Tag Archives: Psalm 134

December 15, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 30:1-4

    It has taken me a long time to understand the gist of these verses. Today I finally realized that the author is being self-deprecating in countering arguments made by those who claim to be smarter and wiser than he. I am going to paraphrase what I think the writer is saying here:

You are right. I am not very bright and have failed to master human learning, let alone being enlightened. So, tell me, since there is no God, who made the world? Who is it who controls nature? You are so wise, explain it to me.


Psalm 134

    When we serve God, let us praise His name. We should not serve God with a “martyr complex”. We should praise God for every opportunity we have to serve Him and others. I will recognize that the opportunities God gives me to serve Him through serving others are a blessing, not a cross I need to bear. I will praise Him for honoring me by giving me the opportunity to serve others.


Revelation 6

    In the past, and in every interpretation I have ever seen of today’s passage, I have viewed this passage as a prediction about what is to come. Today as I read this, I saw it as a vision of what happened when the Lamb, who is Jesus Christ, came unto the scene. As He opened the scroll to read God’s word, the events listed took place. The Four Horsemen are not sent forth by the opening of the scroll. Instead they are revealed as the seals on the scroll are broken. They were already present in the world and as the seals on the scroll are broken, revealing that they are not the way to bring about God’s will in the world. As I write this I am realizing that what I am writing is not quite correct. The point I do think is correct is that the things which John sees as the seals on the scroll are broken are not the contents of the scroll. The opening of the scroll is not some future event. It is what happened when Jesus was raised from the dead. I am not sure that all of the seals have been broken yet, but the process of breaking the seals has already begun.


Micah 1-4

    The prophet prophesies primarily against two groups of people: the wealthy and powerful who oppress others, and the leaders of the people. These two groups are not exactly separate groups, especially not in the situation for which Micah condemns them. The wealthy and powerful use their wealth and power to take what they want from those less powerful than themselves. They do not exchange fair value for what they want. The leaders are condemned for taking part in this. Rather than use their positions to lead the people in doing right and forsaking wrong, the leaders use their positions to take what they want and to live off of the hard work of others. Instead of encouraging people to do what is good and right, they encourage them to do what is evil.
    However, the common people are not innocent in this. They have told those who warn them against doing such things to shut up. They do not want to hear from those who tell them that if they want to be successful they must work hard and put off their own gratification. They are looking for “prophets” who tell them they can drink and spend and not worry about tomorrow because someone else will take care of tomorrow. The people follow leaders who tell them that they can live off of the hard work of others, never thinking about what will happen if no one does the hard work.

June 16, 2015 Bible Study — Do God’s Will First

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I apologize if my writing over the last few days has been below my usual standard. I have not been feeling well and if the doctor is to be believed I will feel this way for a few more. On the other hand, if my writing has not been substandard, praise God because it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that such is possible.


Proverbs 17:9-11

    If you want two people to be friends, don’t mention negative things one may have said about the other. On the other hand, a good way to separate friends is to constantly repeat, out of context, something one of them said in a fit of pique.
    If you are trying to decide if you have discernment or are a fool, this proverb provides a good place to start. How do you react when someone tries to get you to change your behavior? Do you listen and react to a single criticism? Or do you stubbornly refuse to change your ways after repeated punishments?
    Both of these proverbs can also be used to judge others. If someone is constantly telling you about something a friend, or potential friend, of yours said that puts you in a negative light, you can be sure that they are trying to put a wedge between the two of you. On the other hand, if they are constantly minimizing to you, or justifying, the things which the other did which upset you, you can be sure that they wish the two of you to be friends. As to the second proverb, if someone immediately changes their way when you criticize something they did you can expect that they are likely to exhibit good judgement in other matters as well. The flip side is that if they insist that their way of doing things is the correct way, even after repeatedly suffering for doing things that way, you can expect that they are unlikely to exhibit good judgement in other areas.


Psalm 134:1-3

    The psalmist tells those who serve the Lord at night to praise Him. I always find this psalm inspiring, but something occurred to me today. Those who served in the Temple at night would have been rarely noticed. So, in some ways this psalm is for all of those who have the “thankless” jobs God calls on someone to do. I put the “thankless” in quotes because God will not forget to thank, and reward, those who do those jobs. However, when we find ourselves in those service jobs, let us praise the Lord. Let us lift up our hands and thank God for giving us this opportunity to serve Him.


