Tag Archives: Psalm 18

July 24, 2015 Bible Study — Nothing Can Separate Us From the Love Of God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:27-29

    When you stop learning you start losing knowledge. No one ever knows so much that they cannot improve by learning even more. Even if that was possible our minds are built so that when we stop adding to our knowledge we start to forget the things we already knew.


Psalm 18:37-50

    If we serve God He will arm us for the battles He wishes us to fight. When our enemies are God’s enemies they will fall before us and no one will answer their cry for help. We do not need to seek revenge against our enemies because God will repay those who harm us. God will hold us safe and subdue those who fight us because we serve God.


Romans 8:26-39

    The first phrase of this passage is a great conclusion to the subject Paul has been covering for the last few days. I have been talking about how Paul tells us that if we sin we are allowing our sinful nature to control us and if our sinful nature controls us the Spirit is not in us. And yet, who among us has the strength to resist temptation day in and day out. So, here Paul tells us that the Spirit will help us in our weakness. Paul uses the example of prayer, but the help the Spirit will give us extends to helping us resist temptation. If we allow the Spirit, He will help us overcome other temptations as well. We just need to listen to the Spirit’s prompting and do the things which He tells us we should be doing. As we do the righteous things which the Spirit tells us to do we will find that we do not have time to do the things which our sinful nature tells us to do.
    Using his example of how the Holy Spirit helps us pray, Paul then transitions to a new topic. He tells us that we often do not know what to pray for and about. However, the Spirit knows and helps us do so. There are times when we just need to cry out to God and allow the Spirit to convey our needs. God knows our hearts and knows what the Spirit is saying on our behalf. We can be confident that God will listen to this pleading on our behalf and know that He will cause all things to work together for the good of those who love Him. So, if God is working to make all things work together for our good (we do love the Lord, don’t we?), then what do we have to fear from others? After all, if God is for us, who can be against us? (Yes, I know, lots of people, but they can do nothing which God does not allow.)
    God has made us right with Him. He has taken the actions necessary to bridge the divide between us caused by our sin. He did this because of His great love for us and there is no power on earth, in heaven, or anywhere else which is capable of separating us from God’s love. I will conclude this with Paul’s statement on the issue:
“Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.”


2 Chronicles 11-13

    After the northern tribes rebelled against Rehoboam and made Jeroboam their king, the priests and Levites all moved south. They did this because Jeroboam replaced them with priests of his own choosing. The result of Jeroboam’s actions and the actions of the Levites was that those people in the Northern Kingdom who genuinely wanted to worship and serve God moved to the territory controlled by Rehoboam.

July 23, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:26

    This proverb seems self-evident, but sometimes we overlook the self-evident. It is not just that those who do these things are an embarrassment to their parents. These are people we should be ashamed to be seen with. People who mistreat their parents as described should be ashamed to show their face in public. Society should consider them to be disgraced with no further action needed.


Psalm 18:16-36

    When I read this psalm my eyes were drawn to the middle of this passage:

To the faithful you show yourself faithful;
to those with integrity you show integrity.
To the pure you show yourself pure,
but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd.

What exactly does that mean? Well the first parts are easy, God will respond to virtue with virtue, but God is not able to do evil. So He cannot respond to the deceitful, the crooked, and the dishonest in like manner. However, God responds appropriately. The deceitful, dishonest, and crooked discover that God is not naive. He is not fooled in the least by their subterfuge.


Romans 8:9-25

    Paul points out that if we have the Spirit of God living within us we are not controlled by our sinful nature. Further, he tells us that if we do not have the Spirit of God living within us we are not God’s people. What does this mean for us? It means that we need to examine our lives and seek out the places where we are allowing our sinful nature to control us. Or more exactly, we need to ask the Spirit to search us and identify those areas. Once we have identified those areas, we need to allow the Spirit to enter into them and take control. If we do not do this, but instead allow our sinful nature to control those areas we will die bit by bit.
    However, if we allow the Holy Spirit to take control and stop us from doing the deeds of our sinful nature we will live. Doing so makes us children of God. So, even though we allow the Spirit to control us, we are not slaves. If we allow it, our sinful nature will make us slaves, but, on the other hand, if we allow the Spirit to do so, He will make us free. This does not mean that we will not suffer. No, it actually means that we will suffer. However, the suffering we experience in this life is nothing compared to the glory we will experience when this life is over. As we allow the Holy Spirit to control our lives, He will give us a foretaste of that glory. I hope that you have experienced that foretaste because even that little bit makes me excited about what is to come. My excitement is not based on my imagining what that glory might be but on the thought of experiencing that glory continuously rather than intermittently, as I do now.


