Tag Archives: Jeremiah 10-11:23

October 8, 2014 Bible Study — Devote Yourselves to Prayer

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:28-29

    Do not testify against your neighbor just to pay them back for some perceived slight, especially if it involves lying.


Psalm 78:56-72

    The people of Israel sinned so much against God that He allowed the Ark of the Covenant to be captured by the Philistines. He allowed His own glory to be sullied because of their sin. If God would do that to the people of Israel, what makes us think that He will turn His anger and judgement aside from us when we sin in similar fashion. Yet, even with those sins, God welcomed them back when they returned to Him. He will do the same today, if we turn to Him He will raise us up. If the people turn from sin and back to God, He will raise up a leader to lead them to greatness once more.


Colossians 3:18-4:18

    Paul wraps up his letter to the Church in Colossae with a series of instructions. He tells wives to submit to their husbands and husbands to love their wives (elsewhere he qualifies this latter with “as Christ loves the Church). Today, the former is hard for us to hear, but part of the problem is that we overlook how hard it is to truly do the latter. It is hard to put your own wants and desires second, especially when that someone is submitting to you. When Paul tells husbands to love their wives he is telling them to put their wives interests and desires ahead of their own. As human beings we are very good at rationalizing how what is in our best interest and what we want is really the best for other people as well. We are all called to work at getting past that, because we are called to love our neighbor. But as a husband, I have a special obligation to do that with respect to my wife. Whenever I make a decision, I need to think about whether what I decide is in my wife’s best interest and does it fulfill her desires. The fact of the matter is, I often, perhaps even usually, fail to actually do that.
    Paul goes on to tell us that we should do whatever work we do wholeheartedly, as if we were working for the Lord, because we are working for the Lord. We should strive to work so that our boss will be pleased with what we do, even if they will never know what we did. If we are boss over someone, we need to remember that we answer to God for how we treat them.
    Then comes the part I was just thinking about last night. I have written how I have been challenged about my prayer life by the passages I have been reading. A week or so back I started a prayer journal, but I have not yet really gotten it going. Last night I was thinking about it and how since I got it I have not read a passage which challenged me on prayer. This morning I read, “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” Challenge accepted. Tonight I will dedicate some time to praying and writing in my prayer journal. Each and every one of us needs to find a way to have a disciplined prayer life.


Jeremiah 10-11:23

    Jeremiah describes how idolaters worship things made by man. By doing so he illustrates how foolish it is to worship anything other than God. Today, many people worship things other than God, things made by human effort. I listen to sports radio and hear callers and hosts refer to the “football gods” or the “baseball gods”. They aren’t serious when they say these things. Yet, if you listen to them you realize that they worship sports. It is sports which gives them a sense of fulfillment and a sense of purpose. But it is not just those who worship sports who worship something made by man. There are those who tell us that believing in God is foolish superstition. If you talk with those long enough, you will discover that most of them put their faith in “science”, or human reason. Their high priests are scientists, people who supposedly are unbiased by their own interests and are just seeking after truth. Time and again, when they discover that a scientist has distorted his or her results in order to support a pre-determined conclusion, they insist that this was a special case. Let us not be fooled by such idols, rather let us worship the God who made the earth by His power.

October 8, 2013 Bible Study — Let Your Conversation Be Full of Grace

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Gathering ground cherries
Gathering ground cherries

Jeremiah 10-11:23

     Jeremiah wrote that God said that we should not be like other nations and peoples who try to read their future in the stars and through portents. Rather let us trust in the God who is like no other, who created the universe. All too often we wish to be like everyone else, but God did not create us to be like everyone else.
     In the middle of today’s passage, Jeremiah wrote a prayer that strikes me:

I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own.
We are not able to plan our own course.
So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle.
Do not correct me in anger, for I would die.

My life is not my own and my course is not mine to plan. My life belongs to God to dispose of as He sees fit. I pray for Him to direct me on His paths. I ask for His correction when I do not do His will, but I know that I am unable to stand before His anger so I plead for Him to be gentle. The wondrous thing is that I know that He will answer this prayer and show me the glories of following His will.


