Tag Archives: Psalm 36

August 19, 2015 Bible Study — Many Gifts, One Giver

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:21-22

    They key to a life filled with righteousness and honor is to seek righteousness and love. If you put your effort in to living righteously and loving others you will find life, righteousness, and honor.


Psalm 36

    This psalm makes a point we often forget. The wicked have no fear of God, in part because they fail to realize how wicked they truly are. In their pride they believe that the evil they do is actually good. Those who think they are not being wicked will never turn from evil to do good.
    We, by our very nature, tend to think of ourselves as good people. It is only when we realize our sinfulness, our wickedness, that God’s Spirit can begin to transform us into His image.


1 Corinthians 12:1-26

    Paul writes that different believers have different spiritual gifts. All of these gifts are manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Each and every one of us receives God’s gifts in order to help the whole body of believers. You did not receive gifts from God in order for you to become famous, or wealthy. It may be that God chose for you to become famous or wealthy because by doing so you could serve Him even more, but neither of those are ends in themselves. Further, the gifts we have received do not make us better than someone who received different gifts…and every believer has received some gift from God. And the gifts which others have received do not make them better than us.
    We are all part of the Body Christ, and we are all as important to the well-being of the Body as any other one of us. Those who have “menial” tasks are every bit as worthy of honor as those who have the “glorious” tasks. In fact, we should probably honor those who do what we consider the menial tasks even more than we honor those who have what we consider to be the glorious tasks. The final point I am going to make is that Paul is very clear here that we should not value one spiritual gift over another. Every spiritual gift is given by God because His work needs it in that place at that time (which means that if God has given you a particular spiritual gift, you had better be using it!).


Esther 4-7

    This passage dovetails nicely with the point I concluded the last section with. When Haman sought to destroy the Jews, Esther found herself in a position to counter his plans. In order to do so she needed to take a risk. The lesson here for us is that God did not put us into the position we are in for us to be comfortable. He put us where He did so that we can serve others and Him. If we refuse to accomplish the task He set us, He will send someone or something else to do so, but we will suffer for our failure to act.

February 17, 2015 Bible Study — Are We Fun to Be Around?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 10:1-2

    A father will be proud when his son demonstrates through his actions that he is wise. On the other hand the consequences of her son’s foolish actions will bring grief to a mother. It is not just the wisdom which brings joy to a father, nor the foolishness, in and of itself, which brings grief to a mother. Rather it is the results of these characteristics in their offspring which has the result the writer is talking about.


Psalm 36:1-12

    The wicked do not fear God and in their arrogance are convinced that they are not truly wicked. The psalmist reminds us that no one truly believes that they are evil, no matter how dark the sins they commit. There are those who claim that they can be moral without believing in God. What they forget that if there is no God, there is no standard by which to declare one thing good and another evil.


Mark 2:13-3:6

    I have always been struck by the fact that Jesus spent time with sinners. This passage not only mentions it, but emphasizes it. Reading this passage it is clear that we are called to spend time with, and be friends with, those who are sinners. We are not going to convince those who think they are righteous that they need Jesus. Only those who know that they are sinners will be open to the Gospel message. Jesus let the sinners of His time know that He was not “too good” for them. We should live likewise.
    Today many people think that Christians are boring, wet blankets. It is clear that the sinners of Jesus’ day did not think that of Him. They invited Him to their parties and He went. No one invites a wet blanket to their parties, at least, not a second time. Yet it is clear from the Gospels that the partiers of Jesus’ day wanted to spend time with Jesus and wanted Him at their parties. They thought He was fun to be around. Do the “sinners” of today think that we are fun to be around? Do they want us at their parties?


Leviticus 4-5:19

    Under the old covenant, the procedure for receiving forgiveness for sin was a burnt offering. This is an example of the lengths people will go to obtain forgiveness from their sins. It gives an example of how psychologically difficult it is for us to accept God’s forgiveness and move on from our mistakes. Sometimes in the Church today we make forgiveness too cheap. We forget the point I made in yesterday’s study. Jesus calls us to go and sin no more. Sin is not something to be taken lightly. Yes, God will forgive us, but every sin we commit, no matter how minor, still damages us. Look at the effort the Israelites went to in order to receive God’s forgiveness. This was not because God was vengeful. Rather it was because it was a necessary reminder of how damaging sin is. The problem with such procedures is that they lead us to believe that we can “fix” the damage sin does. Only the Holy Spirit can repair the damage we do to ourselves when we sin.

