Tag Archives: Psalm 22:19-31

July 29, 2015 Bible Study — Do Not Conform To the Pattern of This World

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 20:8-10

    Cheating others, no matter how we sell it to ourselves is wrong. I don’t think what I am about to write next is something the writer of this proverb would have said he meant, but I think he would have been pleased that someone took this lesson from what he wrote. God is unhappy when we treat different people differently in the marketplace. If your price is one thing for Joe, then it should be the same price for Judy, and vice versa. Do business with everyone fairly and honestly.


Psalm 22:19-31

    In the first half of this psalm, which we read yesterday, the psalmist expresses his deep despair. He was calling on God for rescue and wondering when God would answer his cry. Yet here in the second half, he states what he will do as if God had already relieved him of his burden. The psalmist made his plans based on the assumption that God would rescue him. In the midst of his despair, he praised God for rescuing him. Let us follow his example.


Romans 12

    This passage has so much in it that I feel like I ought to to talk about that I am not going to get to all of it. It starts with something which the Mennonite Church has always emphasized. Paul warns us against conforming to this world. This is a constant battle for Christians because it is not enough not to get caught up in the dominant culture. I know Christians who have gotten caught up with the liberal culture around us, and others who have gotten caught up in the conservative culture (and these are just two examples of secular subcultures to which we can find ourselves conforming). Instead, of that, our minds should be transformed by the Holy Spirit as it renews us day in and day out. The key to understanding how to do this is when Paul refers to renewing our minds. We experience renewal when we go on a retreat, or take part in some other event which changes how we perceive everything in the world around us. We should take every opportunity for spiritual renewal which presents itself to us, but there are two opportunities which we can take every day: reading the scripture and spending disciplined time in prayer.
    Paul continues by warning us against arrogance. We are not to judge ourselves as more important than we are. However, Paul does not just warn against arrogance, he is also warning against false humility, against thinking we are inferior to others. Each and every person has an important place in the Kingdom of God, in the Body of Christ. When people choose to not exercise the gifts which God has given them we are all diminished. It is important to both be aware of our own importance to the Body of Christ and of the importance of those around us. Whatever gifts God has given us we should exert ourselves to use them to the fullest of our ability, not spend our time bemoaning the fact that we do not have some other gift. It is important that we recognize that our gift does not make us more important than others, nor does our lack of some particular gift make us less important.
    In the final section of today’s passage (Oh look, three parts, not just two) Paul talks about love. He calls us to sincerely love others and not just our fellow Christians (although he points out that that is where the loving should start). We are to bless those who persecute us and refuse to repay evil with evil. When we are wronged we are not to seek revenge. If we have indeed been wronged God will pay back those who have done so. Rather than seek revenge on those who have wronged us we should desire to see them transformed in the same way in which the Holy Spirit is transforming ourselves. As part of this Paul says something very important. We are to seek to live at peace with everyone, but he recognizes that it is not always within out ability to do so. There are people who will refuse to live in peace with us. We are not called to compromise our beliefs in order to live at peace.


2 Chronicles 24-25

    Joash was saved from the attempt by his grandmother, Athaliah, to wipe out the House of David. He was raised by the high priest, Jehoida, who put him on the throne when he was seven years old. Joash enthusiastically served God for as long as Jehoida lived. However, as soon as Jehoida died, Joash came under the influence of other men who sought to use their influence for their own advancement, not to better Joash or the kingdom. We see this happen over and over throughout history, a young man, or woman, strives to better themselves and those around them under the influence of a strong mentor. That mentor dies and the young man, or woman, comes under the influence of unsavory characters who encourage them down a path which wastes all of their youthful promise, or worse, encourages them to become actively evil. I am not sure how you avoid this, but if you are mentoring someone it is important to encourage them to stand up on their own two feet and not shelter them from the evil in this world.

January 27, 2015 Bible Study — Who Is Greatest In the Kingdom of Heaven?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 5:15-21

    Stay faithful to your wife/husband. You will be rewarded for doing so by the love you receive in return. Do not turn from your spouse to an immoral person. The pleasure from immorality cannot compare with that to be had with a faithful spouse.


