September 21, 2015 Bible Study — Do Not Measure Yourself Against Others

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:24

    We are told to honor our parents. This proverb tells us that the best way to do so is to live righteous lives. If we demonstrate wisdom and righteousness in our actions it brings honor to our father and mother. Make your parents proud and give them joy; live a righteous life.


Psalm 65

    The psalmist reminds us that God will answer our prayers with awesome deeds. This is a reminder, and an incentive, to me that I need to pray more. How can God answer our prayers with awesome deeds if we do not pray? The more we pray, the more opportunity we give God to answer our prayers with awesome deeds!


Galatians 6

    Paul makes an important point here. If one of our fellow believers is caught up in sin, we should work with them to guide them back to the correct path. However, we need to do so gently and humbly, recognizing that we are not perfect either. As we do this, let us be careful not to make the same mistakes we see them making. Further, it is important that we do not start thinking of ourselves as more important than we are. We need to recognize that our fellow believers do not need our approval, rather, they need God’s approval.
    We should not measure ourselves and what we do against others and what they do. Rather we should measure ourselves against what God is calling us to do. Are we faithfully carrying out the tasks which God has given us? We will reap what we sow. If we act to please our flesh, we will reap results that echo our flesh. Those results will gradually fail and decay, just like our earthly bodies. If on the other hand, we act to please the Spirit, we will reap results which will echo the characteristics of the Spirit, lasting and eternal. Therefore, let us do good to everyone, especially our fellow believers.


Isaiah 37-38

    In yesterday’s passage the king of Assyria’s representative had told the people of Jerusalem that they could not stand against the Assyrian army. He first said that they should not count on God’s help because Hezekiah had torn down the various shrines in the high places. He followed that up by saying that God would not be able to stop the Assyrians even if He wanted to. In today’s passage the king of Assyria doubled down on those statements. He sent a letter to Hezekiah saying that the kings of Assyria have gone where they pleased and conquered whom they pleased. No other gods were able to stop them and neither would God be able to do so. As always when humans exhibit such hubris (pride/arrogance) God demonstrates that they are wrong. The king of Assyria was convinced that he could do as he pleased and no one could stop him. He probably went to his grave believing that to be true. And yet, he wanted to, and intended to, conquer Jerusalem but was never able to do so. Let us never forget that God does not always act in ways which are obviously supernatural.

September 20, 2015 Bible Study — Live In Freedom

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:23

    Seek the truth, and when you find it do not trade it for any possible reward. Truth is more valuable than anything else you can have, followed closely by wisdom, self-discipline, and good judgment. If you possess these four things your life will be complete.


Psalm 64

    The wicked plot their actions carefully and in secret, confident that no one will discover that it is they who are behind the crime. Despite their most cunning plans, God will know who is to blame. He will strike them down. Then, as people watch and listen, the wicked will be tripped up by their own words. We see this happen time after time. Someone carefully plans a wicked act in secret. Their plans are carefully concealed and the blame is initially placed elsewhere. Then, out of nowhere, a revelation will come and, through their own words, it will become obvious who is truly responsible for the wicked act.


Galatians 5:13-26

    Paul reminds us that we have been called to live in freedom, not enslaved to a set of rules. However, he tells us that we should not use our freedom to satisfy our sinful nature, instead we should use our freedom to serve one another in love. If we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our actions we will not do what our sinful nature desires. Paul goes on to point out the results of following our sinful nature. We should all regularly read that list because Paul tells us that anyone living that lifestyle will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. Paul then goes on to describe the lifestyle we will live if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives. It will be a life full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
    If we truly live this lifestyle we will not become conceited, we will not provoke one another, we will not be jealous of one another. Last week, I wrote about Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians, and us, to examine ourselves. This is the first step in such an self-examination. Am I conceited? Do I provoke my fellow believers by what I say, or what I do? Am I jealous of others? Either for what they have, or the position they hold?


Isaiah 33:10-36:22

    Isaiah prophesies of a time when the Lord will act on His anger at the sins of the world. I am convinced that there has been more than one time in history when God’s message in this passage applies. I believe that we are once again living in a time when God will, and already is, express His anger with the sins of this world. He will destroy the nations and armies of this world. Everything will be dedicated to Him, those people and things which bring glory to God will blossom and be glad. Those people and things which do not bring glory to God will be destroyed completely.
    Once more God will act to bring salvation. This will not be a new act. It will be a revival of those who worship Him. Just as when Jesus walked this earth, God will move on this earth:

he will open the eyes of the blind
and unplug the ears of the deaf.
The lame will leap like a deer,
and those who cannot speak will sing for joy!
Springs will gush forth in the wilderness,
and streams will water the wasteland.

If those of us who worship His name will just faithfully pray to Him and seek to do His will, God will pour out His Spirit throughout the world. He will show His might and use us to bring glory to His name.