2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19

    We learn here that Solomon had married Pharaoh’s daughter. He thought it inappropriate that she live in the palace which David had built because the Ark of the Covenant had been there. I know that this marriage was a political one, but nevertheless, perhaps Solomon should have considered if it was appropriate to marry a woman who he felt could not step on holy ground. Certainly, I will advise anyone reading this to take that into account before entering into a relationship with someone.
    The passage also describes how Solomon built a trading empire. Solomon sent ships on three year trading missions. He commissioned caravans. The land of Canaan was ideally suited for such an empire. If Solomon and the people of Israel had faithfully served God, this trading empire could have continued for many years.

July 22, 2015 Bible Study — If My People Will Humble Themselves And Pray…

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:24-25

    The writer does not mean this literally (or perhaps, he does not JUST mean this literally). The lazy begin doing things which would lead to success, but they abandon them when they realize it will take work and time to gain from them.
    If you point out their mistake to the wise, they will become wiser. The simple-minded only learn when they see someone suffer for doing the things which they do.


Psalm 18:1-15

    Every time I read this psalm I am struck by the imagery it uses to describe God’s reaction to our cries for His help. When God launches Himself to bring justice to the innocent and the powerless, nothing will stop Him, all of Creation will tremble in fear. I pray that I am never the target of God’s anger and I weep for those who are. They were given ample opportunity to change their ways but have instead chosen to bring harm to others.


Romans 7:14-8:8

    Paul sums up the human condition when he says, “I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.” There is a power within us which leads us to do things we don’t want to do. That power is our sinful nature which makes us slaves to sin and death. The only way we can be freed from that bondage is through faith in Jesus Christ.
    Paul tells us that if we are controlled by our sinful nature we will think about sinful things and if we are controlled by the Holy Spirit we will think about things pleasing to the Spirit. The converse of those are true as well. If we think about sinful things we will be controlled by our sinful nature. Which means that if we want to give control to the Holy Spirit we need to fill our minds thinking about things which are pleasing to the Spirit. Remember, you are going to think about something. The Power which rules this world is constantly striving to fill our minds with thoughts about sinful things. If we do not work just as hard to fill our minds with thoughts pleasing to the Holy Spirit, he will fill us with thoughts about sinful things. The result of that is that our sinful nature will control us. I realize that the key to overcoming the sin in my life is to work harder to fill my mind with thoughts pleasing the the Holy Spirit. Thus I will give the Holy Spirit control over my life and deprive my sinful nature of control.
    We need to remember this same principle in discussing controversial issues with others. Our Enemy constantly seeks to make the discussion about what is sinful rather than about what is righteous. By doing this he gets us to think about sinful things. Instead of falling into that trap (something I struggle against), let us make the discussion about doing what is right, not about whether sin is sin.


2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10

    In response to Solomon’s prayer God said, “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” As I look at world events I see a future where scary things are going to happen. This passage reminds me of the answer to the frightening future I see coming. God is calling His people to humble themselves and pray. I know that I do not pray as I should. Let those of us who wish to be called by God’s name humble ourselves and fill our minds with prayer. This is the answer to filling my mind with thoughts pleasing to the Spirit. Oh Lord, make me a man of prayer!

January 22, 2015 Bible Study — Keep Your Eyes On Jesus

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 4:11-13

    Find a teacher who will teach the ways of wisdom and lead you in a straight path. If you do this, nothing will block you as you seek your goals.


Psalm 18:37-50

    Let us serve the Lord so that our only enemies will be those who hate Him. When that is the case we can be confident that we will stand victorious over them. When your enemies tell you that God is dead, just remember, Jesus’ enemies said the same thing on Good Friday approximately 2000 years ago!