Psalm 22:19-31

    Today we look at the rest of the psalm which Jesus referenced from the cross just before He died. The part I read and commented on yesterday expressed great despair. However, today’s portion expresses great faith and hope. Despite the terrible situation he finds himself in and the despair he feels, the psalmist tells us that he will proclaim God’s name, that he will praise God among the assembled people. This is not the statement of a person who is abandoned by God.
    The psalm starts out with the statement, “My God, my God why have You forsaken me?” But then in verse 23 it tells us to praise the Lord because:

For He has not ignored or belittled the suffering of the needy.
He has not turned his back on them,
but has listened to their cries for help.

Those are not the words of someone abandoned by God, and they are words Jesus wanted us to think of as He hung on the cross dying. So, no matter how dire our situation is, let us always remember that God will not ignore our suffering, nor will He turn His back on us. He will listen to our cries for help and we will praise Him in the assembly.


Matthew 18:1-20

    The disciples asked Jesus who is greatest in the kingdom of Heaven? I think it is clear they were asking which of them was the greatest, or what individual they should strive to emulate. So, they were looking for an answer like, “John the Baptist”, “Moses”, or “Abraham”. Instead, Jesus gave them a completely different answer. He told them that if they wanted to get into the kingdom of heaven, they needed to become like little children. They needed to stop thinking about who would be the greatest and accept a lowly position in the kingdom of heaven. The message here is that if we want to get into Heaven we need to not seek to be great in the kingdom of Heaven. Rather we need to be willing, and eager, to be servants.


Exodus 4-5:21

    After God told Moses to return to Egypt to lead the Israelites Moses asked God, “But what if they won’t believe me?” In response to this question, God gave Moses three miracles he could perform to demonstrate that God had spoken to him. However, Moses was not done. Next he complained that he was not a good public speaker. To which God replied that just exactly did Moses think had given people the ability to speak. God promised Moses that He would give him the words to say when he spoke to the people and to Pharaoh. With all of his excuses used up, Moses came right out and asked God to send someone else. Every time I read this I think, “I’m not that bad…Am I?” Really, how often do we do the same thing? We tried once years ago and things didn’t work out like we planned, so now, when God calls us to do something we reply, “Please send someone else!” Every time I read this, I tell myself I won’t do that the next time God calls me. Maybe this time I will keep that promise.

July 29, 2014 Bible Study — Do Not Conform To the Pattern of the World

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 20:8-10

    No one can truthfully claim to have cleansed themselves of all sin. It is only through the action of God’s Spirit that we can be cleansed and sin removed from our lives. God detests double standards, let us never hold others to a standard we will not attempt to live up to ourselves. Nor should we hold one person accountable for actions we would ignore in another.


Psalm 22:19-31

    Yesterday we read the first part of this psalm, where the psalmist expressed deep and complete despair. He felt abandoned by God. Today, in the conclusion of the psalm, he expresses his faith in God. He states that he will praise God before the assembled people. When Jesus cited this psalm from the cross, He was citing both the despair of the first part and the faith of this portion.
    God does not ignore the suffering of the needy. He does not consider what we are suffering to be too minor for His concern. He will not turn His back on us, just as Jesus was acknowledging that God had not turned His back on Him. God will listen to the cries for help from those in need. God will provide for the needs of the poor. Those who seek God will discover Him and He will give them joy. The day is coming when the whole earth will acknowledge God.


Romans 12:1-21

    This is one of my favorite Bible passages. It contains so much for us to study. Paul tells us to offer up our bodies as living sacrifices to God. We should treat our bodies as Holy and belonging to God. They are not ours to use to bring us pleasure. Our bodies belong to God and should be used to do His will and bring Him pleasure. We should not allow ourselves to conform to the expectations and thought patterns of the world around us. Rather, let us allow God’s Spirit to renew our minds and transform us into God’s image, so that we think and act according to His will.
    Let us not think more highly of ourselves than is appropriate. Seek to honour others rather than seek to be honoured. Look at the gifts which God has given us and exercise those gifts to their fullest extent. Do not pretend to love others, but do so genuinely. Do not think of ourselves as too important to spend time with poor, needy, or otherwise “little” people. We are not too good to associate with them.
    When others wrong us, it is not our place to exact revenge. God has stated that He will pay back those who are so deserving. If anyone has done us wrong, God will extract our revenge. Instead of doing wrong to those who have done us wrong, let us do good to them. Let us show the world that we will not be brought down to its level, but will live according to God’s love.


