Tag Archives: Psalms 71

June 27, 2023 Bible Study — Lord, Do Not Allow My Enemies to Use Me to Shame Those Who Love You

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 68-71.

The psalmist calls the righteous to be glad and rejoice before, because God is the One who saves.  He defends widows and acts as a father to the fatherless.  The psalmist tells us that God provides families to the lonely, which gives us a model for how the Church should be.  Do you know someone who is alone in this world?  Be as family to them. Be there for them.

Reading today’s passage I pulled various phrases out to comment on, then I went back and re-read the passage to try and put together what I wanted to write.  In the previous passage I wrote my thoughts as inspired by one of those phrases.  The next phrase I pulled out to write about is:

Lord, the Lord Almighty,
may those who hope in you
not be disgraced because of me;

I have always read that as asking God to keep me from doing anything which will bring disgrace upon others who profess their faith and trust in God.  However, as I read it today, I saw that in the rest of Psalm 69 the psalmist speaks of those who seek to destroy him and hold him guilty of crimes he had not committed.  That, and his prayers contained here for God to deliver him from his enemies who belittle him for seeking to serve God put it in a different light.  Let us echo the psalmist and seek God’s salvation from our enemies, for our sake, and for the sake of others who seek to serve God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

June 27, 2022 Bible Study — Rejoice Because God Has, And Will, Exercise His Power

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 68-71.

The psalmist begins the first of today’s psalms by asking God to arise and scatter His enemies.  If God does so the psalmist tells us that the righteous will be glad and will rejoice.  That reads as if the righteous will only rejoice after they see God scatter His enemies, but I believe that the psalmist is calling on the righteous to rejoice because they know that God will scatter His enemies.  Let us proclaim the power of God, even while it appears that His enemies are thriving, because God will give strength to his people to do His will.

Elsewhere we are told that if we faithfully follow God, many will hate us without reason and become our enemies for no cause other than our desire to do God’s will.  I will follow the psalmist’s example and pray to God that He keep me from doing anything which might cause those who seek Him, who put their hope in Him, to be disgraced because of me.  I pray that He will keep me from doing anything of which I should be ashamed.  May He rescue me from the mire which will inevitably rise around me and help me to always have hope because I rely on Him.  With God’s help I will praise Him as long as I live and call on everyone to do likewise.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

June 27, 2021 Bible Study — Do Not Let Those Who Trust In God Be Shamed By My Actions

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 68-71.

There are a few things I want to touch on from today’s passage, but I am not sure I am going to be able to connect them as I write.  All of today’s psalms represent prayers which we should make to God at one point or another in our lives (and probably at more than one point).  The psalmist cried out to God begging that God not allow others who put their hope in God and those who seek God be put to shame because of his actions and the suffering which he endured.  Let us make a similar plea to God, that He keep us from doing that which will bring shame on those who trust in Him, but also that He turn back on our enemies the ways in which they slander us by misrepresenting our words and actions.  And, let us beg Him to protect His faithful from being blamed for our failings.  Of course, that also means that we must open ourselves up and allow His Spirit to guide our actions. Well, when I started writing this I thought I would talk about some of the other things which the psalmist touched on in these psalms, but I feel that this is where I should end.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

June 27, 2020 Bible Study Show Some Pity To Those Who Are Suffering

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 68-71.

The psalmist expresses his despair and cries out to God, but what really strikes me are these lines:

If only one person would show some pity;
    if only one would turn and comfort me.

I pray that there is no one in my life who can honestly say this.  I desire to seek out those around me who might feel that way and let them know that they are not alone.  If you are reading this and feel that this is true, I pray that God sends someone into your life to show you His love.

June 27, 2019 Bible Study — I Pray That God Makes Me a Positive Example To Others

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 68-71.

Today’s psalms appear to have been written by someone suffering from depression and/or overwhelmed by their life circumstances.  I do not generally experience the sort of trial which the psalmist was experiencing here, which makes it difficult for me to connect with most of what he writes here.  However there are some things scattered throughout these psalms which do connect for me.  As a note, this is another of those times where what I write will be in the order it came to me, not the order it appears in the passage.

As I said, I do not often suffer the level of sadness described by the psalmist here.  But I saw something of the sort of person I want to be, and don’t want to be, in what the psalmist wrote.  He wished that one person would show him pity, would turn and comfort him.  I pray that no one of my acquaintance ever feels themselves in the same position.  I want to comfort those who need comfort and show pity to those who need it.  I hope that I never hurl insults which break someone’s heart, or even bruise it.  I wish for God to transform me into his image, into the image of the one Who is Father to the fatherless, defender of widows, and Who puts the lonely into a family.  I pray that God make me an example to all who witness my actions.  No, that is not quite right.  I know that God will make me an example.  I pray that He transforms me into an example of one who shows His love to those around them.

June 27, 2018 Bible Study — Our Lives Are an Example For Others, Whether a Good One or a Bad One Is Our Choice

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 68-71.

    The first of today’s psalms calls on God to strike down His enemies, those who choose to defy His will. The psalmist reminds us of the great things God has done in the past against those who stood against Him. The psalmist gives us an idea of what makes someone an enemy of God by telling us that God is a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows. When God speaks the word, the armies of His enemies flee and those with no power are able to gather plunder from what they leave behind.

    The other three psalms in today’s passage are cries for God’s aid and salvation. There are a couple of things which the psalmist writes that I want to highlight. I am not sure how connected they are. He confesses that he is both foolish and sinful, then prays to God that he not bring shame to those who trust in God. Every time I read this passage two thoughts go through my mind. The first is that I also pray that my sins do not bring shame to those who trust in God. But the second is just as important. I pray that God keeps me from actions which might bring shame to those who trust in Him. I know that it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that I can accomplish this, for I too am foolish.

    Later the psalmist makes a claim which I hope one day I also will be able to make. He declares that his life has been an example to many. He even tell us how we can live our lives the same way. The psalmist declared that his life was an example because God had always been his strength and protection. As a result, he cannot stop praising God. From his earliest childhood, God taught him, which led him to constantly tell others about the wonderful things which God had done. Even when life had turned hard for him and he was once again calling for God’s aid, he would not stop praising God and proclaiming His saving power. This passage should certainly serve as an example for us; one which we should strive to bring to life for those who see our lives.