Matthew 14:13-36

    When the disciples ask Jesus to send the crowd away to get food for themselves, Jesus tells them to feed them. The disciples respond that they have just enough for themselves. Jesus’ answer is to have the disciples bring their food to Him. He then blesses the food and breaks it into portions for the disciples to distribute. The lesson here is that when we do the will of God our supplies will be sufficient to complete the task He has set us.
    This is followed by the story of Jesus walking on the water. Actually, the part of this which has seemed like the important part of this story is that Peter walked on water. There are two elements here. Peter got out of the boat and started walking to Jesus. Then he started looking at the waves and he began to sink. It is often pointed out that Peter got into trouble because he took his eyes off of Jesus. This is true…and important. But we often forget to point out what he was able to accomplish as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. It was when Peter stopped thinking about Jesus and started to think about what he was doing, “Look at me! I am walking on water,” that Peter got into trouble. When the focus of his thoughts were on going to Jesus, on following where Jesus led, Peter was able to do the impossible. When he started looking around and thinking about what he was doing that Peter got into trouble. It was then that he started thinking, “How am I doing this? What if it stops working?” If we focus on Jesus and following Him without thinking about what we are doing, we too can “walk on water” (literally, but not just walk on water. We can do much more.). However, if we start to think “Look at me! I am really doing the Lord’s work now,” we too will start to worry about what could go wrong. No matter what we are doing, whether it is healing the sick, feeding the hungry, or preaching the Gospel, we need to make sure we are doing it in order to get closer to Jesus, not so that others see what wonderful Christians we are.


Genesis 44-45:28

    Joseph tested his brothers in many ways in order to see if they had changed as much as he had. He put them into circumstances where they could have easily left their brother to suffer. However, they demonstrated that not only did they regret what they had done to him, they were willing to sacrifice themselves to save their brother Benjamin. However the most important part of this passage was when Joseph told his brothers that they should not be angry with themselves for what they did to him. It was God’s plan to send Joseph into Egypt ahead of them to save them and their families from the famine, as well as saving many others. We should have similar view of life. The difficulties and hardships we face in life are there in order to position us so as to carry out God’s will when the time is ripe.

January 21, 2015 Bible Study — Let God Sort Them Out (Part 2)

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 4:7-10

    The first step to being wise is to seek to gain wisdom. If you do not value wisdom, you will be stuck being a fool. Whatever else you do with your life, develop good judgment. Seek wisdom, no matter what it costs you in material wealth. Spend your fortune, if that is what it takes, to acquire understanding. If you embrace wisdom, wisdom will bring you honour.


Psalm 18:16-36

    Our enemies may attack us when we are at our most vulnerable, but God will reach down from heaven to rescue us. He will lead us to safety…all we have to do is follow Him. If we keep to the ways of God and do not turn to evil, those ways will lead us to safety. God is faithful to those who are faithful. He shows His integrity to those who demonstrate integrity. The pure will see that God is pure. But the devious will discover that God is cunning.


Matthew 13:47-14:12

    Today’s passage contains one more parable about the Kingdom of Heaven. In this parable Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to fishing with a net. When fishing with a net, you catch everything in the water where you spread your nets. It is only after you have drawn the nets to the shore that you separate the good fish from the bad. In the same way, we are called to spread our nets and bring everyone into the Kingdom of Heaven. When the end comes God will sort out those who belong from those who do not. It is not up to us to determine who “deserves” to be in the Kingdom of Heaven and who does not. There is a saying which is sometimes used during war, “Kill them all. Let God sort them out.” There is a kernel of truth to that, but the Christian version of this is, “Invite them all. Let God sort them out.”


Genesis 42:18-43:34

    We see in today’s passage the fulfillment of the dreams which Joseph had as a boy when his brothers bowed down before him. I think Joseph found this result much less glorious than he imagined it would be when he had those dreams as a boy.

July 24, 2014 Bible Study — In All Things God Works For the Good Of Those Who Love Him

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:27-29

    There never comes a time when we know so much that we cannot benefit from further instruction. When we stop learning we start forgetting.
    Those who are willing to lie, or otherwise mislead, on the witness stand make a mockery of the very concept of justice. They encourage evil, which will rebound upon them.


Psalm 18:37-50

    The psalmist continues his praise of God and recounting how God will rescue those who trust in Him. God will strengthen those who love and serve Him. He will aid them against their enemies. God will not answer the cries of those who make themselves our enemies if we serve Him. Of course that also means that God will not answer our cries if we attack those who serve Him.
    The Lord lives! He will pay back those who harm us. Let us praise Him with all that we are.


