September 21, 2022 Bible Study — Sow The Wind, Or Sow Righteousness, The Choice Is Yours

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hosea 8-14.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Hosea continues with his condemnation of Israel in today’s passage using metaphors and images which apply today.  He uses here one of my favorite metaphors:

They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

As best I can understand, Hosea means that they create some disorder in order to further their goals, then are surprised when complete chaos results and all order is disrupted.  Those who do this consider a prophet of God to be a fool and those inspired by Him to be maniacs.  As the prophet goes on he says something else I believe to have great relevance today:

They make many promises,
take false oaths
and make agreements;
therefore lawsuits spring up
like poisonous weeds in a plowed field.

The context leads me to believe that the prophet means that their promises and agreements are as false as their oaths, or perhaps that they make promises and agreements intending to keep them, but break them when they become inconvenient.  In any case, this reminds me of today where lawsuits have become an impediment to many types of activity.  However, Hosea tells us how to deal with such times.  Instead of sowing the wind, sow righteousness so that we can reap the fruit of love rather than reaping the whirlwind. Seek the Lord so that He will shower us with righteousness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 20, 2022 Bible Study — God Does Not Condemn The Sins Of Some While Giving The Sins Of Others A Pass

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hosea 1-7.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Hosea prophesies that the people of Israel had sought gods other than God to worship and had credited those gods as providing the blessings which came from God.  He then said that God would cut them off from both those gods and the blessings He had given them so that they would turn back to Him.  While Hosea’s prophecy is for Israel as a group, as a people, it has relevance for us today as individuals, because we tend to similarly turn to other “gods” when we receive God’s blessings.  And God similarly seeks to turn us back to Him.  Hosea goes on to say that God will not support a double standard: we cannot expect God to punish the prostitutes while asking Him to give the “Johns” a pass.  God will not punish the sins of the oppressed while overlooking the sins of the oppressors.  Further, Hosea warns us not to follow the forms of worshiping God, while giving ourselves a pass for our own sin, not to call out the sins we do not commit, while ignoring our own sins.  God does not overlook some sins, while punishing others.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 19, 2022 Bible Study — If You Think You Are Wiser And More Righteous Than Others You Have No Wisdom to Impart To Them

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 11-12.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

When I was young, Christians spent a lot of time trying to interpret the apocalyptic prophecies such as those in this passage in an attempt to determine when Christ would return.  Sometime in the 1990s the Church in the United States got away from doing that.  While I think that is a good thing, as I believe Jesus made it clear that we will not know the date of return until it happens, we have also, for the most part, stopped trying to understand those passages.  That being said, I find it hard to know what to write about today’s passage.  However, the parts where the messenger talks about the end has some messages which we should take to heart.  He tells us that some of the wise will stumble, but they will be purified and made spotless by what they experience.  There will be a time of great distress, but those whose names are found written in the book will be delivered and those among them who have died will be raised to eternal life.  Then comes the part I want to focus on.  The messenger said that those who impart wisdom (the translation notes offer this as an alternative translation to what is translated as “who are wise”) and those who lead others to righteousness will shine brightly among those who are raised to eternal life.  While part of me wants to say that we should strive to impart wisdom and to lead others to righteousness, I have observed that most of the time the people who strive the hardest to do that have neither wisdom nor righteousness.  So, instead let us strive to live with wisdom and move towards righteousness.  Additionally, imparting wisdom and leading to righteousness are so closely related that they are almost the same thing.  We lead others to righteousness, to Christ, by imparting wisdom to them.  But, if we think we can impart wisdom because we are somehow better than those to whom we are imparting it, we lack wisdom and have not been led to righteousness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 18, 2022 Bible Study — Do Not Pray Because You Think You Are Righteous

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 9-10.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

When Daniel realized that the time which Jeremiah had prophesied for Jerusalem to be desolate was coming to an end he began praying to God.  Daniel starts his prayer by praising God and by acknowledging that the punishment which God had meted out was deserved.  Only after confessing the sins of his people does Daniel beg forgiveness and restoration.  Then he makes a point which we must understand and internalize: Daniel does not ask God to restore them because of their righteousness.  He asks God to restore them because of God’s mercy.  In the same way, we need to recognize that we do not deserve the blessings we receive from God.  When we request things from God in prayer, we do not deserve to receive those things because of our righteousness, not even the things which we request for others.  No, our only basis for expecting God to answer our prayers is His goodness and mercy.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 17, 2022 Bible Study — Daniel Predicts That One “Like A Human Being” Will Be Given Sovereign Power Over The Earth

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 7-8.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Today’s passage contains Daniel’s vision of four beasts and his vision of the ram and the goat.  Traditionally, the four beasts are understood to be the same empires as those in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream which Daniel interpreted at the beginning of this book.  According to that interpretation, the beast like a lion is Babylon, the beast like a bear is Persia, the beast like a leopard with four heads is the Greek empire(s) established by Alexander, and the fourth beast would be the Roman empire (there is some debate about the fourth empire).  I am not convinced of this interpretation because when the fourth beast is slain and destroyed the other three are allowed to live for some time after that. It reads to me as if all four beasts existed at the same time.  I am not sure that the traditional interpretation is not correct, it just seems to me that it misses something.  I cannot, however, come up with a better interpretation.  What I do see in this vision is that someone who was “like a human being” (see translation notes) came before the throne of the Ancient of Days and was given authority and power over all of the earth in place of the four beasts.  I read the wording of the vision to suggest that the four beasts had incomplete authority over the earth, but that the One who was to come would have, does have, complete authority.  The various governments which arise over different parts of the world have authority for a time, but that authority is limited in scope.  While Jesus has authority for eternity and His authority is not limited in scope.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 16, 2022 Bible Study — God Has Numbered Our Days. Will He Find Us Wanting When He Brings Them To An End?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 5-6.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

