Tag Archives: Psalm 84

October 14, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. This coming weekend I am going to be away Friday night through Sunday (October 16-18). I am going to try very hard to have my studies for the weekend done in advance. My plan is to publish Saturday’s and Sunday’s studies Friday evening before I depart. I hope this does not cause anyone a problem/


Proverbs 25:15

    If you patiently, and persistently, make your case, sooner or later, even the most obstinate and powerful person will give you what you want, if your want is reasonable (and possibly even if it isn’t). However, that patience and persistence must be accompanied by a gentle approach, or those with power are likely to take away your ability to continue to petition them.


Psalm 84

    I would rather be a servant in God’s house than a ruler anywhere else. Do I truly believe this? Am I willing to humbly do whatever I can to help God’s people? There is something to be said for humbly serving where one can without seeking recognition or decision making status.


2 Thessalonians 2

    Paul tells us that there are those who will claim that the day of Christ’s return has already happened. Paul tells us that there will arise a man of lawlessness. This man will fool, with signs and wonders, those who refuse to love the truth of the Gospel. When people reject the Gospel, they become gullible in other ways. The various deceptions and lies which are marshaled against the Gospel require us to stand firm in our faith in God’s word to us.


Jeremiah 23:21-25:38

    There are times when so many people falsely claim to have a message from God that God stops giving prophetic dreams to anyone. Jeremiah tells us that we should seek an answer from God, but that we should be hesitant to claim that we know what that answer is. I am convinced that there is absolute truth, but I am not convinced that I know what that absolute truth. I will not give up seeking for that truth, asking God to reveal that truth to me, just because I do not currently know the truth.

April 15, 2015 Bible Study — The Kingdom of God Is Already Among Us

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:5-6

    These two proverbs definitely go together. It is their very distaste for lies and falsehood which protect the godly from going astray. Since they choose honesty and integrity their path is clear and straight. The wicked on the other hand are misled into trouble because they believe that lies and falsehood can bring them happiness (they are wrong).


Psalm 84:1-12

    Yes, it is a joyful experience to live near to God. Reading this psalm fills me with joy and with the desire to be closer to God. It always amazes me how a psalm like this, or a song which expresses similar sentiment can both fill me with joy and give me a strong desire to be close to God. I was reading this psalm and feeling convicted because I do not always feel this way when the feeling the psalm expressed began to overwhelm me.
    I do indeed agree with the psalmist when he says:

A single day in your courts
is better than a thousand anywhere else!

I am not very good at being a servant, but I understand the sentiment when the psalmist says that he would rather be a gatekeeper in the House of the Lord than live as lord among the wicked (I know that is not quite what he says, but I think that is what he means).


Luke 17:11-37

    The story about the ten lepers is here for two reasons (yes, there I go again only two points). First, it reminds us that those who respond with gratitude for a miraculous event are the exception, not the rule. Second, it shows us that just because no one else expresses their gratitude does not mean that we shouldn’t. Let us live our lives like the on healed leper who returned to express his gratitude to Jesus.
    When Jesus was asked about the coming of the Kingdom of God, His answer is exactly the opposite of what Islam teaches about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not an earthly kingdom which stands separate, controlling a certain amount of land and the people living there. And it is not some future utopia. No, the Kingdom of God is right here among us. It is composed of those who are servants of God, whom God has made citizens of His Kingdom. We bring God’s Kingdom to those around us when we act as the one leper did by expressing our gratitude to God for what He has done for us.


Joshua 11-12:24

    When the rest of the peoples who lived in the land heard what had happened in yesterday’s passage they did not follow the path of the Gibeonites and attempt to make peace with Israel. Instead they joined their armies together and attempted to defeat the Israelites with overwhelming force. There are two lessons here (there is that number again). The first is a warning for Israel’s enemies today. In this passage, Israel’s enemies outnumbered them by a large amount AND they possessed superior military technology. Yet the Israelites defeated them and destroyed their weapons.
    The second lesson is for everyone who serves God. If we follow the instructions which God gives us we will overcome all of our enemies, no matter how much they outnumber us and no matter how much power they have on their side. God will crush those who obstruct the path upon which He has set His people.

