Tag Archives: false prophets

December 11, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Amos 4-6:14

     The prophet began today’s passage by condemning rich women who used their position of power and influence to oppress the poor. Women who are demanding more stuff from their husbands. He goes on to condemn those who are self-righteous, who make regular offerings and brag about their offerings over and above the “default”. I do not think the first part is necessarily just about women. I think it applies to anyone who thinks that they are deserving of being treated well because they have wealth that was acquired for them by someone else. This passage is about those who think that because they follow religious rituals they are holy, better than others and therefore can abuse those others who are clearly less holy than themselves. This is a condemnation of those who think they are righteous because they give thousands of dollars to charity, yet have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on themselves. Someone recently said that God does not measure our giving by how much we give, rather he measures it by how much we spend on ourselves. I think that that can be abused as well, but it is a good starting point to think about giving.
     Amos tells us that God had sent disasters, natural and otherwise, against Israel to call them back to Him, but they had ignored them and refused to repent of their sins. God showed the people the results of their sins and they still refused to turn to Him. Reading this passage reminds me of what I have seen in my lifetime and how for the most part people are continuing to turn away from God despite what should be warnings and calls to return to Him. We have had Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy. We have had the Columbine shootings, the Aurora movie theater shootings, the 911 attacks. We have had SARS, Mad Cow disease and AIDS. After each of these hits the news, there has been a short upswing in interest in God, but it quickly fades away and people return to their sinful lifestyles with a vengeance, laughing off anyone who makes a connection between these tragedies and sin (even when as in AIDS the correlation is pretty direct).
     The prophet tells us that now is the time to repent and turn back to God, away from our sinful and unjust behaviors. God does not want our hymns of praise and assemblies of worship, he wants us to seek justice and to care for the poor. Now is the time for us to pray and fast, to seek to serve the Lord in whatever way that He calls us. We need to turn away from religious behaviors that are just for show and seek to take those righteous actions which help those in need. Let us seek the Lord with all of our hearts. We need to fast and pray, not for our country, but for people. How may the Lord’s will be best accomplished in this world? We should pray neither for the continued strength of the U.S. (or any other nation), nor for its downfall (or that of any other nation). Rather we should pray that the people of the U.S., and of every nation, turn to God and repent of their sins. Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world and we should always remember that no nation on this earth is God’s Kingdom.

Amaryllis in the Window

Revelation 2:18-3:6

     Today, I read the messages to the next two of the seven churches. The church in Thyatira was commended for its love, faith, service and patient endurance. It was, however, reprimanded for permitting a woman who called herself a prophet to lead some believers astray with her teachings of sexual immorality and participation in pagan rituals. A severe judgment is declared against those who follow her teachings and fail to repent. The message continues by praising those who have not followed these teachings of “deeper truths” and asking nothing more of them than that they continue to hold tightly to the truths of the Gospel. There is a clue in this passage about how to recognize false teachings. The false teaching being condemned here claimed to be a “deeper truth”, something that was not known to the common believer. This is a common theme in many false teachings, they provide “secret” knowledge, or some other means by which those who follow them are separated out as special from others. But the message of the Gospel is that we are all the children of God and loved by Him. Anyone who turns to Him and seeks fellowship with Him will not be turned away.
     Next is the message to the church in Sardis. It has a reputation for being a strong and vibrant congregation, but the message tells us that it has died. Too many of its members are just going through the motions without any real commitment to doing God’s will. They are told to return to what they believed and did when they first believed. They need to wake up and follow God’s righteous path. Even so, there are a few among them who have remained faithful and whom God commends. This is a warning to us today that we cannot rest on what we did in the past, God calls us to righteous behavior today and tomorrow and every day until the Lord returns. We don’t get to retire from serving the Lord (and some of us don’t wait until we retire to attempt to retire from the Lord’s service).

Christmas Tree Angel

Psalm 130:1-8

     Yes, let us call on the Lord for help. If we call on Him, He will rescue us from our troubles, not because we deserve it, but because He loves us. We do not deserve God’s love. We deserve misery and trouble for all of the sins we have committed, for the harm and trouble we have caused others, but God will forgive us our sins. All we have to do is turn to Him and strive to allow Him to replace our sin with righteousness. How I strive to put my faith in nothing but the Lord, for only He can be relied on.

