternity. For Jesus built a House for God to dwell in in the hearts of those who believe His message and follow Him. There is no God like our God. He has adopted us into His people and family. Oh Lord, do not allow me to act in a way which causes others to blaspheme your name.

July 13, 2014 Bible Study — The Universe Testifies About God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:6-7

    It is a natural human tendency to be friends with the rich and powerful, but to avoid those in need, the poor and powerless. We should not decry people because they are that way, but we should strive to be friends and spend time with those who are otherwise ignored or outcast.


Psalm 10:1-15

    The wicked arrogantly ignore God, they believe that they have no need of Him, They imagine that God is just make-believe. They lie and curse and cheat, thinking that the good times will last forever. They are confident that nothing and no one will ever hold them to account for their actions.
    But they are wrong. God takes note of their actions. The helpless may safely trust in Him. He will defend the orphan and the powerless. God will call everyone to account for their actions, both the righteous and the wicked.


Romans 1:18-32

    I often here people say that times were different when Paul wrote his letters and that as a result this or that which he writes is no longer applicable. Yet every time I read this passage I think of the arguments made by people in our society today (and of the actions which they justify by those arguments). Paul describes those very arguments and actions in this passage. As part of that process he rebuts those very arguments.
    Proof that God exists is there for anyone who wishes to look for it. It is there in the world around us. God created the universe and its very existence testifies about Him. No one has any excuse for not knowing about God. However, many people, full-well knowing what God was truly like, made up foolish ideas about Him that are not supported by the evidence. They then rejected God on the basis of the foolish ideas they made up about Him. They foolishly reject God and call it wisdom.
    The people Paul is referring to rejected the truth about God and in its place accepted a lie. The result of believing that it is foolish to acknowledge that God exists is to lose the ability to distinguish foolish ideas from wise. They turned from normal sexual relations to sexual perversions, including same-sex relationships. They did this despite the fact that sexual relations between men result in significant health problems (something recognized in Paul’s day and known by modern medical science). As we look around at those who have rejected God we can see that they, sooner or later, justify all sorts of sins in their lives. Some sin because they see no reason to not do so. Others justify their sins in order to accomplish some goal which they proclaim as noble. Both groups not only commit theses sins, but they encourage others to do the same.
     Two thousand years later and the words Paul wrote here read as if he is writing them about what is happening today.


1 Chronicles 15-16:36

    In yesterday’s passage David became angry with God because of the death of one of those who were transporting the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. David believed that he was doing God’s will by moving the Ark. Yet, something terrible happened. David got angry and blamed God. This was a natural reaction. However, today’s passage shows us why David, despite his sins, can be an example to us. As David thought about what had happened, he realized that the mistake was his (and his advisers). They had failed to consult with God about how to transport the Ark and had just done it in the way that seemed best to them.
    We can learn from David that it is not enough that we are striving for the goal which God desires. We must also work towards that goal in the manner which God desires. We can only accomplish God’s goals by using God’s methods.