September 21, 2014 Bible Study — Share Each Other’s Burdens…Carry Your Own Load

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I wish to apologize for yesterday’s blog being published late. I thought I had published Friday evening my time, but apparently I failed to actually do so.


Proverbs 23:24

    A godly child brings joy to their parents and a wise child gives them pleasure. I have for most of my life striven to bring pleasure and joy to my parents, not always successfully.


Psalm 65:1-13

    Let us praise God for His greatness. He will answer our prayers with awesome deeds. When we pray to God, let us not expect small, little answers. When we pray to God, He will answer our prayers with bold, powerful actions. After all, our God is the God who formed the mountains and quiets the storms. He inspires joy from where the sun rises to where it sets, from one end of the earth to the other. God will care for the earth and water it as it needs. The river of God has sufficient water and more to supply our needs, even if we live in the desert. God will provide for the needs of those who honour and praise Him.


Galatians 6:1-18

    Paul in this passages says two things which appear contradictory, but which actually sum up the way in which we should behave. In verse 2, he tells us that we should share on each other’s burdens. Yet in verse 5 (according to the NIV) he tells us that we should carry our own load. As I said, these appear to be contradictory. However, let us work backwards from the second of these verses to the first. Here the NLT will help us. The NLT translates verse 5 y saying that we are responsible for our own conduct. We are responsible to do our best to deal with the lot in life which we have been dealt. We have no right to blame others for not helping us, we do not have the right to demand their help. When we face difficulties and problems, it is our responsibility to seek out ways in which we can overcome those difficulties and problems. If we do not have enough money to pay our bills, it is our responsibility to seek out a way to earn that money. It is not the fault of others for not helping us.
    However, in verse 2 Paul tells us that we should help others as much as we are able. If we see someone facing a difficulty that we are able to help with, we should do so. Another way to look at how both of these verses work is that both are about individual responsibility. I am responsible to help those in need as much as I am able. My needs are my responsibility. My needs do not give me the authority to demand your help. Nor do your needs give anyone else(except for God Himself) the authority to demand that I help you. This is about individual responsibility not corporate responsibility.
    I do not believe their is any such thing as “corporate responsibility”, except insomuch as it represents the lumping together of the individual responsibility of the members of a group. If I see someone with a need I have two options open to me. I can help them myself to the best of my ability. Or, if I cannot help them sufficiently, I can ask others to help them. I cannot, however, demand that others help them. Most especially, I cannot demand that others help them in the way in which I think they should be helped. It is up to each individual to help others in the manner in which they think best. This does not mean that we do not seek guidance and counsel from others in choosing the way in which we help. As a matter of fact, I would encourage everyone to do so. What it means is that you do not have the right to tell me how and when I should help (even though it may be wise of me to ask your advice before I act), nor do I have the right to tell you how and when you should help. I will go further and say that it is fine to offer your unsolicited advice about how someone can help, as long as you are aware that they are not obligated to follow your advice (you should also do your best to make it clear to the one you are offering the advice to that you do not think they are obligated to follow your advice).


Isaiah 37-38:22

    The king of Assyria commanded to mightiest army on the face of the earth. There did not exist an army that could stand against him when he brought his full might to bear, certainly not the force commanded by Hezekiah. It was obvious to everyone on the face of the earth that when the king of Assyria turned his mind to conquering Jerusalem that it was only a matter of time, and that not very much time, until Jerusalem would fall to him. The king of Assyria was not shy about telling Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem that such was the case.
    However, there was one thing which the king of Assyria, and the pundits of the day (if there were any), underestimated in their calculations. It is something which the movers and shakers of the world still often underestimate, dismiss, or overlook when they make their plans for exercising their power. Those who believe, as the king of Assyria did, that they can accomplish their goals despite the opposition of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will discover that they are mistaken. The king of Assyria told Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem that there was nothing that could stop him from conquering Jerusalem. Looking at the situation from a purely human perspective he was correct. Yet that night, 185,000 of his soldiers died in camp (we are not told how they died) and he was forced to return to his capital, where he was killed before he could raise another army. There was nothing Hezekiah could do to stop the king of Assyria, except for the one thing he did. When faced with overwhelming odds, Hezekiah cried out to God. God answered his prayer. God will do the same for us today. When we see the evil in this world overwhelming the good, with no hope that the good can withstand it, let us cry out to God. He will answer our prayers.

