Tag Archives: faith in action

November 19, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Burning Leaves

Ezekiel 39-40:27

     Ezekiel continues his prophecy against Gog. I remember that in the 1970s people pointed out that this passage sounded a lot like a nuclear war and its aftermath. At the time, I could not imagine how the then current geopolitics and distribution of nuclear weapons could possibly fit into this prophecy. This is no longer true. I am not sure what this prophecy is foretelling, but I could imagine the Muslim nations of the Middle East, including Iran and Turkey this time, massing their armies to attack Israel. And with the current world situation and the threat of a nuclear Iran, I could see Israel responding with nuclear weapons, something I could not imagine in the 1970s. The next part of the passage seems to imply that Israel will rebuild the Temple after this mighty battle, which also makes sense to me. After such an overwhelming defeat of the armies of the Muslim nations of the Middle East there would no longer be any reason for Israel to make the attempt at pretending that they can maintain the goodwill of Muslims by not destroying the Dome of the Rock.
     All of that being said, I cannot reconcile that reading of the prophecy (or any other that I have so far come up with) with my understanding of the New Testament explanation of how God is now working in the world since the death and resurrection of Jesus. I am sure that in time God will make this clear to me (although perhaps not in this life). I do know that the important thing to remember is that God will act through history to bring glory to His name.

Burning Leaves

James 2:18-3:18

     James continues with his exposition of how faith without works is meaningless. He shows us how the great examples of faith in the Old Testament acted on that faith. He asks us how we will demonstrate our faith without action. He uses this to bring home the idea that true faith results in action and that we can tell what people truly believe by what they do (and they can tell what we believe by what we do).
     He then goes on to tell us that not many of us should become teachers in the Church because teachers will be judged more strictly. I have always seen this interpreted that God holds those who are teachers in the Church to a higher standard, but reading it today I do not think that is what James is saying. I think he is talking about the standard those around us hold us to. I think that fits it into the context better. Immediately after telling us that those who are teachers in the Church will be held to a higher standard he goes on to discuss the importance of controlling our tongues. He gives us examples of how small things can have large consequences. In the same way, some things we say that we give little thought to can have a big impact. We need to think carefully before we say things. All too often we allow both positive and negative things to come out of our mouths. We take the attitude that it is not a big deal. But James tells us that it is a big deal. He tells us that you cannot draw fresh water from a salty spring. The foul language I use and the unjust criticism of others I speak negates the positive things that I say (perhaps not all the time, but more than I would wish).
     We are to live our lives doing good works with humility. If we do this, we will demonstrate that we have God’s wisdom in our lives. Wisdom is pure. It is peace-loving and gentle at all times, willing to yield to others. It does not show favoritism and is always sincere. I pray to God that He will help me to demonstrate these characteristics in the future.

On the Shore of the Lake

Psalm 118:1-18

     The Lord is indeed good. When we pray to the Lord, He will answer us. The Lord is for me so I will have no fear. What can people do against me when the Lord stands as my defense? I will turn to the Lord for my defense and rescue rather than rely on humans, no matter who they might be. Even if the entire world comes against me, they will have no effect as the Lord is my defender. It is by the power of the Lord that I have victory. I live to tell of what the Lord has done.

Across the Lake

Proverbs 28:2

     The government of a nation is only as sound as the morals of the people. If you think that the government is unjust and flawed, look to your own morals.