Proverbs 29:21-22

     Failure to control ones temper will lead on into all kinds of sin. I am usually very good at controlling my anger. Sometimes however I let that fool me into thinking it is ok to lose control of my temper. There are times when it is right to feel anger, and even occasionally to act on that anger. However, it is never right to let anger control our actions.

October 16, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Jeremiah 28-29:32

     Jeremiah got into confrontations with several self-appointed prophets who claimed that his prophecies of war, disaster and disease were wrong. They proclaimed that instead God was going to break the power of Babylon within a short time and return the Judean exiles to Jerusalem. Jeremiah responded to those prophets by predicting their imminent deaths and revealing their hidden sins. Jeremiah prophesied that rather than prepare for a quick return the exiles should settle in and build a life for themselves and their children. Jeremiah prophesied that the exile would extend for 70 years. As I read this passage I think of our current situation. There are those who predict good things for the future of this country, but unless the hearts of the people change I foresee nothing but war and disaster. We as Christians must call on people to be transformed. The problems that face this nation are not political problems. They are spiritual problems.

Yet another of God’s Paint-by-Number works

1 Timothy 1:1-20

     Paul tells Timothy that he left him in Ephesus so that Timothy could stop those whose teachings were contrary to the truth. Reading this passage it is hard at first to see what type of teachings he is condemning, but as I read closer I realized that Paul phrased it that way because he wanted to give us a guideline to recognize any future false teaching as well. How can we recognize false teaching and meaningless speculation? Teaching that is from God helps people to live a life of faith in God. It builds up the love in believers’ hearts and leaves them with a clear conscience. It leads them away from sexual and other sins that treat other people as objects. We are all at root sinners and must recognize that our only salvation is through the action of God.

Psalm 86:1-17

     Let me join with the psalmist in praying to God. If we give ourselves to God, He will give us happiness. If we call on the Lord in our times of trouble, He will answer us. He alone is God. Let my prayer always be:

Teach me your ways, O Lord,
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor you.

I will praise God for as long as He gives me breath and when I enter into His presence I will praise Him some more. God is merciful and compassionate. I desire that He gives me the strength to serve Him in all of my life.

Tree in Hickory Run State Park

Proverbs 25:17

     Today’s proverb tells us not to visit our neighbors too often or we will wear out our welcome. This is not a problem for most of us today, since most of us rarely visit our neighbors at all. Nevertheless it is a good point to keep in mind relative to those we do spend time with (although if you are my neighbor, you are welcome to stop by.)

October 14, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

God’s paint by numbers

Jeremiah 23:21-25:38

     Jeremiah continues his condemnation of false prophets who claim to speak in the name of the Lord in order to lead people into sin. He tells us that rather than listening to God, they steal messages from each other. They use false messages and false dreams to get people to forget God. This reminds me of today, many people try to use the name of God to promote their own agenda rather than God’s agenda. We must listen carefully and ask, “What is the Lord’s answer?” We have a reference to judge all such messages against. We must use it.
     Jeremiah tells the people of Judah that he has been calling them to turn from their evil and back to serving God for twenty-three years, but they have not listened. Now God is going to bring Nebuchadnezzar to conquer the land and destroy it. The people will be taken into exile for 70 years. After that He will bring judgement on Babylon and return His people to Jerusalem. Then Jeremiah concludes today’s passage by prophesying that God is going to make all of the nations of the earth drink from the cup of His anger. He is going to punish all of them for their sins with war and destruction. While Jeremiah was speaking of a time in his near future, I wonder of this prophecy might not also apply to the world today. It certainly looks like God is about to pour out war upon the earth again in our near future because so few still acknowledge Him. Few of the rulers of nations today even bother to pay lip service to justice and righteousness and for the most part the people like it that way. We need to pray and fast that God’s Spirit will move in the hearts of the people and bring a revival throughout the world.

