January 22, 2018 Bible Study — The Beginning of the Transformation of Israel From a Group of Tribes to a Nation

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 13-15.

    The beginning of this passage Moses instructs the children of Israel to celebrate the Passover every year. In addition, he directs them that the first born male, both human and animal must be dedicated to God. Each first born must be presented to the Lord in remembrance of what God did for Israel in rescuing them from the Egyptians. These two ceremonies remind us of the importance of religious ceremony. Religious ceremony, properly conducted, reminds us of what God has done for us in the past. It can also serve to renew our commitment to serving God. This is an important lesson for me, because I was raised, not intentionally, with a bias against ceremony. I will add that while ceremony is important sometimes the ceremony becomes the object of worship rather than turning our attention and focus to God.

    The Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle. Then God had Moses lead them on an indirect route, one which made it seem like they did not know where they were going.

On a side note: I suspect that part of the reason Pharaoh gathered his army and set out to re-enslave the Israelites was because he feared them setting up as a bandit nation right on his border (the other, probably primary, part was hubris, thinking the plagues were done and would not resume if he did so).

The Israelites were cocky and full of themselves. God engineered the pursuit by the Egyptian army in order to remind them that they needed to depend on Him. There was a second purpose to it as well. Their complete unreadiness and panic when confronted by Pharaoh’s army made the Israelites aware of their need to accept discipline and training. It was not sufficient to have numbers. They needed to learn how to work and fight together. They saw that the threat was not just to their fighting men, but to their families and loved ones as well. There is actually a third reason for this pursuit. The loss of the best of Pharaoh’s army meant that the Egyptians would not be a threat to the Israelites for a generation or more after this, giving them time to become not just a people but a nation.

January 21, 2018 Bible Study — God Develops Moses’ Leadership Skills

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 10-12.

    One of the questions that comes up from time to time about the Exodus is, “Why did God have to visit such destruction upon the Egyptian people?” If you pay attention to what Pharaoh says in today’s passage you can see some of the reasons. Pharaoh’s response to Moses before and after the plague of locusts show us that even after all of the things which had gone before, Pharaoh thought he could exercise power over the Israelites. Before the plague of locusts, Pharaoh’s officials begged him, almost demanded of him, that he let the Israelites go to worship God. Pharaoh gave into their demands, but he was only willing to let the men go, not the women or children. After the plague of locusts (and the following three days of darkness), Pharaoh was willing to let the people go, including the women and children, but demanded that they leave their livestock. However, after the death of the firstborn of all Egyptians and their livestock, Pharaoh, the Egyptian people, and the Israelite people, all realized that Pharaoh could not exercise power over the Israelites. The Israelites received the unmistakable lesson that their rescue from Egypt was purely at the hand of God. They had done nothing to obtain their own release.

    There is one other aspect of the period of time of the plagues: Moses went from a man unsure of himself to a confident leader of people. When God first called Moses he was a shepherd who spent most of his time by himself with the sheep (and goats?). His confidence in himself as a leader of people completely broken to the point where he begged God to choose someone, anyone, else. On the night before the first Passover, Moses was a confident leader who was willing and able to give people detailed instructions. He knew what people should do and believed in himself enough to give them instructions they could, and would, follow.

January 20, 2018 Bible Study — We Will Not Accomplish God’s Will By Our Own Ability

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 7-9.

    At the end of yesterday’s passage when God told Moses to go back to Pharaoh again to ask him to let the Israelites go, Moses complained that he could not do it because he was a bad speaker. Moses believed that he would have to convince Pharaoh by his eloquence. God responded by telling Moses that He would perform miracles to convince Pharaoh, and that Pharaoh would still refuse until God would bring his fist down on Egypt, at which point Pharaoh would beg them to leave. It is important to remember that when God calls and sends us we will not accomplish the task He has given us by our eloquence. It is not our eloquence, or skill, or strength, or cunning, which will accomplish the tasks which God sets before us. Those tasks will be accomplished by the power of God and by nothing else. God gave Moses skills which he used when God sent him to lead His people, but those skills were not what got the job done.

