Tag Archives: Psalm 56:1-13

March 13, 2015 Bible Study — Who Ya Gonna Call?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 11:8

    This proverb is not a guarantee. Rather it is a generalization. Most of the time when trouble comes the godly have taken actions which cause that trouble to pass them by. Instead, trouble which might have otherwise fallen on the godly falls upon the wicked.


Psalm 56:1-13

    I have no idea why this psalm reminded me of the Ghostbusters’ them song, but that was what I thought when I read this verse:

But when I am afraid,
I will put my trust in you.

When I experience fear, I call God. The key to this as an effective strategy for relieving fear is given us by the psalmist:
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can mere mortals do to me?

If we truly believe and trust God we will not fear anything that can happen to us, knowing that He can and will care for us. I know that anything which happens to me is part of God’s plan and I know that God’s plan will bring me happiness.


Luke 1:1-25

    Luke begins his account by telling us that many had set out to write accounts about the events which had occurred. He mentions that the others had used the eyewitness accounts that were circulating. We know of two of the accounts to which he was probably referring (the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew). A third has been postulated as source material for both Matthew and Luke. It seems likely that Luke was aware of others which have been completely lost. Luke further says that after a thorough investigation he has decided to write a careful account.
    In Acts, Luke refers to an encounter with some disciples of John the Baptist who were unfamiliar with Jesus. Knowledge of this made me wonder if perhaps his account of John the Baptist’s birth came from accounts written by disciples of John the Baptist (or perhaps, just from speaking directly with them).


Numbers 19-20:29

    The description of the water of purification sounds as if it would be a lye solution with several other antiseptic ingredients. In other words, this complex ritual would likely have resulted in reducing the risk of infection.

September 12, 2014 Bible Study — I Trust In God, Whom Shall I Fear?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:6-8

    If you are invited to eat by someone who is stingy, they will be constantly thinking about whether they are getting a return on the money they spent for the meal. As a result neither you nor they will enjoy the meal or the time you spend together.


Psalm 56:1-13

    The psalmist once more discusses how to react when enemies and problems seem about to overwhelm. When we are afraid, let us put our trust in the Lord. If we put our trust in the Lord, we will have nothing to fear. God has promised to take care of us, what can any mortal do? The answer is that no human can do anything which goes against what God wills for us and God has promised that all will work together for good for those who love Him. So, let us put our trust in Him and have no fear, no matter how threatening the future may seem.


2 Corinthians 12:11-21

    I struggle with putting into words the meaning I see in this passage. Paul was confronting the Corinthians over their acceptance of men who taught things contrary to what Paul had taught them. These other men, these “super apostles”, were apparently polished speakers who benefited from money raised by the Corinthian Church. Yet they apparently accused Paul of being a trickster and a fraud. When someone is busy telling you what a terrible person their rival is, especially when the rivalry starts from the side of the person talking bad about the other, watch their actions closely, they are more likely to be doing what they accuse others of than are the people they accuse. Paul points out that despite the fact that he was being accused of trickery, there were no actual examples of ways in which he tricked them.


Isaiah 10-11:16

    Unjust judges and oppressive rulers will suffer for their sins. Those who deprive the poor of judgement, deny the rights of the poor, prey on widows, and take advantage of the fatherless will find themselves in need of aid. When that day arrives, they will find no one willing to aid them. God will raise up a leader to strike them down and make them suffer in the same way that they made others suffer. Yet this leader, and the people he leads, will not recognize that all of his victories are a gift from God. As a result they will commit the same sorts of evil which they had been raised up to punish. When in their hubris they claim the right and ability to act against those who truly serve the Lord, God will show them the limits of their might and bring them down.

March 13, 2014 Bible Study — When I Am Afraid, I Put My Trust In God

    I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 11:8

    Living righteously leads us to avoid trouble, while the wicked walk headlong into it.