2 Chronicles 24-25:28

    Joash became king when he was seven years old. He was put on the throne by Jehoiada, the high priest. For as long as Jehoiada lived Joash served God and was a good king. He was not just a puppet of Jehoiada because we are told that he confronted Jehoiada over his failure to restore the Temple as Joash had ordered. However, Jehoiada’s influence led Joash to consider what God’s will was in all of his decisions. After Jehoiada’s death, Joash came under the influence of advisers whose priority was not serving God. Those advisers led Joash into sin and idolatry. This passage reminds us of the importance of surrounding ourselves with godly companions.

January 27, 2014 Bible Study — Who Is the Greatest In the Kingdom of Heaven?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. My work schedule has recently changed, meaning that I may not have time every day to complete these. As a result, I am trying to get several days ahead. I hope this does not negatively impact the quality of these posts (if that is possible). If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Exodus 4-5:21

     After God told Moses who to tell the people of Israel that He was, Moses was afraid that they would not believe that he had spoken to God(I believe there was an element of fear that people would ask him why they should worship this God that no one else worships). God gives Moses some examples of things he can do in order to demonstrate God’s power. Moses then complains that he is not a very good speaker and suggests that God send someone else. God tells Moses that He gave people their mouths and thus the ability to speak. God will be with him and will give him the words to say. Finally, Moses has run out of objections and just flat-out begs God to send someone else. God is angry and tells Moses to go, but He will send his brother Aaron to be his spokesman just as Moses will be God’s spokesman. Reading this is a good reminder that even Moses had trouble accepting God’s call to ministry.
     Moses was finally convinced by God to answer the call which God had given him and began the journey back to Egypt with his wife and son. Meanwhile Aaron left Egypt to look for Moses and met him on his way. Moses told Aaron what God had said to him and the signs which God had given him to demonstrate God’s power. Together they went to the elders of the people of Israel, where Aaron told them the message God had given Moses and Moses showed them the signs God had given him. Moses and Aaron then went to Pharaoh and asked him to allow the people of Israel to make a short trip into the wilderness in order to offer sacrifices to God. Pharaoh responds by asking who God is and that he will not let the people go to worship Him. Pharaoh then orders life made even more difficult for the people of Israel and the people of Israel blamed Moses and Aaron.
     This is an important lesson for us when God calls us to some ministry. When Moses and Aaron started following God’s call to deliver the people of Israel from Egypt, things did not get better right away. In fact, things got worse, and the people they were trying to help turned against them. But Moses and Aaron did not give up. They continued to follow God’s call and performed the ministry to which they were called. Let us do likewise.


Matthew 18:1-20

     Jesus told His disciples that to get into the Kingdom of Heaven they needed to change and become like little children. I have heard various things about what He meant when He said that. However, something just hit me that I have never heard said. Jesus told the disciples this in the context of them asking who was the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (I think from the way it reads they were asking which of them was the greatest). One does not think of a child as an authority. Rather others tell a child what to do. Jesus is telling His disciples that they need to stop seeking to be the greatest and to be the one in charge. They need to accept that others are in charge and do what they can to help. Those who are the greatest are those who do not seek greatness. It is not the great leaders, whether spiritual or otherwise, who are the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Rather it is those who quietly serve others while receiving little or no recognition.