Acts 10:24-48

    Over the last few days we have read about Stephen and Saul, men who confronted those they disagreed with very directly. Today, we have Peter, who preached to Cornelius and his household a message of welcome. It made me think what is the difference between the men to whom Stephen, and Saul preached and those to whom Peter preached here? Stephen, at least, preached to men who claimed the knowledge and right to not only tell others how they should live, but to force them to live that way. Peter, on the other hand, preached to those seeking to learn how to live according to God’s will. This is a reminder to us, both in how we should preach to others, in-your-face to those who think they have the knowledge and right to silence those with whom they disagree, with kind acceptance to those who are seeking, and how we should treat those with whom we disagree. Before he was saved, Paul agreed with those who martyred Stephen, after he met the Lord, he was often beaten, yet he never forced his opinion on others (except by force of argument).
    It is also important to make note of what Peter preached to Cornelius, because it should be the basis for what we preach. There is a little more to it than this, but the core of the Gospel is that Jesus is the one appointed by God as judge of the living and the dead. It is not me who judges your actions, it is not you who judges my actions, or anybody else’s actions. I will not try to silence you if I disagree with you, but I will try to convince you. I welcome you to do the same to me.


1 Kings 15:25-17:24

    The various kings of Israel who succeeded Jeroboam all sinned against God, but it was not until Ahab that the kings began to openly worship the gods of the surrounding peoples. I never realized before how low-key Elijah’s appearance on the scene was. Our first encounter with Elijah is when he told Ahab that it would not until Elijah next said that it would. OK, so maybe that is not low-key, but it seems a pretty bold statement for someone who has yet to do anything of note (of course, it may be that God had done some things through Elijah before this which are not recorded).
    The rest of the passage describes how God provides for those who are faithful. God provided for Elijah by a stream in the wilderness for some time by having ravens bring him food. Then when the stream finally dried up, God sent him to a non-Jewish widow. It is worth noting that when Elijah arrived the woman was about to cook the last of her food which was just enough for a final meal for herself and her son. Elijah told her to make a bit of bread for him first, and then follow her plan…except for the bit about dying. God provided her enough to feed Elijah, herself, and her son. If we put doing God’s will first, He will provide for our needs.

December 15, 2014 Bible Study — The Four Horsemen

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 30:1-4

    I believe that these words are sarcastic. Well, maybe not the first part where he declares himself weary. It strikes me as being written by someone who has been arguing with another for some time. The writer of this bit is tired of the argument and “concedes” to his opponent. It strikes me that he has been having a disagreement with someone who does not believe in God. So he asks him, where did everything come from? Surely, since you say there is no God, you can tell me how it all came to be?

    And where did that come from?


Psalm 134:1-3

    This psalm is both a beautiful song of praise and a reminder that part of serving God is praising God. Let us praise God both day and night as we strive to be His servants.


Revelation 6:1-17

    Here John describes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. However, they are not the “Four Horsemen” of popular culture (even though those in popular culture derive from them). In popular culture the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. In this passage there is no Pestilence.
    The first Horsemen is “Conquest” or “Victory”. There are several possible interpretations of this. I will look at two of them. The first interpretation is that the first Horsemen is Christ Himself. This interpretation sees Christ as riding forth and conquering before the Apocalypse begins. It’s fulfillment comes in the spread of the Gospel throughout the world to all peoples and nations. The second interpretation sees the first Horseman as the Anti-Christ, who will rise to prominence and conquer the world to begin the Apocalypse. The second interpretation has some merit. My reservations about it are based on the fact that the author of Revelation also wrote 1 John. In 1 John he tells us that there is not a singular Anti-Christ, rather there are many anti-christs. I said I was only going to look at two interpretations of the first Horseman, but a third one occurred to me that I have not seen mentioned elsewhere (although I find it hard to believe that no one has come up with it before). My thought is that the first Horseman represents a person, or nation, which will conquer so much of the world that there is no place on earth where there power is not felt.
    In many ways, the other three Horsemen follow that third interpretation as naturally as night follows day. When the conqueror loses control over the territory he held, War, and Famine, and Death will surely follow. How the Four Horsemen fit together is a bit of a mystery to me, but the rest of this passage is clear. Over the course of history there will be numerous people who will be martyred for serving Christ. They will be rewarded for their faithfulness and will cry out for God to bring His promised judgement. They will be assured that this Judgement will come. Then we have the sixth seal. When it is broken, everyone will see that God’s day of judgement is coming. But rather than repent of their sins and turn to God, the vast majority will seek to hide from God.


