Tag Archives: Psalm 78:32-55

October 7, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:27

    Plan for the future and make the preparations to meet your needs before taking the time to make yourself comfortable.


Psalm 78:32-55

    It is human nature. Time and again, we turn from God and sin. When we suffer the consequences of our sin, we turn back to God and beg Him to save us. All too often, our repentance was shallow and as soon as our troubles passed we returned to our sin. But God is gracious and merciful, He continues to offer His forgiveness and will welcome us home if we ever truly turn from our sins (and not just from their consequences).


Colossians 3:1-17

    Paul writes about how our faith in God should change how we live our lives. Every time he writes about this, he follows a similar pattern. First he writes that we should completely avoid sexual immorality, lust, impure desires, and greed. Repeatedly, Paul lumps various sexual sins together with greed. In addition, he makes clear that greed is a form of idolatry. Greed is the worship of material wealth. The reason Paul emphasizes these sins is because they little by little fill our time so that gradually the efforts we make to do God’s will are undermined by these sins.
    I want to point out again how Paul lumps greed in with sexual sins. He writes about sexual immorality, lust, evil desires, and impurity. The latter two are not exclusively sexual in nature, but are certainly related to sexuality. Then he adds greed to the list. Greed is not a sexual sin at all, but it goes along with it. If we look at society around us we will notice that those who are caught up by greed are usually sexually immoral as well. And those who are caught up in sexual immorality are often greedy as well. These are sins which tend to travel together. It is worth making this focus because there are all too many people who want to separate challenging sexual sins from challenging greed. There are those who preach against sexual sins while ignoring greed, and there are those who want to ignore sexual sins while challenging greed.
    I try to keep what I write short, but I need to make one more point. All too many of us, in our attempts to call people away from the sins above give in to anger, rage, and slander. There is an entire second “constellation” of sins for which we need to watch out. These are all related to anger. We need to be careful not to give into them. We often forget that if we allow ourselves to be justifiably angry it can easily lead us into sinful behavior. We are called to work for the good of others. Anger encourages is to work for against the good of others. If we are angry with someone, we will seek to “punish” them. This will cause us to act maliciously, or say things to cause others to think badly of them, or do other things which detract from doing God’s will.
    Having written about what we need to avoid, Paul goes on to tell us what to do instead. If we focus on filling our lives with virtues we will not have time for the sins he mentioned. If we act with humility, kindness, compassion, gentleness and patience we will not be easily sucked into those sins Paul had just written about. We are not to pursue these virtues for their own sake. Rather, these virtues should grow out of our love for one another. If we truly love others we will treat them with these virtues. All together Paul clearly shows us how we can judge our own behavior and act according to God’s will.


Jeremiah 8:8-9:26

    Oh how this passage strikes me as applying today. Those who are supposed to teach us about God’s word twist it to say what they want it to say. They offer superficial answers to problems which require hard answers. They assure us that there will be peace when there is no peace. They are proud of distracting people from the real dangers of the world, rather than being ashamed. The common people and the leaders are equally guilty. They lie without a second thought. They deceive and cheat one another and then wonder why the economy is doing poorly. The people have refused to obey God’s commands so the time is coming when God will punish those who are “circumcised” in the body, but “uncircumcised” in the spirit. Those who make a pretense of doing good while selfishly seeking their own interest will suffer.

April 7, 2015 Bible Study — Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:21-23

    It is not wise to constantly remind others of how much you know. Even if you are as knowledgeable as you think you are, you will not advance your cause by telling people everything you know.


Psalm 78:32-55

    This psalm is further reminders of how God continued to forgive the sins of the Israelites despite their faithlessness. Reading this description of how the Israelites did not stay faithful to God despite the great signs and wonders He did on their behalf makes it tempting to feel smug. However, when I look over my life, I see the same thing in my past. God has done wonderful things for me and has demonstrated His power in arranging my life, yet I have time and again fallen short of obeying His will. Perhaps, my readers have done better than I in that respect…it is hard to imagine that they have done worse. This psalm reminds me that God will give me another chance to serve Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit move me to be faithful this time.


