Tag Archives: 2 Kings 3-4:17

June 22, 2015 Bible Study — Do Not Allow Ourselves to Be Praised for the Actions of God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. For those of you who do not read this every day, I was very sick last week and it affected my writing (I do not know if for the better or worse). While I am still taking antibiotics, I am otherwise feeling better. I thank those of you have been praying for me.


Proverbs 17:22

    Those who are cheerful suffer less from illness and misfortune. Those who constantly look on the bright side feel less pain and recover from physical problems more rapidly. On the other hand, those who have been broken down by their suffering become depressed and do not have the energy to do anything.


Psalm 140:1-13

    Evil and violent people will plot against those who serve the Lord. They will lay out traps and pitfalls before us. If we rely on God and trust in Him, He will save us from their schemes. The evil they planned for us will fall upon them. Those who plot the downfall of the godly will find their plots rebounding upon themselves.


Acts 14:8-28

    While Paul was preaching the Gospel in Lystra he saw a man paralyzed since birth in the audience. Paul realized that the man had the faith to be healed, so he told the man to stand up. The reaction of the people of Lystra tells us something about the relationship of Paul and Barnabas. They thought that Paul and Barnabas must be gods and concluded that Barnabas was Zeus while Paul was Hermes. In part they reached this conclusion because Paul did most of the talking. However, it suggests that they observed Paul offering some level of deference to Barnabas.
    The story itself has an important lesson for us. If we are the conduits which the Holy Spirit uses to perform wonders some people will want to lift us up and hold us above the common man. They will want to worship us. So, when we find ourselves being used by the Holy Spirit we must stay alert for those who will attempt to make what is happening about us and not allow them to do so. I struggle with the lack of witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit in my life, but I know that part of the reason for it is that I would struggle with preventing people from holding me up as special.


2 Kings 3-4:17

    Once again, Jehoshaphat goes to war along with the king of Israel. Joram, the king of Israel, leads the armies through the wilderness without knowledge of where there are water sources. When the armies become desperate for water, Joram blames God for his bad decision making. However, Jehoshaphat suggests they seek a prophet among the men in the army. So the kings call upon Elisha, who happens to be with the armies. Elisha tells Joram that he is only willing to seek God’s word for the kings because of his respect for Jehoshaphat. He then reveals that God will provide the armies with water and with victory the following morning.
    The story of the prophet’s widow tells us a lot about how God provides for us. When she approached Elisha and begged for his help, his immediate response was to ask what she had of value. His miracle was not to miraculously provide her with money. Instead, he provided her with the ability to raise the funds she needed through her own effort. The story does not suggest that the widow was in a bad situation through any fault of her own, but God’s means of providing for her involved her taking an active part.

June 22, 2014 Bible Study — Laughter Is the Best Medicine

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 17:22

    As “Reader’s Digest” puts it, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Years ago, a friend of mine proposed that emotions can be manipulated, so as Christians it is our duty to manipulate those around us to be cheerful. There is definitely some truth to that. Whether or not you are cheerful is a choice. What emotions you feel is under your control (not completely, but it is possible to change how you feel). You will feel the emotions which you choose to express. Strive to express those emotions which are positive.


Psalm 140:1-13

    When we find ourselves surrounded by wicked and violent people, let us call out to the Lord for deliverance. When we are threatened with violence, that is the time to call out that the Lord is our God. I will make it my prayer that liars not prosper in this land. I know that God will cause burning coals to fall on those who use violence against the innocent to advance their wicked plots. I will not allow the violent to intimidate me into denying my God.


Acts 14:8-28

    When Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man in Lystra, the people thought they were the gods Zeus and Hermes. When Paul and Barnabas realized that the people were going to offer sacrifices to them, they remonstrated with them not to do so. They were barely able to convince the people not to offer sacrifices to them. Yet, a short time later when men from the towns they had most recently preached in arrived, the people of Lystra were convinced to stone Paul, leaving him for dead. Let us remember how easily people can go from loving us to hating us.
    Paul and Barnabas left Lystra and preached in Derbe. Then they went back the way they had come and spent time in each of the cities where they had preached, even though they had been driven out of those cities by mobs in the first place. The passage tells us that they appointed elders in the churches (technically, assemblies of believers) of each city. It is worth noting that they turned each elder over to the Lord through prayer and fasting. Once more I am convicted that I do not do enough fasting.


2 Kings 3-4:17

    When the widow came to Elisha for help, Elisha did not give her money. Instead he gave her the opportunity to raise money for herself. He told her how to use the resources she had with God’s aid in order to meet her bills. Yes, God worked miraculously, but the widow had to take action as well. Let us use this as our model for helping those in need.

