Tag Archives: Jeremiah 18

August 12, 2023 Bible Study –Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 16-18.

For the most part, Jeremiah prophesies that an unavoidable disaster is about to come upon the people of Jerusalem.  The people to whom he spoke feigned ignorance as to why God would allow that to happen to them.  Jeremiah pointed out that their ancestors had forsaken God’s law and that they had behaved even more wickedly than their ancestors, stubbornly following their own wills rather than obeying God.  Jeremiah goes on to condemn them for putting their trust in human beings while turning away from God.  He tells them that if they would put their trust in God and depend upon Him they would be able to face the coming disaster without need to fear.

Despite having repeatedly told Jeremiah that the coming disaster could not be avoided, God gives Jeremiah a prophecy telling the people how they can avoid it.  Jeremiah tells the people that if they keep the Sabbath holy, the predicted disaster will not happen.  God follows that up with a message asking if He does not have the ability to do as the potter, who changes what he is making out of the clay in the middle of casting the pot?  God reserves the right, and has the ability, to change His plans should those He made those plans for change their ways.  God tells Jeremiah that if the people, each one of them, turns from their evil ways and reforms their actions, God will turn the disaster aside.  However, God also tells Jeremiah that the people will say that it is of no use to do so and will refuse to change.

So, even now, as bad as it seems, and how inevitable disaster appears, God promises that if we, each of us, turn to Him, He will rescue us from the disaster our actions deserve.  As Jeremiah told the people of Jerusalem, we must return to keeping the Sabbath holy.  We must return to the days when we did not work, or do business, on Sunday.  Or, whatever day of the week you choose, just pick a day and spend it worshiping the Lord.  It might even be different days each week, but there should be a system to how you select the day.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 12, 2022 Bible Study — Stop Offering Service To The God Of Convenience

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 16-18.

Today’s passage begins with a prophecy which seems to say that the coming disaster can no longer be avoided.  Jeremiah goes from there to warn against putting our trust in human beings, or human institutions.  He contrasts them with those who put their trust in God.  He tells us that those who rely on God will withstand the coming disaster.  Then God sends Jeremiah to stand in the gate of the temple and tell people to be sure to keep the Sabbath Day.  This message is being delivered to those going into the temple in order to offer sacrifices to God.  After that Jeremiah prophesies that if God sends an evil nation a warning that He is about to destroy it and that nation repents of its evil, He will refrain from fulfilling His prophecy.  On the other hand, if God announces that a good nation is to be rewarded for its deeds and that nation turns to evil, He will bring destruction upon it.

So, I really believe that our nation, and perhaps our entire world, is at the point the Kingdom of Judah was when Jeremiah made these particular prophecies.  Our institutions have been completely corrupted and that can only lead to destruction and devastation.  If we continue to put our trust in man and human institutions, the destruction will be inevitable.  If we continue to think that if we just elect the right people, demand the government do the right thing, we can escape God’s judgement, the destruction will be unescapable.  Only if we put our trust fully in God, recognizing that only Divine intervention can change the path we are on will we be able to see things turn around.  Doing so means more than just going to Church on Sunday and making donations to charitable organizations, or even directly to those in need.  We need to keep the Sabbath, we need sacrifice some of our personal convenience in order to serve God.  I have long thought that many abortions in this country result from people sacrificing their child on the altar of convenience, that convenience is a god more important to them than God.  But, how many of us serve that same god by shopping on Sunday because it is convenient?  Can’t we set aside one day to rest and serve God?  Maybe it is worth a little inconvenience to allow others to rest on Sunday as well?  I think this message applies to me, but each person will have to see where they need to stop offering service to the god of convenience for themselves.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 12, 2021 Bible Study — Is The Day Of Disaster Inevitable?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 16-18.

I have written how, as I read through the Book of Jeremiah I wonder if we today have gotten to the point Judah was at when Jeremiah prophesied, to the point where God’s judgement could no longer be avoided?  The beginning of today’s passage makes me think that we have not yet gotten there.  God warned Jeremiah, and instructed him to warn others, not to have children in Jerusalem.  I do not get the sense that God is sending such a message today, at least, not yet.  Further, despite the constant drumbeat that disaster could no longer be avoided which Jeremiah’s prophecies contained, God gave Jeremiah the occasional prophecy that it is never too late.

“If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed,  and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.  And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted,  and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.”

Of course, at the same time God also warns that no society is so secure that it can turn its back on Him and survive.  Many people in our society today have chosen to turn from God and reject His will.  Our society is accelerating into the abyss.  I believe it is too late to attempt to salvage society, we must seek instead to reach individuals and convince them to turn back to God (or, perhaps a better way to put it would be to say, allow the Holy Spirit to convince them through us).  However, I also believe that if enough people are touched by the Holy Spirit, our society may still be saved from disaster.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 12, 2020 Bible Study Are We Compounding The Sins of Our Ancestors?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 16-18.