Luke 12:8-34

    Jesus throws out a challenge to us in this passage. Are we willing to acknowledge Him publicly? If not, He will not be willing to acknowledge us before the Father. One of the reasons we sometimes are afraid to stand up for Jesus is because we do not know what to say when people challenge our faith. Jesus assures us that the Holy Spirit will provide us with the right words at the right time. This does not mean that we do not need to spend time studying so that we know how to answer those who challenge our faith. It just means that we should acknowledge our faith, even if we are unprepared.
    There is a bumper sticker which says, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” It is wrong, very wrong. Jesus tells us that our material wealth will not be of any use to us when we face God. Let us use the wealth that comes our way on this earth to build up a relationship with God. Jesus goes on to remind us of how flowers are beautifully clothed and birds obtain enough to eat. He tells us that we are much more valuable to God than either of those. God knows what we need and will provide for those needs. It is verse 31 that has long been dear to me,

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.

It inspires me and comforts me. As I write this my spirit within me is once more inspired to strive after the Kingdom of God above all else.


Deuteronomy 31-32:27

    When Moses commissioned Joshua to take his place as the leader of Israel he gave him a message which is for everyone who serves God:

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

This is yet another admonition against worry. God will lead us and support us, no matter what difficulties we face.

October 7, 2014 Bible Study — Set Your Minds On Heavenly Things

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:27

    Plan ahead and make sure you know how you will pay for it before you start building or buying a house. The same concept can be applied to any large project, make sure that you have figured out how you are going to feed yourself while you are undertaking the project and plan the project before starting work on it.


Psalm 78:32-55

    Are we like the ancient Israelites, who saw the wonders God performed, yet refused to trust Him? Will it take God starting to kill us for the people of the United States to turn to God? And if we do turn to God, will we do so with sincerity, or will we merely give lip service to Him? Trouble is coming for the people of the United States and the rest of the world. There is still time to repent of our sins and turn to God, but we must do so with sincerity.


Colossians 3:1-17

    I prefer the NIV translation of this passage. We have been raised with Christ, so let us set our minds on things above, on the things of heaven. We died with Christ on the cross and our life is now with Him. Just as we are not yet completely raised in our new life in Christ, neither is the death of our sinful nature complete. We need to continue to put to death those things of our sinful nature which live within us. Those things which we need to put to death are sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed. The first four of these are variations on the same thing. These are all perversions of our God given sexuality. Paul lumps greed in with these distortions of sexuality and identifies them all as idolatry. The first four are the idolatry of worshiping ourselves. Greed is the idolatry of worshiping things, whether it is money, or food, or some other possession. In all of these the sin is serving our own pleasure ahead of serving God’s will.
    However, it is not enough to put aside and avoid these sins, which are readily seen as the sin they are. In addition to putting to death the idolatry of self contained in those sins, we must also put aside the desire to see others as less than ourselves. That is what the other sins really are, they are the attempt to put others below us. Anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language are all attempts to put others beneath our control, to make them less than ourselves. If we have truly allowed the Holy Spirit to strip off our old selves, we will not lie to one another. We will be honest about both our joys and our sorrows, about our successes and our failures. We will admit our sinfulness to each other and not try to pretend that we have it together.
    God has chosen us to be His holy people despite our unworthiness. Our response ought to be: compassion for others who are struggling with sin as we did and are; kindness towards those who are suffering the consequences of their mistakes; humbly recognizing that our mistakes are just as bad as theirs, even if we may have escaped some of the consequences they are experiencing; gentleness and patience in showing others how their sins are causing the problems they see in their lives. Let us always remember that we are no better than anyone else. The sins which God forgave me for are no less terrible than the sins which others need His forgiveness for. Considering that God forgave me for how badly I treated Him, how can I not forgive those who have done me wrong (especially since it may only be that I think they have done me wrong)?
    We cannot go wrong if we let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts and actively love those we come into contact with. In all of our actions let us remember that we represent Jesus to those who have not yet met Him.


Jeremiah 8:8-9:26

    People twist the word of God to say what they want it to say, then proclaim themselves wise for doing so. They offer aspirin to those suffering from hemorrhagic fever and tell them that all will be well. But all will not be well. There can be no healing from the hurts people are suffering as long as they go on doing the things which have caused their hurt. People habitually lie to one another. They do not seek success through honesty, rather they attempt to take advantage of one another by lies and deception. We will do them no good if we continue to tell them that everything will be alright because God loves them. Everything will NOT be alright if people continue in the path that leads to death. God is willing to forgive, but His forgiveness does us no good if we continue to sin.

April 7, 2014 Bible Study — Store Up Treasures In Heaven

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:21-23

    The wise do not boast about what they know, nor do they make an effort to convince everyone of their superior knowledge. Those who attempt to show everyone how much they know an any given subject instead reveal how foolish they truly are.