Romans 8:26-39

    This is such a wonderful passage. It starts by reminding us that the Spirit will help us in our weakness. We may have trouble resisting sin’s temptation, but God’s Spirit will help us overcome. Further, there are times when we do not know what, or how, to pray. The Spirit will pray for us. Remember this when you are struggling to put together a prayer. We do not have to get the words right in our prayers. The Spirit of God, which lives within us, will convey what we are seeking and will harmonize it with God’s will.
    Paul then goes on to point out that, since God is on our side, there is no one and nothing we need fear. If the Creator of the Universe is standing at our side, who or what can possibly stand against us? In all things God works for the good of those who love Him. If we love Him, everything that happens, no matter how bad it seems at the moment, will work together so that good will come to us. God loves us and nothing in this world, or elsewhere, can separate us from that love. Since God is the Creator, everything and power is less powerful than He. Let us never forget that no matter what happens, God will still love us. No matter what we have done, He loves us and will welcome us back if we turn to Him.


2 Chronicles 11-13:22

    When Rehoboam returned to Jerusalem, he immediately mustered his army to reassert his control over the parts of Israel which had broken away. However, God sent a prophet to warn him against going to war against his fellow Israelites. It appears to me that Rehoboam had no choice in whether or not to go to war. The passage seems to indicate that the army refused to march against Jeroboam, not that Rehoboam reconsidered doing so.
    The passage further tells us that the priests and Levites who lived in the lands controlled by Jeroboam moved to the areas controlled by Rehoboam. They did this because Jeroboam rejected the Levites as the intermediaries with God (which was established by the Law of Moses). For the first three years of Rehoboam’s reign, they strengthened supported him because he was faithful in following God’s commands. However, once Rehoboam became secure in his power, he turned away from following God’s commands and started to act according to his own will and desires.
    When the inevitable trouble arose from not following God’s commands, God sent a prophet to call the people back to Him. Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah recognized their sin and turned back to God. Rehoboam humbled himself before God and God turned His anger aside, but Rehoboam still suffered the consequences of his earlier sins.

July 23, 2014 Bible Study — We Are Not Controlled By Sin

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:26

    Children who mistreat their parents are a disgrace. People should be embarrassed to be seen with them.


Psalm 18:16-36

    The psalmist continues on his theme that God will rescue us if we call on Him. God will reward us for doing right. If we keep God’s ways and do not turn from Him to do evil, He will be there for us when our enemies strike. If we are faithful, God will show us His faithfulness. If we have integrity, God will show us His integrity. If we are pure, God will show us His purity. However, if we are crooked and try to get our way by being devious, God will show that He is shrewd. God will come to our rescue only if we humbly acknowledge that we do not deserve His aid. Those who proudly think that they are better than others will be humiliated by God as He shows them that they are no more His than the vilest sinner.


Romans 8:9-25

    If the Spirit of God lives in us, we are controlled by Him, not by our sinful nature. This is an important lesson for us here. We cannot excuse our sinful acts by saying that we could not help ourselves. We may succumb to temptation, but the Spirit of God gives us a choice. We are obligated to behave in certain ways, but that obligation is not to our sinful bodies. No, we are obligated to obey the Spirit and act as He directs us. We no longer need live as fearful slaves. God’s Spirit has entered into us to demonstrate that He has adopted us as His very own children, heirs to His glory.
    However, if we are to share in God’s glory, we will also share in Jesus’ suffering. There is suffering for all who live this life, but as Jesus said, the world will love us no more than it loved Him. Yet, no matter how bad our suffering may be in this life, the day will come when we will experience the joy of being united with God. The greatest joys we experience in this life are but a foretaste of what is to come.


2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19

    Rehoboam was given two different types of advice about how to be a good leader. The first was given to him by his older advisers, those who had advised his father. They told him to serve the people and act in their interest. The second was given by his contemporaries, those who had grown up with him. They told him that he was leader by right and that the people were obligated to do as he said. Rehoboam rejected the advice of those older and wiser than he. He decided that since he was the leader, the king, the people were obligated to do his will, not he to do theirs. Rehoboam discovered, as all leaders do, that the people were not obligated to follow him. They chose to reject his entitlement mentality and to follow someone who promised to rule more in line with their wishes. When Rehoboam attempted to enforce his control, he discovered that those he relied on did not have as much power as he imagined.

