Tag Archives: 1 Chronicles 24-26:11

July 17, 2014 Bible Study — Counted As Righteous Because Of Faith

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:15-16

    God’s commandments teach us how to lead a healthy and happy life. Those who despise His commandments will follow a lifestyle which leads to an early death. There have been multiple studies over the years which show how those who reject God are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol, and abuse other drugs.


Psalm 13:1-6

    Until I started working on this blog and reading through the Bible each year I never realized how much those who wrote the psalms dealt with depression. Nor did I realize how much the various psalms offer a suggested antidote for depression. Today, the psalmist asks God how long he will struggle with anguish and sorrow, how long he will struggle with depression. Then he declares that he will trust in God’s unfailing love, he will sing to the Lord.
    Throughout the psalms we are told that the answer to depression is to place our trust in God and to praise Him for His goodness. I have never suffered from depression, but I know that this will work. It is not easy and requires self-discipline. I do not offer this as condemnation of those who struggle with depression. Rather I am suggesting it as an avenue to finding release from that depression. Seek the Lord, trust in Him, praise His name. Depression makes it harder to do those things, but doing those things will hold depression at bay and in time will drive it away. There is hope in the Lord for overcoming depression.


Romans 4:1-12

    Paul illustrates his point about no one earning righteousness by their actions by referencing Abraham. Abraham was counted as righteous, not because of what he did, but because of his faith. Abraham did not earn his righteousness, it was a gift from God. In the same way, we cannot earn righteousness through our actions. We must accept it as a gift from God. Just as Abraham was circumcised as a sign of his faith and as a result of the righteousness which God gave him, so we follow God’s instructions as a result of the righteousness which God has given us. We do not follow God’s instructions in order to become righteous. We follow God’s instructions because He has made us righteous.


1 Chronicles 24-26:11

    This passage has a long list of various groups of priests and Levites and the tasks they were assigned in the Temple. Which makes it easy to overlook an important insight contained within it. In order to avoid favoritism, or the appearance of favoritism, the duties of these various groups were assigned by lot. Those who were chosen to serve in each role were chosen irrespective of skill level, experience, or age. They were each chosen by lot (a form of random assignment) as directed by God. This is something we should take a lesson from in our congregations today. There are times when we should choose those given desirable appointments by some form of random assignment so that no one can claim that the person so chosen was chosen because of favoritism on the part of leadership.

July 17, 2013 Bible Study — I Have Nothing To Boast About

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Rose bush in bloom
Rose bush in bloom

1 Chronicles 24-26:11

     Today’s passage is a list of the groups which David divided the priests and Levites into in order to assign them their duties. The various groups were assigned their duties by the casting of lots so that no preference was shown for one group over another.

Yellow rose in bloom
Yellow rose in bloom

Romans 4:1-12

     Paul continues on his theme about salvation through faith by pointing to the example of Abraham, who was viewed by the Jews as their forefather. Paul points out that the Scripture tells us that Abraham was counted as righteous because of his faith, before Abraham was circumcised. Circumcision, rather than being a source of Abraham’s righteousness, was a sign of Abraham’s righteousness, a product of that righteousness. Paul concludes that Abraham was the spiritual father not of those who were circumcised, but of those to whom righteousness is credited because they believe.


     Once more Paul very subtly tells us that we act because of the righteousness we have received, not in order to receive that righteousness. We receive righteousness through our faith in Jesus Christ. Once we have received that righteousness, we begin to act according to God’s will as a result of receiving that righteousness. Paul points out that not even Abraham was in a position to boast about what he had done in service to God. If Abraham was not in a position to boast about what he had done in service to God, then no one is.

Wine berries ripe on the plant
Wine berries ripe on the plant

Psalm 13:1-6

     The psalmist asks God how long God will allow him to suffer, how long God will allow his enemy to have the upper hand? Yet, even though it is clear that the psalmist is feeling like God has abandoned him, the psalmist makes known that he has faith that God will rescue him. The psalmist trusts the Lord and acknowledges that the Lord has already done good for him. When times seem difficult and God seems far away, I will still trust in Him, because He has rescued me in the past and I know that He will rescue me again. God does not rescue me because I am good. He rescues me because He is good.

Rose buds
Rose buds

Proverbs 19:15-16

     Today’s proverbs sum up two basic truths. If you are too lazy to work when there is work to be done, you will experience hunger. If you keep God’s commandments, you will have a happy healthy life. If you break them you will experience suffering and death.

July 17, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

1 Chronicles 24-26:11

     This passage tells us that David, with the assistance of the political leaders of Israel and the leaders of the clans of the Levites divided the priestly families into groups. They then divided the various priestly duties among the family groups by casting lots, so that no favoritism would be shown. Then they did the same thing with the rest of the tribe of Levi, dividing the Levitical duties in the same manner. Then we are told that David and the army commanders chose certain men to proclaim God’s messages to musical accompaniment. Finally we are told the divisions of gatekeepers. What is important about this passage is that a strong effort was made to ensure that the duties relating to worshiping God were divided up in a manner that was fair and impartial. The effort was made to ensure that one group of priests could not say, “We are better than you, that is why we were assigned this task.” Nor could a group say, “You were only assigned that task because David (or some other powerful figure) likes you better.” This tells us something for how we structure our congregations today. The way that church offices are filled must not only be fair and equitable, they must be perceived to be fair and equitable.

Romans 4:1-12

     Paul turned to Abraham, the founder of Judaism. Paul pointed out that Abraham was not counted as right with God because of his good deeds. Instead the Bible tells us that Abraham was counted as righteous because of his faith in God. Or as the NIV translates it, “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Once he established that Abraham’s righteousness was not a product of his actions, Paul proceeds to discuss whether circumcision is a necessary precondition. He points out that Abraham was credited as righteous before he was circumcised, that circumcision was a sign that Abraham had faith, not a precondition to that faith (and the righteousness that came from it). Paul concludes that Abraham is the spiritual father of those who have not been circumcised but have faith. That, just as with Abraham, their faith will be credited to them as righteousness. Paul further says that Abraham is also the spiritual father of those who have been circumcised, but only if they have the same faith that he, Abraham, had before he was circumcised. Abraham had a faith that led him to take action. If we have a similar faith, we will also take action. That action does not save us, our faith saves us, but that faith will lead us to act.

Psalm 13:1-6

     The psalmist cries out here to God, wanting to know how long he must wait for God’s providence. He wants to know how much longer will he suffer until God saves him from his trouble. But then he does something that is a model for us all. He declares that he trusts in God’s love, that he will rejoice because God has rescued him. He does this even before God rescues him because he has faith that God will indeed rescue him. This is a difficult thing to do, to praise God for rescuing us from trouble, even before we see that rescue. We should remember to sing to the Lord because he has been good to us, even in our times of trouble.

Proverbs 19:15-16

     Proverbs on laziness always trouble me, because I tend to be lazy. On the other hand, I have always worked hard enough to feed myself, so perhaps my definition of lazy is different from that of the writer of the proverb. The second of today’s proverbs reminds me of something that I have long said. God’s commands are not arbitrary. They are based on the way he designed us and this world to work. If we do not follow God’s commands, we will suffer for it, not because God punishes us, but because we will not function in our optimum manner.