Psalm 78:32-55

    The psalmist reminds us how time and again the people of Israel rebelled against God, despite the wondrous acts which God performed in order to rescue them. Nevertheless God saved them once more when they turned to Him again. Let us strive not to follow their example. But even if we do, when we turn once more to God we can know that He will forgive our sins and welcome us back. Even so, let us remember that every time we turn away from God there is a risk that we will not turn back to Him before we meet our end.


Luke 12:8-34

    Jesus tells a story that reminds me of a bumper sticker that was popular for a while, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” This story tells us that the opposite is true; he who dies with the most toys, loses. Jesus goes on to point out that we should not worry about what we will eat, or what we will wear. God knows our needs and will provide for them. Rather than worry about material things, let us seek to do God’s will and serve His kingdom. If we do this, God will provide for our needs. Jesus reminds us to use our material possessions to serve God by assisting the poor and needy. By doing this we will store up treasures where they will last for eternity, rather than where they can only do us good for the short length of time which we will live.


Deuteronomy 31-32:27

    God told Moses that he was about to die. So Moses brought his assistant Joshua before the people of Israel and named Joshua as his successor. It is worth noting for every leader that Moses had trained Joshua for many years. Then when the time came that he would no longer be able to lead Israel he appointed Joshua to replace him. In addition to training a leader to succeed him, Moses left written instructions for the people of Israel, instructions which he had received from God. It is important that those who lead a group make provision for its continued leadership after they are no longer able to provide leadership.
    Moses wrote a song as part of his farewell to the people of Israel. This song reminds us that all too often when God blesses us with material possessions we forget Him and turn away from Him. This goes well with Jesus’ instruction to use any material wealth which we acquire to help the poor and oppressed. If we do not focus on using our material possessions to serve God we will end up serving our material possessions rather than God.

October 7, 2013 Bible Study — Let the Peace of Christ Rule In Your Hearts

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Jeremiah 8:8-9:26

     Jeremiah speaks of religious leaders and teachers who have rejected the word of God and teach their own thoughts in the place of God’s word. They offer superficial treatments for mortal wounds. This sounds like all too many of those who claim to be religious leaders today. This whole passage reminds me of our day. A little further in Jeremiah refers to people who refuse to stand up for the truth and how every day things go from bad to worse. He warns not to trust your neighbor or even your relatives because everyone is trying to take advantage of everyone else. Again this reminds me of so much of our society today, where all too many are only concerned with gaining an advantage for themselves, not what is best for everyone. People tell lie after lie and refuse to acknowledge God. The prophet tells us the end result of this, the land will become such that no one will dare travel through it. Something we are already seeing in certain places. Time is running out for people to turn to the Lord and be saved.



Colossians 3:1-17

     We are to put to death the things of our sinful nature. Paul lists them out some of them here: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed. I find it interesting that people have a tendency to not see how these are all connected. Sometimes people focus on how wrong sexual sins are, but dismiss greed. Other times, people focus on how wrong greed is, but dismiss sexual sins. What people forget is that all of these sins involve treating others as objects to satisfy our own desires. They are all a form of idolatry where we make ourselves the center of the universe. Paul goes on to list other ways in which we attempt to make ourselves the center of the universe. He tells us to give up anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language. These are also ways in which we attempt to make ourselves the center of the universe. They are ways in which we attempt to usurp God’s place.
     If we place God in His rightful place we will act in the way which Paul instructs. When we recognize that others are as important as ourselves, and make God the center of our universe. we will behave with compassion, kindness, gentleness, humility, and patience. We will not operate in a world of Us and Them. Our world will be a world where everyone is loved by God, and therefore we are obliged to love them all as well. All of this will flow naturally if we allow the peace of Christ to take over in our hearts. I will strive to remember that everything I say and do is done in the name of Jesus. Others will interpret my actions and judge Christ by how I act. If I act poorly, it reflects not just on myself, but on Christ as well.


Psalm 78:32-55

     The psalmist recounts how time and again people turned away from God to their own sinful desires. When they began to suffer the consequences of their sins, they turned once more to God and He forgave them. Unfortunately, all too often when people turn to God, they merely offer lip service and do not actually change how they act. Am I willing to fully surrender myself to God and rely solely on Him?


