September 11, 2014 Bible Study — God’s Power Works Through Our Weakness

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:4-5

    It is futile to exhaust ourselves in the pursuit of wealth. What good will it do us to acquire large amounts of money, if we spend all of our time getting it and have no time to spend it (whether on ourselves or others)? We may think that we are clever enough to know when we have “made it”, but wealth is fleeting. No sooner do you think that you have a fortune than it will disappear. Let us focus on doing God’s work rather than on acquiring wealth.


Psalm 55:1-23

    The psalmist was troubled and worried about many problems. He could not get his fears and worries out of his mind. So, he called upon the Lord, and not just once, but persistently. He called upon the Lord morning, noon, and night. Let us follow the psalmist’s example. When troubles and worries are filling our minds, let us call upon the Lord morning, noon, and night. In verse 22 the psalmist tells us how to deal with whatever it is that is worrying us. For this I prefer the NIV:

Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let
the righteous be shaken.

“Cast” is so much more expressive of how we are to do this than “Give”. The word cast expresses an action where it is harder to take it back than that expressed by “give”. It is not easy to follow this advice, but it is sure. Morning, noon, and night let us call out to the Lord and give over to Him the worries of this life which fill our minds. Once we have cast our cares upon Him, let us turn our minds to doing His will.


2 Corinthians 12:1-10

    Paul tells us that despite the many things he experienced which could be the basis of boasting, he has chosen not to do so. Part of what kept him from doing so was his knowledge of what he referred to as “thorn in his flesh”. He never tells us what that “thorn” was. He tells us that he begged God to take it from him, but that God told him that God’s grace would allow him to live with it. Some have suggested that the “thorn” was a vision problem, others have suggested it was some other physical disability. Reading this today, the context seems to imply some sort of temptation which Paul found impossible to resist, yet Paul’s writings, as I understand them, teach that if we fully turn ourselves over to the Holy Spirit, He will give us the strength to resist all temptation. Ultimately, the key to remember from this passage is that God’s power works best in our weakness.


Isaiah 8-9:21

    Isaiah prophesied that Judah would be delivered from the alliance of Syria and Israel. Rather than feel sorrow for the suffering the people of Syria and Israel experienced, the people of Judah rejoiced at their misfortune. Therefore God told Isaiah that they would experience a measure of that same suffering. Let us never rejoice over the suffering of others, not even those who wish us ill. God condemns such behavior in the strongest terms. God calls us to love all people, even those whose actions will lead them to suffering, even those whose actions wrong us or others.
    God instructed Isaiah not to think like everyone else does. That instruction is intended for us as well. Do not believe conspiracy theories and do not be afraid of the things which frighten those who do not fear the Lord. Rather it is God whom we should fear. We should tremble at the thought of making God angry. If we fear the Lord, He will keep us safe. Isaiah warns us against getting caught up with those who seek guidance from the dead and other paranormal means. We see the sort of thing he was warning about in the popularity of shows such as Ghost Hunters. As people have less and less trust in God, they become more susceptible to conspiracy theories, superstition, and paranormal explanations for what is happening. They refuse to accept or follow God’s instruction, then become angry when bad things result.
    Despite the great anger which God expressed against the people of Judah through Isaiah, He still promised that there would be an end to the darkness. He promised through Isaiah that Jesus would come and shine the light of deliverance upon God’s people. Even today, as people turn from God to superstition and conspiracy theories, God is preparing once more to cause His light to shine out among them. I believe a great darkness is descending upon the world once more. However, I also believe that the darkness is but a prelude to God’s light once more bursting forth for all people to see. As I think about that I feel inspired to call out to God, “Here I am. Send me.” (Of course, just thinking that frightens me a bit, where will He send me?)

September 10, 2014 Bible Study — The Lord Asks, “Whom Shall I Send?”

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:1-3

    I actually think that the footnote to the NIV makes the most sense of this proverb. When you sit down to a meal with the movers and shakers of this world, pay attention to who else is there and to what they say and do. If you allow yourself to be caught up in the pleasure of eating the food set before you, you may as well kill yourself because you will miss some interaction which is important. Do not become so enamoured of eating with the movers and shakers that you are willing to give up what is important to you.


Psalm 54:1-7

    God is my helper. He is the one I will call on when trouble arises. I will count on Him when enemies attack me. Those who plot against me because I serve Him will have their plans to blow up in their faces. Even when times are good, I will serve the Lord. I will give to the work of the Lord, not because He demands it but because I love Him.


