August 12, 2022 Bible Study — Stop Offering Service To The God Of Convenience

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 16-18.

Today’s passage begins with a prophecy which seems to say that the coming disaster can no longer be avoided.  Jeremiah goes from there to warn against putting our trust in human beings, or human institutions.  He contrasts them with those who put their trust in God.  He tells us that those who rely on God will withstand the coming disaster.  Then God sends Jeremiah to stand in the gate of the temple and tell people to be sure to keep the Sabbath Day.  This message is being delivered to those going into the temple in order to offer sacrifices to God.  After that Jeremiah prophesies that if God sends an evil nation a warning that He is about to destroy it and that nation repents of its evil, He will refrain from fulfilling His prophecy.  On the other hand, if God announces that a good nation is to be rewarded for its deeds and that nation turns to evil, He will bring destruction upon it.

So, I really believe that our nation, and perhaps our entire world, is at the point the Kingdom of Judah was when Jeremiah made these particular prophecies.  Our institutions have been completely corrupted and that can only lead to destruction and devastation.  If we continue to put our trust in man and human institutions, the destruction will be inevitable.  If we continue to think that if we just elect the right people, demand the government do the right thing, we can escape God’s judgement, the destruction will be unescapable.  Only if we put our trust fully in God, recognizing that only Divine intervention can change the path we are on will we be able to see things turn around.  Doing so means more than just going to Church on Sunday and making donations to charitable organizations, or even directly to those in need.  We need to keep the Sabbath, we need sacrifice some of our personal convenience in order to serve God.  I have long thought that many abortions in this country result from people sacrificing their child on the altar of convenience, that convenience is a god more important to them than God.  But, how many of us serve that same god by shopping on Sunday because it is convenient?  Can’t we set aside one day to rest and serve God?  Maybe it is worth a little inconvenience to allow others to rest on Sunday as well?  I think this message applies to me, but each person will have to see where they need to stop offering service to the god of convenience for themselves.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 11, 2022 Bible Study — Pray That Sinners Turn From Their Sins

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 13-15.

This is a troubling passage.  In it Jeremiah prophesies that God told him not to pray for the people of Judah.  Yet, I firmly believe that we should always pray for those around us.  This led me to read, and re-read, this passage, seeking understanding.  Before mentioning that God had told him not to pray for these people, Jeremiah warned them to listen and give glory to God.  If they would not turn to God and renounce their sins and their idols, God would bring destruction upon them.  Then, after making that prophecy, Jeremiah gave a prophecy concerning a drought in the land.  It was in the context of that drought that God told Jeremiah not to pray for the people and then I understood the message.  God had sent the drought to cause the people to turn to Him for salvation.  God told Jeremiah not to pray for Him to relieve the people from the drought because they had worse problems than those caused by a lack of water.  So, I learn from this that I should not pray that sinners, even those most dear to me, be relieved of the suffering which comes from their sin, at least not as my primary prayer.  No, my first, most heartfelt prayer should be that they turn from their sin before they suffer even worse.

Throughout today’s passage Jeremiah records God promising to destroy the people of Jerusalem, to destroy the people to whom Jeremiah was prophesying.  All in all, it seems very depressing because Jeremiah seems to be saying that it is too late for the people of Jerusalem to escape God’s wrath.  Yet, also throughout the passage are little statements which suggest otherwise: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me.”  Let us stand firm in our loyalty to God, so that if the sinners we know turn to us they will be turning to God.  But under no circumstances should we allow them to influence us so that we turn to them, and thus away from God.  If we pray that people be relieved of their suffering, God may hear our prayers and they will not turn from their sins, leading them into even greater suffering.  On the other hand, if we call for people to turn from their sins, and pray to God that they do so, perhaps they will turn from their sins, and be relieved of their suffering.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 10, 2022 Bible Study — Don’t Let Your Faith Be Nothing More Than Window Dressing

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 10-12.