September 20, 2014 Bible Study — The Fruit of the Spirit

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I added a “Ministry Links” tab to my blog. On it I am going to link to the websites of various Christian Ministries which I support to one degree or another. Currently, it has a link to the congregation I attend and of which I am a member and a link to a ministry which does wonderful work in Honduras and elsewhere: MAMA Project


Proverbs 23:23

    Seek the truth and when you find it, do not let it go, no matter what you are offered to accept something else, or to say something else. Do the same with wisdom, discipline, and sound judgement. No matter what someone may promise you, it is not worth giving up what you know to be the truth. The same can be said for wisdom, discipline, and sound judgement. Nothing anyone can promise you, let alone actually deliver, is worth going against what those tell you to do.


Psalm 64:1-10

    Let us cry out to God when wicked people plot against us. The wicked may think that their plots will go unnoticed, that they have come up with the perfect plan to defeat the righteous. but God will not overlook their plotting. No matter how carefully they hide their planning and their acts, God will see what they are up to. The wicked are sure that no one will connect them with the evil they do. Yet, their plots will be revealed by their own words. God will make it clear that this world belongs to Him so that no one can mistake. When the wicked are struck down, it will cause the godly to rejoice and the righteous to praise God.


Galatians 5:13-26

    We have been called to live in freedom. As Paul says elsewhere, we are free to do anything. However, he exhorts us not to use our freedom to satisfy our sinful desires. Instead we should let the Holy Spirit guide our lives. The Spirit wants us to do the opposite of what our sinful nature wants. It is important to recognize the battle going on within us between the desires of our sinful nature and the desires given to us by the Holy Spirit.
    We must make a choice which kind of fruit we want our lives to bear. If we follow our sinful desires the fruit are clear…and undesirable. I will not repeat Paui’s list here, but no one holds up someone for honour for doing these things. On the other hand if we allow ourselves to be dominated by the desires the Holy Spirit gives us the fruit are also clear: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Whenever someone meets a bad end because of allowing their sinful desires to bear fruit there seems to be someone talking about how they exhibited one or more these latter fruits. Let us give control over our lives to the Holy Spirit so that we may bear all of these fruit and bring glory to God.


Isaiah 33:10-36:22

    The day of God’s judgement is coming. It will be a day when scorching fire will come over the earth. People will see it coming and ask, “Who can survive this all-consuming fire?” thinking that the answer is “No one.” But they will be wrong. The prophet tells us who will survive this coming fire and destruction of God’s wrath:

Those who are honest and fair,
who refuse to profit by fraud,
who stay far away from bribes,
who refuse to listen to those who plot murder,
who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong

Will we be among that number?

September 19, 2014 Bible Study — Faith Expressed Through Love

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I added a “Ministry Links” tab to my blog. On it I am going to link to the websites of various Christian Ministries which I support to one degree or another. Currently, it has a link to the congregation I attend and of which I am a member and a link to a ministry which does wonderful work in Honduras and elsewhere: MAMA Project


Proverbs 23:22

    Listen and respect your parents as they (and you) get older. IF not for them, you would not be here.


Psalm 63:1-11

    This psalm inspires me to praise the Lord. I will sing, “Oh God, You are my God…I will praise You as long as I live.” I desire God with all that I am. I wish to serve Him with all of my being. I will emulate the psalmist and meditate about God when sleep is slow in coming. Meditating on God’s word calms my mind and gives my body rest.


Galatians 5:1-12

    It is not the rituals and rules we follow that make us right with God. If you want to be right with God by doing good, you must never do anything wrong. We are not made right with God by being circumcised, and we are no better if we are not circumcised. Rather what counts with God is that our faith is expressed through love. As I am writing this, I realized this is one of those passages where it says a lot, but there really is not much to say about it. We are not made righteous by our actions. We are made righteous by the Holy Spirit. If we have faith that the Spirit will make us righteous, as God has promised, He will do so. In response to receiving that righteousness let us show our love to every one we meet.


Isaiah 30:12-33:9

    God has promised that calamity is coming for those who put their trust in oppression and lies rather than in doing the work of the Lord. Those who put their trust in military might and worldly power will find themselves beset on every side. However, those who turn to God and wait for His deliverance will be saved. A time of great turmoil and destruction is coming on this world. God is going to sift the nations like wheat. God’s burning anger will strike down upon the earth and ruin will fall upon the nations. But the people of God will sing for joy on that day. Those who would rather trust in military might and worldly power rather than on God will face immeasurable sorrow.
    When I look at current events this passage is one of great hope for me. I look at what is going on in the world and see times of great trouble arising. Turmoil is spreading throughout the nations and every sign tells me it will get much worse before it gets better. However, I do not believe that my salvation comes from the power of armies, or the machinations of politicians. It is God who will bring deliverance to those who put their trust in Him. I will trust in Him and this passage tells me that He will show His power by protecting those who belong to Him.

