Tag Archives: Luke 14-16

October 29, 2023 Bible Study — Some Will Not Listen, Not Even to Someone Who Rose From the Dead

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Luke 14-16.

My thoughts are all over the place on today’s passage, just like they were last year.  Today’s passage starts with Jesus performing another healing on the Sabbath.  He uses this opportunity to teach us that it is never the wrong time to relieve someone else’s suffering.  He goes from there to teach that we should not assume positions of honor for ourselves.  Rather we should place ourselves into the positions of low honor, allowing others to lift us up to places of honor.  Then Jesus tells us that when we throw parties and fancy events we should not invite those who can repay us by returning the invitation.  Instead we should invite those who otherwise do not have the opportunity to attend such events.  We will be blessed by such things, and God will repay us for the expense (and probably with things which cannot be bought for any price).  Jesus then tells a story about another banquet.  One where the invited guests all made excuses for why they could not come, so the one throwing the banquet brought in guests who would otherwise have been unable to attend.

Later, Jesus tells us that we must understand the cost of following Him, that we may have to give up our family, our wealth, and even our lives in order to be faithful to Him.  Luke then tells us about Pharisees and teachers of the law complaining because Jesus welcomed sinners to be His followers and was willing to hang out with them (even when they had not yet changed their ways).  Jesus replies to this by telling us that we should have more enthusiasm for bringing the good news to those who have wondered away from God and become lost than in debating His teachings with other followers of Christ.  The final point I want to make concerns Jesus teaching about how we should relate to material wealth once more.  We cannot serve God if we care more about material goods than we do about the needs of others.

I hope you see the thread which runs through all of these tying them together.  I was hoping I could find a phrase which would sum it all up once I had written down each of the parts, but that never happened.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 29, 2022 Bible Study — In Our Version Of The Prodigal Son, We Decide If The Elder Son Celebrates His Brother’s Return

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Luke 14-16.

OK, I have some disconnected thoughts about today’s passage.  Perhaps I will manage to tie them together as I write.  Jesus tells us that we should never honor ourselves, nor assume that places of honor belong to us.  Instead of seeking the place of greatest desirability at a gathering or event, let us instead leave such places for others.  Instead wait for others to invite us to such a place, wait for others to hold us up for honor.  Instead of seeking honor for ourselves, let us seek to honor others.  Next I want to write about Jesus’ discussion about the excitement in heaven over finding the lost.  In His parables we normally think of God as being the one who found that which was lost.  While that is certainly the face value of what Jesus is saying, we should think a little deeper.  We should be the ones who energetically, and excitedly, seek out those who are lost and bring them back to God.  Which brings me to the Parable of the Prodigal Son.  We often think, speak, and write negatively about the elder son, because of the jealousy he felt over the feast his father gave his younger brother.  However, when we do that we are overlooking that his father offered him comfort, not condemnation.  The father pointed out that everything he had was the older brother’s and invited him to join the celebration of his brother’s return.  In the same way, God invites us to celebrate the return to Him of those who turned their backs on Him.  We get to decide by how we react whether the older son was ultimately a good brother or a bad brother, because we are the elder son in Jesus’ story.  We may have been, in fact, probably were, the younger son who turned his back on the Father, on God, but now we have been brought back and need to join God in celebrating the return of those who return after us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 29, 2021 Bible Study — A Feast Of Helping Others

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Luke 14-16.

There is more to the parable of the banquet in this passage than we normally notice.  Jesus tells the story of a man who when he started preparing a feast invited a bunch of people.  They all readily accepted his invitation despite the fact that he was not sure when he would hold the feast.  However, once the feast was ready and he sent out notices to come to the feast, they were all too busy to attend.  We normally interpret the “feast” as being heaven.  While there is nothing wrong with that interpretation, it misses an important part of the message which Jesus preached repeatedly.  By the way, today is the first time I noticed this about this passage.  In this case, the “feast” is to do God’s will (primarily, helping those in need).  Are we too busy to help those in need when the opportunity presents itself to us?  More importantly, do we recognize the opportunity to help those in need as a “feast”, as something not to be missed?  Doing God’s will, helping others, should be something we view as a treat, as a special occasion, like going to a feast/banquet.  Heaven will only be heaven for those who take joy out of serving others.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 29, 2020 Bible Study Most Of Those Asking For Proof Of God Want To Believe He Does Not Exist

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 14-16

As I was reading this I considered writing about various elements of this passage: Jesus’ teaching about humility, His parables about seeking the lost, His parable about the fired manager, and such.  However, when I got to the end, to the end of His story about Lazarus and the rich man, I was truly struck by what He said Abraham told the rich man.  Jesus said that when the rich man asked Abraham to send someone back from the dead, Abraham responded by telling him that if they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t listen if someone comes back from the dead.  That concluding statement reminds me of something I heard a Christian apologist say once.  When someone asks for proof of God’s existence, before trying to offer them proof, ask them what would constitute proof for them.  Jesus made the point that God has revealed Himself.  Those insisting that they need more proof do not want to believe that God exists; they want to believe that He does not exist.