Today’s passage begins with Jeremiah comparing false gods to scarecrows. He writes something very similar to what is written in Isaiah 44.  Most importantly, Jeremiah tells us not to fear false gods because they can do no harm, nor any good.  Jeremiah goes on to point out that everything other than God which we might worship came into existence after the creation of the universe.  If you study the holy writings of every other religion, its gods came into being after something already existed.  Only the God of Abraham existed before anything else.  Even today, everything other than God which is worshiped came into being after the universe began.  There are those who worship the Sun or the Moon, and those who worship the Earth, and, of course, those who worship themselves, but all of these things did not exist before time.  None of these things can provide us with a basis for doing good because they exist only within time.  Only by listening to God can we learn what is truly good.

Ahhh! this seems so clear in my head, but I cannot type the words to make the point clear here.

Jeremiah tells us that the shepherds, those who should provide us guidance, are senseless because they fail to inquire of God before telling us what course of action to follow.  The prophet Isaiah largely prophesied against those who blatantly turned their backs on God and embraced the sins which God had proscribed.   Jeremiah, on the other hand, prophesied primarily against those who maintained the semblance of worshiping God, while embracing the sins which God had proscribed.   Jeremiah speaks out against those who use a veneer of godliness to hide their moral corruption, who come up with ways to justify their self-indulgence, or that of others.  And Jeremiah warns that God will uproot all such peoples.

However, today’s passage ends with a note of hope.  God promises that He will embrace and make part of His people all of those, from whatever nation or heritage, who learn His ways and choose to be identified as His.  Those He will establish and protect.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 9, 2022 Bible Study– We Harm Ourselves When We Sin

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 7-9.

Jeremiah prophesied against those who came to the temple to worship God.  They thought they were gaining God’s blessing by coming to the temple to offer sacrifices to God, without reforming their ways.  They thought that by offering sacrifices to God on the Holy Days, while stealing and murdering, committing adultery and perjury the rest of the time.  Jeremiah warned them that they were arousing God’s anger, but not because they were causing any harm to Him.  No, God was angry because they harmed themselves with their sins.  This passage presents two important lessons.  God does not give us commands arbitrarily.  He does not tell us “Do this, don’t do that,” just to make us jump to His tune.  He tells us “Do this” because He knows we will be better off if we do so.  And He tells us “Don’t do that” because He knows we will suffer if we do that.  God’s rules are not intended to limit our enjoyment of life, they are designed to enhance it.  But the prophet has a second message for us here: following the commands which cause other people to think we are righteous benefits us less than following those which no one notices us doing. Going to Church every Sunday won’t do you any good if you take advantage of people with limited options to save money.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 8, 2022 Bible Study — We Stand At The Crossroad, Will We Choose The Ancient Path Which Leads To Safety And Rest?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 4-6.

I am going to write about two themes I read about in today’s passage, themes which I see applying to our society now.  On the one hand, the prophet calls on people to return to the Lord and give up detestable idols.  He calls for us to break up the unplowed ground of our hearts and plant a crop of righteousness so that nations and peoples throughout the world will invoke God and turn to Him.  On the other hand, he also tells us that instead of seeking God, everyone is greedy for gain and practice deceit.  As I read this I think of my friends who are quick to fall into “conspiracy theory” territory, blaming the ills of society on the deception and greed of the powerful, who work together to gain wealth and the expense of those without the connections to do likewise.  There is truth in what they say, but in many cases they are guilty of doing the same thing when they have the opportunity.  If you look around, everyone, from the least to the greatest, seeks to gain through fraud and deceit.  Those who should be calling people to account for their abuse of power, lie in order to favor their own interests, while those who should be calling people to serve God instead promote the behaviors which give them power and wealth.  Those who hold positions of authority apply bandaids where surgery is needed.  As a society we stand at a crossroad.  There are a few voices crying in the wilderness for us to follow the ancient path, tried and true, the path which has been shown to be a good way which leads to safety and rest.  But as a society we keep saying, “No, we don’t want to go that way. ”  And we do this despite the fact that anyone with eyes can see that the path we have chosen instead leads to disaster and those with ears can hear the disaster coming, because, as various Old Testament prophets prophesied, those with eyes do not perceive and those with ears do not listen.  Let us join with the prophet in pointing our friends and neighbors to the path which leads to righteousness, and let us walk that path, even if we must walk it alone.




I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 7, 2022 Bible Study — Turning To God Requires Admitting Your Sins

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 1-3.