Micah 1-4:13

    Micah prophecies against Israel and Judah. He tells them that destruction is coming because those who have power do evil simply because they can. They should love good and hate evil but instead they love evil and hate good. When the leaders want a piece of land, they find a way to seize it. Micah bemoans those who talk about caring for the poor and powerless while using their position and power to enrich themselves. Over the last few months, I have heard various politicians praised for speeches they have made decrying how our system favors the rich and is stacked against the poor. Yet these same politicians made a fortune working in the system they now want people to believe they will work to change. If the rich and powerful do not stop using their power to take advantage of the poor and powerless, all the while using their rhetoric against such actions as an excuse to further their own power, God’s judgement will fall upon our nation.
    Yet mixed throughout his condemnation of the sins of the people, Micah reminds us of God’s great faithfulness. He tells us that the day will come when people from all over the world will worship God. He tells us that the day will come when God will mediate between peoples and settle the disputes between nations. In that day they will turn their weapons of war into tools of peaceful industry. They will no longer study the methods of war.

June 16, 2014 Bible Study — Oh Praise the Lord All You Servants Of the Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 17:9-11

    Another proverb where I prefer the NIV translation. If you want to encourage love and friendship between people you will minimize or cover up what one or more of them have done which might offend or anger others. On the other hand, if you repeat what you have heard about the wrong people have done (gossip), you may cause even close friends to become enemies.


Psalm 134:1-3

    I have nothing to add to this wonderful psalm this morning:

Oh, praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord,
you who serve at night in the house of the Lord.
Lift up holy hands in prayer,
and praise the Lord.

Just lift up your hands, pray, and give praise to God for 30 seconds (or longer if you like) as you sit there before continuing to read more.


Acts 10:24-48

    When Peter arrived at Cornelius’ house, he informed them that it was against Jewish law for a Jewish man to enter the house of a non-Jew, or to even associate with a non-Jew. However, Peter further told them that God had revealed to him that this was not as God intended. God intended for us to think of everyone who sought to serve God as clean. No matter how sinful, or otherwise unclean, the background of a person was, if they were seeking to learn about and follow God’s commands, God has declared them clean. Let us follow Peter’s example and preach the Gospel message to anyone who is willing to listen, but especially to those who are seeking it out.
    As Peter was preaching to the members of Cornelius’ household, the Holy Spirit fell upon them. When Peter realized that this had happened, he instructed those who had accompanied him to baptize them. This is significantly different from the way we practice baptism today. Today when someone professes faith in Jesus, we typically have them take a membership class before we baptize them. In the various passages where baptism is discussed in the book of Acts, those who profess faith in Jesus and a willingness to accept Him as Lord are immediately (or as soon as practical) baptized.


1 Kings 15:25-17:24

    King after king arose in Israel, each one more wicked than the last. When Ahab became king, God raised up Elijah to prophecy and call the people back to Him. Elijah told Ahab that it would not rain in Israel for several years, not until Elijah gave the word that it would again rain. This did indeed come to pass. However, God provided for Elijah. First, by having ravens bring food for Elijah while he got his water from a particular stream. When that stream, God sent Elijah to the widow in Zarephath.
    The widow gives us a great example to follow. When Elijah first came to the woman and requested food, she told him that she had just enough food for she and her son to have one final meal before they starved. Elijah told her to go ahead and make the meal for her and her son, but first make him a bit of bread. He told her that if she did as he asked, there would always be enough flour and oil in her jars to make one more meal, until the drought ended (when she would be able to buy more). The widow did as Elijah asked and it turned out as Elijah had promised.

December 15, 2014 Bible Study — The Four Horsemen

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Christmas wreath (14)

Micah 1-4:13

     Micah prophesied against the people of Israel and of Judah. He told them that disaster would come upon them because of their sins. While the disaster would come upon the whole nation, for the sins of the whole nation, the center of those sins was in the political capitals. The idolatry of the people had its center in their political systems. It was the political leaders who had turned the people to sin.
     He continued by saying that sorrow awaited those who lay awake at night planning evil. He condemns those who, when they want a piece of land, find a way to seize it. As I read this I thought of the Kelo v. New London Supreme Court ruling of a few years back. This entire passage is an indictment of political leaders who use their power to increase their wealth and that of their cronies. Micah condemns leaders who claim to know right from wrong but, instead of doing what is right, do evil and oppress the people. He continues by condemning those religious leaders who use their prestige to disguise the evil of the political leaders. They promise to help the poor and weak while at the same time taking advantage of them for their own interests. Despite all that they do to bring injustice and oppression to the poor and weak, they believe that they will not be harmed because they believe they are on the side of good.
     Micah promises that destruction will come upon such people. He also promises that the day will come when God will gather people from all over the world who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. God will teach them His ways and they will walk in His paths. God will gather the weak, the lame, and the poor. He will mold them together into a strong nation. They will turn their weapons into farm implements. They will not need to prepare for war because God will be their defender and they will serve Him.

