Tag Archives: Ezekiel 47

September 13, 2023 Bible Study — Becoming Part of God’s River of Living Water

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 46-48.

Ezekiel continues describing his vision of the new temple that he foresaw being built when God restored the Israelites to the land which He promised to Abraham’s descendants.  As he finishes that description, he describes a stream of living water which will flow out of the new temple down to the east to the Dead Sea.  It starts out as a trickle which becomes deeper and wider as it flows away from the temple until it is a mighty river when it reaches the Dead Sea.  This river will bring life to everything along its path, even converting the Dead Sea into a fresh water lake.  I believe that this stream of living water represents Jesus and the Church.  When Jesus founded the Church it was a small organization which did not even represent a significant portion of the people living in Jerusalem.  But as time has passed the Church has become a mighty force which changes the world.  As those who make up the Church allow the Holy Spirit to transform them into the likeness of Christ, they become vessels of the Living Water which is Christ.  As we allow the Spirit to work in us, we become, all combined, a life giving river.  I pray that the Spirit transforms me so that others may gain life from being exposed to God’s Spirit in me.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 13, 2022 Bible Study — The People Were To Leave The Temple Through The Opposite Gate From Which They Entered

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 46-48.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Every year I come to this passage and feel like there is a lesson here for us that I am not seeing.  Today, I am going to focus on the things which struck me as significant, even though I do not understand their significance.  First, the gateways to the temple.  Ezekiel says that the eastern gate will only be opened on Sabbath days and New Moon festivals.  Only the prince will be allowed to enter by that gate and he will worship and offer his sacrifices in the threshold to that gate, then depart the way he came.  Every one else is to enter either the northern gate or the southern gate and they are to exit through the opposite gate of the one they entered.  As I read this it seems deeply significant, but I have no idea why it should be.  I have looked up what a few other people have written concerning this passage.  While I find what they have to say to accurately reflect how God wants us to live, I am unconvinced that this passage was intended to teach us those lessons.  That is, if those lessons were not taught elsewhere in the Bible, I doubt that you would learn them from reading this passage.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 13, 2021 Bible Study — What Is The Meaning Of Ezekiel’s River Of Life?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 46-48.

Every time I read this I wonder why God felt it necessary for Ezekiel to spell out the offerings which should be made.  Now I have never compared the offerings which Ezekiel prescribes here to those spelled out in Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy, but they are certainly similar.  However, I also always feel that the account here of the river which will begin at the Temple has meaning which I cannot quite understand.  He describes this river as flowing from the Temple, getting deeper and wider the further it gets from the Temple until it flows into the Dead Sea.  This flow of water will convert the Dead Sea into a fresh water lake.  Yet the swamps and marshes around the Dead Sea will remain salty.  So, I understand that the life giving power of this river comes from the fact that it originates at the Temple in the presence of the glory of God, but why does it get deeper and wider as it flows away from that presence?  Sometimes, I think that it is a metaphor for the way in which God’s love grows as we share it with those around us.  However, I think it has more meaning than just that, but I am at a loss as to what that might be.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 13, 2020 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

In the year 2000, on the 23rd day of this month, my wife married me.  So here we are on day 10 of the 20 days that I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary for 20 years of marriage.  Happy Anniversary Darling!

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 46-48.

So, yesterday I noticed something in the passage which I did not comment on because it was in the middle of a section which I cannot see a way to apply today.  However, I saw a very similar thing today, also in the middle of a section for which I do not see an application today (in both cases I believe this to be a limitation to my vision, not a comment on the value of the passage).  So, in yesterday’s passage the priests were instructed leave the clothes they wore when they were ministering to God in special inner rooms of the Temple in order to be sure not to endanger anyone by transmitting holiness to them.  In today’s passage, the priests were to prepare the offerings eaten only by the priests in special kitchens so as to avoid carrying them through the through the outer courtyard and risk endangering the people by transmitting holiness to them.   I am completely baffled as to what Ezekiel is getting at by saying that the people would be endangered by having holiness transmitted to them.  If any of my readers think that they understand this, please comment.

September 13, 2019 Bible Study — The River of God’s Love

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 46-48.

As I read the rules Ezekiel gave concerning the gateways to the Temple they came across as very meaningful, but I do not understand the meaning.  On certain days the prince will enter the east gateway, worship God from the entry room, then leave the way he came in.  However, the common people will enter through either the north or south gateway and leave through the gateway opposite the one they entered.  All of that reads as spiritually very significant to me, but I do not understand the significance.

