November 11, 2015 Bible Study — Meet Together In Order To Encourage One Another

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:13

    Someone who offers to guarantee a strangers debt is likely a bad risk, make sure that they are good for the debt. Don’t offer to guarantee a stranger’s debt unless you know that you are able to pay it.


Psalm 109

    Read this psalm and remember that God will stand beside us even when those we thought our friends turn on us as it describes. And let us never be like the psalmist’s enemies. God will save us if we are faithful to Him and recognize our need for Him.


Hebrews 10:18-39

    In yesterday’s passage the writer wrote that the sacrifices under the old system were not able to purify people from sin, which was why they needed to be offered over and over again. In today’s passage he writes that Jesus by His death offered a sacrifice which does make us clean. Thus we are allowed into God’s presence. As a result, let us seek ways to build each other up, encouraging each other to love and good deeds. The writer points out, almost as an aside, that if we are going to encourage one another (and be encouraged) we need to meet together.
    The writer than writes one of the most thorough debunking of the idea some people have that they can do whatever they like because of God’s grace. The writer tells us that if we deliberately and knowingly keep on sinning once we have learned God’s truth, there is no sacrifice left. We cannot be forgiven for sins we do not regret and we will not plan on repeating sins which we genuinely regret.


Ezekiel 23

    Ezekiel compares the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to two sisters. They both married, but lusted after other men. Rather than relying on God for protection, the kingdom of Israel sought a protective alliance with Assyria. The Assyrians responded by completely conquering the land and taking the people of the Northern Kingdom into captivity. The kingdom of Judah did not learn from Israel’s example. They, too, sought alliance with Assyria, surviving that alliance only because Assyria fell before it could conquer Judah. Then they sought a similar alliance with Babylon, but rather than be loyal even to Babylon, they rebelled against Babylon and sought the protection of Egypt. The point of all of this is that rather than trust God to protect them, they turned to various human powers for security. God warned them, but they chose their path and paid the price. Let us not make the same mistake.

November 10, 2015 Bible Study — Made Perfect Forever, But Still In the Process of Being Made Holy

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:12

    This proverb tells us that the prudent take precautions against danger, while the foolish charge in without taking notice and suffer the consequences. It is worth noting how the prudent approach to danger differs from the lazy approach (described by the writer elsewhere). The prudent take note of potential danger and take precautions, but do not let potential danger stop them. The lazy use potential danger as an excuse not to do anything.


Psalm 108

    I have confidence in God. I will sing praises to His name, morning, noon, and night. No matter how bad things may seem, I am confident that God can and will rescue me. I am certain that save us by His power.


Hebrews 10:1-17

    The old covenant was but a preview of the good things to come. It was not those things. If the sacrifices under the old system had been able to make those offering them perfect, they would have ended when this was accomplished (which after a manner of speaking they did, after the new sacrifice had been offered). Instead the sacrifices under the old system continued year after year reminding the people of their guilt.
    Under the old covenant the priests offered the same sacrifices day after day. Those sacrifices were not able to take away sin. They were only able to cover it over. However, under the new covenant, Christ offered a sacrifice for all time and is now sitting at the right hand of God. Perhaps they key phrase to understanding what the writer is getting at is in verse 14: “For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy.” Christ’s sacrifice has perfected us, but we are still in the process of being made holy. It is by Christ’s sacrifice that we are made perfect. That part has been completed, but the transformation takes time and we are still in the process of being made holy.


Ezekiel 21-22

    Ezekiel declares that God’s judgment is about to fall on Jerusalem because her walls are filled with idolators and sinners. In chapter 22 verses 6-12 he gives a list of the sort of sins which they committed. As I read this list it reminds me of our society today, as those who are not committing these sins are justifying those who are. Ezekiel goes on to condemn the leaders of the people of Jerusalem. Rather than serve the people the leaders use their leadership positions to enrich themselves. Their only goal is to feed their own pleasures. God looked for someone to rebuild the wall of righteousness. He looked for someone to stand in the gaps against the waves of sin crashing through the holes in the wall. God found no one willing to do so, so now the consequences of those sins will come crashing down upon the people.
    Our society is at a similar place. Will you work to rebuild the wall of righteousness? Will you stand in the gap and attempt to shelter others from the consequences of sin by calling them to righteousness? It is time, and past time, for those who remain faithful to get to work.