Christmas wreath (15)

Revelation 6:1-17

     This passage describes the opening of six of the seven seals on the scroll. With each of the first four seals a different horseman appears. The first one is given a crown and rides out to conquer the earth. The second one is given a sword and rides out to bring violence throughout the earth. The third horseman carried a scale and rode out to bring famine (and what sounds like severe inflation to me). The fourth horseman rode out to bring painful death to one fourth of the living creatures on the earth. When the fifth seal is opened John sees those who were killed because they served Christ. They called out asking how long until God held the people of earth accountable for their sins. They were given garments of purity and told to wait a short time longer until all had been fulfilled. Then the sixth seal was opened and the sky was rolled up like a scroll and the geographic features of the earth were moved from their places. When this happened the people of earth sought places to hide from God’s pending wrath.
     There is much symbolism in this passage, but the key factor for me is that God is in control of all that happens. When a nation or power conquers, it is because God allows and desires it to be so. When violence springs up in one place or another, or even over the entire earth, it is because God has allowed mankind’s sin to yield its fruit. When famine and economic turmoil occur, once more, it is because God has so willed. When death spreads over the earth, it can only happen according to God’s discretion. Those who faithfully strive to serve God in the face of difficulty and persecution will be honoured by God. When God’s time is ripe He will bring about the end of this earth. But nothing happens before God’s time and outside of God’s control. He will care for those who choose to serve Him.

Christmas wreath (16)

Psalm 134:1-3

     Let us praise the Lord when He calls us to serve Him, even when it is in ways that might seem less than desirable, even when we are called to serve Him on the night shift. God will bless us when we serve Him faithfully and praise Him despite any unpleasant circumstances. I will praise the Lord, even when He calls me to serve Him in difficult situations.

Christmas wreath (18)

Proverbs 30:1-4

     Let us not be ashamed of being viewed as foolish by human standards. Who, but God, has seen all that there is to see. Human wisdom is not to be desired above that of God. It is God alone who created the world. He alone has understanding of how everything works and fits together. Let us seek wisdom from God, not from mere men who do not truly understand.

June 16, 2013 Bible Study — Seek First The Kingdom of God

     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I started writing this blog because the only way I can get myself to read the Bible everyday is to pretend that I am teaching someone about what it says to me. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Rhododendron bush gets established
Rhododendron bush gets established