Psalm 22:19-31

     Today we finish the psalm which Jesus referenced while He was on the cross and about to die. Yesterday I discussed the absolute despair which the psalmist expressed in the beginning of this psalm and which Jesus must have felt as He hung upon the cross. Today, we discover that when Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me,” He was not expressing that He was abandoned by God. He was merely expressing that He was feeling abandoned. However, when we read the rest of the passage which He was referencing, we discover that He was also expressing His absolute faith that God would rescue Him.
     When Jesus made that cry He was also referencing today’s portion of the psalm. In this section, the psalmist declares that he will proclaim God’s name among the assembled people. He calls on those who fear the Lord to praise Him. The psalmist tells us that God does not ignore the suffering of the needy. God does listen to their cries for help. Because of God’s action, the poor will eat and be satisfied. All who seek the Lord will praise Him because of His great and mighty power. Even in the midst of His despair on the cross, Jesus was telling us that this was true. I pray that God give me the ability to have such faith if I am ever in a position of such despair.


Proverbs 5:15-21

     The proverb writer warns us not to spread our sexual love around. He tells us that doing so is like drawing our drinking water from a source close to where dirt, trash and excrement are dumped. The writer reminds us of how much greater the joy of keeping one’s sexual love for only one partner. I will rejoice in the wife of my youth (well, in my case, not so much youth, but the only wife I have). She is indeed a loving deer and a graceful doe. I am still captivated by her love and her body.

July 29, 2013 Bible Study — If Your Enemies Are Hungry, Feed Them

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Flower by the house
Flower by the house

2 Chronicles 24-25:28

     As long as his uncle, Jehoiada, the man who had raised him, was alive, Joash followed the Lord faithfully. He ordered the Levites to collect the offerings required by the law and use those funds to repair the Temple. When the Levites failed to follow through, Joash ordered a chest made and placed at the entrance to the Temple. He then sent word throughout the land that people were to bring their offering to the Temple and place it in the chest, rather than give it to the Levites visiting their town. When the chest was full, it was brought to Joash’s officials who emptied it and tallied how much had been collected. Once a large amount had been collected, Joash hired construction supervisors to repair the Temple. When the repairs were finished the money left over was used to replace the various articles of worship which had been destroyed or defiled over the years.
     Jehoiada lived to 130, but unfortunately after his death Joash began listening to less righteous advisers. They encouraged him to abandon the Temple of God and start worshiping Asherah poles and other idols. Jehoiada’s son, Zechariah prophesied against these practices telling the people that since they had abandoned God, God had abandoned them. Joash ordered that Zechariah be stoned to death in the courtyard of the Temple. In the spring of the following year a small army of Arameans invaded Judah and plundered Jerusalem. In the battle Joash was wounded. While he was recuperating some of his officials assassinated him for killing Zechariah.
     Amaziah, Joash’s son, succeeded him on the throne. Amaziah gathered his army and attacked Edom, plundering it. He brought back the idols of Edom and began worshiping them. A prophet confronted Amaziah, asking him why he worshiped gods that had been unable to rescue their own people? Amaziah told the prophet that he had not been appointed a counselor to the king and should keep quiet. The prophet concluded by telling Amaziah that God had determined to destroy him. Amaziah then issued a challenge to the king of Israel to meet in battle. The king of Israel responded by telling Amaziah that he should not stir up trouble just because he had defeated Edom. Amaziah did not listen to this advice and went to war against Israel. The king of Israel soundly defeated Amaziah and plundered Jerusalem, tearing down a large segment of its walls. Eventually there was a conspiracy against Amaziah and he was assassinated.

