December 8, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Time To Seek The Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 29:15-17

    The proverb writer reminds us that children will only learn wisdom through discipline, the NIV says “a rod and a reprimand”. An undisciplined child disgraces its mother. If you have disciplined your child, you will be able to have peace of mind when they are out of your care. You will not worry that he will do something foolish which will get him killed (or otherwise seriously hurt). Parents who do not discipline their children do not truly love them.


Psalm 127:1-5

    The opening of this psalm tells us an important lesson. No matter how noble, no matter how admirable the task we set for ourselves, if it is not one which God has set for us, we will not succeed. God does not desire for us to work from sunup to sundown and beyond. His plans leave time for us to rest.


Jude 1:1-25

    There are two contrasting teachings which the New Testament writers warn us against. The first is the belief that we can earn our salvation by living good and pure lives. Paul makes it clear in his writings that no one can live a good enough and pure enough life to earn salvation. The second, and the one which Jude addresses, is the idea that, since God, from His amazing grace, will forgive our sins, we do not need to even attempt to live good and pure lives,
    Jude tells us that such teachings are nothing new and have been condemned by God whenever they appear. Inevitably, accepting sexual immorality leads to sexual perversion, which leads to a multitude of other sins. Taken together these things lead to destruction. Jude tells us that those who teach that God’s grace allows us to live immoral lives base their teachings on their dreams and “visions”. They must do so since the Scripture so thoroughly condemns what they wish to teach.
    Throughout my life I have been taught that we must be equally on guard against both of the teachings I mentioned above. However, as I have been reading through the Bible over the last several years, I noticed something. The places where the second teaching is condemned and warned against are much more frequent, and emphatic, than the places where the first is warned against. Yes, we must be careful not to get caught up in legalism, in the belief that our righteous acts make us better than others and/or make us deserving of God’s love. However, the much more dangerous idea is that, because God will forgive our sins, we do not need to stop sinning.


Hosea 10-14:9

    The prophet warns that the richer people get the more idols they build to worship. Yet it does not have to be that way. God calls us to plant seeds of righteousness so that we may harvest a crop of love. Now is the time to seek the Lord. Tomorrow may be too late. As I read this entreaty, I am reminded that last week one of my co-workers was killed on the way to work. I did not know him well, but from what my co-workers have said, I believe he knew the Lord. He was well-loved by all who knew him and he is harvesting a crop of love as my co-workers, and others, are raising money to care for his family.
    But Hosea warns us that all too many of us have sown seeds of wickedness. Those who have done so will harvest a crop of sin. Rather than live lives of righteousness, they have chosen to believe that a strong military and powerful police force will protect them from troubles. How has that worked out in various cities across this country during the riots which have happened over the last few weeks? Far better to saw a crop of righteousness and trust in God for a crop of love.

December 7, 2014 Bible Study — God Desires Mercy Not Sacrifice

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 29:12-14

    If a ruler gives credence to lies, it is only a matter of time until he will only have wicked men and wicked women for advisers. In such a situation it is only a matter of time until those who are not willing to lie, cheat, and steal to advance their own interests will either leave by their own choice or be forced out by those more ruthless than themselves.


Psalm 126:1-6

    This psalm refers to when the people of Israel returned from exile. However, the psalm gives us an insight in how to deal with suffering and tragedy in our lives. I am actually going to look at it backwards. The psalmist tells us that those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. When we face suffering let us always remember that it is temporary. God will bring us joy when His plans reach their fulfillment.
    Earlier in the psalm the psalmist said that the rest of the world will be amazed by what God has done for us. Let us live our lives so that when God works out His plans, others will look at us and say, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” When we experience the good times, let us make sure that everyone knows that it was God who brought them about for us.


3 John 1:1-14

    John writes here about traveling teachers who will accept nothing from non-believers. They rely on the believers in an area to support themselves as they travel around teaching the Gospel. I wish he gave us a better idea of how they actually practiced their teaching. I suppose it is just as well that he does not because there would be some who would claim that was the only way to do it.
    John praises those who provide support for these traveling teachers. It is interesting that there was a leader of the local church who opposed such traveling teachers and worked to keep them out of the area. John condemns such behavior. It is not clear, but it appears that the leader who John condemns used his position to silence everybody who might provide leadership aside from himself. John tells us not to let such a bad example influence us. Instead we should only imitate those who do what is good. In the NIV translation, it is clear that John is calling this leader an evil man. Those who do good prove that they are God’s children. Those who do evil prove that they do not know God.


Hosea 6-9:17

    God wants us to show love rather than offer sacrifices. He wants us to know Him more than He wants burnt offerings. It is not enough to give to good causes, even if we give until it hurts. We must show love to those around us. God wants to heal us, and our society, but our sins get in the way. When the prophet says that God wants to heal us he means physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
    In some ways this reflects back to yesterday. God wants to heal our society, but its sins are too great for healing. However, the prophet is not telling us that its “big” sins are too great. Rather, he is telling us that too many of us are sinning. I cannot fix what is wrong in our society by pointing to some other person and say, “See, that is what is wrong with our society.” No, I need to examine MY life and look at the sins I commit. In order to fix society, I must cleanse myself of my sins.
    The answer to our society’s problems is not new laws, or different laws, or stricter enforcing of existing laws. It is not changing the makeup of our government, or our institutions, or our media. No, the answer to our society’s problems is changing people’s hearts. That is something that cannot be done en masse. It must be done one by one and can only be done by showing God’s love to each and every person we meet.