2 Corinthians 11:16-33

    Paul points out that whatever others may have to boast about their faith and righteous service of God, he had as much or more. Yet despite all of this, Paul does not want us to believe his message on the basis of any of that. He wants us to judge him on the basis of what God has done through him despite his weakness, not because of his strength. God does not choose us because we are strong, wonderful people. Rather God has chosen us to demonstrate His willingness and ability to heal the weak and broken. It is only my willingness to admit my flaws and failures that has any value to God. If God can use me to accomplish His purpose in this world, then He can surely use you to do even more.


Isaiah 6-7:25

    When Isaiah found himself in the presence of God he was sure that he was doomed. He realized that he was a sinful man in the presence of righteousness. What is interesting is that Isaiah recognized that his sinfulness was expressed by the words he spoke. When Isaiah acknowledged his sinfulness before God, God cleansed and forgave him. Having forgiven Isaiah, God asks who He can send to deliver His message. God is asking this question today. Whom shall He send? Having been forgiven, will I answer as Isaiah did? Whenever I read this passage, I cannot help but imagine Isaiah standing there going, “Me, Me, send me! I’ll go!” Although sometimes I also imagine Isaiah looking around, seeing no one else there and saying quietly, “Well, I’m here, you could send me.” In both cases I imagine Isaiah having some doubt as to whether or not he was truly qualified, if God will really want to send him. We may feel the same way, I certainly do. But God’s answer to us is the same as His answer to Isaiah, “Yes, go, and say to this people…”
    The question is not whether God wants us to deliver His message. The question is, are we willing to go?

September 09, 2014 Bible Study — Only Fools Say There Is No God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:28-29

    The proverb writer warns against moving boundary markers set up long ago. While this is partially about not cheating our neighbors, it is also a warning about following the rules to which everyone has agreed. The “boundary markers” are agreed upon markers positioned so that everyone knows where the boundary between one property and the next is. If I move one of them to my advantage, how can I tell when someone moves it to their advantage? And what basis do I have to complain when they do so? This applies as much to things like the definition of marriage as it does to physical markers which mark the boundary of property.


Psalm 53:1-6

    This psalm starts with a very true, and important, statement which often causes us to miss the rest of what it says. Only those who are truly and completely fools believe in their hearts that there is no God. Such people are corrupt and their actions are evil. However, the psalmist goes on and tells us that God is looking on the world looking to see if any are wise. He finds that none are. All have turned away and done evil. No one truly does good. It is only because God is gracious and chooses to restore us that we are able to do any good whatsoever. Were it not for God’s grace I would still be one of those fools who say that there is no God.


2 Corinthians 11:1-15

    Paul warns here against listening to those who skillfully and convincingly teach a gospel other than that presented here in the New Testament. This passage, combined with my experience in life, makes me suspicious of those who preach a finely polished message. I have learned that those who preach a carefully honed message which has you nodding along and feeling good about yourself are usually preaching something other than a message given to them by God. One sign that such people are corrupt is that they live the fine life with money gathered from those who listen to their preaching. This contrasts to preachers such as Paul, through whom God works great wonders and who refuse to be a financial burden on anyone.


Isaiah 3-5:30

    I read this passage and wonder if Isaiah was talking about our society today. All of those who a society depends on for stability and honour seem to be gone. People seek to oppress one another at every opportunity. The young insult their elders. The vulgar hold the honourable in contempt. Those with the potential to be true leaders will decline to step forward because the people would rather be led by those who seek their own self-interest.
    Despite all of this, God will look after the godly and judge the wicked. When things have reached a point where recovery seems impossible God will raise leaders to bring people back to Him. The leaders will finally turn the people back from where they were. But before that happens, the rich will accumulate wealth while driving others away from them so that they will live alone. The rich will gather land to themselves, yet it will be unproductive. Where God calls for justice there will be oppression. The people will spend their time seeking only their own pleasure rather than on working to serve the Lord. I see it today, those who say that evil is good and that good is evil. Such people will face great sorrow.

September 08, 2014 Bible Study — We Do Not Wage War As the World Does

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:26-27

    If you guarantee someone else’s debt, make sure that you are able to pay it off, because you probably will.


