Tag Archives: Proverbs 19:6-7

July 13, 2015 Bible Study — The Truth About God Is Obvious

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:6-7

    This proverb carries the implication that many people will do borderline unethical (and sometimes outright unethical) things in order to gain the good graces of those with authority. It is the responsibility of good leaders to demonstrate that such behavior will cause someone to be in their bad graces, no matter how much benefit accrues to the leader from those unethical actions (even if they are only borderline).


Psalm 10:1-15

    The wicked proudly refuse to seek God. They have no room in their thoughts for Him. The wicked believe that they can do as they please and no one can stop them. They are so arrogant that they crush the powerless without a second thought. However, God sees the trouble they cause and the grief they inflict on the innocent. He will stand up for the fatherless and hold the wicked to account.


Romans 1:18-32

    Paul starts today’s passage, and his teachings in this letter, by telling us that no one has an excuse for not knowing about God. God’s invisible qualities are demonstrated through the universe which He created. All one has to do is look. Despite the evidence, people chose not to worship God and refused to thank Him for creating them. Instead, they invented their own ideas about what to worship. In an effort to appear wise, they chose foolishness; choosing to worship gods made in their own image, or in the image of aspects of the world around them.
    The result of rejecting God was that God allowed their sinful desires to corrupt their sexuality. When people reject God they degrade their bodies with sexual impurity. As I read this, when we reject God one of the first steps is that we degrade our own bodies while we seek sexual pleasure in inappropriate ways. This is quickly followed by degrading others in order to serve our sexual pleasure. Paul describes a progression which happens. Once one rejects God, He allows our sinful desires to harness our sexuality to take control over us. This leads to us treating ourselves and others as objects for sexual gratification. Part of that progression is that some people reject natural sexual behavior in favor of homosexual activity (women having sex with women, men having sex with men).
    When people decide that it is foolish to believe in God, He allows them to think that foolishness is wisdom. The result of this is that when we refuse to acknowledge God we do things which should never be done, homosexual activity is but the least of these things. As we descend into such foolishness, we invent new ways of sinning. As we get caught up in such things, we know they are wrong, but continue doing them anyway. Worse still, we encourage others to do the same.
    I know that for the most part I have just restated what Paul wrote, but it seems that so many in the Church today refuse to acknowledge as truth what Paul says here. It is important to remember as we read this that its primary purpose is not to allow us to judge others. It is to measure our own behavior. The first question it raises is, have we allowed our sinful desires to warp our sexuality? However, we need to read verses 29 through 32 and ask ourselves how many of these have we done (and continue to do)? Do we refuse to understand others? Do we break our promises? Are we heartless? Do we lack mercy?


1 Chronicles 15-16:36

    David learned the lesson from his first attempt to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. This time he instructed that only Levites would be allowed to carry the Ark. Further he called all of the people of Israel to come and celebrate the moving of the Ark. This was to be an opportunity for all of Israel to unify and worship God. It appears to have worked.
    David commemorated the event by writing a song which is recorded here. The verses which speak strongest to me today, which summarize what I see as the meaning of this song are verses 23 and 24:

Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!
Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.

Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.

I will strive to sing to the Lord each day. If in no other way, I will proclaim that God saves by publishing this blog, but I know that God is calling me to do more. This song calls me to work harder to publish more about God’s glorious deeds, to be more enthusiastic in telling people about the amazing things God has done.

July 13, 2014 Bible Study — The Universe Testifies About God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:6-7

    It is a natural human tendency to be friends with the rich and powerful, but to avoid those in need, the poor and powerless. We should not decry people because they are that way, but we should strive to be friends and spend time with those who are otherwise ignored or outcast.


Psalm 10:1-15

    The wicked arrogantly ignore God, they believe that they have no need of Him, They imagine that God is just make-believe. They lie and curse and cheat, thinking that the good times will last forever. They are confident that nothing and no one will ever hold them to account for their actions.
    But they are wrong. God takes note of their actions. The helpless may safely trust in Him. He will defend the orphan and the powerless. God will call everyone to account for their actions, both the righteous and the wicked.


