July 3, 2018 Bible Study — Speak Out About What God Has Done For You!

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 105-107.

    These three psalms focus on the same theme: the wondrous things God has done. The first one tells us to give thanks to God and proclaim to the entire world what He has done. In it the psalmist recounts the wonderful things which God did for the people of Israel in bringing them out of Egypt and giving them the Land of Canaan. However, he also reminds us that it is not enough to praise God, we need to seek and obey God. The second psalm repeats the themes of the first, but recounts how God was faithful and did miracles for the children of Israel even though they were unfaithful. The troubles which God saved the people from were the result of their sin. His miracles called them back to Him.

    The third psalm in today’s passage continues the them about praising God and telling others about what He has done, but it brings it to the personal. The first two looked at what God had done for the people of Israel as a group. This psalm talks about what God did for individuals. The first two told us to proclaim what God had done in guiding history. This psalm tells us to speak out about what God has done for us. The psalmist tells us not to be afraid to tell others about what God has done for us. Actually, he goes further than that, he tells us to actively bring it up, in the face of those who reject God. If you were suffering the consequences of your sins, cried out to God and were rescued, tell people about it. Be bold! Perhaps the person you are speaking with needs to call out to God.

July 2, 2018 Bible Study — Let All That I Am Praise The Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 98-104.

    Yes, let us sing to the Lord! He has announced His righteousness to everyone, no one has an excuse. All of the earth will praise the Lord because He is coming to judge. When He does so He will judge with justice and righteousness. Sing, shout, clap, express your love of the Lord however you are able. Every time I read Psalm 101 I am struck by what a great guide for our lives it is. Here is the list (there is some overlap)

  • Be careful to live a blameless life.
  • Lead a life of integrity, even in private.
  • refuse to look at anything vile or vulgar.
  • Have nothing to do with those who deal crookedly
  • Reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.
  • Do not tolerate slander, conceit, or pride.

But that is not the whole of it, the “do nots” aren’t really the important part. No, the most important part for living a fulfilling life is seeking out faithful people to hang out with. The more time you spend with people who strive to serve the Lord, the more you will serve the Lord.

    In Psalm 102:18 the psalmist reminds us how important it is to record what God has done in our lives. But not just what He does in our lives, we need to record what God has done in the world around us and we need to make a record of the actions of God’s people which we witness. The purpose of keeping records is so that those who have not yet been born will know what God has done and praise Him for it.

    I will conclude today’s post by saying with the psalmist, “Let all that I am praise the Lord.”