Psalm 52:1-9

    We all know, or know of, someone like the person the psalmist describes. Someone who brags about the evil they do, who tells stories about how they did nasty things to other people. Perhaps we have found ourselves doing it. There are those who destroy others with their words and then brag about it. Such people trust in their own might, wealth, and cleverness rather than trusting in God. God will repay them for their sins. If we trust in God, we will not think of ourselves as better than others and will not attempt to destroy them. If we trust in God we will praise His name and lift others up before Him.


2 Corinthians 10:1-18

    This passage is so relevant right now with the rise of Islamic extremism and other violent attacks on Christians. Those who follow Christ are waging a war and have been doing so since Jesus was raised from the dead. But we do not fight with the weapons of this world, we do not fight with the sword and the gun. Rather we fight with God’s weapons, which are mightier than any wielded by mere man. These weapons will allow us to show the flaws in human reasoning and to knock down the strongholds of belief built upon purely human thought. Such things are necessarily false arguments and contain the seeds of their own destruction within them. With the help of the Holy Spirit we can destroy every idea, thought, and ideology which sets itself up against the knowledge of God. Let us take captive our every thought and make it obedient to Christ, and then, not only our own thoughts but other thoughts as well. If we allow the Spirit to guide us and direct us, He will show us how every human thought, idea, and ideology can be brought around to reveal the true knowledge of God and Christ.


Isaiah 1-2:22

    Yesterday, the theme from 2 Corinthians was being a cheerful giver. However, no matter how much we give to God’s work, it will not make up for doing evil. God does not want our wealth, He wants our obedience. Isaiah warns that for all too many of us our hands are full of blood. God calls for us to give up our evil ways and learn to do good. Let us seek justice, and not just for ourselves, but for others who have not the ability to get it for themselves. If we turn from our sins and begin to obey God, He will wipe us clean and purify us from our sins.
    If we do not turn to Him and accept His grace, we will face His coming judgement. Those who are proud and think that their appearance of righteousness will suffer God’s judgement. On the day of God’s judgement, those who thought they could get by with their own tarnished righteousness will hide in fear. They will abandon the things in which they put their trust in the attempt to avoid the coming judgement. Those who have put their trust in people, whether it be a preacher, or a political leader, will find that their trust was misplaced. No human will be able to save you on the day of God’s judgement.

September 07, 2014 Bible Study — Give Generously

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:24-25

    Be careful about befriending and associating with people who have trouble controlling their temper. their lack of control will tend to rub off on you. We learn to behave like our friends and those we associate with. Let us choose our friends and associates accordingly. Let us befriend and associate with those who behave in a godly way so that we learn from them to behave accordingly.


Psalm 51:1-19

    Only by God’s mercy can we be cleansed from our sin. Ultimately, all of our sins are against God, it is to Him we must answer. Only God has the standing to hold us morally responsible. Other people are our equals and have no moral authority over us, except that which is derived from God.
    Nevertheless, we are all sinners before God. None of us have the ability to redeem ourselves, we cannot do so by offering sacrifices. We cannot make up for our sins by doing good, since whenever we are not doing good we are adding to our burden of sin. It is only when we recognize our sin and brokenness that we can approach God. It is when we call on God to heal our sin, contrite for our failure to live according to His desire that we will receive His forgiveness and healing. If we call out to God with remorse for our sins, He will create a pure heart within us and renew our spirits. Keith Green wrote a great song based on this psalm. I often sing it to myself when I desire to call upon the Holy Spirit to take over my life, something I do not as often as I should.


2 Corinthians 9:1-15

    Paul reminds the Corinthian Church of the importance of following through on projects which we propose and get others enthusiastic about, something I often struggle with. When we suggest to others an idea about how we as a group can serve God, it is important that we do our part (this does not mean that we cannot suggest something to others that we do not feel God calling us to, as long as we make that clear from the start).
    This passage is often used by those who preach variations on “Prosperity Gospel”, the idea that doing God’s will is a way to achieve health and wealth. The key to that misreading is the mistaken idea that God’s blessings are primarily material in nature. God’s blessings are only occasionally material in nature. When God gives us great material wealth, it is not a blessing, it is a tool. When God gives us physical well-being it is so that we can use that to carry out His work. God does not give us material wealth and good health in order for us to spend it on ourselves and our pleasures. He gives us those things so that we can use them to serve Him. However, the more we use the resources God gives us to serve Him, the more opportunity He will give us to serve Him. So, let us use the resources God gives us to serve Him in whatever way that we can. What I have is not my own, it is God’s to be used to further His Kingdom.