Romans 1:18-32

    I often here people say that times were different when Paul wrote his letters and that as a result this or that which he writes is no longer applicable. Yet every time I read this passage I think of the arguments made by people in our society today (and of the actions which they justify by those arguments). Paul describes those very arguments and actions in this passage. As part of that process he rebuts those very arguments.
    Proof that God exists is there for anyone who wishes to look for it. It is there in the world around us. God created the universe and its very existence testifies about Him. No one has any excuse for not knowing about God. However, many people, full-well knowing what God was truly like, made up foolish ideas about Him that are not supported by the evidence. They then rejected God on the basis of the foolish ideas they made up about Him. They foolishly reject God and call it wisdom.
    The people Paul is referring to rejected the truth about God and in its place accepted a lie. The result of believing that it is foolish to acknowledge that God exists is to lose the ability to distinguish foolish ideas from wise. They turned from normal sexual relations to sexual perversions, including same-sex relationships. They did this despite the fact that sexual relations between men result in significant health problems (something recognized in Paul’s day and known by modern medical science). As we look around at those who have rejected God we can see that they, sooner or later, justify all sorts of sins in their lives. Some sin because they see no reason to not do so. Others justify their sins in order to accomplish some goal which they proclaim as noble. Both groups not only commit theses sins, but they encourage others to do the same.
     Two thousand years later and the words Paul wrote here read as if he is writing them about what is happening today.


1 Chronicles 15-16:36

    In yesterday’s passage David became angry with God because of the death of one of those who were transporting the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. David believed that he was doing God’s will by moving the Ark. Yet, something terrible happened. David got angry and blamed God. This was a natural reaction. However, today’s passage shows us why David, despite his sins, can be an example to us. As David thought about what had happened, he realized that the mistake was his (and his advisers). They had failed to consult with God about how to transport the Ark and had just done it in the way that seemed best to them.
    We can learn from David that it is not enough that we are striving for the goal which God desires. We must also work towards that goal in the manner which God desires. We can only accomplish God’s goals by using God’s methods.

July 13, 2013 Bible Study — God Has Made It Plain

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Step one
Step one

1 Chronicles 15-16:36

     David realized why things had gone wrong when he first tried to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. He summoned the Levites to Jerusalem and told them to purify themselves. He then instructed that the Ark would be carried by Levites (rather than transported on a cart). He prepared a place for the Ark in Jerusalem and then summoned all of Israel for a celebration of bringing the Ark to Jerusalem. David organized singers and musicians. Once the preparations were complete, they all went to the house of Obed-edom and brought the Ark to Jerusalem with much singing and dancing. David himself led the parade dancing and jumping for joy. He made such a spectacle of himself that his wife, Saul’s daughter, Michal, held him in contempt.


     We should take a lesson from David here. We should worship the Lord with all of our heart, soul and mind, having no concern about what others think of us while we are doing so. When we worship the Lord, we should become completely immersed in the experience.

     David wrote a song of thanksgiving that he gave to the Levites to sing for this celebration. In it he reminds us to give thanks to the Lord. Let us tell all of the earth what He has done. Every day I will proclaim the good news that God saves and tell people about the wonderful things He does.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.

Out of the oven
Out of the oven

Romans 1:18-32

     Paul starts by telling us that God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against wickedness. This wrath is not against those who are wicked through ignorance because the nature of God is evident by looking at the world around us. There is no excuse for not knowing God. There are several authors who have gone into detail on what all we can know about God by looking at the world around us. C.S. Lewis is one such author.
     Paul tells us that people intentionally chose to ignore what they could know about God from nature and refused to worship Him. To support their refusal to worship God they proclaimed foolish ideas as the height of wisdom, ignoring what could be known from observing the world around them. People refused to worship the true, eternal God and instead began worshiping created objects.
     The result of willfully refusing to acknowledge God was that they became inflamed with sexual impurity, degrading themselves with one another. Rather than accept the truth about God, they embraced lies. And rather than worship God, who deserved it, they began to elevate things that were designed to serve man as things to be worshiped. The product of this refusal to worship God was women embracing unnatural sexual acts as opposed to those which are natural and men choosing to have sex with other men. Paul tells us that this sinful behavior results in health problems.
     The more people reject the knowledge of God and His commands, the more they accept evil behavior. As people reject God’s clear instruction about how to live they become more accepting, both in themselves and in others, of evil behavior. They know that their behaviors are deserving of death yet they practice them anyway. Beyond that they encourage others to practice these self-destructive behaviors.