    There are two other aspects of this passage I want to point out. The first is the sort of subtle clue that indicates that God is starting to move. When Aaron cast his staff down and it became a snake, Pharaoh’s advisers did the same thing neutralizing the impact of this miracle. But something happened which is the sort of thing for which the observant should watch: Aaron’s snake ate those produced by Pharaoh’s advisers. The other thing I want to note is that at the beginning the passage tells us that Pharaoh’s heart remained hard and/or he became stubborn. Through the first five plagues, Pharaoh had what is called agency. He could have decided to let the God’s people go, but he did not. However, with the sixth plague, God no longer allowed Pharaoh the choice. At that point the passage tells us that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. We all have the choice to do God’s will, but at some point God may choose to no longer give us that choice, at least until He has poured out His full wrath.

January 19, 2018 Bible Study — Doing God’s Will Is A Blessing, But It Will Be Hard

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 4-6.

    I mentioned yesterday that Moses reacted like most of us when God called him, he questioned the call. Today, he continued to question the call. His next question was, “What if they don’t believe me?” which is still a perfectly legitimate question. And God replied by giving Moses two minor miracles he could perform to show that God’s power flowed through him. Then Moses did something too many of us do as well, he came up with an excuse as to why he could not perform the task which God had given him. Finally, when God sets aside Moses’ excuse as to why he cannot do it, Moses comes right out and asks God to send someone else. In this case, God worked with Moses to get him to accept His call. However, sometimes we miss out on the blessing of doing what God calls us too because we ask Him to find someone else, and He does.

    When Moses got back to Egypt we see why he, and all too many of us, ask God to select someone else. Initially, the children of Israel were overjoyed to hear Moses’ message. However, Pharaoh mocked it and made things more difficult for the Israelites. Then when Moses went back to the people they were angry with him and did not want to listen. I want to give a little more attention to Pharaoh’s response to Moses. “Who is the Lord? I do not know Him. He has no authority over me.” (Yes, that last is a paraphrase). When we get that answer from people it generally makes us angry at them, but it should make us sad for them. After all, unless they change their minds, they will suffer just as Pharaoh did. We should pray that God softens their heart, but remember, they are probably not your target audience anymore than Pharaoh was Moses’ target audience.

January 18, 2018 Bible Study — Even Moses Had Doubts About His Qualifications

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 1-3.

    It is worth noting that the Pharaoh’s edicts to kill all of the newborn male babies would not have led to a long term reduction in the population of Israelites in Egypt. However, it would have weakened them as a military threat. It seems likely that the Pharaoh was aware of this and chose this strategy as a way to maintain the Israelites as a servant/slave population. However, this passage also shows us that such edicts do not work unless cooperation from the population which you are attempting to control. It is a shame that there are so many practitioners of modern medicine who do not have the morals of the two Hebrew midwives.

    Moses was like a lot of us. When God first called him from the burning bush, Moses’ response was “Here I am.” But when God laid out the mission He had for him, Moses immediately began to push back, “Who am I to speak with Pharaoh?” Moses asked this despite the fact that he was clearly the most qualified of the Hebrews to do so, having grown up in the royal household. However, God does not point that out to Moses, instead He tells him that He will be with him. Like most of us, Moses had more excuses as to why he should not be the one to go. His next excuse was that he did not know what to tell people God was called. These two questions are actually questions we should ask about the mission to which we perceive God calling us. The first question, “Why am I the person to do this?” The answer might be as simple as, “Because somebody has to and nobody else is.” And remember, God’s answer is always, “I will be with you.” The second question is, “How am I supposed to describe God to the people to whom I am called to minister?” God’s answer is that they know who He is, even if they don’t want to admit it. God will give us the message which will reveal to our audience who it is that we serve.