There are many things we can learn from the story about the writing on the wall.  First, by the time you see the writing on the wall, let alone read it, it is too late.  Which brings me to the message.  In some ways that message is for all of us, at least the first part.  God has numbered our days, and while He may not yet have done so, He will bring them to an end.  And God is weighing us on His scales, if we rely on ourselves we will be found wanting.  When God weighs us on His scales only if we put our trust in Jesus will we not be found wanting.  Only by putting our faith in Him and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us will God’s scales balance in our favor. But do not wait until you can read the writing on the wall, because then it will be too late.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 15, 2022 Bible Study — The God We Serve Is Able To Deliver Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 3-4.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

When Nebuchadnezzar made his gold statue and set up the ceremony for everyone to bow down to it, I think he imagined it as a unifying event which could help unify all of the peoples of his empire.  For Nebuchadnezzar this ceremony was political, not religious.  Nebuchadnezzar did not care if Jews worshiped God, as long as their first loyalty was to himself.  Thus the nature of his threat, “what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?”  Actually, this same attitude is what got Nebuchadnezzar in trouble in chapter 4 after his second dream.  In both cases, Nebuchadnezzar came to believe that no power could stand between him and his desires.  Returning to the story about the gold statue, those who reported Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did so in order to gain political power.  Which brings us to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  For them, this had nothing to do with politics, not because they were unaware of the politics involved, but because their worship of God outweighed, for them, the political implications of their actions.  They believed that God could, and would, rescue them from Nebuchadnezzar’s hand, but if God chose not to rescue them, they would serve no other god.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 14, 2022 Bible Study — Ask God For The Answer To Unsolvable Riddles, And Give Him The Credit When We Receive The Answer

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 1-2.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

We often focus on Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.  However, today I am going to look at a few other things about that.  The first thing I would like to note is that Nebuchadnezzar’s request that his wise men interpret his dream without him telling them what the dream was suggests that Nebuchadnezzar had become skeptical of the mystical powers his wise men claimed.  When Daniel comes before the king, he denies having any mystical power and credits his interpretation entirely to God.  My understanding of what Daniel said was that anyone who put their faith in God could request what God had given Daniel and have an equal chance with Daniel of receiving the answer.  In considering this we should look at what Daniel did when he realized the danger he, and his friends, were in because of Nebuchadnezzar’s skepticism regarding his wise men.  Daniel went to his friends and asked them to pray, pleading with God for mercy.  Daniel himself then spent the night in prayer until God revealed the answer to him.  At that point Daniel thanked and praised God.  Additionally, when Daniel appeared before Nebuchadnezzar, he insisted that the credit for the interpretation belonged to God, not to himself.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 13, 2022 Bible Study — The People Were To Leave The Temple Through The Opposite Gate From Which They Entered

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 46-48.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Every year I come to this passage and feel like there is a lesson here for us that I am not seeing.  Today, I am going to focus on the things which struck me as significant, even though I do not understand their significance.  First, the gateways to the temple.  Ezekiel says that the eastern gate will only be opened on Sabbath days and New Moon festivals.  Only the prince will be allowed to enter by that gate and he will worship and offer his sacrifices in the threshold to that gate, then depart the way he came.  Every one else is to enter either the northern gate or the southern gate and they are to exit through the opposite gate of the one they entered.  As I read this it seems deeply significant, but I have no idea why it should be.  I have looked up what a few other people have written concerning this passage.  While I find what they have to say to accurately reflect how God wants us to live, I am unconvinced that this passage was intended to teach us those lessons.  That is, if those lessons were not taught elsewhere in the Bible, I doubt that you would learn them from reading this passage.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

September 12, 2022 Bible Study — Believers Should Not Call On Unbelievers To Carry Out Our Duties To God And Our Fellow Man

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 44-45.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Usually, when I read this passage I do not know what to make of it.  My understanding of the New Testament says that Jesus has expanded the priesthood to all Believers, which diminishes the significance of chapter 44, and eliminated the sacrifices by sacrificing Himself, which diminishes the significance of chapter 45.  However, today I was struck by the way in which Ezekiel condemned the people of Israel as he begins his prophecy concerning the restored temple.  Once more Ezekiel condemns them for doing detestable things.  This time he also condemns them for failing to carry out their duties regarding God’s holy things.  Instead, they brought in outsiders, people who did not worship God at all, to take care of these things.  To me this sounds like a condemnation of those who outsource God’s command to care for our neighbor to the government, or some secular charity, instead of working with our fellow Believers to provide that care.  Ezekiel writes of the Israelites putting those who were uncircumcised in both flesh and heart in charge of God’s temple.  In much the same way, many Believers today  seek ever more government programs to help those who are unable to care for themselves rather than seeking for the Church to step up and implement solutions.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.