October 14, 2014 Bible Study — Do Not Say, “This Is the Lord’s Message”

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I want to encourage everyone who reads this blog to work on reading the Bible regularly, whether it is to work your way completely through it, or some other method of disciplining yourself to read from the Bible each day.


Proverbs 25:15

    If you want to change the way things work, you will need patience. The United States celebrates Thanksgiving Day on the last Thursday of November because Sarah Joseph Hale campaigned for 17 years to get it established as a national holiday. She wrote to President after President until she finally convinced President Lincoln to support legislation creating such the national Holiday. William Wilberforce began campaigning in the British Parliament for the abolition of slavery in 1789. It was not until three days before his death in 1826 that Parliament passed the law abolishing slavery in that nation.
    It is by the soft and gentle words inspired in us by the Holy Spirit that we are able to overcome strong and determined opposition.


Psalm 84:1-12

    I saw a video the other day where a speaker said that you will not succeed until you desire success more than you desire to breath. That is probably true. The psalmist would probably agree. Here the psalmist says that he desires being in God’s presence more than anything else. Do I desire to serve God more than I desire to breath? Do you? Am I willing to sacrifice everything I have, my very life, for just a single day in God’s presence? I pray that the Holy Spirit give me that desire. How far are we willing to go to serve the Lord? Will I give up sleep? Will I suffer pain? Oh Lord, give the desire to do Your will to the point where I will give up everything else and suffer anything in order to accomplish it.


2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

    Paul addresses those who claim that Jesus has already returned. He tells us not to believe them, since Jesus will not return until after the “man of lawlessness” is revealed. He tells us that before Christ’s return there will be a great rebellion against God, accompanied by the “man of lawlessness”. Paul tells us that this man will exalt himself above and defy everything that people call god and everything which they worship. He will claim to actually be God. This man will do the work of Satan with counterfeit power, signs, and miracles.
    As I read this passage, part of me thinks that Paul was not about a single individual, but rather about different people who have arisen throughout history. I could see Adolf Hitler fulfilling this description, except I do not recall any accounts of him performing miracles, signs, and wonders. However, his followers fulfilled the part about refusing to love and accept the truth. There are many people like that. Those who refuse to accept the truth will be deceived and choose to accept lies. I am convinced that the man of lawlessness to whom Paul refers is a single individual who will arise at some point in the future (perhaps the very near future). Yet, Paul is also talking about an archetype who appears time and again throughout history. Men who rise up and do great evil because those who refuse to accept God’s truth follow them instead of following Christ. We, however, have been chosen by God to experience His salvation. Let us hold firmly to the teachings of the Spirit which convey that salvation. We must be on guard, because, while we may not live in the time of the man of lawlessness which Paul refers to, we do live in a time of lawlessness when many people refuse to accept God’s truth.


Jeremiah 23:21-25:38

    Jeremiah speaks of prophets whom God proclaims that He did not send. God tells us that He gave these prophets no message. Yet if they had wished to come to Him and listen, He would have given them His words to speak. It reminds us that at every time in history, men rise up who want to receive the glory and honour due someone who speaks for God, but do not wish to dedicate the time and effort to hear God’s message. Some of them start genuinely attempting to serve God and become distracted by the bright lights and glory. Others seek out the bright light and glory and never care about serving God at all.
    The way to recognize all of them is that they do not call people away from sin, instead they tell lies which lead people into ever more sin. Jeremiah tells us not to believe those who say, “This is a message from the Lord.” Too many people use that phrase to preface something that is their own thought or idea. It is good to ask, “What is the Lord’s answer?” or “What is the Lord’s message?” But our answer to those questions should be something along the lines of, “Well, it seems to me,…” rather than “The Lord’s message is…” Let us humbly remember that we are fallible people and what seems to be God’s message to us may only be our own thoughts and ideas.

April 15, 2014 Bible Study — The Kingdom of God Is Here

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:5-6

    The righteous hate lies and all that is false. Their integrity guards them from unrecoverable errors. The evil are misled by sin into disgrace and shame.