When we read Jeremiah we tend to think of him prophesying to the people of Judah under the last few, wicked kings of Judah.  We overlook the fact that he began prophesying under King Josiah, who is recorded as having led a major revival in worship of God.  In fact,  Jeremiah begins to prophesy the year after King Josiah began his major reforms.  So, while King Josiah was busy having the altars to Baal and the Asherah poles throughout the land of Israel (including all of Israel, not just the portion which was the Kingdom of Judah), Jeremiah was prophesying against the people of Israel for worshiping idols and failing to worship God.  I believe that today’s passage is directed at those who embraced Josiah’s reforms without acknowledging their own sins; those who had happily worshiped Baal and other idols, in particular the gods of Assyria and Egypt, right up until King Josiah began his campaign to wipe out such worship, at which point they enthusiastically joined his campaign and became avid promoters of worshiping God.

Which brings me to another thing I noticed here: Jeremiah prophesied against relying on Assyria and Egypt.  I want to note the King Josiah died when he went out to prevent Pharaoh Necho from marching to support the Assyrian Empire in its battle against the Babylonians, who subsequently defeated the Assyrians.  It seems to me that perhaps Jeremiah was speaking out about the Assyrians and the Egyptians because there was a faction, a strong faction, in the court in Jerusalem which favored appeasing Assyria and Egypt, while King Josiah favored seeking to join the Babylonian alliance in its war against Assyria.  Jeremiah seems to be suggesting here that the faction which had previously backed being willing vassals of Assyria had now turned to being willing vassals of Egypt.  And that part of that vassalage was offering sacrifices to the gods of Egypt.

Finally, I want to point out that Jeremiah called the people of Judah, and all of Israel, to return to God and renounce their sins in genuine repentance.  His prophecy in today’s passage would have served to reinforce the revival which King Josiah was attempting to foster while rejecting those who embraced the revival for purely political reasons by taking up worship of God without truly rejecting idol worship.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 6, 2022 Bible Study — God Has Revealed Himself To Us, Whether We Wanted To Know Him Or Not

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 64-66.

I will start with where the prophet tells us that no one has heard of, seen, or perceived in anyway another god like God.  One can interpret what the prophet says in different ways.  But, to me, it reminds me of the fact that all other gods that have been worshiped throughout human history have a mythology that have them coming into existence after the beginning of the Universe.  Only the Hebrews worshiped a God who existed before anything else.   But the prophet tells us that God is unique in more ways than that.  Unlike other gods, God acts on behalf of those who serve Him, and helps those who gladly do what is right.

The prophet goes on to write that God revealed Himself to those who did not ask for Him and was found by those who did not seek Him.  God presents Himself to us, despite the fact that we repeatedly reject Him.  He holds out His hands to embrace us, even after we have attempted to give His place to something else.  God invites us to come back to Him.  Yet we have a tendency to push others away from Him as too unclean to be near us, when we defile ourselves by sins without measure.  If we wish to accept God’s salvation we must humbly recognize our own sin, we must recognize that no one, let alone ourselves, have any righteousness of their own.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 5, 2022 Bible Study — The Year Of The Lord’s Favor And The Day Of God’s Judgement

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 60-63.

Luke records that Jesus read from Isaiah 61 when He returned to Nazareth after being tempted in the wilderness.  Jesus told those present on that day that Isaiah 61 verse 1 through the first part of verse 2 was fulfilled in Him that day.  So, Jesus declared that the year of the Lord’s favor had come.  Now, there is a Jewish tradition, which was prevalent in the First Century, that to quote part of a passage was to quote the entire passage.  So, if Jesus was following that He was also proclaiming the day of God’s judgement.  However, I have seen some commentators on Luke 4 say that Jesus stopped where He did on purpose because He was proclaiming the year of God’s favor, but not yet the day of God’s judgement.  There is some merit to that idea, both because of the way Jesus stopped reading where He did and because of the way the prophet presents it here.  Here, the prophet makes the statement proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of God’s judgement then he spends the rest of chapter 61 and chapter 62 discussing what the “year of the Lord’s favor” means.  It is not until chapter 63 that he starts writing about the “day of God’s judgement.