November 9, 2015 Bible Study — The Resurrection Is Not a Metaphor for the Changing of the Seasons

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:11

    A wise man makes his father happy. His father’s critics will be silenced by the son’s behavior.


Psalm 107

    If the Lord has redeemed you, speak out! Tell your story at every opportunity. Each of us has a story to tell. Some of us were lost and homeless, some of us were imprisoned, some were foolish, some faced dangers from the forces of nature. However, when we cried out to God, when we turned to Him, He saved us from our distress and showed us how to live our lives. He will rescue us from trouble and provide for us. Let us give thanks to the Lord for what He has done for us and tell our stories to those who will listen.


Hebrews 9:11-28

    Under the old covenant, the blood of goats and bulls was used to purify people of ceremonial impurity. The high priest took an offering of such blood into the Most Holy Place to intercede with God for the people. This Most Holy Place was a copy of the one in heaven. Christ has entered into the Tabernacle in heaven (the one which the earthly Tabernacle was a copy) and offered His own blood as a sacrifice to purify everyone, once and for all time, before God. Christ offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins, and, since He was perfect, He only had to make this sacrifice one time.
    This once and done nature of Christ’s sacrifice is part of what makes it different from the myths and legends which bear it some resemblance. Almost all of the myths which people compare to the Gospel story involve the god dying and rising from the dead each year as part of the cycle of the seasons. Christ’s death and resurrection are not like those myths created to explain the seasons in that Christ died just once and rose from the dead to eternal life. Instead of being a metaphor for the changing of the seasons, Christ’s death and resurrection are about God, once and for all time, reconciling mankind to Himself.


Ezekiel 20

    Some of the leaders of Israel came to Ezekiel asking for a message from God. The message they received was not the message they had hoped to receive. God condemned them for asking for a message from Him. The reason for God’s condemnation was that they had come for a message from God, but they intended to continue to worship idols. They wanted to be like the people’s around them. They fully intended to continue offering their children as sacrifices so that they would not stand out as different. They wanted the benefits of worshiping God without being different from those who do not. That is not one of our options. We can be just like those around us. We can live our lives so as to be accepted by those who deny God. Or, we can live our lives worshiping God. God will not accept our worship if we live like those who do not worship Him, who deny His very existence.

November 8, 2015 Bible Study — Children Will Not Be Judged For the Sins of Their Parents

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:10

    Never abandon or forsake a friend whether it is one of your own or a friend of the family. Do what you can to help them in their time of need. When disaster strikes you and you are in need, it is better to have neighbors who will help than to be dependent on family who are far away.


Psalm 106:32-48

    God’s anger burned against His people because they had sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons. How much more will His anger burn against this nation for the innocent lives they have sacrificed on the altar of convenience? The psalmist reminds us that God will again and again discipline us in His attempts to get us to turn from our sins, but, if we do not respond to God’s discipline, eventually our sins will destroy us. Even in the depths of destruction which results from our sins, God will pity us. If we turn once more to Him, He will save us, even when all seems lost.


Hebrews 9:1-10

    The writer continues to show us how the new covenant is superior to the old one. Under the old one, only priests were allowed to enter the Holy Place, which was separated by a curtain from the Most Holy Place. Only the high priest was allowed to enter the Most Holy Place, and that only once a year. When the high priest entered the Most Holy Place he entered into the presence of God. So, under the old covenant, only the high priest was allowed to enter into the presence of God. He was only allowed to do that one time a year and he was required to make an offering of blood when he did so. The old covenant had regulations regarding external behavior, good enough as far as they went, but limited in their ability to truly change people. They were a start, but now God has shown us a better way. The old covenant had regulations requiring that worship be performed at a specific location. In tomorrow’s passage the writer will look at how the new covenant goes beyond the limitations of the old covenant.