Song of Solomon 5-8:14

    Having told us not to awaken sexual desire until the time is right (and the person is right), the writer talks about the dangers of playing hard to get. If you play hard-to-get with the person you love, you may find that they believe you and move on. Do not play games when God brings the person meant for you into your life.
    The poem suggests that brothers should protect their sisters from predatory men, from men who will attempt to take advantage of them sexually. If their sisters are sexually inexperienced, they should block those who try to take advantage. If their sisters are sexually active, they should strive to block men from taking advantage. I will say that sisters should do the same for their brothers. There are women who are sexually predatory as men. We should strive to encourage those we care for to settle for nothing less than a monogamous, life-long relationship with the person of the opposite sex God intended for them (although we should recognize that God has called some to be celibate their entire life).

September 06, 2014 Bible Study — Avoid the Appearance of Impropriety

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:22-23

    Those who exploit the poor and use the courts to oppress the needy will face God’s judgement. The poor may not have the means to resist the efforts of the wealthy and the needy may be unable to mount a defense in court, but God will bring ruin on those who take advantage of this fact.


Psalm 50:1-23

    God appreciates when we make offerings to Him. Giving of our wealth pleases Him. However, He does not need our money nor our resources. What He truly desires is that we serve Him. If we refuse to follow God’s commands, if we approve of the actions of thieves and adulterers, if we speak evil and lies, if we slander those closest to us, God will not be bought off by offerings and sacrifices. What God truly desires from us is that we be thankful for what He has given us, that we follow the path He has shown us. Let us live righteously, then, and only then, God will approve of our sacrifices and offerings.


2 Corinthians 8:16-24

    This passage reminds us of the importance of avoiding even the appearance of impropriety when handling money donated for charitable use. Even Paul, for all of his stature in the early Church, was careful to make sure that he was accompanied by people who were not beholden to him while he transported monies donated for the relief of the believers in Jerusalem. He was careful to make sure that not only did he do what was right in the sight of God, but in the sight of man as well.
    This lesson is all too often forgotten by those entrusted with monies intended to do God’s work, and sometimes by those who give those monies, it is just as important that we be seen to be handling that money appropriately as it is to be actually doing so. When doing the Lord’s work it is just as important to avoid the appearance of impropriety as it is to avoid impropriety. One of the reasons it is important to avoid the appearance of impropriety is that it is all too easy to slip into misusing funds, or other improprieties, when no one can see if we are doing something inappropriate.


Song of Solomon 1-4:16

    The Song of Solomon is a celebration of sexual love between a man and a woman. It speaks of the sensual nature of such love, but it emphasizes the importance of waiting until the time is right to experience such love. The time is right when both parties are captivated solely by the other. Not captivated in the sense we usually use the term when discussing sexual love, but captivated as in captured and unwilling to risk losing the other person. The right time for sexual love is when both parties are unwilling to consider other sexual partners for fear of losing/weakening their relationship with the one that matters.
    This passage also tells us that the appropriate place for sexual love is in private, not hidden from others, but reaching fulfillment when in private.

September 05, 2014 Bible Study — Give Joyously

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:20-21

    Those words which teach us to be honest and speak the truth are words of wisdom and we should listen to them carefully and hold them close to our hearts.


Psalm 49:1-20

    We have no need to fear when trouble comes and we are surrounded by enemies who boast great wealth and power. For all of their wealth, the richest people in the world cannot ransom themselves from death. No matter how rich they are, they will not convince God to accept payment to deliver them from death. Fame and wealth will not last. None of us will take our wealth with us when we die. No matter how big the monument we build to ourselves, sooner or later we will be forgotten. The wicked may seem to thrive in this life, but they too will die and face God’s judgement.


2 Corinthians 8:1-15

    If we sincerely love the Lord we will give to aid those in need. How much we give is a personal decision. Some will feel led to give more than others. In this letter Paul holds up as an example the believers in Macedonia. He reports that despite facing trials for their faith and being poor, they begged for the opportunity to give towards the needs of the believers in Jerusalem. We should give out of what we have in order to help those who are in need. He makes an important point here. He discourages them, and us, from giving so that others will live easily while we experience hardship. This runs directly counter to those occasional “Superstar” preachers who dress in designer suits while encouraging those who listen to their sermons to give until it hurts.
    Let us give joyously and even to the point of sacrifice, but let us give to help those who are genuinely in need, not to support those who are living more than well.