August 19, 2014 Bible Study — Many Parts, One Body

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:21-22

    The first part of today’s proverbs are another way of saying what Jesus was saying when He said “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Those who pursue righteousness and love are seeking the Kingdom of God, whether they know it or not. If those who seek the Kingdom of God do not pursue righteousness and love they are on a hopeless quest.
    Wisdom will overcome strength. This proverb is another way of stating a saying I have heard for many years, “Old age and treachery will beat youth and skill.” While the latter saying has similar meaning, it does not quite encompass the proverb. The point of the proverb is that in a contest between wisdom and strength, wisdom will always come out on top.


Psalm 36:1-12

    The wicked have no fear of the Lord. They are so arrogant and cocky that they completely overlook and dismiss their own sins, believing that they are basically good people. They often hold to this belief while planning evil and refusing to turn from sin.
    However, God sets the standard for what is truly good. If we fail to meet that standard than we are not good people. God’s love is unfailing. Can I truly say that about myself? That my love is unfailing? God cares for both people and animals. This means that we too are to care for both people and animals. Just as God feeds us out of His abundance, let us provide for the needy out of the abundance He has given us.


1 Corinthians 12:1-26

    There are many different spiritual gifts and they are all necessary for the Body of Christ to flourish. Each person has the spiritual gifts which God chose for them to have according to what God decided was necessary at that time and place. One person is not more important than another, no matter that one has a gift we consider important and another has one that we consider unimportant. Our judgement that the spiritual gift that one person has is more important than the spiritual gifts another person has is wrong. This does not mean that we are wrong to place some people in more prominent, visible positions than others. Just as some parts of the body are meant to be seen and noticed while other parts are hidden and protected, so people with some spiritual gifts are meant to be seen and noticed while those with other gifts work best when they are unseen and most are unaware of their presence. If your gift calls for you to be one of the latter, do not seek to draw attention to yourself. On the other hand, if your gift is one of the former, do not believe that it makes you better or more important than others. God knows exactly what gifts the Body needs and doles them out accordingly.


Esther 4-7:10

    When Haman launched his pogrom against the Jews Mordecai made Esther aware of it. Mordecai asked her to go to the king and plead for her people. Esther was reluctant because approaching the king was risky. Mordecai told her that she had no choice, she could not avoid the danger by remaining silent. He suggested that perhaps she was in that very position in order to bring about the rescue of the Jews. There is a very important point here, we can never avoid the dangers of this world by keeping our heads down, hoping to avoid notice. We must use whatever position we find ourselves in to combat injustice. If we do not, sooner or later we will find that injustice directed at us.

February 17, 2014 Bible Study — New Wine Calls For New Wineskins

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:1-2

     If you demonstrate wisdom it will make your parents proud. If you are foolish, you will bring them shame (and cause them to grieve). You may acquire great wealth by immoral means, but it will not bring you joy and will not last.


Psalm 36:1-12

     The wicked have no idea that they are truly wicked. They believe that they are good. Yet, they do not act wisely nor do good. They have no fear of God. Let us not make the same mistake. Rather, I will recognize my sinfulness and turn to God for salvation. God’s love will never fail to those who love Him and His faithfulness is beyond measure.


