Tag Archives: Ezekiel 27-28:26

November 13, 2014 Bible Study — Fear of the Lord Is The Beginning of Wisdom

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I am out-of-town on business for a few days. I believe that I will still be able to get these published each day, but it may be a little later than usual when I do so. Please pray for me that I may serve God on this trip and that He keeps me safe. Also, pray for my wife, that God’s Spirit comforts her in my absence.


Proverbs 27:15-16

    The proverb writer says that a quarrelsome wife is like a dripping roof on a rainy day. The fact of the matter is that that is true of anyone you spend a large amount of time with, if they are quarrelsome they will become more annoying the longer you are with them. So, the question this proverb should lead you to ask is this, “Am I quarrelsome?”


Psalm 111:1-10

    This psalm reminds us once again to praise the Lord and thank Him for all He has done. His righteousness never fails. The key part of this psalm is the reminder that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. It is when we have a proper fear of God that we obey His commands, and when we obey God’s commands we will gain wisdom every day.


Hebrews 11:17-31

    The writer gives example after example of people acting on faith, and of improbable things happening to them or for them. We have examples of people willingly sacrificing their worldly desires in order to serve God (Abraham was willing to sacrifice his heir and Moses sacrificed the pleasures and comforts of being a member of Pharaoh’s family). We have examples of people being willing to take risks (the people of Israel marching into the Red Sea and Rahab helping the spies). Examples of people willing to look foolish (the people of Israel marching around Jericho). Are we willing to do the same? Are we willing to sacrifice our worldly desires, to take risks, to look like fools, in order to serve God? Do we have the faith to believe that the sacrifices and risks are worth it?


Ezekiel 27-28:26

    Ezekiel gives warning against hubris, excessive pride. The rulers and people of Tyre and Sidon did not believe that they could suffer the destruction which was visited upon Israel and Judah. They thought they were wise enough that they did not need God. They thought that their natural defenses made them unconquerable (well, at least Tyre did). There is no nation or kingdom which will last. When the day of God’s judgement arrives, they will all fall.

November 13, 2013 Bible Study — Fear of the Lord Is the Beginning of Wisdom

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Ezekiel 27-28:26

     Ezekiel prophesies the fall of Tyre. He warns the king of Tyre that his doom is coming. Ezekiel tells the king of Tyre that he will suffer defeat and destruction because in his arrogance he thought himself a god, wiser than the wise and more knowledgeable than any other. The king of Tyre had used his knowledge and wisdom to acquire great wealth and power, but failed to recognize his limits. His failure to recognize his limits would bring about his downfall. This warning should stand for all who acquire power and wealth. If you become proud and begin to think that you need listen to no one, the day of your destruction will be near.


Hebrews 11:17-31

     The writer gives us a list of people from the Old Testament who acted on faith. They took risks, they did things that the world around them said made no sense, some of them did things that they could not see how it could possibly come out right. But they all had faith that doing what God called them to do, that doing the right thing was the right thing to do. And as a result God blessed them. They were willing to face hardship and suffering. They were willing to take risks with no sign of reward. All because they had faith that the course of action they had chosen was the right one. Will the day come when people will say of me, “It was by faith…”?


Psalm 111:1-10

     I will speak of the wonderful things which God has done for me, things which I do not deserve. The psalmist reminds us that those who delight in the Lord will reflect on His great works. I will do so because His acts are just and good, by reflecting on them I can learn how to live my life as a just and good man. Fear of God is the first step in learning to be wise and following His commands is the way to grow wiser.


Proverbs 27:15-16

     The proverb tells us that a quarrelsome wife is as annoying as the drip from a leaky roof during a rain storm. The steady drip reminds you of a problem, but there is nothing you can do to fix it. The fact of the matter is that being quarrelsome is just as tedious if it is the husband. For that matter, people who are quarrelsome are tedious no matter your relationship to them if you need to spend any length of time with them. I will strive to not be such a person.

November 13, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Deep Creek Lake Riparian Zone

Ezekiel 27-28:26

     After giving prophecies to each of Judah’s neighbors telling them how the fall of Jerusalem will spill over on to them, Ezekiel gives an extended prophecy concerning Tyre. He talks about Tyre’s wealth and its trading empire. Reading this prophecy, I can easily fit the United States into his description of Tyre. He talks about how Tyre built up its riches by wisdom, honest dealing and honoring God. Then he tells them that their riches and successful commerce led them to sin. This, also sounds like the United States to me. Ezekiel was prophesying that it was too late for Tyre, God’s judgment was going to fall on them and it could not be turned aside. Let us pray that such is not the case for the United States. Perhaps if those of us who strive to serve the Lord, stand in the gap and call on our countrymen to turn to God, there will still be time. Let us call on the Spirit of God to strike the hearts of our neighbors and convict them to turn from their sins. Even if it is too late to turn aside God’s judgment, perhaps some of our neighbors can yet be saved, if only we will be faithful and point them to the living God.

Deep Creek Riparian Zone #2

Hebrews 11:17-31

     The writer recounts how Abraham acted by faith by taking Isaac to sacrifice him to God, even though God had told Abraham that it was through Isaac that the descendants God had promised Abraham would come. Abraham had faith that God would and could honor His promises even if Abraham sacrificed Isaac. God showed Abraham that He would indeed honor His promises by providing a substitute for Isaac. The writer goes on to tell us that Isaac, Jacob and Joseph acted by faith. Joseph had such faith that God would lead the children of Israel out of Egypt in the future that he commanded that they take his bones with them when they left. It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him to save him from Pharaoh’s decree.
     It was by faith that Moses rejected the privilege of being the son of Pharaoh’s daughter and chose instead to be share the oppression of God’s people. Are we willing to reject the pleasures of sin that our culture offers and accept the scorn and ridicule (and perhaps persecution) that it heaps upon those who choose to follow God? Do we have the faith to approach an obstacle like the Red Sea believing that God will move it aside so that we can walk through on dry ground? Do we have the faith to do something like march around the city of Jericho for seven days praising God? Even when such action makes no sense as a means to our goals? Do we have the faith of Rahab to protect a servant of God when our neighbors are seeking to destroy them? Are we willing to stand with the people of God against the animosity of our friends and neighbors?
     Do we have faith to stand in the gap?

Deep Creek Riparian Zone #3

Psalm 111:1-10

     Let us praise the Lord. I thank the Lord every time I meet with His godly people, or at least I try to. Let us trust in the Lord and know that He is good. He provides for those who love and serve Him. His commands are trustworthy and forever true. Let us obey Him faithfully and with integrity. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. IF we follow His commands we will grow in wisdom from this beginning point. Do you wonder why you are not growing in wisdom? Perhaps it is because you are not following what the Lord has revealed to you that He wants you to do. I know that this happens to me from time to time. Or perhaps you have forgotten how fear inspiring the presence of the Holy God can be.

Deep Creek Riparian Zone #4

Proverbs 27:15-16

     Today’s proverb tells us that a quarrelsome wife is as annoying as a constant dripping. The fact of the matter is that this is true of anyone who complains incessantly. Be aware of this and don’t be a someone who is always complaining.