Ecclesiastes 10-12:14

    Foolishness corrupts everything around it. You can act with care and wisdom only to have a single foolish decision destroy your carefully laid plans. You can easily identify a fool by casual observation, yet despite this, people often choose to emulate them. From time to time, we will see fools put into positions of authority and the wise put into a position where they can only watch things go wrong. This always ends badly.
    Any task with a potential reward has risks. The greater the reward for the task, the greater the risk. However, with some wise planning the risk and effort needed can be minimized. It is good to work hard, but not when a little thought and wisdom could make the job easier.

September 04, 2014 Bible Study — Godly Sorrow

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.

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Proverbs 22:17-19

    Listen to the words of the wise and keep them close to your heart. How can you tell if the words you hear are wise? They will teach you trust and serve God. Memorize such sayings so that they will always come to mind when you need them.


Psalm 48:1-14

    When the psalmist wrote this I believe that he was thinking of Jerusalem, but for me this psalm is about the Kingdom of God, both as embodied by the Church today and as it will be in eternity. Let us praise God because of His greatness. The powers of this earth have and will join forces in an attempt to destroy the Church, but they will fail. They will gather their forces and strike out against God’s people, but just when they seem to be victorious God will strike them down. He will destroy those who conspire against Him and His people. Let us praise God for His glorious acts.


2 Corinthians 7:8-16

    Not all sorrow is a bad thing and sometimes it is necessary to hurt someone’s feelings for their own good. When Paul first sent his letter calling the Corinthian Church to account, he regretted doing so. He felt bad because he knew that they would be hurt by some of the things he said. However, he realized that those things needed to be said. In the end he was glad that he had taken the risk because they listened to his words and repented of their sins. Yes, he hurt their feelings and made them sorrowful, but that hurt and that sorrow caused them to change their behaviors. As a result, both he and they experienced even greater joy.
    We should not feel bad about causing people sorrow that leads them to repentance. And we should not be angry because someone confronts about our sins. One of the most important points to remember is that Paul did not confront the Church in Corinth to make himself bigger or more important. He confronted them because he could see that they were tearing themselves apart in their efforts to one up one another.


Ecclesiastes 7-9:18

    The theme continues. It is better to spend our time at funerals than at parties. Sorrow and sadness make us better people. The wise spend a fair amount of time thinking about death, while those who spend all of their time thinking about having a good time are fools. Let us not strive to constantly distract ourselves from things which cause us sorrow. God will use our sorrow and sadness to show us how we should change our lives to serve Him better.
    It is better to be wise than foolish, but sometimes you have to things as they come and not fret about the consequences (but only sometimes). In time, we will all die (unless the Lord returns first), so we should enjoy life while we yet live. There is so much more in this passage, that I cannot bring it all out.

September 03, 2014 Bible Study — Do Not Partner With Unbelievers

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.

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Proverbs 22:16

    There is not much to be said about this proverb. Getting rich by oppressing the poor will end badly. The poor do not have much, so in order to get wealthy you need to oppress large numbers of them. At some point, they will realize that they outnumber their oppressors. On the other hand, the rich have a lot. attempting to gain wealth because you have gained their favor through gifts is a losing game. Each time you give them gifts to gain their favor, you will have to give more than the last time. Eventually, you will need to give more in gifts than you can gain from the favor thus curried.


Psalm 47:1-9

    Clap your hands, shout for joy as you praise the Lord. Let us be loud and exuberant in our praise. Let no one doubt who we worship and what we believe. All the earth is the Lord’s and He will bring every nation under His rule. We are not called to go about our business quietly with no one knowing Who we worship. Let us praise the Lord so all the world will know what great things He has done.

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2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7

    Paul warns us against partnering with unbelievers. When I was growing up this passage was often presented as an argument against a Christian dating, let alone marrying, a non-believer. While this passage certainly does teach against that, that is not the main thrust of what Paul is saying. Paul is telling us not to make “common cause” with unbelievers in striving to accomplish our goals. All of our goals are subservient to spreading the gospel and serving God. Whatever goal we are seeking, we are seeking because it serves one or both of those purposes. Since non-believers are not seeking to further either of those goals, any place where they share a common goal with us will diverge from what we hope to accomplish. This does not mean that we are to fight them on issues where we agree, merely that we should not partner with them in attempting to achieve those goals.


