Tag Archives: Luke 11:37-12:7

April 6, 2015 Bible Study — Today I Am Giving You a Choice

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:19-20

    There are those who think they can change the world for the better with lies. They are badly mistaken. If you find yourself resorting to deceit to accomplish your goals it is a good clue that your goals are evil and not good. Those who wish to make lasting, positive change to this world rely on the truth.


Psalm 78:1-31

    There are two elements to this psalm (there is that two thing again). Each generation needs to choose to follow God’s commands by their own decision. The parents cannot decide for their children that the children will follow God (although I have known of parents who chose to follow God for their children’s sake). Each person must choose for themselves to give their hearts to God.
    Let us not be like the Israelites in the wilderness. They saw God’s marvelous power displayed for their benefit time and again. Yet, time and again they failed to have faith that God could meet their needs this time. I have seen what God has done in the past, I will have faith in His power and love for the future.


Luke 11:37-12:7

    The important point about this passage is its condemnation of hypocrisy, but we all know that. I was looking for something different to say about this when I realized something I never really thought about before. Jesus is not saying that our outward appearance should not look righteous to those around us. He is saying that we should focus on making our inward being righteous first. When we start to clean up our lives we should start with the parts that others do not see. If we clean up our inward being, our outward appearance will follow. It doesn’t work the other way around.
    When we teach people about God’s commands, we need to do more than teach them the “rules”. We need to work with them to teach them how to keep those “rules”. Jesus condemned the teachers of religious law for teaching the laws, but not offering to help people to keep those laws. Our job is to help people live a righteous life, not to condemn them for failing to do so.


Deuteronomy 29-30:20

    This passage was addressed primarily to the people of Israel and talked primarily about the land of Israel, but it applies to all of the peoples on this earth. The blessings and curses laid out in these passages apply to all mankind. Those who love and obey God will be blessed. Those who rebel against God and seek after other gods will be cursed.
    Today God is giving you a choice. If in the past you have rebelled against God and are suffering His curse, today you can choose to turn to Him and start walking in His way. If you do so, He will bless you and show you life. I do not know how to write this as I feel it needs to be written. I am convinced that someone will read this today who God is calling right now. All I can think is to quote the final paragraph of today’s passage (and to pray for you, whoever you are):
Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land.

April 6, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Not Enough To Appear Righteous

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:19-20

    If you tell the truth, you do not need to worry about explaining inconsistencies. If you tell lies, you need to be constantly remembering what you said and fitting it into the other things you talk about. When you plot evil you need to fill your mind with the lies and deceit necessary to carry out your plot. On the other hand, when you plan on how to obtain peace your mind can, and will, be filled with joy at all of the wonderful things you wish to do for others.


Psalm 78:1-31

    This psalm reminds us of the importance of telling the next generation about what God has done, both in our lives and in the lives of those who went before us. Let us tell those younger than ourselves what we know of God’s wondrous actions so that they may know of Him and choose to follow Him. Each generation must decide for itself to follow God, but we need to give them the information to make an informed decision.


Luke 11:37-12:7

    Jesus tells the Pharisees and teachers of religious law that while there is nothing wrong with acting so as to appear righteous, it is not enough. It is not even the proper place to start. It is more important to give to the needs of the poor and support justice than it is to do things which make others think we are righteous. When we teach others about following God, we should strive to act in ways which make it easier for them to do so. Let us encourage those who are trying to follow God, rather than stressing the ways in which they are falling short.
    Jesus then turned His attention to the crowds. He warns us not to imitate the hypocrisy of religious leaders, nor to allow it to discourage us from doing what is right. We should not let human opposition frighten us, since the most they can do is kill our bodies. Rather, we should fear God who can kill not only our bodies but can destroy our very souls. Then He tells us that despite the fact that we should fear God, we should also trust Him to care for us. We are more valuable to God than we can possibly imagine. God pays attention to the details of our life more closely than we are even capable of ourselves, to the point of numbering the hairs on our heads.

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Deuteronomy 29-30:20

    Today we are given a choice between life and death. If we love God with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, and obey His commands, He will give us life and joy. If we reject His commands and worship things other than Him, we will be destroyed. God is not far from us, nor are His commands. They are not difficult to know and understand. We do not need someone specially trained to interpret them for us. We do not need to send someone up to heaven, nor to the ends of the earth to know God’s will. He lives with us and will speak in our hearts to show us the way. We need only seek His face and we will find Him.