Mark 2:13-3:6

     In the past when I have read this I have seen it as several different themes: associating with sinners, appropriate times for fasting, keeping the Sabbath vs meeting human needs. These themes are all there. However, there is also a single theme which runs through this passage. I am not quite sure how to sum up that theme. In this passage, Jesus time after time puts human needs and caring for others above following a legalistic interpretation of the law. In the first vignette, Jesus is condemned for calling a tax collector as one of His disciples and then going to a party with him and his friends. Jesus’ response is that there is nothing to be gained by spending all of His time with the “righteous”. They either are truly righteous and therefore don’t need to hear what He has to say, or they think they are righteous and won’t listen to what He has to say. On the other hand, those who know that they are sinners know that they need to hear His words. There is a second point here that definitely applies to us today. How can we reach the unsaved for Christ if we don’t spend any time with them? How do we show them that Christ can solve their problems if we do not take the time to know what their problems are?
     In the next vignette, Jesus is confronted over the fact that His disciples do not fast. I do not fully understand Jesus’ answer. On the surface He seems to be saying that His disciples will fast after He has returned to Heaven. However, He also talks about new wine and new wineskins vs old wine and old wineskins. I am going to understand Jesus as saying that fasting should not be part of some ritual that we do at predesignated times, but rather something we do as part of the Holy Spirit’s leading at the times when it becomes appropriate.
     The last two vignettes talk about keeping the Sabbath. These are both pretty clear as to their meaning, and they fit together to illustrate Jesus’ understanding of God’s laws and commands. God’s laws and commands are designed to make our lives better. If our understanding of them interferes with our making our lives and the lives of those around us better, we are not understanding what God said properly. Sometimes the failure is in understanding what God said and sometimes the problem is with our understanding of what we need to do to make our lives and the lives of those around us better.


Leviticus 4-5:19

     This passage talks about the various sin offerings. There is an interesting phrase in each of these descriptions, “if someone sins, but doesn’t realize it. They are still guilty.” In other words, there are going to be times when we sin without realizing it. However, our lack of awareness does not make us not guilty. When we become aware that we have done wrong, we need to confess our mistakes and work to make them right.

August 19, 2013 Bible Study — If I Must Die, I Must Die

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Esther 4-7:10

     When Mordecai learned of Haman’s edict, he went into mourning. Dressed in sackcloth he sat at the gate to the king’s palace. When Esther heard that he was doing this, she sent a messenger with new clothes for him. Mordecai refused the clothes and sent a message back to Esther telling her the details of Haman’s edict. Mordecai asked Esther to intervene for her people with the king. Esther replied that if she approached the king without being summoned, she might be killed unless the king extended grace to her and she had not been summoned to the king in over a month.
     Mordecai replied to Esther that she would not escape the coming purge just because she was in the palace. If she remained silent, deliverance and relief would arise for the Jews from some other place, but she and her family would die. He then suggested that perhaps she had been made queen for this very purpose. Esther took this to heart and replied asking Mordecai to gather all of the Jews in Susa together to fast for three days and nights. She and her servants would do the same. On the fourth day she would go to see the king, submitting herself to the hand of God, whether she lived or she died.


     This passage is one that touches me very deeply and is at the heart of my understanding of my duties as a follower of God. We are where we are in life in order to fulfill God’s purpose in this world. We cannot avoid the risks associated with doing God’s will. If we refuse to do that which we know God desires us to do because we are afraid of possible consequences, those consequences will still fall upon us and God will find some other means to do His will. On the other hand, if we step forth in God’s will, despite the risks, God may protect us from harm. We are called to live our lives as Esther did here and as Daniel’s three friends (Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego) did. Esther said, “If I must die, I must die.” Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego said, “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods…” All too often I have failed to live up to these examples because I was afraid that someone would mock me. I pray that the Holy Spirit will give me the strength going forward to echo Esther and say, “If I must die, I must die,” or, “If I will be mocked, so be it.”