Ecclesiastes 4-6:12

    People are often motivated to work hard out of envy of others. Sometimes the desire to have more than others leads people to oppress those around them. If you strive alone for material possessions for your own pleasure you will soon realize that it is meaningless and depressing. You are better off partnering with someone and working together with them. One person alone can be easily overwhelmed, but two people can help each other up and keep each other warm against the cold. Two standing together can withstand great hardship. Three are even stronger.
    When you come before God to worship, focus more on listening for His guidance than on requesting His aid. If we fear God and listen to His instructions, we will be less likely to have needs to bring before Him in prayer.
    When low-level officials are corrupt, do not be surprised to discover that such corruption goes to the highest levels of government. Every one with authority will use that power to serve their own interests. Unless higher officials hold low level officials accountable and low level officials hold high level officials to high standards corruption will run rampant. Those who love and seek wealth never have enough. They will seek and strive for more, losing it all in the end because we can take none of it with us when we leave this earth. Nothing we can do or say will have any meaning unless we do it to bring glory to God.

September 02, 2014 Bible Study — Now is the Day of Salvation

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:15

    Children will behave foolishly until someone uses corporal punishment to teach them to behave differently. Children do not learn to behave well, or wisely, without discipline.


Psalm 46:1-11

    This psalm contains powerful imagery. The earth may tremble and the mountains may crumble, but if we put our trust in God we will be secure. The world may be falling apart around us, but God is still in control. The psalmist tells us that a river brings joy to the city of God and that God dwells there. because God dwells there it will never be destroyed. The natural tendency is to read that as referring to heaven, and that is not wrong. However, I believe that the city of God is where the people of God dwell.
    The nations may be in chaos, crumbling around us. But the city of God will remain secure. Those who dwell with God will have stability and peace, perhaps not as the world understands it. When I think of this psalm, I think of the Christian martyrs who went to violent, painful deaths singing hymns of praise to God, singing of the joy of worshiping Him.
    There is yet more to this psalm. It reminds us that, in the middle of our chaotic lives, we need to slow down and remember God.

Be still and know that I am God

This phrase is the basis of a simple and wonderful hymn. One that is out of copyright, so I can list it here:
1 Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.

2 I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee.

3 In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust.
In Thee, O Lord. I put my trust.
In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust.


2 Corinthians 6:1-13

    I try to avoid doing this, yet time and again I find myself thinking as I begin writing on a passage, “There are two messages in this passage.” Why two? Why don’t I see three? Don’t they teach preachers to always have three points? Yet I keep finding myself with two points in these passages. Which brings us to today’s passage in 2 Corinthians.
    We must remember that there is urgency in the Gospel message. The time to preach the Gospel is now. The time to accept God’s grace is now. We need to remember that today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. This is my biggest failing as a follower of Christ. I lack of sense of urgency in preaching the Gospel to those around me. I pray that the Spirit move in me and give me a greater sense of urgency in attempting to reach my friends for Christ.
    I just realized that the second message is related more closely to the first than I thought. Paul had that sense of urgency I lack. He was willing to be beaten, face angry mobs, be put in prison, go without food, work himself to exhaustion. All of this so that he might reach one more person with the Gospel message. He was willing to serve God equally if people honoured him, or despised him, whether people praised him or slandered him. His heart ached for those who did not respond to the Gospel message, yet he was filled with joy because of those who did. I beg the Spirit to move in me so that I too will preach the Gospel with urgency.


Ecclesiastes 1-3:22

    I am both troubled and fascinated by the book of Ecclesiastes. I am troubled by the fact that it talks about how meaningless everything is. On the other hand, that very message is what led me to the Lord. Everything we can attempt is meaningless. We may seek wisdom, but we can never learn all there is to know. No matter how much wisdom we acquire, we will make mistakes. And ultimately, those who are wise will die much the same as those who live foolishly. We can pursue pleasure, but there is no satisfaction to be found in pleasure. It will leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. We can work hard and acquire great wealth and/or accomplish great things. But in the end our wealth will end up going to others and our accomplishments will be left in the hands of those who do not appreciate them (or worse, take them for granted).
    Chapter three begins with some verses which have great meaning for me, partly because my wife and I included this on our wedding favor. For me the song by The Byrds “Turn, Turn, Turn” has always conveyed what this passage means to me (and fits it into how I read today’s passage from 2 Corinthians). There is a right time for everything. A time to be born and a time to die. There is a time for every purpose under heaven. And today is the day to turn to God and accept His grace. There is a time for peace on this earth and that time will arrive when enough people accept and embrace the Gospel. Today is the day, and as The Byrds sing in that song, I swear it is not too late. God is calling you now. Nothing else you can do will give your life meaning.