Tag Archives: Ezekiel 16

August 31, 2023 Bible Study — God Has Cared for His People, and We Have Betrayed Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 16.

Ezekiel compares the way God treated Jerusalem, and all of the Israelites, to someone who found a baby girl abandoned by her mother right after birth.  In fact the comparison is to a newborn which was purposefully left to die in the wilderness.  Instead of allowing them to die, God cared for them and provided for their needs.  Then, in the analogy, when the girl reached womanhood, rather than leaving her to be taken advantage of by whatever man came along, God married her and continued to provide for her.  God showed love and care for His people, when the “ways of the world” suggest that He could have used “her” for His desires and abandoned “her” when He was finished with “her”.  Rather than respond to the love which God showered on them, the people of Jerusalem (and all of Israel) unfaithfully chased after others.  They took the rich gifts which God had given them and spent them on getting the attention of others.  They failed to see how following the laws and morals which God gave them had also given them the luxuries and happiness which they acquired.  Instead, they took the luxuries which came from belonging to God and used them to cheat on Him.  God has treated each of us much the same way, and we have responded by betraying His love.  However, God still loved the people of Israel and brought them back to Himself.  He will do the same for us if we allow Him to do so.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 31, 2022 Bible Study — Sexual Immorality And Idolatry

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 16.

I never quite know what to do with this passage for a couple of reasons.  First, it addresses people as a group, in particular, the people of Israel, rather than as individuals.  Second, it makes a simile between adultery and idolatry which does not work in either our current views of idolatry or adultery (or even marriage).  Today we do not normally associate idol worship with sexual activity, nor do we normally consider sexual immorality as an expression of idol worship.  However, the separation we imagine between idolatry and sexual immorality results from our failure to truly understand both human sexuality and the role which worship plays in our lives.  This realization came to me as I saw the way Ezekiel connected child sacrifice with both sexual immorality and idol worship in today’s passage.  I had long ago come to see the connection between the child sacrifice condemned by Old Testament prophets and abortion.  Today, I connected the casual view of sexual immorality which underlies the support for abortion today and the idolatry which the Old Testament prophets condemn.  From there I saw how Ezekiel ties together idolatry, sexual immorality, and the oppression of the weak among us in today’s passage.

It always interests me to see where God’s Spirit leads me when I do not know what to write about a passage.  I do not mean to say that my blog today, or any day, is especially inspired by God.  Anyway, we often overlook how sexual immorality results from treating others as objects which we can use for our own pleasure.  This same attitude also leads to oppression of those weaker than ourselves in other ways.  And all of this results from us worshiping ourselves in place of God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 31, 2021 Bible Study — In What Ways Are We Sacrificing The Good Things God Gave Us To Idols?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 16.

I get somewhat uncomfortable when I write about today’s passage because the metaphor which Ezekiel uses here offends the sensibilities of our society.  However, the important thing to remember is that this was just a metaphor intended to communicate how thoroughly dependent upon God the people of Judah, and we ourselves, were for everything which they had.  Rather than be grateful to God for all that they had, they sought after others to take His place.  They took the gifts which God had given them and used them to entice others (both idols and nations) to take the place which God should have held in their lives.  And not only did they offer the material gifts which God had given them, they killed the children which He had given them, His children.  In some ways, Ezekiel’s metaphor is one of the strongest anti-abortion passages in the Bible.  The children which are killed in abortion are both a gift from God being thrown away in order to gain favor with some other god and themselves God’s children.  Of course the children being sacrificed are not just the ones lost to abortion, but our society sacrifices the children which God has given us in many other ways.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 31, 2020 Bible Study Turn To God For Deliverance, Not To The Government

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 16.

I hate to put the United States in the place of Israel, or Judah, in Old Testament prophecies because the United States is NOT God’s Chosen Nation.  However, there is some parallel between the founding of this country and this prophecy.  The United States did not gain its independence because of its strength of arms.  It became independent because world affairs meant that Britain could not dedicate the force necessary to put down the rebellion.  Even after that, the United States remained a weak nation whose prosperity grew because world affairs kept more powerful nations from attacking it.  Throughout that history one also sees numerous accessions when God’s Spirit swept through the nation transforming society for the better.  And now we as a nation seek other gods and sacrifice our children on the altar of political expedience, not just through abortion, but also through the child predators who seem to inhabit the highest levels of power in our nation.  However, it is more than just that.  As I mentioned yesterday, even many of those who seek to bring about change place more emphasis on the government as the solution than on God.  The change we need will not come from the government.  It will only come if and when we turn to God and ask Him for deliverance.

August 31, 2019 Bible Study — We Owe All That We Have and Are To God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 16.

There are a few prophetic visions in the Bible which I struggle with applying to my life, or to society around me.  This is one of them because it is so specifically to the people of Jerusalem and Judah just before the Exile.  Yet, there are aspects of it we can generalize to ourselves and the society around us.  The line which made it come home to me was the beginning of verse 15: “But you thought your fame and beauty were your own.”  This made me see how we as individuals and as a society often fail to credit God for what He has given us.  As individuals, we see our wealth, our possessions, our health, or even our bodies as things which we obtained on our own and as things with which we can do whatever we want.  We fail to recognize that they are gifts from God and that we should seek to discover what He wants us to do with them.

As a society we often view our blessings as things which came to be purely through the hard work of our predecessors who passed these good things on to us to use, or throw away, as we desire.  Again, we fail to recognize that these things were gifts from God, given for His purposes.  Some of the things we choose to throw away are values which led our predecessors to do the things which brought about the world in which we live.  Rather than look to see which of those values were gifts from God which brought about good and which were products of our predecessors sins, we choose those which appeal to us and throw away those which do not. 