However, I think that I do understand part of the significance of the River of Life which Ezekiel describes as flowing out from God’s presence in the Temple.  Ezekiel describes the river as getting progressively deeper as it flows away from the Temple, but without any other sources.  I suspect there is a meaning here besides what I see, but to me Ezekiel is describing God’s love and how He expects us to respond to it.  There is a story I heard many years ago which sums this up.  I do not know if the story was true and I no longer accurately remember the details, but I am going to tell it as I remember it because it sums up the river which Ezekiel describes.  There was a woman in a small town who never married, but who taught Sunday School her whole life.  She touched the lives of perhaps a few hundred people, but one of those people grew up to be an evangelist.  That evangelist brought tens of thousands of people to the Lord.  One of those who came to serve God through that evangelist was Billy Graham, who went on to bring tens of millions of people to know and serve God.  Whether or not that story is true, it reflects the message of the River of Life which Ezekiel describes.  Each of us is God’s Temple and His love flows out from us.  Perhaps we have little direct impact on the world, but if we show God’s love to the people around us, God will change their lives.  Some of them will show God’s love to many more people and the river which is God’s love will get deeper, bringing life to all who encounter it.

September 13, 2018 Bible Study — The River Of Life Flows Out From God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 46-48.

    Ezekiel finishes out his description of the new Temple in today’s passage. Today, he describes how the Temple will be entered and exited. First he tells us that the eastern gateway will be closed except on the Sabbath and feast days. On those days it will be opened to allow the prince (I never thought about it before, but it is interesting that Ezekiel refers to the ruler of Israel as “prince” rather than as “king”) to enter through it. However, the prince will only enter into the entry room associated with this gateway, where he will remain while the priest makes his offerings. Then the prince will bow down in worship and leave the way he came in. On the days which the eastern gateway is opened it will remain open until sunset and the common people will worship in front of it (as I read this, Ezekiel means inside the Temple courtyard). Aside from the prince, everyone will enter the Temple from either the northern or southern gate. When they are done in the Temple they will leave through the gate opposite the one they entered. This all seems very significant, but I have no idea of what.

    Perhaps the most interesting part of the description of the new Temple is Ezekiel’s description of the stream which flows out from under the east door of the Temple. It flows from there out through the south side of the eastern gateway of the Temple courtyard and all the way down to the Dead Sea. As the stream flowed away from the Temple it got steadily deeper, becoming a river. Ezekiel’s guide told him that this river would turn the Dead Sea into fresh water resulting in the Dead Sea becoming filled with fish. In addition, fruit trees would grow along both banks of the river, producing a new crop of fruit every month. I do not know if Ezekiel’s vision will be literally fulfilled, or if it is just a figurative example of the life giving love which flows out from God. I know that in previous years I have written a figurative interpretation of this vision. I think that there is some value in that. I have seen several articles which contend that as the Jewish people have returned to the land of Israel and taken control over it, rainfall in that land has increased. Some of those articles have made correlations between Jewish agricultural practices in Palestine and the increased rainfall. Others have made correlations between the prophecies of the Old Testament and that rainfall. I have been unable to confirm the premise of those articles about rainfall increasing, but I believe that if it is true, both correlations are valid.

September 13, 2017 Bible Study — God’s Love Brings Life To Everything It Touches

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 46-48.

    I do not know what to make of today’s passage. It contains instructions concerning the rituals and laws to be observed when the new Temple is built, a few further dimensions of construction in the Temple compound, a different division of the land from that given in the Pentateuch, and a description of a river which will originate at the Temple. The river which Ezekiel describes in this passage is the part which I want to focus on. I am going to treat the river as a metaphor for God’s love. The river starts in the presence of God as a shallow stream. As it flows away from God it gets deeper and wider. As the river flowed its waters gave life to all around it, but not just life. The river nourished trees, which provided nourishment for people. The river flowed into the Dead Sea and made it live. As God’s love flows out from Him it encounters others, who are inspired by God’s love to love others. Love is one of those things which the more we express it, the more there is to express. When love pours into our lives it opens up wellsprings within us which flows out into the world around us. Eventually it pours into the nastiest, deadest place you can imagine and brings life even there. God’s Love transforms everything it touches. Let us drink from the stream of God’s love so that it can revive us and then burst forth from us as an even larger stream bringing life to all around us.