Ezekiel 18-19

    Ezekiel quotes a proverb, “The parents have eaten sour grapes, but their children’s mouths pucker at the taste.” The meaning of this proverb is clear, children suffer for their parents’ sins. There is some truth to this proverb. The children of child abusers often suffer their entire lives as a result of the abuse which their parents committed. There are other ways in which the sins of parents affect their children throughout their lives. However, God is merciful and He does not judge us based on our parents actions, neither for good or for evil.
    While it is true that children are likely to commit the same sins which their parents did, they are not condemned to that. Each and every one of us can make our own decisions. If we reject the sins of our parents and strive to live righteous lives, God will provide us a means to escape from the punishment which goes with those sins. He will give us healing. In the same way, if we reject the righteousness of our parents and live sinful lives, God will judge us for those acts and visit the punishment we deserve upon us. The choice is ours to make.

November 7, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:7-9

    Those who have had enough to eat will reject even the sweetest dessert. However, those who are hungry will be grateful for even bitter food. It is a way to measure the need of those who request your charity. Those truly in need will take whatever they are offered, those who are picky about what they will accept are perhaps less in need than they would like you to believe. Of course, it is also a measure to use when we are in need. If we are too good to take what is offered, perhaps we are not yet in need (or perhaps our pride is still too great).


Psalm 106:13-31

    God has done wonderful things for us, but all too often we quickly forget. When things do not continue to go as we would like we quickly turn away and stop obeying God. Much of the time we lack the patience to wait for God to reveal the next phase of His plan. When things go “wrong”, we forget how He used such misfortunes in the past to bring honor to His name and good things to us. Time and again God disciplines us and welcomes us back. Yet we again and again forget what He has done for us.


Hebrews 8

    The writer pointed to Jeremiah where the prophet declared that God was going to offer a new covenant. He points out that if there were no defects in the first covenant there would have been no need for a new covenant. Jeremiah told us that God would write His laws on our hearts and in our minds. The writer of Hebrews tells us that the new covenant makes the old covenant obsolete. The old covenant is now outdated and will soon disappear. Those to whom that old covenant applies who are faithful to that covenant will be carried over into the new covenant.


Ezekiel 16:42-17:24

    Ezekiel tells us that Sodom’s sins were pride, gluttony, laziness, and an unwillingness to help the poor and needy. It was for these sins that Sodom was destroyed. Ezekiel prophesied that the Kingdom of Judah far surpassed Sodom when it came to sin. By this account of Sodom’s sins, so has this country.

November 6, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:4-6

    Someone who openly tells you what you have done wrong in front of others is better than someone who likes you, but does not let anyone know. It is better to trust a friend who hurts your feelings than an enemy who tells you that all is going as you wish.


Psalm 106:1-12

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
His faithful love endures forever.

Indeed He is and I will praise Him every day. I am grateful that His love for me will never end, no matter how often I disappoint Him. I believe His promise and will praise His name.


Hebrews 7:18-28

    The writer compares the old covenant under the old priesthood with the new covenant with the new priesthood. Under the old covenant there were many priests because the priests were limited by death. Ultimately, all of those priests died. Under the new covenant there is only one priest because Jesus is that priest and He lives forever. Therefore His priesthood lasts forever. In addition, under the old covenant the priests had to offer sacrifices every day because they had to first sacrifice for their own sins before they could intercede for the people. Under the new covenant Jesus only had to make one sacrifice for all time because He was sinless.
    Jesus is the kind of high priest which we need because He is unstained by sin. He was tempted as we are, so He understands the challenges we face. However, He was able to resist that temptation, so He can show us how we too can resist that temptation. He has sacrificed Himself once and for all time for our sins. Now He lives to intercede with God on our behalf.


