Tag Archives: Proverbs 25-28

July 16, 2023 Bible Study — Do Not Allow a Fool Set the Terms of Debate

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Proverbs 25-28.

Today’s passage contains some of my favorite advice from Scripture.  In several different ways the writer tells us to avoid excess and instead do things in moderation.  Perhaps one of my favorite passages is Proverbs 26 verses 4 and 5

Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
or you yourself will be just like him.
Answer a fool according to his folly,
or he will be wise in his own eyes.

These two verses seem to contradict one another, but with some thought they make sense.  Verse four tells us not to allow those we are arguing with to set the terms of the debate, while verse five tells us to take the fool’s argument to its logical conclusion in order to demonstrate its foolishness.  The writer also warns us against those who will misuse wise sayings to support foolish ideas or Scripture to support ungodly behavior.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 16, 2022 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Proverbs 25-28.

We continue today with more short sayings which sum up important points of wisdom.  So, I am going to comment on a few of those sayings which spoke to me about my life, while encouraging you to read the passage for ones which speak to where you are.  I will start with this one:

What you have seen with your eyes
   do not bring hastily to court,
for what will you do in the end
    if your neighbor puts you to shame?

In the past I always interpreted that as being about not being in a hurry to go to court about what you see, but I realized the saying has broader application than that.  If you think about it, the writer tells us not to jump to conclusions, wait until you have all the facts before you reach a conclusion about what happened.  All too often, people will condemn others based on the first facts which come out, only learning later that the actions they condemned were justified.  Or, worse yet, they will stop paying attention and never hear the facts which justified that person’s action.


I really struggled about this next one because I feel like everyone should know it, but I just could not move on without highlighting it:

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
    if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
    and the Lord will reward you.

This connects with what Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount, “do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you…” Which brings me to another phrase in today’s passage: “ an undeserved curse does not come to rest.”  Which really teaches two things. It teaches us not to be concerned by those who curse us for doing God’s will.  Their curses cannot harm us.  But it also tells us not to do things which would make us deserving of our enemies’ curses, which goes along with doing good to those who hate us.

I had more phrases which I pulled out of the passage that I intended to write about, but I am just going to tag them on the end here for you to make of them what you will (I am going to make a note about one of them).

“Like a muddied spring or a polluted well
    are the righteous who give way to the wicked.”

“fools repeat their folly. ”

remember the translators’ note from chapter one said the word translated as “fool” means someone who is morally deficient, and I believe the word translated “folly” would suggest morally repugnant behavior

Like a coating of silver dross on earthenware
    are smooth lips with an evil heart.

Do not boast about tomorrow,
    for you do not know what a day may bring.

A ruler who oppresses the poor
    is like a driving rain that leaves no crops.

OK, so here is a second note. To me this suggests that a ruler who oppresses the poor is like a farmer who eats his seed corn. A ruler who oppresses the poor is destroying his own future.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 16, 2021 Bible Study — Seek Wisdom, Not The Appearance Of Wisdom

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Proverbs 25-28.

Feeding the hungry and giving water to the thirsty is a basic tenet of Christianity, even if they have done us wrong, especially if they have done us wrong.  Here is how the proverb writer puts that message:

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
    if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
    and the Lord will reward you.

Doing good to those who have done us wrong will shame those capable of being shamed, and God will deal with the rest.  Sometimes following the writer’s advice will turn an enemy into a friend.  More importantly, you will not fall to their level and God will reward you.

Yesterday I mentioned some proverbs which appear to contradict other proverbs.  Here is an example of such where one follows right after the other:

Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
    or you yourself will be just like him.
 Answer a fool according to his folly,
    or he will be wise in his own eyes.

I always read this as warning us against getting caught up in an argument with a fool without allowing them to think that we agree with them.  Another interpretation, which does not nullify the one I just gave says that we should not allow fools to define the scope of the debate.  I have seen this second point made by those who warn against allowing those we disagree with to define the words used to debate an issue, because most times the actual issue in dispute is the meaning of those words.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 16, 2020 Bible Study Don’t Be In a Hurry To Spread Bad News

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 25-28.

Today’s passage resumes being a listing of individual proverbs.  In this case we are told that they are a collection of proverbs from Solomon which were collected by King Hezekiah.  There is one proverb which appears to me to have multiple applications.

Just because you’ve seen something,
don’t be in a hurry to go to court.
For what will you do in the end
if your neighbor deals you a shameful defeat?

The first application of this is that we should not be in a hurry to report negative information about others that we have observed.  This addresses specifically telling the court, or the government, but really it applies to telling anyone else.  It contains the hint that perhaps what we have seen is not as it appears; that perhaps there is more information of which we are unaware which changes the meaning of what we saw.  We should apply this both to spying on our neighbors for the government and to spreading gossip about them (please note that there are other places in the Bible where we are told to testify against those we know have committed crimes).  The full wording of this seems to imply having seen something which leads us to sue our neighbor.

There are so many proverbs in here that I would like to highlight, but you can read them directly for yourself.  However, I think it worth pointing out that there are two themes which this passage addresses in multiple proverbs.  The writer warns us repeatedly about being cautious in our interactions with fools.  Interactions with fools can lead us to becoming foolish ourselves, but failing to interact with them at all may lead them, and others, to believe that foolishness is wisdom.  The writer also warns us repeatedly against being lazy.

July 16, 2019 Bible Study — Don’t Argue With Fools…But Refute Foolish Arguments

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 25-28.

I think perhaps my favorite part of the Book of Proverbs is Chapter 26 verses 4 and 5.

Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools,
    or you will become as foolish as they are.
Be sure to answer the foolish arguments of fools,
    or they will become wise in their own estimation.
On the surface these two contradict each other.  However, I am sure the person who compiled this put them next to each other on purpose.  They show us the fine balance that must be maintained in order to be truly wise.  On the one hand, if you answer a foolish argument you might get drawn into foolishness yourself.  On the other hand, if you do not answer a foolish argument you allow others to believe it is wise.  Elsewhere in this passage we have sayings which remind us of the importance of remembering the balance these two show.  Fools will take a wise saying to extremes.
The writer also tells us the importance of words.  Telling lies about people can be as bad and destructive as attacking them.  Rumors and gossip have a way of seeping into our minds and coloring our thoughts.  So, make sure that you know the truth before you say it, and even then think twice if it makes another look bad.  Resist the urge to use something told to you in confidence in order to win an argument.  I hope that those of you reading this can see how these fit together because I thought the words to tie it all together would come to me as I wrote, but they did not.

July 16, 2018 Bible Study — Gossip and Lies Can Be As Destructive As a Physical Attack

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 25-28.

    Like the rest of Proverbs, today’s passage contains a collection of proverbs which are not directly connected to each other. It differs from earlier portions by being composed of both short and long proverbs. However, like the earlier portions, many of these proverbs touch on the same things from varying perspectives. For example, the writer comes back again and again to the idea that gossiping is a bad idea. He points out that there are two types of gossip: sharing other people’s secrets and passing on “news” intended to make others look bad. The latter may include sharing things that you know to be untrue, which is especially damaging. If you become known as a gossip, no one will trust you with important information. The harm to yourself, and others, will be greater than the temporary benefit from being seen as “being in the know”.

    There are two proverbs right after each other which appear to be contradictory, but taken together reveal an important truth.

Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools,
or you will become as foolish as they are.
Be sure to answer the foolish arguments of fools,
or they will become wise in their own estimation.

So, what do they mean? The first one warns us against getting caught up in trying to convince a fool of their foolishness. The second warns us to make sure that we show the fool that we see their arguments as foolish. Or, to put it another way, do not let yourself become emotionally involved in your arguments. If you allow your emotions to take over your argument, you will stop applying logic to it and will allow yourself to become more concerned with winning the argument than finding the right answer to the dispute. However, do not allow a fool to think that you agree with their foolishness.

July 16, 2017 Bible Study — Choose To Do The Right Thing, Not To LOOK Like You Are Doing the Right Thing

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 25-28.

    Today we are back to one or two sentence wise sayings. As is the case with most of this book they are of varying utility (all of some value, but a few less valuable then others). I am struggling with what to write about this because so many of these proverbs stand alone and do not really have a theme tying them together (except that they contrast the behaviors of a wise person and a foolish person). However, I am going to start with a theme which turns up repeatedly in the Book of Proverbs, and elsewhere in the Bible: Do not seek honor or recognition from others. Or to put it another way, do not choose your actions so that other people will think you are a good person, or to be acknowledged by the “important people” (however you might define “important”). Instead, do things because they are the right thing to do. Now it is important to note that there are times when we should do things that are neither right or wrong so that people will not think we are bad people. I have never found a way to explain the distinction between doing things so that people will not think badly of me and doing things to make myself look good. The only way I can explain the difference is that the first is designed to keep people from misjudging me (to my detriment) based on their prejudices while the second is designed to encourage people to misjudge me (to my advantage) based on their prejudices.

    I was going to spend a little time talking about how the writer includes multiple sayings which talk about how the fortunes of a nation are tied to the morality of its people and its leaders (and how those two are tied together), but then I came to Proverbs 25:21-22. (See how I got that bit about society and morality in there anyway).

If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat.
If they are thirsty, give them water to drink.
You will heap burning coals of shame on their heads,
and the Lord will reward you.

The point here is to always take the high road because by doing so sometimes we can convert an enemy into a friend. And even if we cannot, God will reward us for showing His love to our fellow man. However, just a few verses later the writer reminds us that there is a limit to what constitutes the “high road.”

If the godly give in to the wicked,
it’s like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring.

In taking the high road versus our enemies it is important not to enable the wicked actions of the wicked.

July 16, 2016 Bible Study — Arguing With a Fool

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 25-28.

    Today’s passage is another one where there are so many proverbs which contain things worth noting that I am having trouble deciding what to write. There is no point in me pointing out each and every good proverb in the passage. You can go read them for yourself, and I hope you do. I was struck by the similarity between what the writer says in 25:6-7 and what Jesus says in Luke 14:7-11. I am quite sure that the similarity is not an accident. Jesus most certainly was familiar with the proverb and applied it to the situation He found Himself in. We should not promote ourselves for honors. Let others see our actions and honor us if they see fit. There is actually a little more to this than is immediately obvious. We should not do things so that others will honor us. If that is our motive we may be disappointed if others fail to take notice of our good works. Instead we should do things because they are the right thing to do.


    When I finished writing the previous paragraph I was going to stop there. Then I read through the passage again. When I came to 26:4-5 I could not resist commenting on them. These two verses seem to contradict each other, but, as someone who has trouble resisting a debate, I think I understand where the writer is coming from. All too often when I get into a debate with someone I think is expressing a foolish argument I become emotionally invested in showing them why their argument is foolish. As a result I start to make foolish arguments myself. However, when I decide that I will avoid responding to foolish arguments at all I start to see people claiming that people are foolish for not believing their foolish argument because “everybody knows” it is true. I have realized that it is important to let people know when you do not “buy” their argument.