Tomatoes on the plant
Tomatoes on the plant

Romans 12:1-21

     Today’s passage is perhaps the clearest part of the book of Romans and a great basic outline of how to live as a Christian. First Paul tells us not to conform to the world, that is not to copy its behaviors and customs. Rather we are to be transformed by God’s Spirit so that we will know and practice God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will for us.
     Next he tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. That is not to think we are more important or better than others. We need to honestly evaluate ourselves, judging ourselves against the standard of what God has called us to be, not against the standard of what others do (or more likely what we perceive others to do). Paul explains both why we should not think ourselves better than others and why we should not judge ourselves against others. He tells us that just as the body has different parts which each have their own purpose, so each of us in the Church are different and have different gifts from God so as to fulfill different purposes. We should use the gifts which God has given us to the best of our ability.
     We should not hypocritically love others, holding them to a standard that we do not live up to ourselves. Let us hate what is evil and strive to do that which is good. Paul tells us to be devoted to our fellow Christians, giving preference to others over ourselves. He commands us to work hard at serving the Lord. Let us rejoice in the hope that God has given us and be patient when we face difficulties and trouble, praying at all times. Help those around us who are in need, especially our fellow Christians, seeking opportunities to practice hospitality.
     Paul finishes out this section by telling us how to deal with those around us who wrong us. He tells us to bless those who persecute us. He tells us not to curse them, if we are not to curse even those who persecute us, how can there be anyone it is appropriate for us to curse? Through Paul, God commands us to live in harmony with each other. It is our duty to live at peace with those around us as much as that is within our control. God calls us to associate with those others might consider beneath us. When someone does wrong to us, we should respond by doing good and certainly not by doing wrong to them. It is not our place to take revenge. God reserves vengeance for Himself. Paul reminds us that God says: “Vengeance is Mine. I will repay.” I will not be conquered by evil, but will strive to conquer evil with good.


     When I think that I owe someone revenge, I try to remember this passage (forgetting more often than not). However, if someone has truly done something to me deserving of revenge, what can I do to them that comes close to the vengeance which God will enact against them. On the other hand, if God never exacts vengeance for the wrong I believe was done to me, there are two possibilities. Either I am mistaken in perceiving the person to have done me wrong, or I was due that wrong for wrongs I myself had done. Of course, just because I never see God exact revenge on those who have done wrong does not mean that He has not done so.
     There is a further quote from the Old Testament that Paul uses here.
“If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap
burning coals of shame on their heads.”

If I do good things for those who have, by their actions, declared themselves my enemies there are three possible outcomes. All of which reflect well for me. The first is that they will live in fear, waiting for me to “drop the mask” and exact my revenge, which they will be convinced will be all the worse for being set up by my kindness. The second is that they will feel shame and remorse for having done wrong by me. The final is that those whose good opinion is worth having will hold me in high esteem for my failure to sink to the level of the one mistreating me (and will hold the one who wronged me in low esteem).
     I chose my title for today’s blog because God’s command to us is to not let evil overcome us. It is to overcome evil with good. We don’t understand it, but God tells us that if we want to defeat our enemies then we must follow Paul’s instruction: “If your enemies are hungry, feed them.” The people of God win when they do good, even for those who do evil against them.

Another tomato plant with tomatoes ripening
Another tomato plant with tomatoes ripening

Psalm 22:19-31

     Today’s psalm is the second part of Jesus’ last message for His disciples while He hung on the cross. In the first part, which we covered yesterday, the psalmist expressed utter despair and the feeling of abandonment. However, in today’s portion he tells us that God has not ignored his cries for help. He proclaims that God listens and answers the cries of those in need. For this he will praise God in the assembly of the people.


     When I read this psalm, I realize that when Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?” he was not crying out in despair because God had turned His back on Him. Rather He was telling His disciples that despite the despair He was (and they were) feeling, God had NOT turned His back on Him. Rather, in the midst of His suffering, Jesus was praising God for His faithfulness and kindness. At that, His lowest moment, Jesus was still willing to praise God and have faith that God would redeem Him.

Flowers on a tomato plant
Flowers on a tomato plant

Proverbs 20:8-10

     I have read this proverb, “Who can say, ‘I have cleansed my heart; I am pure and free from sin’?”, many times. Today for the first time I realized the key part of it, “Who can say, ‘I have cleansed my heart;…'”. I have not cleansed my heart. To the degree that my heart has been cleansed, it is God who has done it. Until I am willing to accept that the only way any and every sin can be cleansed from my hearts is for God to do it, those sins will remain. Any time, I say to God, “OK, I see what you want, I’ll take it from here,” I will fail to overcome the sin in question. It is only when I turn to God in abject humility and say, “God, I can’t do it. It is beyond my ability to overcome. Please do this for me,” that the sin in my life will be overcome.