January 17, 2018 Bible Study — Jacob Prophesies

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 48-50.

    There are two interesting things here. First, Jacob adopts Joseph’s two sons as his own. The result of this is that there are 12 tribes plus the tribe of Levi. Second, despite adopting Joseph’s two sons as his own, when Jacob gives his final blessings to all of his sons he does not list the two boys, only their father Joseph. Jacob’s blessing of his sons reflects their lives up to this point, but it is also a prophecy about their descendants. I find it interesting to keep in mind as I read through the rest of the Old Testament, particularly Exodus through Judges. Of course, Jacob’s blessing on Judah contains a prophecy concerning Christ as well.

January 16, 2017 Bible Study — Forgiving Those Who Have Wronged Us

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 45-47.

    When Joseph reveals himself to his brothers he gives us a lesson in how we should deal with hardship and with those who have wronged us. First, lets look over Joseph’s life. As we have read over the last couple of days, he suffered quite a bit of hardship. That hardship would have been made harder to take by the fact that he had grown up with a privileged life before his brothers turned on him. And all of that hardship was the responsibility of his brothers. However, rather than focus on his hardship and the wrong that had been done him, Joseph focused on serving God. Now, when his brothers were in his power, he went out of his way to assure them that he held them no ill will. Not only that, but he asked them to stop blaming themselves for what had happened, because it had all served God’s purpose. Joseph understood that if it had not been for his brothers’ actions of selling him into slavery, he would never ended up where he was, where he could save them and his father’s entire household from starvation.

    Throughout his whole story Joseph never gave into anger and resentment over his situation. When he was sold into slavery, he did not become surly and do no more than he was absolutely required. No, he applied himself and did the best that he was able, rising to a position of power in Potiphar’s household. When that went wrong and he was thrown into jail, he again did not give into resentment and become surly. He did the best that he was able and rose to a position of power within the jail. Note, this was not the position of “trusty” where the other prisoners resented him for cooperating with the jailer. His position was one where the other prisoners were willing to share what was bothering them with him. Further, when it took the prisoner whose dream he interpreted two years to remember him, and even then only because Pharaoh had a dream none of his advisers could interpret for him, Joseph did not give into resentment and anger. Here is the lesson for us: forgive those who have wronged us, they are only able to do so because it serves God’s purpose. They will suffer the consequences of doing wrong, we should not allow ourselves to become like them. We should not become resentful of the hardship and suffering we face in life. Instead, we should seek how we can serve God and bring glory to His name in the situation we find ourselves in.

January 15, 2018 Bible Study — Examples In Leadership

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 42-44.

    There was a famine in Canaan which led Abraham to go to Egypt and spend some time there. There was another famine in Canaan which tempted Isaac to go to Egypt, but God told him not to do so, so he did not. Now we have a famine in Canaan which led, ultimately, to Jacob and his descendants moving to Egypt. I don’t know that there is any significance to the fact of recurring famines in Canaan, but I wanted to make note of it in case something later strikes me as significant about it.

    I noticed in today’s passage that both Reuben and Judah took leadership roles among their brothers. The first time we see these two both doing so was when the brothers sold Joseph into slavery. In that case, Reuben had the brothers throw Joseph into a cistern rather than kill him outright, intending to return and release Joseph later. While Judah convinced them to sell Joseph to slavers rather than let him die in the cistern. In today’s passage, Reuben tried to convince Jacob to send them immediately back to Egypt with Benjamin by offering the lives of his own sons against Benjamin’s safe return. Later, when Jacob is desperate for more grain, Judah offers to take the blame for eternity if anything happens to Benjamin. I believe part of Reuben’s motivation for an immediate return was a desire to free Simeon from imprisonment. In these examples we see Judah being slightly more effective as a leader than Reuben, but much of that could just be circumstances. However, at the end of the passage we see Judah take a step up. There he offers himself in place of Benjamin. Judah was willing to sacrifice himself for his brother. It appears to me that Judah was a more effective leader than Reuben and that fact played as much of a role in Jacob’s later blessing giving the leadership role of his sons to Judah over Reuben as the fact that Reuben had slept with Jacob’s concubine.