Psalm 56:1-13

    This psalm gives us good advice for dealing with fear. When I am afraid, I will turn to God and trust in Him. If God is defending me, what can mere mortals do to harm me? I need fear nothing aside from God and I will trust the promises He has made. I will praise God and walk in His presence. He has promised good things to me.


Luke 1:1-25

    I have long loved the Gospel of Luke because Luke is so meticulous about laying out the facts as he knew them. Today’s passage contains the angel’s announcement to Zechariah that he would have a son. An interesting part of the announcement was when the angel said that John would “turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and he will cause those who are rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly.” I am not sure what was meant here, but as I read it I see our society where to an ever greater extent fathers have nothing to do with raising their children and where children are taught to reject godliness. Today, we need a voice calling out to turn us to the Lord our God. A voice which will turn the hearts of fathers to their children. Someone who will cause the rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly. Let us pray to God that He bring our land such a voice. If God is calling me to be that voice, let me answer. If God is calling someone else who needs me to encourage them, let me encourage them. I ask that you be willing to be that voice. Let each of us be that voice in the places where we find ourselves.


Numbers 19-20:29

    When the people of Israel were in the wilderness of Zin, once more they had no water. However, despite their experience with God’s power they rebelled against Moses and Aaron. They complained that Moses had led them into the wilderness to die. Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before God in front of the Tabernacle. Moses and Aaron were to take Aaron’s staff (the one which had budded) and in the presence of the people Moses was to speak to a specific rock. God said that when Moses did this, water would pour forth from the rock. Moses did as God had said, except instead of just speaking to the rock, he struck it with the staff. We have situation here where the people failed to have faith in God, but their leader, Moses, also failed to have full faith in God. Moses did not trust God that merely speaking to the rock would be enough to bring forth the water.

September 12, 2013 Bible Study — Characteristics of a Godly Leader

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 10-11:16

     Isaiah warns those with political power who use that power to enrich themselves and oppress the poor and needy. God will send disaster upon them and they will have no one to call on for rescue. This is as true today as it was in the days of Isaiah. God does not look the other way. He will bring judgment, in His time, against those who use their power to oppress. Isaiah then speaks to the king of Assyria (and to all whom God has used to bring His judgment on evildoers). He tells the king of Assyria that he has been a tool which God has used to punish His people for their sins. However, the king of Assyria believes that he has risen through his own abilities and that he can do as he pleases. God says that He will punish him for his hubris. This warning applies to all who believe that their might is their own and can be exercised without restraint.
     Isaiah made a prophecy about a leader who was to arise in the future. As a Christian, I understand this leader to be Jesus Christ. However, the passage lists some characteristics that we should look for in our leaders.

And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—

Let us turn to people upon whom God’s Spirit resides when we look for someone to lead. But the prophet does not leave it at that. He tells us how to recognize that God’s Spirit is resting on someone.

the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

They will know what to do in difficult situations. They will demonstrate wisdom and understanding.

the Spirit of counsel and might,

But more than that, they will be able to give others wise advice when they face trouble and will exhibit God’s power when evil makes its presence known.

the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

A good leader will demonstrate knowledge of God..and will fear Him in his innermost being.

He will delight in obeying the Lord.

As a result, a good leader will take pleasure in doing God’s will.

He will not judge by appearance
nor make a decision based on hearsay.

A good leader will look beyond appearances and seek knowledge of a situation before he makes a decision. He will not rely on hearsay, but will seek out the facts.

He will give justice to the poor
and make fair decisions for the exploited.

A good leader will look out for the interests of those who are usually left out of the calculations of those with power. Only Christ will ever fully fulfill this prophecy (there is more to it), but let us look for men like this to be our leaders.


2 Corinthians 12:11-21

     Paul wrote that he felt like a fool for writing the way he did, highlighting his accomplishments and credentials. He did so because he felt compelled to do so to show the Corinthians that he was no less than the “super apostles” that had come to them since his last visit. He goes on to say that he is about to come to visit them a third time and once more he will accept no support from them. Paul is clearly responding to people who had claimed that he was not trusted because he had used trickery to take advantage of the Corinthian believers. Paul points out to them that it is a strange form of taking advantage when the person doing the taking advantage receives no benefit from those he is taking advantage of. He points out that even the men he sent to them as his messengers, such as Titus, did not take advantage of them. Paul concludes by explaining that he did not write his defense of himself for the sake of his own reputation. Rather, he wrote this defense of his own credentials so that the Corinthian believers would listen to his message and take it to heart.