September 18, 2014 Bible Study — We Are All One In Christ

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I added a “Ministry Links” tab to my blog. On it I am going to link to the websites of various Christian Ministries which I support to one degree or another. Currently, it has a link to the congregation I attend and of which I am a member and a link to a ministry which does wonderful work in Honduras and elsewhere: MAMA Project


Proverbs 23:19-21

    Those who always eat and/or drink to excess are going to end up in poverty. As will those who pursue any pleasure to excess. Do not spend your time with those who do not live in moderation, or you will join them in their poverty.


Psalm 62:1-12

    I will not beat my chest and boast. I will quietly wait for God to act, because He is the source of any successes I may have. God is my rock and my fortress. I will put my trust in Him. What a contrast between what the psalmist says and the way people so often behave today. Let us learn to follow the psalmist’s example and not that of the spoiled brats who brag over every little victory and taunt their opponents.


Galatians 3:23-4:31

    We are all equal, no one is better than another. If we have been baptized into Christ, we are all one. This passage is such a basic principle of the Christian faith. Jews are not better than Gentiles, nor vice versa. Men are not better than women, nor vice versa. Slave and free, before God there is no difference. If we belong to Christ, we are heirs to God’s promises to Abraham.
    We cannot earn favor with God by following rules and regulations. It is not by somberly following rituals or observing the correct Holy Days that we will gain favour with God. God desires that we joyfully and gratefully do His will. Let us be cautious about zealots who are quick to separate themselves from the established Church and seek to convince others likewise. There is nothing wrong with being zealous, as long as we are zealously doing good and not just when those we wish to impress are watching. Let us zealously seek to do good for others, even when no one will notice, perhaps especially when no one will notice.


Isaiah 28:14-30:11

    As I read this passage, I was reminded of those who think they can cut a deal with evil. They think that they can remain safe by telling people what they want to hear, even when they have no intention of acting accordingly. However, God has established a firm and solid base against which right and wrong can be measured. It is only by measuring our words and our actions against that foundation that we can find safety. You can claim to be a Christian all you like, but unless your actions conform to your claim it will do you no good. The number of people who loudly proclaim that society should adhere to Christian moral standards while not maintaining them themselves always amazes me. Those who proclaim such high standards while making no effort to uphold them will face more severe judgement than those who openly revel in immorality.

September 17, 2014 Bible Study — Trust In the Lord Always

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I added a “Ministry Links” tab to my blog. On it I am going to link to the websites of various Christian Ministries which I support to one degree or another. Currently, it has a link to the congregation I attend and of which I am a member and a link to a ministry which does wonderful work in Honduras and elsewhere: MAMA Project


Proverbs 23:17-18

    The proverb writer tells us not to envy sinners. He is not talking about envying someone who sins for their big house or fancy car. He is talking about envying people because of the sins they enjoy committing. I remember envying men who were womanizers. I was wrong to do so. Rather than envy sinners, let us fear and obey the Lord.


Psalm 61:1-8

    God will listen to our cry, He will hear our prayer. When our heart is overwhelmed He will lead us to safety. We may not be able to see the path, but God will guide us to a fortress where our enemies cannot reach us. Let us sing His praises forever.


Galatians 3:10-22

    If we want to be made right with God by following the law, we must never break any of the law. Any failure to live up to the law will doom us. No one is capable of living such a life. We cannot make up for our sins by doing good. It does not work that way. Doing good is what the law requires of us. We cannot hope to be made right with God by doing good. We can only be made right with God by placing our trust in Him and accepting the righteousness He offers us through Jesus’ death. I will do good because God has made me righteous, not in order to be made righteous.


Isaiah 25-28:13

    God does many wonderful things, things which He planned long ago. He will destroy cities, turning them into rubble. He will bring nations down into the dust. But He will be a refuge to the poor and needy. He will provide shelter for all who fear Him. For those who are righteous (see above) life never becomes too difficult. God will smooth out the path in front of them. The righteous desire to bring glory to God’s name. The wicked, on the other hand, practice their wickedness despite God’s kindness to them. They continue to do wrong, even as the signs point to trouble coming. They will be struck down because of their wickedness.
    Isaiah tells us that even those who seek God will suffer, but nothing will come of their suffering. Instead, those who die in the Lord will live, their bodies will rise again. The suffering we experience will be to call us to account and will be nothing like that of those who refuse to call on God. God will use our suffering to turn us from our sins. As we turn to serving God, He will gather us together. When we do not listen to His word spoken gently, God will then speak it with force. Let us turn from our sins and serve the Lord.