So, was the prophet saying that the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of God’s judgement would come at the same time?  Or, was he saying, as some interpret the Luke passage, that the year of the Lord’s favor arrived with Jesus and the day of God’s judgement will arrive with Jesus’ return?  I suspect a bit of both.  I have noticed that many Old Testament prophecies have more than one meaning and apply to more than one occasion.  I am not sure of the answer, but reading the prophet we can see that we want to avoid the day of God’s vengeance (a term the prophet uses in parallel with judgement).  God loves justice and hates wrongdoing.  In chapter 63, while discussing the day of judgement, the prophet tells us that God looked for those who would support Him in His quest for justice and found no one.  So, let us support justice and work against injustice, otherwise we may find ourselves subject to God’s vegeance.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 4, 2022 Bible Study — Remembering What Is Acceptable To The Lord

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 57-59.

I think I understand what the prophet wrote here, but I am not sure I can put it into words.  Today’s passage begins with the prophet writing that sometimes the righteous die young so as to be spared from suffering, or perhaps from falling into wickedness.  Then the prophet accuses those to whom he is primarily writing of seeking some other. any other, god to the true God.  They indulged their lust and sacrificed their children, exhausting themselves in pursuit of an alternative to doing God’s will, seeking a righteousness not of God’s making.  But, the prophet tells us, that seeking will be, and is, in vain.  When trouble inevitably comes the replacements we have for God will fail us.  Only those who take refuge in God will be saved from those troubles.  And yet, even that will not be of our own doing.  God will punish the wicked, which is all of us, as the prophet wrote previously (“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”).  But God will heal us and give us peace.  Unfortunately, some will reject His healing because they are unwilling to humbly accept His deliverance, they are unwilling to admit that they sinned.

And this brings me to where it gets tricky and easy to get mislead.  The prophet actually condemns two types of people: those who reject God outright, and those who seek God on their own terms.   In chapter 57, he wrote of those who rejected God outright.  In chapter 58, he turns his attention to those who seek to clothe their own desires and wishes in God’s righteousness.  If you are reading this, I doubt you fall into the first group, but all of us must be wary of finding ourselves in the latter.  It is all too easy to take the path of visible righteousness, while profiting from injustice and wrong.  We see those reveling in sin and point our fingers at them, crying “Sinner”, without acknowledging our own sin.  The prophet makes clear what God asks of us; feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless.  Let us seek to do these things and we need not fear the coming turmoil.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

August 3, 2022 Bible Study — Do Not Fear Failure, Do God’s Will And Speak His Word And His Purpose Will Be Accomplished

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 52-56.

The beginning of this passage discusses God’s redemption of His people.  In context, the prophet was writing about the return of the Israelites from Exile.  The prophet writes about the joy and blessing of those who tell the people of God that their God reigns, that our God reigns.  From there the prophet predicts that the people will leave their lives of Exile with deliberate, measured pace, not in haste and with no fear of pursuit.  I believe the prophet is contrasting this with the Exodus, not putting a negative light on what happened in Exodus but saying that this will be different.  I find it interesting that the prophet goes right from that to his message about the Suffering Servant.  When we read this we tend to stop at verse 52:12, and then start fresh at 52:13, as if the writer had put a full stop there and was starting new at 52:13.  But that is not how it actually reads.  No, the Suffering Servant described following verse 52:13 and through chapter 53 seems to be the one whose feet were beautiful for declaring the good news that our God reigns.

The writer transitions from writing about the suffering servant to the metaphor of the barren woman given numerous offspring.  From there he goes on to the call to everyone to come to God.  Isaiah 55 is a call and an offer.  God calls us to Himself and offers to fulfill our needs out of His storehouses.  He calls us to seek Him and to forsake wicked thoughts and actions.  He reminds us that He does not think the way that we do.  Just as the Suffering Servant exhibited great power when all we humans could see was weakness, so God’s power, and what He wants from us, does not look like what we recognize as power.  God’s way is above any of our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts.  God’s words will accomplish the purpose for which He spoke them, whether we understand them, or their purpose, or not.  If we speak God’s words and do His will, we will be successful.  We may not accomplish the purpose we thought God had for us, but, as long as we seek God and speak the words He gives us, we will accomplish His purpose, even when we do not understand what it is.



I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.