Ezekiel 14:12-16:41

    God is sending judgment upon the nations of this earth and when it comes, the righteous will be only able to save themselves. Even if Noah and Job were alive today they would be unable to save anyone other than themselves. They would be unable to shield even their own sons and daughters. This is the day that is coming. Let us strive to convince our friends and loved ones to turn to God today so that we will not witness their suffering and be unable to help them.
    And why is this judgment coming? God had raised up Jerusalem and made it a beacon to the nations. He had given its people treasure and luxuries so that they lived a life of beauty and comfort. Rather than praising God and thanking Him for their wealth, they took their wealth and used it to worship idols. Further, they sacrificed the children which God had given them to those idols. Those children belong to God and He will not forget those who sacrifice them on the altar. Our society is guilty of the same sins. God took the people of this nation and built a great nation, but how do we repay Him for His wonderful gifts to us? We offer our wealth on the altar to numerous idols and we sacrifice the children He gave us on the altar of abortion. God’s judgment is coming. There may still be time, but only if all of God’s people who remain stand in the gaps and pray for His Spirit to transform hearts throughout this land and this world. The time is short.

November 5, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:3

    The heaviest burden you will ever bear is resentment. So, put it down now, or better yet, never pick it up. Resenting others for what they have done, or what they have, only wears you down. Forgive people for the wrongs you perceive them to have done (whether to yourself or others) and turn that burden over to God. If they are truly guilty of wrongdoing, He will repay them. And if your perception was incorrect and they did no wrong, you have been carrying that burden for no good purpose.


Psalm 105:37-45

    The psalmist concludes his psalm about how God has a plan for all things by noting that after their suffering God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt with great wealth. He led them through the desert to the land He had promised them so that they could worship Him and follow His commands. He will do likewise for us.


Hebrews 7:1-17

    The writer revisits what it means that Jesus was a priest in the order of Melchizedek. He points out that we have no record of Melchizedek’s parents, nor of his death. Metaphorically, Melchizedek is eternal. This means that a priest of the “order of Melchizedek” is eternal. Jesus is indeed an eternal priest. Further, the writer points out that Aaron metaphorically tithed to Melchizedek, meaning that Melchizedek was greater than Aaron. This means that Jesus is a high priest who is greater than the high priests of the order of Aaron. Finally, the writer tells us that the very fact that God created an order of priests other than those of the order of Aaron indicates that the law established through Aaron was inadequate to God’s purposes. The whole point of this is that Jesus brought about a change to the law which God commands man to follow in order to receive salvation.


Ezekiel 12:1-14:11

    In this passage Ezekiel condemns those who prophecy out of their own imagination. I think that this passage is truly a warning for many leaders in the Church today. God will bring judgment on those who encourage the sins of our society rather than calling on people to turn from their sins. We, as Christians, should be striving to build up the wall of righteousness which stands between our nation and destruction. Instead of repairing the wall by carefully putting back the stones of righteousness, many are covering the holes with fabric and painting the fabric with whitewash to give it a semblance of righteousness. Others are warning the righteous against things which are not wrong and telling the wicked that their evil is righteous. God will strike them all down.

November 4, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:1-2

    Do not brag and boast about what you are going to do in the future, or about the good things which are going to come your way. None of us knows what tomorrow holds. So, it is best to qualify our plans with “if God wills” (even if only in our minds).
    Rather than tell everyone how wonderful we are, let us wait for others to praise us. Such praise will carry more weight and have more meaning.


Psalm 105:16-36

    The psalmist shows us how God laid His plans and brought them to pass. Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt, yet rose to power in the land in order to provide a sanctuary for his family in time of need. Then after the Egyptians turned on the people of Israel God sent Moses and Aaron and used His great power to bring them out of Egypt and into the land of Canaan. Let us always remember that no matter how bad things are today, they are part of God’s plan to do great things for and through us.