Psalm 84:1-12

    I completely agree with the psalmist. I desire with all of my being to enter into the presence of God. Oh, what a joyous place that is to be! If we draw our strength from God, even when we pass through times of trouble and sorrow we can experience the joy of the Lord. I would rather be a servant in God’s house than the guest of honour in the home of the wicked. I desire to serve God with all of my being.


Luke 17:11-37

    The Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come? Jesus answered that the Kingdom of Heaven is not something that we can say, “Here it is,” or, “It is over there.” The Kingdom of Heaven is in our midst and within us. When we serve God we have brought the Kingdom of God to those around us. Let us do everything in our power to show those around us what it like to live in the Kingdom of God so that they will desire to live there as well. And not some day in the future, but to live in the Kingdom of God today.
    However, the day will come when Jesus will return and take those who serve Him out of the world. That day will happen just like every other day. People will be going about their business side by side. One will be taken, while one will be left. I strive to be sure that on that day, when I am going about my business the business I am going about is God’s business.


Joshua 11-12:24

    Of all the people in the land which had been promised to the Israelites, only the Gibeonites attempted to make peace with the Israelites. All of the other peoples banded together to attack the Israelites. Despite the military strength arrayed against the Israelites God gave them complete victory. Sometimes I wonder about the people who were wiped out by the Israelites is it possible that they were all so evil that they deserved such complete annihilation. Then I remember the story of Rahab and her family. Perhaps there were other stories of lesser significance that we do not know about. It is important to remember that those who do not choose to separate themselves from those who are evil are likely to suffer along with the evil.

October 14, 2013 Bible Study — Who Is the Man of Lawlessness?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Jeremiah 23:21-25:38

     Jeremiah continues his condemnation of false prophets. Jeremiah tells us how we can be true prophets of God and how we can recognize true from false prophets. If we want to be true prophets of God, we must stand before God and listen to what He has to say. We do not become prophets of God by stealing messages from others, even if we believe that they were speaking God’s word. This does not mean that we cannot repeat what we believe are messages from God that we have heard others say. However, if we do so, we must make sure to acknowledge where we heard it and not take claim that it is a message which God revealed directly to us.
     This brings us to recognizing those who have a true message from God. Does the message turn people from their evil ways and deeds? Prophecies from God lead people away from sin and burn our consciences like fire for our sinful behavior. False prophecies encourage people in their sin and lead them away from God, soothing their consciences of their bad behavior. We should seek the Lord’s answer for our questions, but we should avoid claiming divine inspiration for our own ideas.


2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

     Paul tells us not to be alarmed by those who claim that the day of Christ’s return has already come. We need to remember that the day of the Lord will not come until after the “man of lawlessness” is fully revealed. This man will oppose everything that is called God and that is worshiped. He will proclaim himself to be God. When he appears on the scene he will use displays of power in signs and wonder that will serve the lie he is telling. Those who refuse to love and accept the truth will be fooled and led to destruction. People refuse to accept the truth because they take pleasure in being wicked.

     As I read this I wondered if the “man of lawlessness” which Paul is speaking of is a single individual or if perhaps the “man of lawlessness” represents a mindset of many people. The most obvious reading of this passage is that the “man of lawlessness” is a leader similar to Hitler, or Stalin, or some of the other evil leaders of the past (and future). I would say that as Christians we need to be aware of the rise of such evil leaders and not allow them to lead us away from God’s truth. However, there is also a more subtle strain of evil and lawlessness which permeates our society. It is one where each individual is encouraged to think that he is god and not answerable to anyone. My belief is that the latter represents what Paul is talking about when he says that the secret power of lawlessness is already at work and that at some point a leader will arise who will make all of the evil leaders of the past look like pikers.


Psalm 84:1-12

     The psalmist expresses his desire to live in the presence of God. There is great joy for those whose strength comes from God. There is a verse that sums up this psalm and my thoughts:

A single day in your courts
is better than a thousand anywhere else!
I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God
than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.

If I remember this and keep it in the forefront of my thoughts, it will help me to live my life according to God’s plan for me. It helps that my greatest happiness occurs when I live according to this as well.


Proverbs 25:15

     Patience and soft speech can be more powerful than they seem. I need to remember that as a Christian I am called to approach things with gentle persistence.