July 22, 2014 Bible Study — I Will Call Upon The Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:24-25

    There are people who are too lazy to take advantage of the opportunities which come their way. They will not take the actions necessary to feed themselves.
    The simple minded learn from punishment, while the wise become wiser when their mistakes are pointed out to them.


Psalm 18:1-15

    The opening of this psalm was the basis for a great praise song “I Will Call Upon The Lord. When we are distressed it is by calling out to God that we will be rescued. If we turn to God and rely on Him, He will be faithful and grant us salvation. If we cry out to God He will hear us, no matter how far from Him we perceive ourselves to be.
    The imagery used here to describe how God will deal with anything or anyone who gets in His way when He is coming to rescue those who trust in Him would make the writer of a super hero comic blush. And the psalmist is not being over-the-top! God is He who created the universe, do not for a minute think that there are any obstacles which can prevent Him from coming to your rescue. When you face distress, turn to God and call on His name. He will come to your rescue. No one and nothing can stand against Him.


Romans 7:14-8:8

    Paul here gives us all reason to hope and believe. First he tells us that we are not alone in our struggles. I want to do what is right, but I do not. Paul had the same problem. I do not want to do what is wrong, yet I do. Paul tells us that he too had that problem. He tells us that there is only one way to be freed from this slavery to sin. It is to put one’s faith in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who is able to free us from our slavery.
    If we are dominated by our sinful nature, we will think about sinful things. On the other hand, if we are controlled by the Spirit we will think about things which are pleasing to the Spirit. Which tells us what we must do in order to be freed from slavery to sin. We must not allow our sinful nature to control our minds and our thoughts. Rather, we must allow God’s Spirit to control our minds and our thoughts. If we do the latter It will lead us to life and peace. Let us banish from our minds thoughts about sinful activities. We can do this by filling our minds with thoughts about spiritual things and things which are pleasing to God. Let us call upon the Lord in all of our thoughts.


2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10

    In his dedication of the Temple Solomon prayed that if the people of Israel turned toward the Temple and prayed to God for forgiveness and deliverance for God to hear them and grant their prayer. Solomon also prayed that God would hear the prayers of those who were foreigners when they prayed toward the Temple. God answered Solomon’s prayer by stating that when people are experiencing distress if they humble themselves, seek His face and turn away from their sins He will hear their prayers and deliver them. If we call upon the Lord He will rescue us.

January 22, 2014 Bible Study — Am I Willing to Get Out of the Boat?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. My work schedule has recently changed, meaning that I may not have time every day to complete these. As a result, I am trying to get several days ahead. I hope this does not negatively impact the quality of these posts (if that is possible). If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Genesis 44-45:28

     Joseph’s testing of his brothers’ change of heart continues in today’s passage. He frames his brother Benjamin to see how his half brothers will react. When his servants overtake his brothers and discover the “stolen” cup in Benjamin’s possession, Joseph’s brothers all return to Egypt. When they get back to Egypt, they tell Joseph that they have all returned to be his slaves. Joseph tells them that only the man who “stole” the cup would be his slave. The rest were free to return to their father in peace. At which point Judah, the brother whose idea it was to sell Joseph into slavery, steps up to beg for his brother’s freedom. Judah makes an impassioned plea for Joseph to make him a slave and allow Benjamin to return to their father.
     All of the brothers stood by Benjamin when trouble arose. An important point to note is that none of the brothers knew that Benjamin had not stolen the cup. Then when their solidarity was not sufficient to save Benjamin, Judah stepped up and offered himself in Benjamin’s place. When that happened, Joseph could no longer contain himself and revealed to his brothers who he was. Joseph’s brothers showed that not only did they regret what they had done to Joseph, but they had changed and were willing to suffer to prevent the same thing from happening to Benjamin.