1 Kings 15:25-17:24

     Jeroboam’s son, Nadab, succeeded Jeroboam on the throne. Nadab continued the sins of his father. Nadab was assassinated by Baasha in the second year of his reign. After assassinating Nadab, Baasha took the throne and slaughtered all of Jeroboam’s remaining family as the prophet had foretold. However, Baasha continued the practices of Jeroboam. God sent the prophet Jehu to Baasha to tell him that his family would meet the same fate as that of Jeroboam. Baasha reigned for twenty-four years and was at war with King Asa of Judah for the entire time. When Baasha died his son Elah became king.
     Elah ruled for two years. In the second year of Elah’s reign, Zimri, the commander of half of Elah’s chariot forces, assassinated Elah. Zimri then killed all of the relatives of Baasha that he could find. When the army, which was attacking a Philistine town at the time, heard that Zimri had assassinated Elah they chose Omri as their king. Omri led the army to the capital and occupied it. When Zimri saw that the Omri’s forces had taken control of the capital city, he went into the citadel and burned it down around himself. After the death of Zimri, the people of Israel were split into two camps. Half of the people supported Omri and half of the people supported Tibni. Omri’s supporters defeated Tibni’s supporters and Tibni was killed, clearing the path for Omri to become king. Omri built the city of Samaria and made it his capital. The passage tells us that Omri was even worse than his predecessors.
     When Omri died, his son Ahab became king in his place. Ahab sinned even worse than his father Omri or any of the other previous kings of Israel. Ahab married Jezebel the daughter of the king of Sidon. Ahab built a temple for Baal in Samaria and set up an Asherah pole. It was during the reign of Ahab that Elijah began his prophetic ministry. Elijah told Ahab that there would be no reign for the next several years until he, Elijah, gave the word. God told Elijah to go and hide by a brook near the Jordan River. God caused ravens to bring food to Elijah morning and evening. Eventually the brook dried up and Elijah needed to move.
     God instructed Elijah to go to a village near Sidon. When he arrived at the gates of the city, he saw a widow gathering sticks. He asked her to bring him a cup of water. When she went to get it for him, he called after her asking for a piece of bread as well. She responded that she had very little flour or oil left. She had been about to make a final meal for herself and her son and then they would die. Elijah told her to go ahead and make that meal, but first make a bit of bread for him. Elijah told her that if she did as he requested there would always be a bit of flour and a bit of oil in her containers until the rains returned. She did as Elijah had asked and there was always enough flour and oil in her containers to make another meal. Some time after this the widow’s son became sick and died. She confronted Elijah over the death of her son. Elijah took the body of her son up to his room and prayed over the boy. God answered Elijah’s prayer and returned the boy to life. Elijah returned the boy to his mother.
     There is a lot in this passage for us to think about. I will first mention the widow. She provided for Elijah out of her meager store and God blessed her for that action in a time of hardship. However, the main thing I wanted to touch on was the succession of kings of Israel. One after the other they led the people of Israel into ever greater sin and this reflects badly on those kings. However, it also reflects badly on the people of Israel because they followed those kings. If the people of Israel had been faithful to following God’s commands, God would have raised up leaders to lead them in godliness. While God will hold the leaders of a nation accountable for the direction they lead the people in, He will also hold the people accountable for following those leaders. The same is true of us today. Perhaps our political leaders are leading us ever further into godlessness, but if we as a people were to stop asking our government to take the place of God, God would raise up leaders who would lead us back to godliness. We keep looking for political leaders who will lead us back to godliness, when instead we should just be seeking to do the will of God and expecting our political leaders to follow along. Rather than seeking a political solution to our problems we should follow Jesus admonition, “Seek first the Kingdom of God.”

Rhododendron bush a little closer
Rhododendron bush a little closer

Acts 10:24-48

     When Peter got to Caesarea, Cornelius was waiting for him with family and friends he had called together. As Peter entered his home, Cornelius fell at his feet and worshiped him. Peter told him to get up at once, stating that he, Peter, was merely a man. Peter went on to tell the people gathered at Cornelius’ house that even though it was against Jewish laws, as they knew, for a Jewish man to enter a Gentile home, or even associate with Gentiles, God had shown Peter that he should no longer view anyone as impure or unclean. Peter then asked why they had sent for him. Cornelius responded that a man in glowing clothes had appeared before him, told him that God had heard his prayers and remembered his gifts to the poor. The man went on to tell Cornelius to send for Peter.
     Peter then started speaking to them. He told them that he now understood that God does not show favoritism, He accepts everyone from every nation who fears Him and does what is right. Notice that while we should be willing to preach the Gospel to anyone who will listen and should consider no one impure, we are still called to teach them to fear God and do what is right. Peter went on recapping Jesus’ ministry and the events which he had witnessed after Jesus’ resurrection. As Peter as speaking the Holy Spirit came upon those listening, causing them to speak in other languages. Those Jews with Peter were astonished to see the Holy Spirit descend on the Gentiles. Peter asked those with them if any of them could object to baptizing the Gentiles who had received the Holy Spirit just as the Jewish believers had? Peter then ordered that the Gentiles who had just received the Holy Spirit be baptized in the name of Jesus. Peter stayed with them a few days giving them further teaching. Here again we have the profession of faith followed immediately by baptism. I think we have lost something in the Church today with our practice of putting people through classes before baptizing them (although I understand the reasons).

Rhododendron close-up
Rhododendron close-up

Psalm 134

Oh, praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord,
you who serve at night in the house of the Lord.
Lift up holy hands in prayer,
and praise the Lord.
May the Lord, who made heaven and earth,
bless you from Jerusalem.

What more is there to say? Except, perhaps, “Praise the Lord!”

Magrat and the Rhododendron
Magrat and the Rhododendron

Proverbs 17:9-11

     The first proverb tells us that the surest way to build a relationship is to overlook the other’s failures (especially when they are offenses against ourselves), on the other hand the surest way to destroy a relationship is to constantly bring up the ways the other person has done us wrong.
     The second proverb tells us that those who are wise feel worse, and learn more, from a single rebuke than those who are foolish experience from severe punishment. The final proverb tells us that evil people promote rebellion, but will suffer for it.