Hebrews 6

    Today’s passage contains a teaching which I think takes some careful thought. The writer warns us that those who have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit within themselves who later turn away from God will never turn back to him once more. He tells us that it is impossible to bring such people back to repentance once they have turned from God. I am torn about what this means for us. On the one hand, I am convinced that we should never give up on those we know who have turned away from God. On the other hand, we should not waste energy on those who will never appreciate our effort.
    I have rewritten the previous sentence five time because it keeps coming out harsher than I think is appropriate. We should never forget what Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.” Yet, we must recognize that when people have chosen to walk away from God, He will let them go. God will honor our decisions, even when it breaks His heart.


Ezekiel 10-11

    The leaders in Jerusalem were telling the people that Jerusalem was safe, that it was time to invest in the future. The leaders were claiming that all was rosy despite the people who had been taken into exile. They claimed that those taken into exile were far from God and that God had given their land to those who remained. In many ways this reminds me of the leaders today who are telling us how wonderful things are, when wages have been falling, along with productivity. They keep telling us to save less and consume more. God cast judgment on the leaders in the Jerusalem of Ezekiel’s day for the injustice they performed against the people of Jerusalem. He will bring judgment against the leaders doing the same today.

November 3, 2015 Bible Study — Training Ourselves to Distinguish Good From Evil

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 26:28

    Liars hate the people to whom they lie. They either lie to them because they hate them or come to hate them because they have lied to them.


Psalm 105:1-15

    I will give thanks to God for all of the wonderful things He has done. I will proclaim His greatness to all of the earth. His justice will be seen throughout the land. He promised the people of Israel that He would give them the land of Canaan before they were a people. He has kept that promise throughout history and once again the land of Canaan belongs to the people of Israel, the descendants of Jacob.


Hebrews 5

    Jesus was called by God to be our High Priest. It is not a position which one can take for oneself, one must be called to such a position. A High Priest is one who can function as an intermediary between God and man. Jesus learned obedience while He was here on earth, being obedient to the point of suffering and death. He is able to deal with us, wayward and ignorant as we are, because He experienced the same temptations which we did. Jesus is a High Priest of the order of Melchizedek. The writer goes into more detail about what that means later.
    Then the writer tells us that it is time, and past time, that we started teaching others about the basics of the Gospel. Unfortunately, all too many of us need to be taught again and again the basic difference between right and wrong. We have become addicted to spiritual teachings which are milk for spiritual babies, unwilling to start eating solid foods as adults do. IT is worth noting that the writer points out that it is through training that we learn to recognize the difference between right and wrong. We do not just come to that understanding by chance, or through the process of living. It is only through training that we truly learn the difference between right and wrong. We must work hard at training ourselves to know the difference between good and evil.


Ezekiel 7-9

    Every time I read this, I wonder if this prophecy applies today. Has the end arrived? Is the future we have to look forward to disaster after disaster? Is God about to call the people of earth to account for all of their detestable sins? I look at the world around me and think that it must be close. I read today about a Bishop in Stockholm saying that a church should remove all signs of the cross and put down signs showing Muslims the direction to Mecca so that they could worship there. This reminds me of what Ezekiel writes here of the leaders of Jerusalem worshiping idols in the Temple. This is not the only, nor the first, of the signs of those who proclaim themselves Christians turning from God and worshiping idols. It is not that I think there is something sacred about the symbol of a cross in a church building. It is the idea of removing symbols about our worship of God so that others can worship an idol.
    For all of the sorrow and fear conveyed in this passage there is a glimmer of hope, there is reason to hold to our faith. When Ezekiel witnessed those whom God summoned to bring suffering, he also witnessed another. God instructed that other to walk through the city and mark the forehead of everyone who grieved and wept over the detestable things being done. When God let loose His agents of judgment He instructed them to kill everyone, except for those who had just been marked. God’s judgment is coming and I weep for those who will suffer as a result, but, on the other hand, they have been given ample opportunity to turn from their sins, to reject the sins of our nation.

