Tag Archives: Ecclesiastes 6

July 18, 2023 Bible Study — There is Nothing New Under the Sun

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ecclesiastes 1-6.

The Book of Ecclesiastes begins with a statement with which I have struggled, but which helps us deal with many arguments made today.  The writer, who tells us that he is King Solomon (and I have no reason to doubt him), says that everything is meaningless.  Solomon explains that everything that happens today happened in the past.  No one remembers what was done by those who came before, even if we try to teach people to record what they have done, those who come after them will forget them.   Truly learning the truth that this passage teaches us allows us to deal with those who claim that biblical teachings no longer apply because things are different now.  However, if you spend some time studying history you quickly find that things are not as different as people would like to think.  In fact, things have not really changed all that much, if at all.

So, the fact that things do not really change all that much is an important thing to learn from this passage, but how do we deal with the existential depression which the writer expresses.  Solomon writes that nothing we do really makes a difference, nothing we do changes things.  Whether we act wisely or foolishly, we are all going to die at some point.  And if we work really hard to acquire great amounts of wealth and build great monuments, when we die we will hand them over to someone who may not work to maintain them.  Even if they do, what difference does it actually make?  I could continue to write on this, but Solomon tells us “the more the words the less the meaning.”  So, I will conclude with what Solomon says in Chapter 3.  There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity.    There is nothing better than to be happy and do good while we live.  God made us for that and everything He has done will endure.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 18, 2022 Bible Study — Be Happy Doing What Is Good

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ecclesiastes 1-6.

The writer tells us that everything is meaningless, but he also tells us that there is nothing better than to do what is good and be happy.  He writes that there is nothing new, that everything that happens has happened before.  One could argue that when the first man walked on the Moon, that was something new.  But that misses his point, he means that human nature does not change.  People today are neither better than they were in centuries gone by, nor are they worse.  Sometimes we look around and think that people today behave much worse than they did in the past.  But, if we study history, we will quickly see that there have been times in the past when people were every bit as depraved as they are today.  The same is true when we think that people are better today than in the past.  The writer tells us that nothing we do today really changes anything, which makes all of our effort meaningless.  Everything we do is only temporary and we will all die, sooner or later.  Yet, he sees that a part of us focuses on eternity which leads him to conclude that there is nothing better in life than to be happy doing what is good.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 18, 2021 Bible Study — There Is Nothing New Under The Sun

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ecclesiastes 1-6.

I always find the Book of Ecclesiastes challenging.  The writer tells us that everything is meaningless, that there is nothing to be gained from striving, and yet strive we must.  However, he also tells us that there is nothing better than to be happy and do good.  Perhaps the most important lesson we can learn from today’s passage is that there is nothing new under the sun: human nature does not change.  People argue that traditional morals have become obsolete because times have changed.  They argue that we should not follow the rules laid down in the Bible because they applied to a different time and place.  However, a study of history reveals that whenever it appears that human nature has changed it is because the majority of people are following the moral code revealed in the Bible.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 18, 2020 Bible Study God Gives Us Good Times and Bad Times, and He Has a Purpose in Both

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ecclesiastes 1-6.

While I find the Book of Ecclesiastes slightly depressing, I also find it very insightful.  When the writer tells us that we do not remember what happened in the past and that those in the future will not remember what we did, he is challenging us to break that pattern.  As a result of our failure to remember what happened in the past we think that we can reject the lessons which have been passed down to us from that past.  From time to time people think that they have come up with a new and better way to do things then have ever been thought of before.    If they had a better understanding of the past they would realize that they were mistaken.

The writer goes on to tell us that we should be content in the lot God has given us and take pleasure in it.  There is a balance in life.  I really like how the writer sums that up in the first eight verses of chapter three.  There is a time for everything.  There is a time for the good things in life and a time for those which are less pleasant.  We should not reject the times of laughter just because we experienced a time to cry, and we should not try to turn the time for grief into a time of dancing.  During the time of war and division we must remember that there will come a time for peace.

July 18, 2019 Bible Study — Doing Things According to God’s Timetable

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ecclesiastes 1-6.

The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is nothing new.  While there are some new things, people do not change.  Someone may say, “Well, the way we look at X is new,” but if you study history you soon see that it is just a return to the way X was viewed long ago.  Or to put it another way, the more things change the more they stay the same.  No matter what we do we cannot change the world.  As a result the only meaningful thing we can do is serve God.

I love the beginning of chapter 3.  Ever since I first heard The Byrds’ “Turn! Turn! Turn!” i have loved the idea that there is a time for everything.  That song emphasized that the final line of the poem was about a time for peace.  I am quite convinced that the writer intentionally chose to put peace last to emphasize it.  However, a sentence or so later the writer tells us the point of there being a time for everything: God has designed things so that there is beauty in doing the right thing at the right time.  Speaking out when it is time to be quiet is no better, or worse, than being quiet when it is time to speak.

July 18, 2017 Bible Study — Life Is Meaningless…Or, Is It?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ecclesiastes 1-6.

    This passage reminds me very much of my faith story. I grew up in a Christian home and had an understanding of the Gospel from a young age. I was also taught to use my mind and think about things critically. From the time I could reach my own conclusions about faith issues I was torn between the faith which my parents had told me and a desire for proof of God’s existence. After I graduated from college and while I was still in my early 20s, this struggle became severe. As I thought more about my life and spent even more time looking for intellectual proof of God’s existence more and more I asked myself what was the point of living. Life was hard work and what was the point? I even considered suicide at one point, not out of depression, but merely as an easy way out. If there is no God, life is meaningless. Which led me to the conclusion that I could not live life believing that this universe was all that there was. I realized I had a choice: I could live life depressed, or I could choose to live my life as if the Bible was true. I chose the latter. Amazingly within months, I had the proof I had been looking for all my life. I know that God exists. I learned that Psalms 34:8 tells us the only way we can truly know God. The only way to know God is to experience Him for yourself. I learned to know God by choosing to act as if I believed in Him, by doing the things which followed from knowing that there is a God.