April 6, 2013 Bible Study — God’s Will Is Not Too Difficult For Us To Understand

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

This hyacinth will open its bloom eventually
This hyacinth will open its bloom eventually

Deuteronomy 29-30:20

     Moses reviewed the covenant between God and the people of Israel once more. He told the people of Israel that this covenant was not just with them but also with their descendants. Moses told them that if they obey the terms of the covenant they would prosper in all that they did. He further warns them to take the curses seriously, if they believe that they are safe even though they do not follow God’s instructions and commands they will experience the curses of the covenant in fullest measure.
     Moses goes on to promise them that in the future, after they have been exiled because they broke the covenant, if they turn back to the Lord and once more keep the commands of the covenant and walk in the ways of God, God will restore them. Finally Moses tells them that the message of the covenant is not hard to understand, it is not in some distant place where a Hero will need to be found to go and fetch it. God’s commands are written on our hearts and on our lips so that we can do as God desires if we so choose. We have a choice between life and death. If we choose life, God will set His Spirit upon us and give us the power to follow His ways, the ways of life.

Crocus blooms
Crocus blooms

Luke 11:37-12:7

     A Pharisee invited Jesus to eat with him. Jesus went and sat at the table. The Pharisee was surprised because Jesus did not follow the hand washing ritual of the Pharisees. Jesus replied to this criticism by telling the people there that the Pharisees make a lot of show of cleaning the outside, but inside they are full of greed and wickedness. If they truly want to be clean, they should be generous to the poor. He tells them that they are scrupulous to tithe from their herb gardens but neglect justice and love of God. Jesus says that they should have focused on the latter without neglecting the former.
     A teacher of religious law responded to what Jesus had just said by saying that His statements might be taken as applying to teachers of religious law as well. Jesus did not pull back, rather He said that “Yes, those comments applied to all teachers of religious law as much as it did to the Pharisees.” Jesus then went on to say that the teachers of religious law took the key to knowledge away from people. They did not enter into fellowship with God and interfered with those who were attempting to do so. All too often throughout history those who have studied God’s word have set themselves up as authorities to interpret it for everyone else, making it seem as if only those with special knowledge can know what God desires. Jesus emphasizes here and elsewhere in His ministry that God’s will is accessible to anyone who desires to look for it. What Jesus is teaching here fits with what Moses said in today’s Old Testament passage. God’s word is not difficult to understand and we do not need someone to go up on the Mountain to commune with God on our behalf. Everyone of us can understand God’s word for ourselves and God will speak with each of us, if we but listen.
     Jesus goes on to warn us to watch out for the hypocrisy of those who claim to be the experts on God’s word, those who claim to be more righteous than others. No one is the arbiter between us and God. Jesus came and died on the cross so that He could present us directly to the Father, so that we could listen directly to the commands that God has for us. We should not fear any human agent, who when they have killed our bodies can do no more. We should fear only God, who can not only kill our bodies but also destroy our souls. However, sparrows are cheap, but God keeps track of every one. God has counted every hair on our heads and we are more valuable to Him than all the sparrows on the earth. We should only fear God and there our fear should be mitigated by the fact that God loves us dearly.

Daffodil blooms
Daffodil blooms

Psalm 78:1-31

     The psalmist tells us to learn from our past, to look at the wonders God has performed. He tells us not to repeat the sins of those who came before us, who saw the wonders that God performed, but nevertheless rebelled against God because those wonders were not enough for them. God provided them water, but they believed that He could not provide them food and complained about the lack. God gave them manna from heaven and they complained because He did not give them meat. So, God gave them meat, but while they were still stuffing themselves with the meat, He sent a plague upon them to punish them for their rebellion. Let us learn from their example and honor God for the great things He has done. I will praise God for the great things He has done and petition Him to meet my current needs, then I will patiently wait for Him to meet those needs according to His wisdom and glory.

Magrat up close
Magrat up close

Proverbs 12:19-20

     When we tell the truth our statements will be supported as events unfold. When we tell lies, the falsehoods will soon be revealed. Those who are deceitful are plotting evil, while those who promote peace are filled with joy.