     I see what Paul is talking about in the world around me every day. This passage speaks directly to our society. I read where Paul says that those who have rejected God are “gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.”(NIV) It describes so closely many of those who have managed to set themselves up as opinion leaders in our society. This sort of behavior is the inevitable result of rejecting God. We can move closer to God by doing our best to stop doing these behaviors. On the other hand, we can successfully overcome these behaviors by actively seeking to do the good things that God commands.

Break it up and eat it
Break it up and eat it

Psalm 10:1-15

     This psalm is a great follow up to the passage I just read from Romans. The psalmist tells us that it seems as if the wicked will never be held accountable for their wickedness. They believe that God does not see their sins and that they will not be held accountable. But the psalmist tells us that God does see the trouble and grief which they cause and will call them to account. God defends the orphans and the helpless are not mistaken to put their trust in God.

Wild strawberries
Wild strawberries

Proverbs 19:6-7

     Today I have nothing to say regarding these proverbs. Except that I hope I do not behave this way towards others.

July 13, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

1 Chronicles 15-16:36

     David prepared to move the Ark of the Covenant the rest of the way to Jerusalem. He summoned the priests and Levites and gave them the task of carrying the Ark. He asked them to purify themselves and consult the Law of Moses as to how the Ark should be moved. He appointed some Levites as musicians and escorts for the Ark. David then held a festival, offering sacrifices and holding a feast, when he moved the Ark to Jerusalem.
     In honor of this occasion David wrote a song. The song is a model for worship songs. It starts out by instructing us to give thanks to God and to tell the whole world what He has done. Then it tells us to sing to God and tell everyone of His wonderful deeds. We should rejoice as we worship God. We should search for God and continually seek Him. Our worship should include that God is a god of Justice and remind people of God’s promises. God has made promises that He has kept and will continue to keep. All other gods are mere idols, but our God created the universe. We should proclaim as part of our worship that God saves. We should continually tell all who will listen what God has done. We should call on all the earth to recognize God and give Him the glory He deserves. God’s love is faithful and endures forever. We should give thanks to Him and praise His name.

Romans 1:18-32

     Paul tells us here that there is no excuse for not knowing God because He has made His the truth about Him obvious in Creation. That in the effort to puff themselves up as wise, people have rejected wisdom. Instead of worshiping God, people have chosen to worship created things. As a result of their refusal to worship God, God has abandoned them to homosexual sex acts, women with women and men with men. Paul points out the negative health effects of homosexual acts as evidence of their sinfulness. Paul goes on to point out that sexual sins are not the only way that people who refuse to worship God sin. Paul tells us that these people know that their sins are deserving of death, but they commit them anyway. And worse yet, they encourage others to commit them.
     There is much packed into this passage. The first is that the nature of God is obvious to anyone who is willing to see it. Next people have chosen to reject God and as a result their thinking has become dark and confused. When people choose to act in ways that they know to be wrong, their thinking becomes progressively murkier and they have a harder time making good decisions, even in unrelated areas, as more and more of their thinking becomes tied up in developing justifications for behavior they know to be wrong. People who sin encourage others to sin because it helps them to justify behaviors they know to be wrong. Even when they know the behaviors are harmful to their well-being, they will encourage others to follow the same self-destructive behaviors because they can then use those others behaviors to justify their own actions. Sin feeds on itself.

Psalm 10:1-15

     The psalmist tells us that the wicked are like a lion stalking its prey. They wait in hiding to pounce on their victims. But beyond that he tells us that the wicked believe that they will never be held to account for their wicked behavior. This psalm echoes the passage from Romans, telling us that the wicked brag about their evil actions. He goes on to tell us that even though it sometimes seems the wicked will get away with their evil, God does take note and He will bring judgement against the wicked. God will defend the helpless and weak.

Proverbs 19:6-7

     Today’s proverbs tell us that people seek to be close to those who can do good things for them, the rich and the powerful. But want little to do with those who have not the resources to give them things. We as Christians are called to not be like that.