Proverbs 24:27

     This proverb tells us that we need to first arrange our affairs to supply ourselves with food and clothing. Only after we have done that does it make sense to arrange where we are going to live and shelter on a permanent basis.

April 7, 2013 Bible Study –Seek the Kingdom of God Above All Else

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Fencing in Schnecksville
Fencing in Schnecksville

Deuteronomy 31-32:27

     When Moses had finished repeating the commands that God had given the people of Israel he told them that he would not be able to lead them into the land. He commissioned Joshua to take his place as their leader. He then gave a written book of all of the instructions God had given him for the people of Israel to the priests. He instructed them that every seven years they were to read this book of instructions to the people of Israel to remind them of God’s commands. God told Moses that in the future the people of Israel would rebel against Him. God gave Moses a song to teach the people of Israel for them to remember when His judgment came against them for their sins.
     Moses sang of the great things that God had done. He praised God and sang of His glory. He sang of how God made the people of Israel rich and happy. Then he sang that when the people of Israel became wealthy, they would turn from God to offer sacrifices to demons and idols. They would neglect God and His commands. In His anger, God would punish them. He would bring disaster and disease upon them. However, God would not destroy them because if He did, Israel’s enemies might think that they had destroyed Israel through their own might and fail to recognize that it was God’s judgment against Israel for their sins.
     This song reminds me of how easily we fall away from God when things go well. We start to believe that our success is a product of our own hard work and ability, rather than praising God for the wonders He has performed for us. I strive to not let such happen to myself. I will strive to glorify God even when things are going well for me. I know that my success is not a product of my virtue, but a gift from God’s wondrous grace.

Gearing up to fence in Schnecksville
Gearing up to fence in Schnecksville

Luke 12:8-34

     Jesus tells us that if we acknowledge Him before men, He will acknowledge us before God. On the other hand if we deny Him before men, we will be disowned before God’s angels. He goes on to say that those who speak out against Him can be forgiven, but those who credit the good acts of the Holy Spirit to evil can never be forgiven (my interpretation of what He means by blasphemy against the Holy Spirit).
     While Jesus was teaching someone in the crowd asked Jesus to instruct his brother to share his father’s estate with him. Jesus replied that He was not sent to make such judgments. He then goes on to warn us against greed of all kinds. Jesus then gives an example of a farmer who harvests a bountiful crop. The farmer does not have sufficient space to store the entire crop, so he tears down his barns and builds bigger ones. The farmer says to himself that then he will be able to relax and lead a life of ease. Jesus then tells us that that very night the farmer died. He never got to enjoy that life of ease. We should not store up wealth on this earth, rather we should strive to be rich with God.
     Jesus goes on to explain this parable to His disciples. He tells them not to worry about what they will eat or wear. We cannot by worrying extend our lives by even a single hour. Since we cannot even do that, what is the point in worrying about anything? Jesus gives examples of how birds are fed even though they do not farm and flowers are clothed beautifully even though they do not sew. Those who do not worship God spend their time seeking to accumulate food, clothes, shelter and wealth. God knows what our needs are and we are more valuable than the birds and flowers that He provides for so abundantly. We should seek God’s kingdom and He will provide for our needs. We should use our resources to provide for those in greater need than ourselves. By doing that we store up wealth in heaven where it will never be destroyed. We should dedicate our resources to the place where we want our focus to be. If we focus on spending our wealth on material things, we will focus on the material world. On the other hand, if we focus on spending our wealth serving God, our focus will be on God’s kingdom. If we seek first God’s kingdom and His will, He will provide for our needs. I strive very hard to remember this teaching. I will seek God’s kingdom and His will above all else. Am I willing to sacrifice my desires for material goods in order to serve God?

Fencer at Schnecksville
Fencer at Schnecksville

Psalm 78:32-55

     The psalmist tells us that despite the wonders that God performed for the people of Israel and despite the suffering they experienced when they rebelled against Him, they nevertheless continued to sin against Him time and again. Yet for all of this God was merciful and forgave them when they turned to Him. This is cause for hope for us, at the same time that it is a condemnation. If we turn from our sins to God and request His forgiveness and aid, He will forgive us and act on our behalf once more. I have repeatedly sinned, yet I continue to strive to give over all of my life to God so that He may change me and make me more like Him.
     This is the basic human desire and the root of all sin, to be like God. God does call on us to be like Him. However, the root of all sin is when we attempt to put ourselves in God’s place and become like Him through our own power. My goal is to submit to God and become like Him through His transformation of my being. I do not have the ability to make myself like God. However, God has the power to transform me into His likeness if I am willing to submit to Him and His will.