January 14, 2018 Bible Study — Is This The First Recorded Case of Sexual Harassment?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 39-41.

    We have in this passage what may be the first account of sexual harassment. It is worth noting that it was a young man being sexually harassed by a woman in a position of power. I want to note that a large part of the reason that we do not have an account of sexual harassment of similar age where a woman was harassed is because if the more powerful individual in this situation had been a man, he would have simply forced himself upon the object of his desire with no risk of negative consequences. However, the important thing about sexual harassment in this story is that it shows us that, even in a society of male dominance, women are also likely to abuse their power over those in a weaker position.

    There are some lessons we can learn from this story. First, what could Joseph have done to avoid this. Realistically, the only thing he could have done is avoid being alone with Potiphar’s wife. This is an important point to keep in mind. Joseph ended up being falsely accused of rape. As I think about this situation it reminds me that one of the things that causes problems when we give rape avoidance advice to women is that the same advice applies to men who want to avoid false accusations of rape: avoid being in situations where that can happen. When we advise young women to avoid situations where rape can easily happen we are often accused of sexism. That accusation may be accurate if we are only advising young women to avoid those situations because we should advise young men to avoid being on the male side of those same situations in order to avoid being falsely accused of rape.
    That part being said there is an even more important point to be made. As far as we can tell from this passage, Joseph did his best to avoid being alone with Potiphar’s wife. That is the important point we need to make when pointing out situations which men and women should avoid (men to avoid false accusations of rape, women to avoid being raped), those who ended up in those situations and got raped, or falsely accused of rape, are the victims, not the perpetrators. Failing to have failed to follow the advice, whether because they disregarded it or because circumstances made it unavoidable, does not make them bad people, or even responsible for what happened to them. One final note: God used the bad things which happened to Joseph to put him in a position much better than he could have otherwise reached and where he was able to help his family when famine reached the area.

January 13, 2018 Bible Study — Jacob’s Sons Start To Assimilate

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 36-38.

    Today’s passage starts with an account of the descendants of Esau, including a list of some of the early kings of Edom. I do not know what the significance of this is for us today. From there the passage goes on to tell us about Joseph. From this passage we learn that Joseph was a naive, spoiled young man. Jacob loved Joseph more than his other sons, and Joseph loved his father more than his brothers. This combination led to Joseph’s older brothers hating him, but it does not appear that Joseph realized this. When I consider the dreams which Joseph related to his brothers and father, I go back and forth about what I think Joseph meant by telling them the dreams. Sometimes I think that Joseph thought of the dreams as really strange dreams and told his brothers about them in order to have a topic of conversation. Other times I think that he told them about the dreams as a sort of “Well, you can treat me like this now, but one day…” In either case, telling his brothers about his dreams exacerbated their anger towards him. The combination of their resentment of the special treatment Joseph received and of the fact that he told their father about the previous misdeeds of some of his brothers led his brothers to be convinced that he was coming to spy on them (which was at least partially true, although not a concern if they were not doing anything wrong). It is interesting that neither Reuben nor Judah wished to kill Joseph.

    After Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers we have the story of Judah and Tamar. This story highlights why God sent the descendants of Jacob into Egypt. We see here that Jacob’s sons were becoming assimilated into the culture of Canaan, at least Judah, but I think we can figure that the rest of them behaved similarly. Judah married a local woman and had children with her. He arranged for his sons to marry local women. His best friend was a local and Judah practiced the local worship, at least to the extent of consorting with temple prostitutes. All of these things indicate that Judah, and probably his brothers, were gradually assimilating into the local culture. Something which both Abraham and Isaac sought to keep from happening.