October 29, 2019 Bible Study — Humility and Honor

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 14-16

There is more to Jesus’ teaching about honoring ourselves than is obvious.  Jesus gives the example of taking the seat of honor and being forced to give it up because someone of greater significance arrives.  Instead, He says that we should take the seat of least honor, then our honor will be even greater when the host moves us to the seat of honor.  However, there is more to it than that.  There are all sorts of social dynamics revealed here, but Jesus goes on to tell us that when we throw a party we should invite those who are unable themselves to throw a party.  So, while there is greater honor in being elevated to a position of honor from the humble position we chose for ourselves, we should not seek to be honored at all.  Or, perhaps a better way of putting it, we should seek the good opinion of those whose opinion society does not value.

Luke recounts five of Jesus’ parables here (well, actually six, but the first one is part of completely different theme).  Three of them illustrate the importance of befriending and loving the “lost”.  The parable of the lost sheep and the one of the lost coin illustrate how much joy and pleasure God takes over sinners repenting of their sin and returning to Him.  They also illustrate how that repentance does not happen by chance.  It is the result of great effort on God’s part, and perhaps on the part of those who serve Him.  I realized today that the parable of the prodigal son is actually more about the older son.  The older brother was angry that his father threw such a feast for his brat of a brother.  From our human perspective we tend to sympathize with the older brother.  He had done everything he was supposed to do, yet his younger brother who rebelled and ran away was given a celebration.  However, the parable points out that the older brother experienced all of the good things which come from being faithful.  He was not loved any less because his father was overjoyed that his rebellious brother had returned. 


October 29, 2018 Bible Study — Sacrificing All That We Have To Communicate God’s Love to Sinners

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 14-16.

    I have touched on this before, but in today’s passage Jesus tells us that we must be willing, perhaps even eager, to lose our life in His service if we want to be His disciple. We need to be willing to sacrifice any and all of our relationships in order to serve God. However, Jesus also tells us that we should take a look at what our service to Him will cost before we set out on that path. It is not enough to say that we are willing to sacrifice. We must look at what we have and acknowledge our willingness to give it up.

    Luke goes on from there to write about Jesus’ teachings on bringing sinners to the Lord. I have always paid a lot of attention to this teaching, although I am not sure how well I have actually practiced it. All too often our congregations focus on serving the needs of Christ’s followers more than on reaching those who have yet to hear the Word. While the accounts in the Book of Acts and in some of Paul’s letters make it clear that we should strive to meet the needs of our fellow believers, our true joy is from bringing another person into the Body. We need to focus on how can we communicate God’s love to sinners.

October 29, 2017 Bible Study — Do What Is Right For the Joy of Doing What Is Right

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 14-16.

    As I was reading the passage today and came to the parable of the great feast I saw it in a completely different light. Here in Luke this parable immediately follows Jesus’ teaching about throwing parties for those who cannot throw parties to invite you to in return. I think that because it is similar to the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew we tend to read some of the meaning of that parable into this one. In light of the previous few verses, and other teachings of Jesus presented by Luke, it strikes me that we receive our invitations to God’s great feast when we have opportunities to help others. How often do we pass on the opportunity to help those in need because we are busy with something else? More importantly, do we recognize the blessings we are foregoing when we do so? One of the things we often miss when we read the Gospels is that central to Jesus’ teachings was the idea that the reward for doing good was doing good. Or to phrase that another way, doing good is a blessing in and of itself.

    I am struggling to get my mind around all of my thoughts concerning the impetus we should have to bring a lost soul to God. The message contained here is why I am so hesitant to suggest that missionaries who spend years in a location with few, if any, converts should pull up stakes and find a new location for their mission. We should expend whatever resources necessary to bring to God those lost souls we encounter, and we should make life choices so that we encounter lost souls. However, in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus Jesus points out that there is a limit to what tactics are worth using. When the rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus back to warn his brothers, Jesus tells us that Abraham replied that if they did not believe Moses and the prophets they would not believe someone returning from the dead. The lesson here is that those who demand proof of God’s existence will not accept any proof with which they are presented. Those who do not want to believe will find a reason to not believe.

October 29, 2016 Bible Study — Counting The Cost

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Luke 14-16.

    In yesterday’s passage the leader of a synagogue where Jesus healed a woman reprimanded the woman, and the others present, for seeking healing on the Sabbath, saying that healing was prohibited because it was work. So, in today’s passage, Jesus asked the religious leaders who were present if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath. I had not touched on it in yesterday’s passage, but the main thrust of Jesus’ teaching on this subject is that it is never wrong to do good for others. From there Jesus transitions to talking about puffing ourselves up. I see an important connection between what Jesus says here and His teachings about those who serve others being the greatest. If the most important question we ask when deciding whether or not to do something is “What’s in it for me?” we have failed at the most basic level to understand what Jesus taught.


    As followers of Christ, each and every one of us is called to obey the Great Commission. We are to go forth into the world and make disciples. However, sometimes in our eagerness to make new disciples we downplay the difficulty of being a follower of Jesus. Jesus tells us that it is important that we be aware of what it will cost us to be His follower. No one should be encouraged to start following Jesus without first knowing the trials and suffering which they will face as a result. Our eagerness to bring others to the Lord is not misplaced, as Jesus makes clear in the parables He tells in chapter 15. However, we must make sure that we do not convince people to follow Jesus under false pretenses. The cost of following Jesus is high, higher than most are willing to pay. We know the reward is worth it, but that is a decision which each person must make for themselves.