Tag Archives: Deuteronomy 13-15:23

March 30, 2015 Bible Study — Are We Desperate For Jesus’ Healing?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:5-7

    You can tell if the person giving you advice is godly by considering the outcomes they advise you to strive for. If they are recommending that you follow a just and fair course of action, they are godly. If the person advises that you do things which are not just and fair, it is likely that following their advice will serve their interests, but not necessarily yours.


Psalm 71:1-24

    I read this psalm and parts of it resonate strongly with me and others, not so much. The psalm starts out with the psalmist crying out for God to rescue him. While I have been in such circumstances in the past, that is not where I am today. Then there is verse 7:

My life is an example to many,
because you have been my strength and protection.

I am not so sure that my life has been an example to many, but God has been my strength and protection. Which is why I can never stop praising God for what He has done for me. A little later the psalmist says that he keeps hoping for God’s help. I do the same, but I do not just hope for that help, I am receiving it. God has blessed me and helped me in so many ways. Therefore I praise Him more and more.
    Then comes verse 17, which I connect with so well:
O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood,
and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do.

Here I connect most thoroughly with the first part. God has indeed taught me from my earliest childhood. My parents gave me wonderful examples of what it means to follow God. I am so very grateful to them for that. However, I do not tell others about the wonderful things God does nearly enough. I pray that His Spirit will move me to do so more. Finally there is verse 20, to which I can barely relate:
You have allowed me to suffer much hardship,
but you will restore me to life again
and lift me up from the depths of the earth.

I have most definitely NOT experienced much hardship, but I am confident that God will lift me up from the depths if I descend into them and He will comfort me when sorrow comes upon me. The Lord has been good to me and I owe Him so much praise.


Luke 8:40-9:6

    One problem with reading through the Bible the way I am is passages like today’s where it has not been very long since I read, and wrote on, the similar passages in Matthew and in Mark. As a result, it is sometimes hard to see a lesson which is not the one I just wrote about a few weeks ago. It is not that I mind writing more or less the same thing. My problem is that I want to see what the Spirit is telling me as I read the passage and not just think, “Oh, the story of Jairus’ daughter. Here is the lesson that teaches.” The whole point of reading the Bible every day is for the Spirit to reveal lessons from Scripture that I need to apply in my life.
    That being said, Jairus and the woman in the crowd had something in common. They were both desperate. Jairus’ desperation was urgent and threatening to destroy him. His little girl, his princess, was sick and about to die. He had striven all of her life to protect her. Now, he was powerless in the face of death. There was only one thing he could. He went to Jesus and begged Him to heal his little girl. He went to Jesus, and joy of joys, he had hope once more. Jesus was coming. Then on the way they were interrupted by a woman as desperate as he (we will get back to her in a minute). When they resumed their progress a messenger arrived and told him his precious daughter had died. There was no reason to disturb Jesus any longer. Complete deflation, it was over. But Jesus’ said to him, “Don’t be afraid. She will be healed.” And she was, despite the fact that the neighbors laughed at Jesus when He got there. The little girl was healed and restored to her father.
    Now back to the woman in the crowd. She too was desperate, but her desperation was the soul-crushing desperation of someone who has been struggling with something for years. She has tried this and she has tried that. None of it has helped in the least. Her problem remains. She has one last hope, perhaps if she can get close enough to Jesus to touch the fringe of His clothing, then she could be healed and have a normal live. She got there, touched Him, and was healed. Best of all, no one needed to know of her desperate attempt. Except that Jesus knew and called her out in the crowd. But then all He did was tell her that her faith had made her well and sent her on her way. She must have wanted to dance a jog.
    I know people as desperate as these two. The problem is that they do not know Jesus well enough to have the kind of faith in Him described in this story. I am praying that the Holy Spirit gives me direction so that they become introduced to Him.


Deuteronomy 13-15:23

    Moses warned the Israelites against those who would try to lead them to follow other gods. He points out the different ways in which people would attempt it. He points out that there will be people who perform miraculous signs (or, at least, what appear to be miraculous signs) and people who make predictions about the future which come true who will attempt to use these abilities to convince others to leave off following God. There will be those who offer the thrill of the secret, or being part of a “special” group, to entice us to leave off from following God. In all of these cases, we are encouraged to examine what they are teaching to see if it is indeed something other than the word of God. But if we conclude that it is, we should have nothing to do with them.

March 30, 2014 Bible Study — Do Not Give Up Hope

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:5-7

    Today’s proverbs give us a basis for judging ourselves. Are the plans I make just to everyone? Or do they benefit me at the expense of others? When I give advice to others, does my advice benefit me more than the person I am advising? Does what I say encourage and support others to do things which will improve their lives? Or do I subtly encourage them to do things which will harm them? Let us make godly plans and speak righteous words.


Psalm 71:1-24

    This psalm is both a source of hope for me and a challenge. I have turned to God for protection. I have trusted in Him since childhood. He has always come to my rescue and saved me from my troubles. However I am challenged by the psalmist’s claim to have been an example to many. Has my life been an example to others? Have I lived a life which others look at and wish to imitate? If others have imitated my life, are they better off for it?
    Let me declare God’s glory everyday. Let me never stop praising Him. Yes, I will follow the psalmist’s example:

I will tell everyone about your righteousness.
All day long I will proclaim your saving power,
though I am not skilled with words.