January 27, 2013 Bible Study — Who Is the Greatest In the Kingdom of Heaven?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Amaryllis Bud
Amaryllis Bud

Exodus 4-5:21

     Moses was not done questioning his ability to carry out the task that God had assigned him. God told Moses the throw his staff on the ground, where it immediately became a snake. God then told Moses to grab the snake by its tail. Now, I know that you should never grab a snake by its tail, it will twist around and bite you. I am quite confident that Moses knew this as well, but he reached out and grabbed it anyway. God then gave Moses two more signs to perform to prove that he was sent by God. However, Moses was still not done questioning his fitness for the task. Now that his other objections had been met, he tells God, “But I’m not very good at talking in front of people. I don’t speak well.” God responds by telling Moses that He is the one who gives people the ability to speak and to hear and to see. He will be with Moses and help him speak, teaching him what to say. Moses still asks God to send someone else. God at this point was angry with Moses. God told him that his brother Aaron was a good speaker and at that moment was on his way looking for Moses. God would tell Moses what to say and Moses could tell Aaron, who would speak for him. It is heartening to see that Moses was so much like I am when it comes to responding to God’s call. Now if only I could be more like Moses.
     So, Moses returned to Egypt. In the meantime, God appeared to Aaron and inspired him to go into the wilderness to find Moses. When they met, Moses told Aaron all that God had told him and together they returned to Egypt and spoke with the leaders of the Israelites. Once Aaron spoke to them and Moses showed them the miraculous signs they were convinced that God had sent Moses and Aaron. After speaking to the Israelite leaders, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh, Pharaoh told them to be quiet and get back to work. Pharaoh then made the job demanded of the Israelites harder. There is an important lesson for us here. When God begins to work to relieve us of the hardship we have cried out to Him about, it often gets worse before it gets better. When the people of Israel cried out for relief from the suffering they were experiencing in Egypt, God sent them Moses. But when Moses arrived, the immediate effect was that Pharaoh increased their workload and things got worse.

Sing To The King
Sing To The King

Matthew 18:1-20

     The disciples came to Jesus to ask who would be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. The disciples were looking to find out what they had to do to become the bigwigs in the Kingdom. Jesus told them that the ones who truly counted in the Kingdom were those who did not consider themselves anything special. If we want to be important in the Kingdom of Heaven we need to become like a child. For that matter, if we even want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven we need to become like a child. We must learn to trust God the way that a child trusts his parents. I am not sure what all Jesus was telling them when He said this, but at least part of what He was talking about was the naive innocence of childhood, the way when we were children we readily believed what we were told. Jesus then goes on to warn against causing these innocents who believe in Him to stumble. He says that it will happen, but those who cause it would be better off to be tied to a rock and tossed into the sea. Jesus goes on to give us the parable of the 100 sheep where one wanders away. He tells us that the shepherd will expend enormous effort to find the one that wanders away. In the same manner, God will act to bring those who are innocently mislead back to Him.
     Jesus then gives us the model for dealing with Church discipline and for how we should confront those who claim to be followers of Jesus who sin. He tells us that if we see someone sin, we should go to them privately and talk about what we observed. If they respond, that is great. If not, take two or three witnesses with you, so that there are independent witnesses to the conversation. If they still do not change, place the matter before the assembly of God’s people. If they refuse to listen to the assembly, treat them as a tax collector or a pagan. I think if we look at this we see a little more to this than what is on the surface. Why should we first go privately? Well, I think there are two reasons. The first is so that we do not embarrass them in front of others. But the second is to give the person an opportunity to explain why they did what we understood to be sin, perhaps we misinterpreted what we saw and the action was not a sin after all. This is also the reason for bringing the witnesses the second time, perhaps other people will hear the person we are confronting differently than we did. At every stage of this process there should be an openness to the possibility that the person being confronted was not sinning. That does not mean that there is debate about what constitutes sin, just that very rarely do we actually witness someone committing a sin unless we are committing the same sin. An example I like to use is this. There is a strip club I used to drive past every day. Now if I drove past and saw the car of someone from my congregation in the parking lot (and perhaps even saw them), it would be my duty as a brother in Christ to speak to them about it. However, it is possible that the reason they were there was because their car broke down and that was the closest place to get it off of the road. When I confront my brother in Christ about a perceived sin, I should be open to the possibility that I misinterpreted what I saw.