June 16, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

1 Kings 15:25-17:24

     This passage tells us that king after king came to the throne of Israel and did evil. God brought them, or their sons down and wiped out their entire family. We are not really told much more than that until we come to Ahab, son of Omri, who was king when God called Elijah. Ahab we are told built a temple and altar to Baal in Samaria and set up an Ashera pole there. The passage tells us that Ahab did even more to anger God than any of the kings preceding him.
     God called Elijah to go to Ahab. Elijah went to Ahab and told him that it would not rain until Elijah said otherwise. As James puts it, “Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.” That is a powerful testimony to the power of the prayer of faith. We are told that God told Elijah to go and hide by a stream near the Jordan river. That the ravens would bring him food there. So, Elijah goes and camps where God told him and the ravens brought him food morning and evening and he drank from the stream. Elijah stayed there until the stream dried up.
     God then sent Elijah to a village near Sidon, where a widow would feed him. When Elijah got to the village he saw a widow gathering sticks. He asked her to bring him some water and a little bread. When he asked for bread she told him that she had just enough left for one more meal for herself and her son, after which they would both starve. Elijah tells her not to worry, just bring him some bread and then prepare a meal for herself and her son. That her flour and oil will not run out until God sends rain and the crops grow again. We are told that this does indeed happen. Elijah stayed with her. Some time later, the widow’s son dies. She asks Elijah why this happened. Elijah takes the child’s body up to his room and prays to God for the child to live. The child is returned to life and Elijah gave him back to his mother.
     This passage is a primer on faith and prayer. Elijah trusted God and God sent him food by way of ravens. When his water source at the place where God had the birds feed him dried up, God sent him to a widow that was in need. Notice the timing here, the water in the stream did not dry up until Elijah would arrive at the village as the widow was preparing the last meal for herself and her son. When Elijah asked for bread, the widow gave him bread even though it was the last food she had. When she acted in faith, God provided for her and her son. When the widows son died, Elijah called out to God and God raised her son from the dead. Do we today have the faith to act as the widow did? Do we even have faith to act as Elijah did and pray for such a miracle? Or even to follow Elijah’s example and count on God to provide for our needs? Would we be willing to camp by a stream and count on birds to bring us food?

Acts 10:24-48

     When Peter arrived at Cornelius’ house, Cornelius attempts to worship him but Peter prevents him from doing so. Peter then enters Cornelius’ home where he explains that God has shown him that he should not think of anyone as impure or unclean. Peter began preaching to those who havdgathered at Cornelius’ house (we are told that Cornelius had called together his relatives and close friends). As he is preaching, the Holy Spirit came upon those who were listening to him. The Jewish believers who had accompanied Peter were amazed that God poured out his Holy Spirit on gentiles. When Peter saw that the Holy Spirit had come upon those present, he instructed that they should be baptized.
     This passage is an important one for us as Christians to return to regularly. There are a couple of points. First, God shows no favoritism. He will pour out His Spirit on any who seek Him, no matter what state they are in when they begin seeking Him. Second, we should think of no one as impure or unclean, as someone we should not associate with. God is calling us to preach the Gospel to all who will hear. There are times when Christians think that certain groups are especially condemned of God, whether it be drunks, or drug addicts, or the wealthy or whatever group you can think of that is somehow too far away from God for Him to reach. The point of this passage is that there is no such group. No one is beyond the reach of God. We as Christians are called to pray for everyone we meet and to preach the Gospel to them. We do not know whom God will send His Spirit upon to convict of their sins. We must be prepared to minister to those whom God calls, no matter how distasteful we might find them. Beyond that, we are called to learn to not find them distasteful, but as sinners called by God to repentance, just as we are. I am a sinner called by God to repentance. I have no room to look down on others for their sins.

Christian Art

Psalm 134:1-3

     The psalmist calls on all servants of the Lord to praise God. If we are servants of God, we should be praising God. If we are praising God, we are servants of God. Even those who serve at night, when no one really notices, should praise God for the opportunity to serve Him. Whatever way we are called to serve God, we should praise God. Even if we are called to some task that no one ever notices, we should recognize that we are serving God.

Proverbs 17:9-11

     When we forgive those who have done something blameworthy to us, our love for them and their love for us gets stronger. On the other hand, when we keep thinking about something someone close has done that bothers us, it creates distance between us. The second proverb tells us that those who are wise will take even a single rebuke to heart, while those who are foolish will not learn from severe punishment. Finally, we are told that those who are looking for an opportunity to challenge authority are likely evil.