It is not enough that our society takes the wealth and possessions which God gave us and uses them selfishly.  No, our society has chosen to take the children which God gives us and sacrifice them on the altar of convenience.  When I read passages such as today’s, my first thought is on the atrocity which is abortion in this country, but really our society’s sacrifice of children goes far beyond that.  We see it in the parents who use their children to satisfy their own ambitions, whether that is in sports, or show business, or the many other ways in which parents push their children that are not healthy for the children. 

August 31, 2018 Bible Study — Do We Value Children?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 16.

    Ezekiel condemns the people of Jerusalem for their idolatry. He calls it a form of adultery and prostitution. They took the good things which God gave them and offered them in worship to idols. Not only did they fail to acknowledge that God had given them the many good things which they had, they used them to curry favor with gods which were not gods. As I read this passage I thought of us today. The people of the United States have been blessed by God (I live in the U.S., if you live elsewhere you will have to decide for yourself how much this applies to where you live), but they have chosen not to acknowledge that fact. Just as Ezekiel says of the people of Jerusalem, they believe that their beauty, fame, wealth, and power are their own to use as they please. So, instead of using those to serve God’s will, they have used them to satisfy their lusts and pleasures. Ezekiel tells us that the people of Jerusalem were not satisfied with offering the good things from God to other gods. No, they sacrificed the very children God had given into their care. Those children were not possessions to do with as they chose. Those were God’s children whom they murdered to further their own pleasures.

    Our society does the same thing, only even worse. Those of our own children which we do not offer up to the god of convenience through abortion we give over to the government to shape and mold. I want to state that I do not have any children. I do not have children because i did not seek to have children. And I did not seek to have children because I did not value them as I should. This does not mean that everyone who does not have children made the choices that led them to that point for poor reasons. However, it is true for me. I am not saying that I made the wrong decisions. Just that I made them for the wrong reasons. Our children are not ours to dispose of as we see fit. They are God’s, made in His image, to be cultivated and cared for so as to fulfill His purpose for them. Raising children is a responsibility given to parents from God. You cannot shuffle that responsibility off on the government or someone else. Some parents receive that responsibility through the function of their biological processes. Some parents have voluntarily shouldered that responsibility by adopting children whose biological parents are unable to fulfill that responsibility. I want to be perfectly clear that I fully support the decision of any parent to put their child up for adoption if they feel for any reason whatsoever that they cannot fulfill the responsibility for raising the child(ren) God gave into their care (even if only for a short period of time).

August 31, 2017 Bible Study — God Did Not Choose Us Because We Are Special

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 16.

    In today’s passage Ezekiel uses a metaphor which our modern culture finds objectionable. We must not allow our distaste for the practice suggested in the metaphor to interfere with the message it contains. There are actually several pieces to that message. Ezekiel begins by addressing the belief among many of the Jews that they were better than other people. They believed that because they were God’s Chosen People they were superior to others. The same message needs to be heard by many who consider themselves Christians today. Ezekiel’s message to them (and to us) was that they were the offspring of a mixed relationship between a man and a woman of different cultures, both from cultures which were considered barbaric. The message here is that the people of Jerusalem, the Jewish people, were not special because of anything about themselves. They were special because God had chosen them. He could just as easily chosen someone else. In the same way, we who are Christians are not special because of anything we have done, or because of who are ancestors are. We owe God a gift of gratitude to God for choosing us. He could just as easily choose someone else in our place.

    The key part of the message, however, is how the people of Jerusalem used the things which God gave them because He had chosen them. Instead of using those things to honor God, they used them to make other things appear worthy of replacing God and then worshiped those things in place of God. When those idols did not satisfy, instead of turning back to God they sought out other more exotic idols. Worse than that, they sacrificed their children, the children whom God had given them, on the altars of these gods whom they had put in the place of God. Every time I read such passages, I am struck by the comparisons to our society, where we worship material things and build shrines to our possessions. Even many of those who consider themselves Christian put a higher priority on material possessions than on serving God. Further, when I read the Old Testament prophets condemning the people of Israel for sacrificing their children I cannot help but think of abortion as it is practiced in this country. We have sacrificed our children on the altar of convenience.
    I want to make an important caveat here. Those who have had an abortion, or performed an abortion, or facilitated an abortion are not worse than anyone else. We have all, each and every one of us, committed heinous sins in the eyes of God. It is only through God’s grace that we can do better going forward. No matter what the sin we have committed, God will forgive us and wipe us clean if we repent and turn to Him.

August 31, 2016 Bible Study — Everything We Have Is a Gift From God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 16.

    Today’s passage is about the Jewish people, God’s special care for them, and their unfaithfulness. However, much of the message can be applied to other nations and peoples, to a limited degree, even to individuals. The opening point is that everything we have in life was given to us by God. If we had parents who cared for us, it is because God planned for them to be there to do so. Every good thing which I have obtained in this life came to me as a gift from God. They are not mine to use as I choose. They are mine to use in service to God.


    It is bad enough when we use the material possessions which God has given us to honor other gods, when we take the wonderful gifts which God has given us out of His love for us and use them to express love for that which defies Him. But when we go further and sacrifice our own children to the gods of convenience and self we go too far. This is true whether we do it on a personal level or on a societal level. I have often heard it said that slavery was the “original sin” of the United States. Perhaps it was, but as horrendous as slavery was, abortion dwarfs it in the evil it visits on our society.