     On the fourth day, Esther went to see the king. When the king saw her enter his presence he extended her an invitation to be there, thus sparing her life. He then asked her what she desired of him. Esther invited the king to come to a banquet she had prepared and to bring Haman with him. The king granted her request. When they came to the banquet the king asked Esther what she really wanted. promising to grant her request, even up to half of his kingdom. Esther merely replied that she desired that the king and Haman come to a banquet she had prepared for the following day. She told the king that she would explain what this was all about at that banquet. The king agreed.
     As he was leaving the palace at the end of the day, Haman passed Mordecai and his rage at Mordecai was rekindled. When he got home, he boasted of his wealth and power, and about being invited to a banquet a private banquet with the king and Queen Esther. However, all of this was unsatisfying as long as Mordecai sat at the palace gates. Haman’s wife suggested that Haman set up a tall sharpened pole and in the morning request the king’s permission to impale Mordecai on it. Haman liked this idea and ordered the pole set up.
     Meanwhile, the king had trouble sleeping so he had the book recounting the history of his reign read to him. While it was being read, he heard an account of Mordecai revealing the plot against him. He asked what reward Mordecai had been given for this act. The answer was that nothing had been done for Mordecai. At that moment, Haman arrived, intending to request permission to impale Mordecai. The king summoned Haman into his presence and asked him what he should do to honor a man who truly pleased him. Haman, assuming that the king meant to honor him, told the king that he should dress the person in royal regalia and mount him on a royal horse. Then he should have one of his high officials lead the man to be so honored through the city square on the king’s horse, with the official declaring that this what the king does for one he wished to honor. The king liked Haman’s plan and ordered him to do this for Mordecai. Haman did as ordered. Afterwards Haman rushed home dejected and humiliated. When he told his wife and friends what had happened his wife told him that since Mordecai was a Jew, his plans against him would never come to fruition and to continue to oppose him would be fatal.
     Once she had said this, the king’s servants arrived to escort Haman to Esther’s banquet. Once they were at the banquet, the king once again asked Esther what she truly desired. Esther answered by requesting that her life and that of her people be spared. She told the king that she and her people had been sold to those who wished to kill and annihilate them. The king asked her who would dare do such a thing. Esther told him that it was none other than Haman. The king jumped to his feet in rage and went out to the palace garden. Meanwhile Haman attempted to plead for his life with Esther. However, in his grief he fell upon her couch just as the king returned. The king assumed that he was assaulting Esther and called for his servants to seize him. One of the king’s servants told the king that Haman had set up a sharpened pole intending to impale Mordecai upon it, noting that Mordecai had saved the king from assassination (this suggests that Haman was not popular among the palace servants). The king ordered that Haman be impaled upon the very pole he had set up.


1 Corinthians 12:1-26

     Paul moves on to his next topic, spiritual gifts. The first thing he tells us about recognizing spiritual gifts is how to distinguish between true and false spiritual gifts. No one speaking by the Spirit of God will curse Jesus and everyone who honors Jesus is doing so by the Spirit of God. He then tells us that there are different spiritual gifts and that God calls us to different kinds of service. Despite these differences there is only one God working in and through us. We are each given a spiritual gift in order to help each other. The Spirit gives the gift of wise advice to some and that of special knowledge to others. Other gifts which the Spirit gives are great faith, healing, miracles, prophesy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking on various languages, and interpretation of languages. All of these gifts are different, but they all come from the same Spirit. God distributes these gifts according to His designs in this world, not according to human desire.
     The human body is made up of many parts, but it is still only one body. In the same manner, the Church is made up of many different people, with different skills and gifts nevertheless we are all baptized into one body, the Body of Christ, and we all share one Spirit. Just as the human body needs all of its various parts, placed according to God’s design, to function properly, so, too the Church requires all of the different parts which are placed according to God’s designs. In the same way that we honor certain parts of our body and protect other parts, so too in the Church should we be careful to honor and protect different parts of the Body according to their needs and their vulnerability. If one part of our body is honored, our whole body is honored, if one part of our body is hurt, our whole body suffers. The same is true of the Church, the Body of Christ, even if we do not always recognize this.


Psalm 36:1-12

     There is a wonderful insight into human nature in this psalm:

In their blind conceit,
they cannot see how wicked they really are.

No one thinks of themselves as truly evil. People constantly justify their actions to themselves, explaining why it was not wrong of them to do things which they know are wrong. Once we have done wicked acts, we lie to ourselves continuously, following up one evil act with another. Each one justified in our own minds. It is only when we acknowledge that without God we are wicked and then confess our sins that we can break this cycle of ever increasing evil.


Proverbs 21:21-22

     It is only through the pursuit of righteousness and love that we can find life and honor. Wisdom will overcome strength every time.