Matthew 14:13-36

     Until today, I had never noticed that the reason Jesus attempted to go off by Himself in this passage was because He had just heard that Herod had executed John the Baptist, His cousin. When Jesus suggested to His disciples that they feed the crowd, they responded that they did not have enough food for that many people. This was after they had been sent out to heal the sick and cast out demons. They had seen Jesus do those things and had then done them, but this was something new. How often are we like that? When God calls us to something new, do we lack the faith to believe that He will provide us with the power to do it?
     The story of feeding the 5,000 is followed up with Jesus walking on the water. It is a kind of follow-up to the way the disciples reacted to Jesus telling them to feed the 5,000. This time when Peter sees Jesus walking on the water, he asks Jesus to tell him to come to Him. When Jesus tells Him to come, Peter gets out of the boat and begins walking on the water as well. However, Peter soon stopped focusing on Jesus and began thinking about the danger he was in. That is when he began to be overwhelmed and started to sink. But even then, he called out to Jesus to save Him. There are two important lessons for us as Christians here (actually, there are probably more than that, but I’m just going to look at two of them). First, if we are going to “walk on water” when God calls us to, we need to get out of the boat. That’s one that lots of people talk about, but it’s important enough for me to repeat. Second, when the distractions around us start to overwhelm us, we can call out to Jesus and He will rescue us from the danger that our lack of faith has gotten us into.


Psalm 18:37-50

     At the beginning of psalm 18 the psalmist told us that he was at his end, about to be overtaken by death and his enemies. Then he called on God for deliverance. In response, God reached down from heaven and struck his enemies. The psalmist was victorious, but not because of his own strength and power. It was only through the strength which God gave him that he was able to stand up and defeat those arrayed against him. The important point of this psalm is that if we remain faithful to God, not only will He rescue us from desperate situations but He will give us the strength to completely defeat those who stand against us. If we are fighting to accomplish the goals which God has set us, we will completely overwhelm every person and force which stands in our way. But we will not do so through our own power, but with the power which God has given us.

The Lord lives! Praise to my Rock!
May the God of my salvation be exalted!


Proverbs 4:11-13

     If we seek out wise teachers (and learn from them) and follow those who walk on straight paths, we will not be held back when we walk nor stumble when we run.

January 20, 2014 Bible Study — Let God Sort Them Out

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. My work schedule has recently changed, meaning that I may not have time every day to complete these. As a result, I am trying to get several days ahead. I hope this does not negatively impact the quality of these posts (if that is possible). If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Genesis 41:17-42:17

     There are a lot of lessons about God’s providence in this passage. One of the most important is the lesson that in times of plenty we should set aside some of our excess for when times are once again hard. God will provide for our needs, but we have to gather when times are good and save against the hard times. I will even say that God will provide for us in the good times enough so that, if we follow His will, we will be in a position to help those in need in the hard times.


Matthew 13:24-46

     This is the passage from which the idea of “Kill them all, let God sort them out” derives. Although that phrase badly misses the point of what Jesus says here. He does indeed say, “Let God sort them out.” However, His point was that if we pull the “weeds”, we will inadvertently pull some of the “wheat” as well. Then we will lose some of the blessings which God intended for us to receive. The loss of the good that will happen when we try to decide who is “weed” and who is “wheat” is not worth the gain. Jesus message in this passage is, “Don’t kill any of them, let God sort them out (when the time is ripe).”
     Jesus follows this up with two parables about the Kingdom of Heaven that emphasize the fact that we should not underestimate the impact of doing the small things to which God calls us. The fact that we are few, or that something is minor, should not make us think that it is pointless to act. The mustard seed is very small, yet grows into a large bush. Yeast is a minor ingredient in bread, yet it changes the entire loaf. In the same way, we may start out as just a few people, yet if we do God’s will, He will draw many to us and the tasks He assigns us may seem minor, yet they will transform the community around us. Never think that you are too unimportant and insignificant for God to use you to transform the world.
     Finally, Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is a treasure that is worth us sacrificing everything we value to obtain. If we have truly understand the Gospel message, we will find no amount of hardship and suffering too much to gain the rewards it offers.


Psalm 18:1-15

     Every time I read this psalm it makes me want to cry for joy. The Lord is my strength. I called out to Him in my distress and He saved me. If you have not read this psalm, read it now. It reads like a scene from an action movie: Our hero is about to be dragged to his death by his enemies. He cries out to God and God answers him. The earth quaked and the mountains shook. Smoke and fire poured forth as God descended on the wings of an angel to save the psalmist from his enemies. I cannot do it justice in my paraphrase, the visuals which the psalmist evokes are just so intense.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.


Proverbs 4:1-6

     The best advice a father can give his child, son or daughter, is contained in this proverb: Get wisdom and develop good judgment, never turn your back on wisdom.