Sunflower hangs its head
Sunflower hangs its head

Colossians 3:18-4:18

     Paul begins today’s passage with a shorter version of what he wrote in Ephesians 5-6. Wives should submit to their husbands, husbands should love their wives, children are to obey their parents, and fathers are to avoid aggravating their children. In the Ephesians passage he sums this up with “submit to one another.” Just as in his letter to the Ephesians Paul tells slaves to work for their earthly master as if they were working for the Lord rather than for people. Masters are instructed to be just and fair to their slaves.
     What Paul wrote next fits into something that has been convicting me lately. He tells them to devote themselves to prayer. I have been feeling called to devote more of my time and thought to prayer. Connected to his instruction on prayer Paul tells us to live wisely among non-believers, so that we can make the most of every opportunity. In order to accomplish this, our conversation is to always be full of grace. If we are always careful about what we say, and how we say it, we will know how to answer everyone who asks about our faith. I know that if we are spending as much time in prayer as we ought, the Spirit will answer through us when non-believers ask us questions about what we believe and our faith. I will strive to be in prayer more and more.
     There may be such a thing as praying enough, but I know that there is no such thing as praying too much.

Apple pie
Apple pie

Psalm 78:56-72

     The psalmist tells us that despite the fact that the people of Israel repeatedly rebelled against Him, God raised up David to be their leader and shepherd them with careful hands. David did not come from any of the obvious groups, but rather was chosen by God. We can pray that God raises such a leader again today.

Apple pie
Apple pie

Proverbs 24:28-29

     Today’s proverb warns against lying about our neighbors in court or to government officials in order to gain revenge for perceived wrongs they have done to us. We should remember that they are our neighbors, who we are to love as we love ourselves.

October 8, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Jeremiah 10-11:23

     In Jeremiah’s time, many people worshiped gods they had crafted with their own hands from precious materials. Today, many people just worship the precious materials. Yet with that being said, there are more and more people who are choosing to worship gods made with human hands. As our society has chosen to reject Christianity and to call it a silly superstition, an ever growing number are choosing to practice religions that are based on practices that were abandoned when Christianity was first preached in the lands where those practices originated. These people reject worshiping the God who made the heavens and the earth because that “would be silly.” Yet they turn to worshiping gods that they openly acknowledge are not real.
     Our lives are not our own, the course we follow is that laid out for us by God. Like Jeremiah, I pray that God will correct me when I do wrong. I pray for gentle correction because I do not have the strength to survive God’s anger. God poured out His anger on the people of Judah because they broke the covenant they had made with Him to obey Him and follow His word. Today God has offered a new covenant to us. One in which His Spirit will reside within us and transform us into His image. How much harsher will we be judged if we break this covenant?

Magrat Stalks

Colossians 3:18-4:18

     Paul writes here several of his directions for both sides of a relationship. Wives are to submit to their husbands and husbands are to love their wives. He does not spell it out here, but in Ephesians he said that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. Christ laid down His life for the Church. In the same way, husbands should sacrifice their own self-interest in order to do what is best for their wives. Children should obey their parents and parents should avoid aggravating their children. Slaves should obey their masters and work to please them. They should behave as if the work they do for their masters is being done for the Lord. Masters treat their slaves in the knowledge that they themselves have a Master in heaven. I think that Paul’s instructions for masters and slaves can be equally applied to workers and employers.
     We should devote ourselves to prayer, keeping an alert mind and a thankful heart. We should live wisely among the unbelievers and make the most of every opportunity to witness to them. We are to keep our conversation gracious so that we will have the right response for every occasion. I think this, in part, refers back to the verses from yesterday where Paul told us to get rid of anger, rage, slander and foul language. Let us carry out the ministry that God has given us and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Lord to do the same.

Magrat looks around

Psalm 78:56-72

     The psalmist continues to tell us how the people of Israel turned away from God despite the many wonderful things He did for them. God brought His judgement on them by turning them over to their enemies. But then He chose once again to express His love for them and He raised up a Shepherd to tend them with a true heart and skillful hands.

Magrat plots to catch a bird

Proverbs 24:28-29

     We should not testify against our neighbor if they have not done wrong. We should not lie about them. We should not strive to make our neighbors pay for perceived (or real) slights against us by getting them punished for crimes they did not commit.