     Paul shows us in this passage the importance of leaders in the Church being above the appearance of impropriety. Those who were attempting to lead the Corinthian believers astray had accused Paul of using trickery and deceit to convince them to follow his teachings. Paul points out that he received no benefits from their following what he taught them. He essentially asks them what he gained from this supposed trickery? How did he take advantage of them? In the same way, leaders in our congregations today should make sure that their behavior is above reproach so that those who seek to undermine their ministry have no basis for maligning them.


Psalm 56:1-13

     This psalm has a message that I will take to heart. I will tell anyone who is afraid that this psalm contains the answer to their fears.

But when I am afraid,
I will put my trust in You.
I praise God for what he has promised.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can mere mortals do to me?

This is the thing to always remember, if we put our trust in God, He will be faithful. He has promised that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. There is nothing that can happen to us that is outside of God’s control. This is such an important concept that the psalmist repeats it.

I praise God for what he has promised;
yes, I praise the Lord for what he has promised.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can mere mortals do to me?

I will put my trust in God and as a result I will never need to fear anyone else.


Proverbs 23:6-8

     The proverb writer warns us against accepting hospitality from a begrudging/stingy host. He warns us that no matter how tasty the food, the “price” we pay, when we accept food from someone who offered expecting to be refused, will be more than we wish to pay.


September 12, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Barony Wars Fencing

Isaiah 10-11:16

     Today’s passage begins with Isaiah condemning unjust judges and those who issue unfair laws. He tells us that the effect of such judges and such laws falls disproportionately on the poor and the powerless. He goes on to tell us that God is bringing judgement against those who are behind such actions and that they will have nowhere to hide and no one to turn to. In this case, Isaiah tells us that God is bringing Assyria to execute his judgement. Isaiah then tells us that God is then going to bring judgement against Assyria. The Assyrians believed that their power was a result of their inherent greatness. They acknowledged no power greater than themselves. God declared that they were merely His tool and when He had finished the task for which He had built them up, He would bring judgement against them. We must remember to not get proud when we are successful. We are merely tools in God’s hands. I am but a tool in God’s hands for Him to use to accomplish His purposes.

Barony Wars Fencing

2 Corinthians 12:11-21

     Paul tells the Corinthians that he feels like a fool. He should not have needed to lay out his credentials for them. He had shown them through signs and wonders when he was among them that God spoke through him. Now some of them were holding up others, who preached contrary to what Paul preached, as “super apostles”. Paul tells them that he was in no way inferior to those “super apostles”, even though he was nothing special himself. Paul goes in to point out to those of them who accuse him of using trickery to take advantage of them that he never took any money from them. He fully supported himself while he preached among them. Once again I see in Paul’s phrasing a suggestion that other preachers had come among the Corinthians and collected money from them to live a life of luxury. Finally, Paul tells them that he is writing all of this because he is afraid that when he comes among them they will be fighting among themselves and living immoral lifestyles. He tells them that if such is the case, they will not like his response.

Po Silvertop shows both of his silver tops

Psalm 56:1-13

     The psalmist tells us that he is being harassed and attacked by his enemies. Yet he puts his trust in God and will not be afraid because what can they do to him if God is on his side. We need fear nothing else if we fear God. Our enemies will retreat when we call on God for help. We should not allow our fear of others to diminish our trust in God.

Po Silvertop awaits his opponent

Proverbs 23:6-8

     Today’s proverb tells us not to eat food provided by someone who is stingy, who is constantly keeping track of what everything costs. The food is likely to not be good and your host will not appreciate any compliments you pay him. We should also take care not to be like the host described.