June 22, 2013 Bible Study — We Are Merely Human Beings

     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for over a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I started writing this blog because the only way I can get myself to read the Bible everyday is to pretend that I am teaching someone about what it says to me. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Magrat poses for the picture
Magrat poses for the picture

2 Kings 3-4:17

     When Ahab’s son Joram became king of Israel, he tore down the idol to Baal which Ahab had set up, but he continued the practices of Jeroboam. The passage tells us that he did evil in the sight of the Lord, but not as much as his father. The king of Moab had paid tribute to Israel, but after Ahab’s death he stopped. Joram mobilized the army of Israel to put down this rebellion. He asked Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom to assist him. They both agreed. Joram decided to attack Moab by going through the wilderness. They traveled seven days and found no water.
     Joram cried out in despair to the other kings that God had brought them there to be defeated by the king of Moab. Jehoshaphat asked if there was a prophet of God in the camp whom they could ask what they should do. One of the officers of the army of Israel replied that Elisha, who had been Elijah’s assistant, was there. Jehoshaphat said that they should consult him. Elisha told the kings that he was only willing to consult the Lord for them because of Jehoshaphat. Elisha then told the kings that there would be no wind or rain, but the valley would fill with water. Not only that, but they would be victorious over the army of Moab and conquer the best of their towns.<
     The next morning water began to flow from the direction of Edom and soon there was water throughout the area where the armies were camped. Meanwhile the people of Moab had mobilized for war and were waiting for the three armies to attack. When they got up on that morning, the sun shown on the water and made it appear to be blood. They concluded that the three armies had attacked and killed each other. The army of Moab rushed out to loot the camp. As they entered the camp the army of Israel attacked them. The army of Moab was taken by surprise and routed. Israel easily conquered most of Moab until they came to a final city and besieged it. When the king of Moab failed in a breakout attempt, he took his son and heir and sacrificed him on the wall. This created a great anger against Israel among the people of Moab which led the Israelites to withdraw to Israel.
     The widow of a member of the group of prophets came to Elisha for help. A creditor was threatening to take her two sons as slaves if she did not pay him. Elisha asked her what she had that she could sell. She responded that she had nothing except a flask of olive oil. Elisha told her to borrow as many jars as she could get from her neighbors. When she had done that she was to go into her house and close the doors. Then she was to pour oil into each of the empty jars until it was full. The widow did as Elisha had instructed until all of the jars were filled. When she told Elisha what had happened, he told her to sell the oil to pay the debt and live off the money left over.
     When Elisha visited the town of Shunem a well-to-do woman who lived there insisted that he eat at her house. After that whenever Elisha went to Shunem, he ate at her house. She went to her husband and told him that they should build a room for Elisha to stay in when he was in Shunem because he was a man of God. After that when Elisha came to Shunem he stayed there. One day he asked what he could do for her and she responded that she had all she needed. Elisha then asked his servant what they could do for her. His servant told him that the woman had no son and her husband was old. Elisha then called the woman and told her that by the following year she would have a son. She begged him not to raise her hopes, nevertheless she gave birth to a son about that time the following year.
     All of the stories in this passage tell how God provides for those who rely on Him. In the first story He even provided for those who had made bad decisions (the armies should not have marched through the wilderness if they did not know where to find water there).

Pachysandra doing well in its new location
Pachysandra doing well in its new location

Acts 14:8-28

     In the next town, a man who had been crippled from birth was sitting and listening to Paul preach. While he was preaching, Paul looked directly at the man and realized he had the faith to be healed. Paul called to the man, “Stand up!” The man jumped up and began walking. The crowd started talking among themselves that Paul and Barnabas must be gods. They decided that Barnabas was Zeus and Paul was Hermes (because Paul was the one doing most of the talking). The Temple of Zeus was located just outside of town. The priest of Zeus and the crowd wanted to offer sacrifices to Barnabas and Saul. When Paul and Barnabas realized what the people were doing, they became frenetic trying to stop them. They insisted to the people that they were mere men and encouraged the people to stop worshiping idols. Soon after some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium. They won the crowds to their side and stoned Paul. Thinking he was dead, they dragged him out of town. The believers gathered around Paul and he got back up and returned to town. The following day Paul and Barnabas left for Derbe. After preaching in Derbe for a while and converting large numbers they returned through the cities they had visited and appointed elders in each church. They preached in a few more towns and then returned to Antioch in Syria.

Purple wildflowers
Purple wildflowers

Psalm 140:1-13

     Today’s psalm is a prayer of deliverance. If we ask Him, God will rescue us from the wicked and protect us from the violent. God will help those who are persecuted and give justice to the poor. The godly will gladly live in His presence. THe Lord is my God and will listen to my cries for mercy.

Rose buds
Rose buds

Proverbs 17:22

     This proverb tells us something both important and difficult. If you are cheerful, you will be healthier. Yet if your health is poor it will be difficult to be cheerful. Nevertheless, being a glum-gus brings us no benefit, so we should always strive to be cheerful since, not only do most of us prefer it when we are cheerful, but our lives go better.