September 16, 2014 Bible Study — It Is No Longer I Who Live, But Christ Who Lives In Me

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Yesterday I added a “Ministry Links” tab to my blog. On it I am going to link to the websites of various Christian Ministries which I support to one degree or another. Yesterday I mentioned the congregation I attend and of which I am a member. Today I would like to mention a ministry which does wonderful work in Honduras and elsewhere: MAMA Project


Proverbs 23:15-16

    Let us rejoice when others demonstrate wisdom, when they speak up in favor of doing what is right. Let us seek the approval only of those who do likewise.


Psalm 60:1-12

    When we reject God He will reject us. He will allow our defenses to be overrun and our enemies to triumph over us. However, even as He does this, He has raised a banner for those who fear Him, a rallying point in the battle. In the midst of the battle going on around us will we stand by the banner of God, in the face of attack and ridicule will we let everyone know which side we fight for? Or will we seek to flee the battlefield unnoticed? I have read enough accounts of battle and war to know that those who fail to rally to their commander’s side are doomed. All may seem lost, but I will rally to God’s banner because I know that, in the end, He will be victorious.


Galatians 2:17-3:9

    We cannot attain righteousness by following rules and laws. No matter how carefully crafted, the law cannot address the correct action for every situation. It is only by accepting God’s grace and allowing His Spirit to guide us that we can live a righteous life. We need to die to the law, so that we can live in Christ. We do not, and will not, receive the Holy Spirit because we do the right thing and follow the law (no matter what set of rules we make our law). It is only by dying to the law, by no longer trying to follow a set of static rules, that we can receive God’s Spirit. When we accept the Holy Spirit and allow Christ to live in us, and through us, only then will we do the right thing. Let us die to our selves and allow Christ to live in and through us.


Isaiah 22-24:23

    Even in the day of trouble, all too many people will still depend on the things which have already failed them. They will build up their defenses and bring out their weapons, but they will not turn to God and ask for His help. I look at the society around me, God is calling us to weep and mourn in remorse for our sins. Instead, our society feasts and parties, “Let’s eat and drink for tomorrow we die.” The scary part is that I have seen people echo that exact line without once realizing that it was stated in condemnation. God is calling on us to repent of our sins and turn to Him. Instead, even as things get worse, people are living as if there is no tomorrow. There is still time, if we turn to God today, He will turn aside the judgement that is coming, but time is running out.

September 15, 2014 Bible Study — Accountability Goes Both Ways

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. From time to time I have encouraged people to read their Bible through on this blog. However, this morning (yesterday for those reading this) in our worship service, I realized that I have never made an outright appeal encouraging people to attend a local church (except occasionally when a particular passage leads there). So, I am going to so here today. Here is the link for the website of the congregation I attend. If you are in the area on a Sunday, please stop by and visit. If you live in the area and do not attend a congregation on a regular basis, I beg of you to start, whether at mine or another.


Proverbs 23:13-14

    Parents should discipline their children for the good of the children. Lovingly administered corporal punishment will not harm the child and some lessons require physical punishment to truly hit home. Failure to learn those lessons will lead to your child’s death.


Psalm 59:1-17

    The psalmist does not call on God to kill his enemies, because such lessons are too quickly forgotten. He calls on God to use the pride and words his enemies speak to bring them down. His enemies come out at night and prowl the streets. They use words as weapons, lying and slandering others. They are convinced that no one will hear them who can hold them to account for their lies. But God knows what they are saying and will use it against them. By contrast the psalmist rises in the morning to sing praises to God. Let us be like the psalmist and rise in the morning to praise God with joy, rather than skulking about in the dark, thinking that no one can see our evil deeds.