Luke 8:40-9:6

    I love the story of the healing of Jairus’ daughter and the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak. There are so many different lessons for us here. I love the woman’s example of faith with her belief that if she could just touch Jesus’ cloak she could be healed. What struck me today was Jesus’ message to Jairus to never give up hope. A messenger came to Jairus to tell him that there was no point in bothering Jesus any longer, his daughter was dead. Jesus answer to Jairus was to tell him to have faith. Let us continue to have faith, even when the battle appears to be over and all seems lost. I will place my hope in Jesus and have faith that He can bring healing and life, even in the midst of death.


Deuteronomy 13-15:23

    This passage contains a warning against idolatry. It reminds us that there will be different types of temptation to worship something other than God. Some will make predictions that will come true, some will perform wonders designed to entice us to rely on something other than God. Despite the promises and the wonders they perform in the service of these false gods, none of them things will be able to provide the fulfillment and salvation that comes from worshiping and serving the true God. There will be others who will attempt to seduce us into the worship of things other than God. They will offer us pleasures and entertainments, but none of those pleasures or entertainments will be able to replace the joy that comes from serving God. Some will be secretive and subtle. They will attempt to trick us into worshiping something other than God. Let us examine their teachings with care so that we will know whether what they teach truly comes from God, or from another. Let us engage our hearts, souls, and minds in worshiping God.

March 30, 2013 Bible Study — Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Snow on the branches
Snow on the branches

Deuteronomy 13-15:23

     Moses gives the children of Israel clear instructions not to tolerate anyone who advocates the worship of other gods. No matter what the person or groups credentials, the children of Israel are to completely eliminate from their midst any individual or group which does so. Moses then goes on to describe what animals are acceptable as food. This is followed by instructions to give a tithe of their harvest to the Lord.
     Moses gave them instructions to care for the poor and unfortunate among them. He tells them to cancel all debts every seven years and to release all Hebrew slaves. Not only were they to release their slaves in the seventh year, but they were to give them a generous farewell gift to allow them to start their life of freedom without poverty. As part of these instructions, the children of Israel were instructed to care for the poor. Note that despite all the laws regarding the establishment of government in the new land, the care for the poor was a duty that fell on each individual.

Tulips poking through the snow
Tulips poking through the snow

Luke 8:40-9:6

     When Jesus returned to the other side of the lake a crowd was waiting for Him. A synagogue leader named Jairus came to Jesus and fell at His feet, begging Him to come to his house because his daughter was dying. As Jesus was on His way the crowd pressed in around Him. A woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and unable to obtain any healing approached Jesus and touched His cloak. She was immediately healed. Jesus stopped and asked who had touched Him. Everyone around Him denied doing so and Peter pointed out that the crowd was pressing in around Him. Jesus told them that He knew that power had gone out from Him. The woman then came forward and confessed what she had done and that she had been healed. Jesus told her that her faith had made her well and to go in peace. Do I have the faith to believe that just touching the hem of His cloak will fix my problems? Do I recognize that the solution to my problems is to get closer to Jesus?
     By the time the incident with the woman was over someone came from Jairus house and told him that his daughter had died, he should stop bothering the teacher. Jesus told Jairus to have faith and his daughter would be healed. Jesus continued to Jairus house and when He got there He allowed only the girl’s parents and Peter, James and John to go in with Him. Jesus told the mourners to stop wailing because she was not dead, merely asleep. The mourners laughed at Him because they knew she had died. Jesus took her hand anyway and told her to get up, which she did. He gave her into her parent’s care and told them to give her some food. Jesus instructed them not to tell anyone what happened. Are we willing to do what God asks of us even when “everyone knows” it won’t work? How often have I missed God’s blessing because I “knew” it couldn’t happen? O Lord, give me the same faith as the bleeding woman and Jairus.

Pepper plants waiting to go outside
Pepper plants waiting to go outside

Psalm 71:1-24

     Another wonderful psalm. I somewhat prefer the NIV translation here because the NIV is clearer that the psalmist has absolute confidence that God will come to his aid and is praising God for that aid. The NLT comes across more as a plea for God’s aid than a song of praise for the aid that will come. I, like the psalmist, learned reliance on God from my youngest days. God blessed me with a Mother and Father who taught me His ways. I know that I have failed to be the sign of His goodness to those around me that I should have been, but I strive before God to continue to my final days proclaiming His works of righteousness.

As for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.

Let me proclaim God’s miraculous deeds to all who come after me.

Firewood waiting to be split
Firewood waiting to be split

Proverbs 12:5-7

     Do you wish to determine if you are godly or wicked? The way to know is to look at your plans, if your plans are just and fair than you know that you are living a godly life. On the other hand, if your advice to others is deceitful and misleading, you can know that you are living a wicked life. The point of today’s proverbs are not about looking at others, but at looking at oneself.