June 22, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

2 Kings 3-4:17

     After the death of his brother, Ahaziah, Ahab’s son, Joram takes the throne of Israel. We are told that while he did evil in the sight of the Lord, he was not as bad as his father and mother. Joram tore down the sacred pillar of Baal that Ahab had constructed. The king of Moab had given a tribute each year to King Ahab. When Ahab died the king of Moab stopped giving this tribute. When Joram took the throne, he went to war against Moab to enforce this tribute. Jehoshaphat of Judah and the king of Edom joined him in his war against Moab. Joram chose to launch his attack against Moab by a roundabout route through the wilderness. Unfortunately, Joram chose a route that did not have any water along it (at least at this time). After seven days, Joram is desperate and asks the other two kings what he should do. Jehoshaphat asks if there is a prophet of the Lord with them, they can ask him what to do. One of Joram’s officers says that Elisha was with the army and he used to be Elijah’s servant. The three kings go to Elisha. Elisha asks Joram why he has come, he should have gone to the pagan prophets of his parents. Joram replies that no, it was God that called the three kings to this place, so God was the one for them to consult. Elisha then says that he is only talking to them because of Jehoshaphat. He tells the three kings that the valley there will be no rain, but the valley they are in will fill with water. Elisha further tells them that they will utterly defeat Moab. The next morning water started flowing into the valley. The sun shining on the water made it appear to be blood to the Moabite army. This led the Moabites to believe that the three armies had fought among themselves and killed each other. The Moabites rushed in to plunder what they thought was an abandoned camp, when they got there the Israelite army came out to meet them and defeated them decisively.
     Sometime later, a widow of one of the group of prophets came to Elisha to request help because a creditor was threatening to take her sons to sell them into slavery to pay off her debt. Elisha asks her what she has in the house. She replies that she has nothing of any value except for a flask of olive oil. Elisha tells her to borrow as many empty jars from her neighbors as she can. Then she should go into her house with her sons and close the doors. When she has done this she should start filling the containers. She followed these instructions and there continued to be more olive oil in her flask until all of the jars was filled. She then sold the olive oil and paid her debt with money left over for her and her sons to live on.
     Still later a wealthy woman invited Elisha to come eat at her house. Whenever he passed that way he would stop for a meal. After a little bit the woman tells her husband that they should furnish a room for him to stay in as he passes by because he is a man of God. After a while Elisha has his servant ask her what they can do to repay her for her kindness. She replies that she is well cared for by her family. When she has left, Elisha asks his servant what they can do for her. The servant replies that she does not have a son and her husband is elderly. Elisha has his servant call her back. When she comes back, Elisha tells her that by next year at this time she will be holding a son in her arms. The woman is afraid to get her hopes up, but nevertheless by the following year she has born a son.
     These two women had something in common. They both chose to serve the Lord. The one, when she was in need, turned to the community of God (Elisha was the leader of the group of prophets of which her husband had been a member). Elisha gives her instruction on what she should do. She acts on faith and God provides for her. Notice that Elisha does not give her money, he provides her a means to generate the income she needs. She still has to fill the jars with olive oil and sell them. The second has plenty and out of her plenty she shows hospitality. When Elisha asks her what her needs are, she replies that she is well cared for. Elisha then inquires of others what needs she might have. When he discovers that she does not have a son to care for her when her husband will no longer be able to, he asks God to provide her one.

Acts 14:8-28

     While Paul was preaching in Lystra, there was a man who had been crippled since birth listening to him. Paul looks at the man and sees that he has the faith to be healed. So Paul calls out to him to stand up. The man does so and begins walking. The people of Lystra begin talking among themselves that Paul and Barnabas must be gods. They conclude that Paul is Hermes and Barnabas is Zeus. This discussion goes on in the local dialect, so Paul and Barnabas do not know what they are talking about until they see the priests begin the preparations for a sacrifice. Paul and Barnabas tore their clothes and emphatically told the people that they were not gods. They were barely able to restrain the people from offering a sacrifice to them. Shortly after this some Jews came from the last two towns Paul and Barnabas had been at and convinced the crowds to stone Paul and leave him for dead. When the believers gathered around Paul, he got up and went back into town. The next day Paul and Barnabas went to Derbe and preached there. It is interesting how fickle the crown was. When Paul and Barnabas refused to allow the people of Lystra to worship them, they quickly turned on them.
     After spending some time in Derbe, Paul and Barnabas retraced their steps through Asia Minor appointing elders in the local churches. They then sailed back to Antioch of Syria and reported on their trip.

Psalm 140:1-13

     The psalmist here asks God to protect him from those trying to trap him and destroy him with violence. He asks God to not let the wicked become successful in their plots against the innocent. He asks God to destroy them by catching them in the traps they had set for others. The psalmist concludes that God will give justice to the poor and the righteous praise His name.

Proverbs 17:22

     Those who are cheerful always seem to be in better health than those who complain about every little thing. I have noticed that when I am happy pain bothers me less. Admittedly, it is hard to stay cheerful and upbeat when you are in pain, but it is worth trying because it seems to make things better.