Galatians 2:1-16

    Even Paul found it necessary to test what he taught against the understanding of others. He went to Jerusalem and met with the leaders of the Church there. He explained the message he was preaching to the Gentiles in order to find out if they were in agreement. He had been told that he was wrong on the basic elements of the Gospel he preached, so he went to those held in high esteem by the Church. Note that he did not go to them because they were held in high esteem, but because he respected the work they had done for God.
    Despite the respect with which Paul held Peter, one of those he went to for confirmation of the message he preached, he was willing to confront Peter when he felt that Peter was doing wrong. This is an important lesson, accountability goes both ways. We need to hold accountable those we allow to hold us to account. This is something that Church leaders need to remember, they are accountable to those they lead. If a member of the congregation confronts an elder for doing something wrong, the elder must address the congregants concern. If the elder was doing wrong, they must repent and change their behavior. If the elder was not doing wrong, they must show the congregant why their action was right. What the elder cannot do is dismiss the concern because the person who raised it was not a fellow elder (although I will admit that there are some believers who frequently bring up specious concerns and perhaps their concerns can be taken more lightly…at some point congregational leaders should work with such a person to show them that doing so is more of a sin than the “sins” they are guarding against).


Isaiah 19-21:17

    As I read this passage I cannot help but think about current events and the recent past in Egypt. I am sure that anyone reading this remembers the recent fighting in Egypt and most are probably aware that the current government is dictatorial. However, what people may not know is that since the building of the Aswan Dam the Nile no longer floods the way it used to do. This may seem like a good thing, and for years was held up as such. However, as time has gone on, one of the results of this is that agricultural production in Egypt has fallen. The regular flooding by the Nile refreshed the fertility of the soil along the banks of the Nile.
    Is what we are seeing in Egypt today a fulfillment of this prophecy? I do not know. I do know that the government of Egypt is starting to see its interests served by siding with Israel against Hamas. Is this perhaps a precursor to the next part of this prophecy, where it suggests that much of Egypt will come to worship God? Isaiah prophesied that the people would cry out to Him for relief from oppression and that He would make Himself known to them. Further he prophesied that some of the cities of Egypt would begin to speak Hebrew. This prophecy has such hope for the people of the Middle East. That someday the people of Egypt, Israel, and Assyria (most of modern-day Syria and Iraq) will unite together to serve the Lord.

September 14, 2014 Bible Study — Are We Following the True Gospel?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:12

    Let us commit ourselves to seeking and following instruction, listening carefully to any words of knowledge which we hear. God will provide us with the knowledge and instruction that we need to do His will. When He does so, we must listen closely and act accordingly.


Psalm 58:1-11

    God asks of rulers if they know the meaning of justice and if they judge people with equity. The answer is in the majority of cases “No”, rather than dispense justice, most rulers spread violence throughout the lands they rule. Those who rise to power are born sinners (but then, aren’t we all?), they have lied and gone their own way their entire lives. However, God will administer justice. He will sweep away the unjust rulers and government officials. The day will arrive when everyone will be forced to acknowledge that God judges justly here on earth and not just in heaven. Let us be among the righteous who will rejoice on that day, not among the wicked who will suffer.


Galatians 1:1-24

    Let us be careful not to fooled into following another message other than the Gospel. There are many who preach a message which they claim is the message of Christ, but is a cleverly distorted form of the Gospel. The Gospel of Christ is the grace of God as demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Christ. Those who preach that doing God’s will leads to fame and/or fortune are distorting this message.
    The Gospel message is not based on human reasoning. Actually, I prefer the NIV here, The Gospel message is not of human origin. However, the NLT brings an important element to understanding the Gospel. No one will work out the Gospel message purely by applying human reasoning. It is only when the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts and minds that we can comprehend the message which Christ brought to us. Paul does not speak about it here, but elsewhere he reminds us that he had been thoroughly steeped in the Scripture from his youth. So, it is important to check the message which the Holy Spirit has revealed to us against the words which God has spoken in the Scripture and the understanding of those with more experience following the Gospel message. Let us always test our understanding of the Gospel message in three ways. First, by listening to what the Holy Spirit speaks within our hearts. Second, by comparing that message to what God has said in the Scripture. And Third, by listening to what others who are seeking to follow God have learned from reading the Scriptures and listening to the Holy Spirit.


Isaiah 15-18:7

    Isaiah warns here that those who turn to idols and put their trust in things will face death and destruction. When hard and difficult times come upon the earth, people will turn to those things where they truly put their trust. If we place our trust in anything other than God, it will fail us when trouble comes. When that times, many will be destroyed, but a few will recognize their mistake and turn once more to God. For it is God alone who is able to save us. God alone can hide us when trouble strikes the world around us. Powerful armies will rise throughout the world and array themselves against God’s people. God’s people will see with terror the destruction these armies are creating throughout the earth, but overnight God will strike and destroy them.
    We see the rise of such armies right now, Russia invading its neighbors, Boko Haram in Nigeria, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, Iran obtaining nuclear weapons while promising to destroy Israel and the U.S. (and others). However, for all of the might and power which these forces are beginning the unleash, they will be unable to survive when God brings about their end.