Bloom Where You're Planted
Bloom Where You’re Planted

Psalm 22:19-31

     Today is the second half of Psalm 22, the psalm which Jesus referred to while on the cross. The first half was a description of despair and suffering. It was a cry to God for deliverance by someone who felt abandoned by God. The second half of the psalm has a completely different feel. Today in the second half we read the account of someone who is confident that God will save them from their trials. Here the psalmist is praising God and extolling the fact that He responds to the needs of those in desperate straits. Despite the desperate situation that Jesus was in on the cross, when He cried out “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?” this was not just a cry of despair. It was also a declaration of faith in God because the psalm Jesus was calling upon ends with by saying that future generations will declare that God has done it. Before that the psalm declares that God has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one, but has listened to his cry for help. Jesus, on the cross, was declaring that God had listened to His cry for help. Let us remember that He will listen to our cry for help as well.

 Not Sure Why My Wife Took This, but It Looks Neat
Not Sure Why My Wife Took This, but It Looks Neat

Proverbs 5:15-21

     The writer emphasizes the importance of staying faithful to your wife. Do not pursue other women.

July 29, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

2 Chronicles 24-25:28

     When Joash got old enough to start acting as king one of the first things he did was to instruct the Levites to go throughout Judah to collect the tax imposed by the Law of Moses and use it to repair the Temple. This was not done and Joash became impatient. He set up a chest at the gate of the Temple for people to put money into. This money was given to men who were given responsibility to repair the Temple. These men hired workmen of all sorts and got the Temple repaired. When the Temple repairs were finished the money left over was used to create new articles for sacrifice and worship services. We are told that as long as Jehoiada, the priest who had raised him and put him on the throne, was alive Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord.
     However, after Jehoiada’s death Joash began worshiping Asherah poles and other idols. Jehoiada’s son, Zechariah, confronted Joash about his sin in front of the people. Joash ordered him stoned to death. The following spring the Arameans invaded and plundered Judah. Joash was seriously wounded and a couple of his officials plotted together and killed him. Joash’s son Amaziah took the throne after his death. The chronicler commends Amaziah for only punishing the men who killed his father and not their children. Amaziah then began going to war with the intention of expanding his power. He attacked Edom and conquered it. Along with other plunder Amaziah brought back the gods of Edom and began worshiping them. A prophet confronted Amaziah about this and told him that God had determined to destroy him because he would not give up the idols of Edom. Amaziah then makes war against Israel and is defeated soundly.

Romans 12:1-21

     Today’s passage from Romans is full of a lot of stuff that is very important. The first thing Paul talks about is offering our bodies as living sacrifices to God. Part of what he is saying is that we should be willing to suffer and die, just as the burnt offering sacrifices died. But I think there is much more to it because of what he says next. Right after telling us to be living sacrifices, he tells us not to conform to this world but instead to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Just as today, in Paul’s time there was a strong element of the culture that emphasized that we are sexual beings and that sexual activity is an inherent part of who we are. That somehow we cannot help but be sexually active (and perhaps promiscuous, although that is generally less explicitly stated). Paul here is telling us that we must not conform to the world’s expectations, but instead keep our bodies pure and holy. Our minds must be transformed by the Holy Spirit to control our bodies.
     Then Paul goes on to another topic. He first tells us not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought. There are two sins he is addressing here. The first is thinking we are better than others. The second is just as bad. It is thinking that others are better than us. We should look at ourselves carefully and with “sober judgement”. We should analyze our strengths and weaknesses. Then he tells us to focus on doing what we are good at, what we have been given a gift from God to do. Many times what Paul writes needs to be carefully read and thought about to understand what he is getting at, but not here. From the New International Version:

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

     Paul goes on with more important guidelines for our daily lives. Guidelines that are easy to understand, but hard to follow. He tells us that when those around us are happy, we should be happy with them. When they are sad, we should be sad with them. He tells us to not be too proud to associate with and befriend those that society thinks of as beneath us. This is not quite as easy as it seems. There are places where there are two or more groups that consider all of the other groups as beneath them; no person of true class would associate with that other group. We cannot just say, “Those people look down on these people, so we will only associate with these people.” If we do that then we are doing exactly what Paul told us not to. We are being too proud to associate with that other group because we are better than them by associating with this group that they look down on.
      Paul goes on to tell us that we should not seek conflict with others. We should strive to be at peace with others as much as it is within our control. This does not mean that we fail to defend our beliefs when others attack them. It does not mean that we pretend to agree with other people. This is something I struggle with, when does defending my beliefs cross the line and become conflict that I could, and should, avoid?
     Finally Paul tells us not to seek “payback” for those who do wrong to us. Not only should we not seek payback, we should strive to do good for those who have done us wrong. Paul gives us two reasons why we should do good to those who do wrong to us. The first is that God has stated, “It is mine to avenge. I will repay.” Do we really think we can extract a more fitting revenge than what God will give out? The second reason he tells us to do good to those who do wrong by us is that by doing so, we will make them feel much worse than anything we can do to harm them. But I think there are two other reasons why Paul tells us not to seek revenge. Seeking revenge is bad for us. Have you ever noticed how some people become consumed by their revenge? The desire to make others pay for the wrong they have done us eats into our souls and damages us much more than any harm we inflict on others. I have heard seeking revenge described as taking poison and expecting someone else to become sick and die. The final reason Paul tells us not to seek revenge but to rather seek to do good for those who have wronged us is because it is a good witness to those who see our actions. Several years ago, a man went on a shooting rampage at an Amish school, killing a number of children before killing himself. The story made an even larger national impact than it would have anyway because the immediate response of the Amish community was to reach out to his family and offer comfort. They went to his funeral. I remember people saying, “What is wrong with these people?” But people were also impressed.
     Paul finishes today’s passage with something that we must remember. We cannot overcome evil with evil. If we try, evil will overcome us. The only way to overcome evil is with good. If we respond to evil by doing good, than good will win…even if those who do evil continue to do so.

Psalm 22:19-31

     As I said yesterday, the first half of this psalm contains images that the New Testament writers saw as foreshadowing of the crucifixion. And Jesus just before he died, made reference to this psalm by calling out its opening line, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” As I said yesterday, by quoting the first line, Jesus was calling upon the entire passage. Yesterday we looked at the first half of the psalm where the psalmist was overwhelmed by his trials, just as Jesus was overwhelmed by His suffering. Today we look at the rest of their experience. In the middle of this suffering they declared that, even though they felt abandoned, they were not abandoned by God. That God was standing by them in their trials:

For he has not ignored or belittled the suffering of the needy.
He has not turned his back on them,
but has listened to their cries for help.

When Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” He was declaring his immense suffering and pain. But He was also declaring His praise to God and His belief that God would rescue Him. Which indeed God did on Easter morning with the Resurrection. The psalmist told us, and Jesus, when he was hanging on the cross about to die told us, those who seek the Lord will rejoice. In the depths of His suffering on the cross, Jesus rejoiced to be serving God’s plan. There are many stories of martyrs doing the same. During the Reformation, the various government authorities which persecuted those who followed the Bible rather than the religious dictates of the government took to removing the tongues of the martyrs before burning them at the stake or otherwise killing them tortuously because they wanted to stop them from declaring their joy at suffering for following Christ as they died these horrible deaths.

Proverbs 20:8-10

     Today we have three proverbs. The first is one that we know is not always true, but it is one that ought to always be true. When it is true, a country will be in the process of becoming stronger and more prosperous. When it is not true, a country will be in the process of becoming weaker and poorer. The second proverb reminds us why we need God’s grace, because we can never be pure enough on our own to approach God. The final is related to the first, if people apply different standards (whether of weight and measure, or of behavior) to favored groups than to disfavored groups, society will suffer.