November 2, 2015 Bible Study — The Word of God Is Alive and Active

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 26:27

    If you try to use deceit and trickery to bring down others, you will be caught in a trap of your own making. In the long run, your lies and deceit will rebound upon yourself.


Psalm 104:24-35

    God has created a wide variety of creatures, each designed to fulfill a specific role in a specific place. God has designed the earth to provide for their needs. A classic example of how God carefully designed this world is the way in which it was discovered that swamps clean water. For centuries, mankind considered swamps to be wasted land. However, in the late 20th Century researchers discovered that when polluted water went through a wetland (swamp, marsh, etc) it emerged cleaner than when it went in, a lot cleaner. The researchers were not surprised by the removal of biomass pollution, such as fertilizer runoff, or raw sewage, except that it was much greater than anticipated. However, they discovered that the wetlands removed heavy metals in quantities that could not be explained by simple sedimentary effects. Heavy metals were thought to be poisons for all biological systems, yet somehow the plants, fungi, microbes in the swamps were removing heavy metals from the water…almost as if someone had designed them for that very purpose. (I hope if you are reading this that you recognize the sarcasm of that last phrase).
    All that I am will praise the Lord because He has designed this planet in ways more wondrous than we can imagine. Despite mankind’s best efforts, he will be unable to destroy this planet. God reserves that for Himself when His plans have come to fulfillment.


Hebrews 4

    God has prepared a place of rest for His people, for those who believe in His word. This rest was promised to the people of Israel but they failed to enter into it because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed God. It is worth noting that the writer is clearly implying that some of the people of Israel did indeed enter into God’s rest (who else is he referring to when he mentions the “faith of those who obeyed”?). If we want to enter into God’s rest we must obey His commands, which we will only do if we believe that His commands will lead us to our greatest happiness.
    Included in this passage is a statement that needs some “unpacking”. The writer tells us that the word of God is alive and active, and that it is sharper than the sharpest thing he can imagine. I struggle with explaining the meaning which this passage conveys to me. The first part is that the word of God fits the circumstances. This may perhaps be the point which gives me the most difficulty, because, while the word of God fits the circumstances, that does not mean that it changes. The second part is clearer to me. The example I would use in place of the double-edged sword is the scalpel. The word of God is capable of working its way into the finest separation, revealing that which we (or others) hoped to keep hidden. It will work its way into our lives revealing things we had hidden from ourselves, both good things and bad things. When working with those around us who are suffering, let us remember to leave room for the word of God to act. It will reveal things to those we are trying to help that we may not see. Perhaps the most important thing, it will prevent us, and everyone else, from hiding anything from God.


Ezekiel 3:16-6:14

    I said yesterday that not all of us were called to the same mission as Ezekiel, and that is true for the part of Ezekiel’s mission which was described yesterday. Some of us are called to preach God’s word to those who will not listen to it, others are called to preach to a receptive audience. However, all of us are called to be God’s watchmen. When God gives us a message, we must not remain silent. If we fail to relay God’s message to those whom He has sent us, and they suffer as a result of their sins, their blood is on our hands. God will hold us responsible for their death. On the other hand, if we relay God’s message, and they refuse to listen to it, we are innocent of their blood. Here is the best part, they MAY listen to us! If they do listen to the message we give them from God and repent of their sins, their lives will be saved, and so will ours. Let us never be afraid to speak God’s word, even to those we “know” will not listen. In some ways, that is the point in today’s passage from Hebrews. God’s word is alive and active. It is capable of working itself between the lies which people tell themselves to avoid the reach of God’s Spirit. Let us do what we can to open those around us to His Spirit.