Magrat on the front porch
Magrat on the front porch

Proverbs 12:21-23

     The godly rarely run into trouble, but the wicked are constantly running from one problem to another. God hates those who repeatedly tell lies, but loves those who are truthful. The wise do not tell everyone everything they know, but fools reveal their folly by attempting to appear knowledgable.

October 7, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Jeremiah 8:8-9:26

     Jeremiah condemns those who claim to teach God’s word, but twist it and change it into lies rather than the message that God has given. Jeremiah tells of the judgement God is bringing on a people who are thoroughly dishonest and filled with lies, a people who refuse to acknowledge God. Jeremiah was speaking of the people of Judah, but his prophecies apply equally well to people today who do the same. God will bring judgement on such people. We should not boast of our wisdom, or our power, or our wealth. We should boast only that we know the Lord and understand His unfailing love and justice. The day is coming when God will bring judgement and punishment on those peoples who are circumcised in body, but not in spirit. Jeremiah lists the people he means, “Egyptians, Edomites, Ammonites, Moabites, the people who live in the desert in remote places.” Today these people are for the most part Muslims (and Muslims perform circumcision). Then he adds, “and yes, even the people of Judah.” He tells us that even those these people, including the Jews, practice circumcision of the body, they all have uncircumcised hearts. Do we have uncircumcised hearts? Or have we allowed Christ to cut off the “foreskin” of our sinful nature and transform us into His image?

Magrat on a rock

Colossians 3:1-17

     We have been raised to a new life with Christ. This means that we should set our eyes on heavenly things. We need to put to death the earthly, sinful things within us. Paul gives us a list of the things we should put to death. We should have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. These are all related and are a challenge to overcome. Especially in our society today, which teaches that such things are human nature and unavoidable. They are not unavoidable. We do not have to let our sexual nature control our lives.
     The Church today struggles hard against society on this issue. There are many Christians who make the point that our sexual nature does not have to be who we are…and should not be the be-all, end-all of our self-identification. Perhaps the reason that we so often fail to make a dent in society’s self-absorption with sexual sins is because we do not put enough focus on putting to death the other sins Paul talks about. Paul tells us that we should not be greedy, because greed is a form of idolatry. Those who are greedy pay more attention to material things than they do to God. But there is still more. We need to get rid of anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language. All too often we justify these things, “Oh, it’s his/her fault I am angry. He/She cut me off in traffic. My anger is justified.” Then we use that anger to justify slandering people and using foul language. But Paul does not tell us to get rid of unjustified anger. He tells us to get rid of anger.
     Instead of sexual immorality, greed, anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language we are to clothe ourselves, fill ourselves, with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. If we do the latter, we will find it not only easier to avoid the former, we will find ourselves ashamed when we give in to the former. Especially if we follow Paul’s next piece of advice and above all clothe ourselves with love. We are to bear with one another and forgive anyone against whom we have a grievance. Note, this is not an instruction to forgive those who are sorry for what they have done, this is an instruction to forgive those against whom we have a grievance. Period. Full Stop. No exceptions, no special cases. Everyone against whom we have a grievance.
     Everything we do, we are to do in the name of Jesus. We are to remember that we are Christ’s representatives in this world. What people know about Him is what they learn from watching us. Every action we take, every word we speak is to be done or spoken as a representative of Christ. Our actions and words are supposed to be like those of an ambassador in a foreign court. We have been given authority to speak and act in this world in a particular fashion. All of our words and actions should be within that guidance. I often fail at this. I am a terrible ambassador for Christ, but I will strive to do better in the future through the power of His Holy Spirit (the only way that I can hope to do so).

Magrat watches the birds

Psalm 78:32-55

     The psalmist tells us that despite the many wonderful things God did for the people of Israel they refused to trust Him. Only when He brought judgement against them did they turn back to Him. But even then their allegiance to God was only half-hearted. How often are we the same? How often do we turn to God in times of trouble, only to go our own way again when the trouble has passed? I will strive to dedicate myself to God with my whole heart, not just the part that’s convenient.

Magrat watches the birds

Proverbs 24:27

     Plan what you are going to do around it before you build a building. If you build first, you may discover that you faced the building the wrong way, or you did not leave enough space to one side or the other for something you wanted to do.