When people asked Jeremiah why God would do the things which Jeremiah prophesied against them, his answer was “because their ancestors had been unfaithful to God.”  However, that was not the whole of Jeremiah’s answer.  The rest of his answer was that they were even worse than their ancestors.  From time to time throughout the Old Testament we have examples of where people are asked to repent of sins committed by their ancestors, but in every such case, they must also repent of their own sins.  God only holds us to account for the sins of our ancestors when we continue those sins ourselves.  This reminds us that the biggest value in examining our ancestors sins is to determine if we are continuing in those sins.

My thoughts on this next bit are kind of muddled, so bear with me.  If we put our trust in our fellow man, we will be disappointed and will have no hope for the future.  But, if we instead put out trust in God, we will be like trees planted along a river bank, constantly renewed even in times of drought.  In either case, whether we put our trust in man or in God, we may get crushed.  However, if we have put our trust in God, He will have crushed us in order to build us back up better than we were.  Whereas when people crush us, they have no idea how we should truly be built back up and the results will be no better than what we were before.

August 12, 2019 Bible Study — Who Knows What Evil Lurks In the Hearts of Men?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.  I just got back from a ten day vacation and prepared this before I left.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 16-18.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows…well, perhaps, but The Shadow was a fictional character.  God knows, and He is not fictional, no matter how much some people proclaim that He is.  We may think we know that wickedness lurks in the hearts of certain people and not in the hearts of others.  But we are generally mistaken.  We do not truly know our own wickedness, let alone that of others.  However, God knows the inmost thoughts of everyone and will give us the just reward for our thoughts and behaviors.  Which should scare each and everyone of us!  On the other hand, if we humbly throw ourselves upon His mercy, He will extend us that mercy.

August 12, 2018 Bible Study — Keep The Sabbath Holy

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 16-18.

    In today’s passage Jeremiah confronts the people of Jerusalem about their failure to maintain the Sabbath. I remember a time when almost no one in this country did business on Sunday. Not only were most businesses closed, but most people chose not to frequent those which were open. Little by little people made exceptions for themselves for certain kinds of businesses, until now there are few people who set aside a day where they do not ever do business. The change has been both on the business side and on the consumer side. Years ago few businesses were open on Sunday and few people would have done business with them if they were. Today, few businesses are closed on Sunday and there are few people who refuse to do any business on that day. My limited observations suggest that few businesses actually do more business by being open on Sunday. I worked for a store that made the transition from being closed on Sunday to being open on Sunday. The result was that their Saturday sales volume dropped by about the amount of Sunday sales they gained, perhaps a little more. I am not sure where I am going with this, except to say that each one of us should set aside a day where we do not do business, where we focus on serving God. That day does not need to be Sunday (or Saturday).

August 12, 2017 Bible Study — It Is Too Late To Turn Aside the Coming Disaster…It Is Never Too Late To Turn To God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Jeremiah 16-18.

    Jeremiah continues his rant against the sins of the people of Jerusalem. He tells them that disaster is coming, that it is no longer avoidable. They would suffer because their ancestors had abandoned the Lord, but not just because of their ancestors sins. The disaster was coming because their sins were even worse than those of their ancestors. Jeremiah’s entire point was that each generation added new sins on top of those which came before. Mankind follows this same pattern time after time. Each generation pushes the envelope of sin further than the last until finally the pile of sins becomes so high that it topples over on them in a disaster which spreads suffering onto just about everyone. Then people rediscover God and righteousness and the cycle resets.

    In these times of disaster (and even in the good times) we must choose where we will put our ultimate trust. Where will we look in order to determine right from wrong? If we look to humans, ourselves or others, as the source which determines right from wrong, we will be like a tumbleweed in the desert. Blown ever further from the truth. Our hearts will deceive us into thinking that what we want to be right is right, even when we know it is wrong. On the other hand, if we look to God as the source for determining right from wrong, we will be like a tree planted by a body of water. Firmly rooted with no need for concern when the dry months come. God can look into our heart and see where our selfishness leads. If we look to Him for knowledge of right and wrong He will reveal our selfishness to us and guide us to the path of success.

    Once again in this passage Jeremiah uses a metaphor to communicate the message which God has given him. This metaphor is of a potter shaping clay. In the same way which a potter shapes clay, so does God shape people, and nations. And, just as a potter may change his mind about the way in which he is shaping the clay, so may God change His mind about the form into which He is shaping us, or our nation. In explaining that metaphor, Jeremiah explains that, even though he has been prophesying that it is too late for Judah to avoid the judgment which God is about to mete out on them, it is always worth repenting of our sins and turning to God in obedience. While God may be planning to bring disaster on us, and/or our nation, because of our sins, if each and every one of us turns from our sins He will change His mind and withhold that disaster. In the same manner, if God was planning to bless us because of our faithfulness and we turn from Him to sin, He will withhold from us that blessing and pour out disaster upon us. No matter how evil we have been, there is always value in turning from our sins to serve and worship God.