September 13, 2014 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:9-11

    There is no point debating with a fool, they will refuse to listen to even the wisest advice. This reminds me of a saying I saw posted at one of my jobs, “If you find yourself in an argument with a fool, make sure that you aren’t the fool.”
    Do not attempt to cheat the fatherless by changing the long established rules. They may not have a father to protect their interests, but the One who defends them will not be fooled by your deception and has the ability to make you pay the price for it.


Psalm 57:1-11

    God will fulfill His purposes for us, even if we are surrounded by enemies. When faced with overwhelming opposition, or any opposition whatsoever, let us call out to God for His aid. He will defeat those who are attempting to thwart His purposes for our lives. He will cause those who have set traps for us to fall into their own traps. If we place our confidence in God, rather than in our own ability, He will cause the actions of our enemies to assist us in accomplishing His purposes. I will exalt God with all that I am. I will remember that my successes are not a result of my strength. I succeed in what is truly important only when I rely on God and allow His power to accomplish the goal.


2 Corinthians 13:1-14

    Reading both the NLT and the NIV makes this passage more clear to me. Paul warns those who had been sinning when he had been there on his second visit to amend their ways. They are demanding that he prove to them that Christ speaks through him. Paul promises that if they are still sinning in the same manner when he visits a third time he will give them the proof they are asking for. As I read this today, I was reminded of the story of Ananias and Sapphira. We are to examine ourselves to see whether our faith is genuine. If our faith is genuine, Christ will be within/among us. Paul hopes that the believers in Corinth will do the right thing before he arrives, even if that means he will be unable to offer the proof he promised them. We should hope that people will follow the Lord without the need for the demonstration of His power.


Isaiah 12-14:32

    Isaiah prophecies the downfall of Babylon, but he does not just prophecy their downfall. He also prophecies that God’s judgement will fall on lesser nations who are just as wicked. However, God will provide for those who serve Him. Those rulers and people who thought they were gods who could rise up to heaven and accomplish whatever they wished will be brought low. They will be shown to be no stronger than even the weakest of people. However, those who would have done the same evil if they had the chance will suffer the same fate. When God brings His judgement it will be only on the strong and powerful, but on all of those who desired to oppress others, even those who lacked the means to do so.

September 12, 2014 Bible Study — I Trust In God, Whom Shall I Fear?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:6-8

    If you are invited to eat by someone who is stingy, they will be constantly thinking about whether they are getting a return on the money they spent for the meal. As a result neither you nor they will enjoy the meal or the time you spend together.


Psalm 56:1-13

    The psalmist once more discusses how to react when enemies and problems seem about to overwhelm. When we are afraid, let us put our trust in the Lord. If we put our trust in the Lord, we will have nothing to fear. God has promised to take care of us, what can any mortal do? The answer is that no human can do anything which goes against what God wills for us and God has promised that all will work together for good for those who love Him. So, let us put our trust in Him and have no fear, no matter how threatening the future may seem.


2 Corinthians 12:11-21

    I struggle with putting into words the meaning I see in this passage. Paul was confronting the Corinthians over their acceptance of men who taught things contrary to what Paul had taught them. These other men, these “super apostles”, were apparently polished speakers who benefited from money raised by the Corinthian Church. Yet they apparently accused Paul of being a trickster and a fraud. When someone is busy telling you what a terrible person their rival is, especially when the rivalry starts from the side of the person talking bad about the other, watch their actions closely, they are more likely to be doing what they accuse others of than are the people they accuse. Paul points out that despite the fact that he was being accused of trickery, there were no actual examples of ways in which he tricked them.


Isaiah 10-11:16

    Unjust judges and oppressive rulers will suffer for their sins. Those who deprive the poor of judgement, deny the rights of the poor, prey on widows, and take advantage of the fatherless will find themselves in need of aid. When that day arrives, they will find no one willing to aid them. God will raise up a leader to strike them down and make them suffer in the same way that they made others suffer. Yet this leader, and the people he leads, will not recognize that all of his victories are a gift from God. As a result they will commit the same sorts of evil which they had been raised up to punish. When in their hubris they claim the right and ability to act against those who truly serve the Lord, God will show them the limits of their might and bring them down.