Fern in the forest

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

     Today’s passage begins by telling us not to be easily alarmed by those who claim that the Day of Jesus’ Return has already happened. Paul tells us that that Day will not occur until the “man of lawlessness” has been revealed. That will be a time of great rebellion against God. The man of lawlessness will exalt himself and defy everything that anyone calls holy. He will set himself up as God. He will perform signs and wonders and many will be fooled, but only those who refuse to accept the truth of God’s word. People will be fooled because they want to be fooled. If you look around, you see this all of the time. Someone comes along and claims to have the answer to our problems. They offer a shortcut to solving life’s problems that does not involve doing what is right and working hard. People don’t look closely at what the solution being offered looks like because they want the easy way out. There is only one easy way out of our troubles, that is to trust God and strive to live righteously. We cannot continue to wallow in our sins and work our way out of our troubles.

Mountain Stream

Psalm 84:1-12

     O Lord, let me wish for the same things that the psalmist does in this psalm. Let us desire with our entire being to be servants in God’s house, knowing that such a role is more fulfilling and a source of greater happiness than being master in the house of the wicked. A day before God is better than a thousand anywhere else. Let us sing for praise because we have the honor of serving the Lord.

Proverbs 25:15

     Patience and soft speech are often seen as the province of the weak. But this proverb tells us that there is more power in them than we realize. I have seen this. Those who are not easily convinced by urgency and strong words often respond to those who are patient and speak softly.

October 13, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Jeremiah 22-23:20

     Jeremiah gives a message from God to Judah’s kings. He tells them to stop their evil deeds, to stop murdering the innocent and mistreating foreigners, orphans and widows. Instead they should be fair-minded and just, helping those who have been robbed. God warns them that if they do not do this, He will turn Jerusalem into a ruin. Jeremiah then has a prophecy for each of the kings who succeeded to the throne in a short time before Nebuchadnezzar finally led all of the people into exile. He talks of their greed and mistreatment of the people. He contrasts them with Josiah who preceded them and was a wise and just king. Jeremiah tells them that God will bring judgement on them because they divided and destroyed those they were supposed to unite and protect. But Jeremiah prophecies that God will raise up a descendant of David who will rule with justice and righteousness and will gather His people together and unite them.
     Jeremiah then speaks of the false prophets who tell the people what they want to hear, rather than the word of God. Not only do they promise them that they will have peace and prosperity when God is bringing judgement and destruction, but they encourage the people to sin and even join them in their sins. Overall this passage reminds me of the U.S. today. Our political leaders seek after their own power and well-being at the expense of the common man. They divide the people against one another in order to gather and hold power, rather than unite the people to accomplish good in the world. In addition, many prominent religious leaders promote sinful lifestyles and proclaim them to be righteous. They tell the people that God loves them and not to worry about following His commands. I fear for this people and this land if those of us who are Christians do not stand up and declare what God is demanding of those who wish to follow Him. If we are not willing to look like fools to those who choose to ignore righteousness. We need to fast and pray and ask God to send His Spirit onto our friends and neighbors. I need to fast and pray.

Mountain Stream

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

     Paul praises the Thessalonians because their faith is flourishing and their love for one another is growing. I believe that these things are linked. Our faith will only flourish if our love for one another grows and our love for one another will grow as our faith flourishes. Paul also praises them for their faithfulness and endurance in the face of persecution and hardship. God will provide rest for those of us who are being persecuted when Jesus returns, if not before. Those who refuse to accept the gospel will be punished by eternal separation from God. This is what Hell is. It is eternal separation from God. All of the other torments that are ascribed to Hell grow out of this separation. While Hell is indeed a punishment, what other recourse does God have for those who desire to avoid Him and separate themselves from Him?
     In addition Paul prays that God will enable the Thessalonians to live a life worthy of God’s call and that He will give them the power to accomplish the good things that their faith prompts them to do. These are prayers that we should pray for ourselves and for those around us. They are prayers that we can be sure will be granted. Let us not hold back from doing the good things that our faith prompts because we fear that we lack the ability to accomplish them. God will grant us what we need to accomplish that which He calls us to do.

Ferns in the forest

Psalm 83:1-18

     Those who plot against the people of God will be brought to ruin. God will bring judgement on those who refuse to live justly and persecute those who follow His commands. In doing so He will bring honor to His name.

Leaves on the ground

Proverbs 25:11-14

     Saying the right thing at the right time is of immense value to both the speaker and the listener. Those who listen find wise constructive criticism valuable beyond measure. A messenger who can be relied upon to deliver messages accurately and completely is a great relief to those who send them.