September 19, 2015 Bible Study — Faith Is Expressed By Love

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:22

    This is important advice for young people. Listen to your parents, they may not understand what is going on in your life, but they gave that life to you. Do not despise them when they get old and no longer have anything to offer you (or so you think). There is however more to this than just that they gave you life. The most important thing to remember is that they were your age once and despite any seeming disconnect between what they tell you and what is going on in your life there is likely to be value in what they tell you. This remains true, no matter what age you are. And remember that your mother gave some of the best years of her life to raising you, when she gets old and suffers the disabilities of age, give her whatever joy is in your power to give her.


Psalm 63

    This is a psalm of praise which I pray my readers, and all others, will make their own. I earnestly search for God, having been assured elsewhere that those who seek God will find Him. I have found God, but it is the nature of being human that I must seek Him again each day. I will praise Him as long as I live, praying to Him openly. I want everyone to know that I worship and praise God. I strive to live my life so as to not to bring shame to those who also worship Him.


Galatians 5:1-12

    We will not gain favor with God by being circumcised, by inflicting pain on ourselves, or by making ourselves physically distinct from those around us. There were two aspects of circumcision that led some to claim that it was necessary for Gentiles to become true followers of Christ. The first aspect is the pain which an adult experiences when he is circumcised. There are those who believe that we need to inflict pain upon ourselves in order to be made right with God. We see this in the self-flagellation movements which have cropped up from time-to-time and place-to-place throughout history. Paul rejects that idea. The second aspect is that those who are circumcised are physically different from those who are not. Being circumcised is an action which cannot be undone. There were institutions in the Roman Empire of Paul’s day where those who had been circumcised would stand out as different from the norm. The Roman baths and the Greek gymnasiums were places where the men who were movers and shakers in society would meet. In both locations, men went naked as part of the experience, so everyone knew who was, and was not, circumcised. There were those who believe that we need to stand out from the crowd in ways we cannot undo by some physical manifestation. Paul rejects this idea as well.
    Neither of these approaches is of any value. We cannot make ourselves right with God by following either of those paths. We are made right with God by faith which is expressed by love. If we truly have faith in Christ we will express that faith by showing love to those around us.


Isaiah 30:12-33:9

    All too often, instead of seeking God’s help, we try to figure out how to do it on our own. Or we seek powerful allies to stand with us against those we perceive as powerful. Instead of trusting in God we depend upon deception and oppression to win the victory. But God is waiting for us to turn to Him. It is only by repenting of our sins and resting in Him that we will be saved. If we ask for God’s help, He will indeed grant it. If we stop rejecting His words He will guide us in the safe path.
    It is a short little bit of this passage but it always strikes a chord with me. If we put our trust in God, He will be a voice in our ears saying, “Turn left here. Just a little further. Now turn right.” Those directions will guide us on the path to doing God’s will. I strive to quiet my thoughts so that I can hear that voice as it guides me.

September 18, 2015 Bible Study — We Are All One In Christ

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:19-21

    We are warned against partying with those who drink and/or eat to excess. If we spend too much time with such people, we will do the same. The result of partying to excess is to end up much poorer than you started.


Psalm 62

    The psalmist calls on us to wait quietly before God. It is easy to read that as “wait quietly FOR God,” but that is not what he is saying. The psalmist is telling us to go “before God” and wait quietly, my interpretation is that this is a form of prayer and meditation. At another point in the psalm, he tells us to pour our hearts out to God and trust Him. So, at all times we are to pour our hearts out to God, tell Him our deepest desires and fears, than to quietly wait in meditation for His answer or action. I really need to work on the meditation portion, on waiting quietly for God to speak to me.


Galatians 3:23-4:31

    This passage has a lot of lessons for us, but I struggled to find the context which would allow me to tie them all together. Then it struck me that most of this letter to the Galatians is Paul’s response to some teachers whom the Galatian believers were starting to follow. These teachers were teaching them that some people were better than others because they followed certain rules (from the context I would guess that these rules were derived from Jewish law). Paul points out that while the law served its purpose, that purpose is now passed.
    These teachers whom Paul was responding were determined to win the Galatian believers away from Paul’s teaching, away from the Gospel. When Paul was in Galatia, these teachers were zealous to do good things for the Galatian believers, but once he left, their zealotry was for commanding the Galatian believers. They presented the idea to the Galatian believers that the other believers should follow their instructions because they were better than those others. Paul responded to this by pointing out to the Galatians that we are all one in Christ. The Jew is not better than the Gentile, men are not better than women, slaves are not less than those who are free. Christ died for each and every one of us. All who were baptized in Christ have been clothed with Christ. If we belong to Christ we are heirs to Abraham, and the promises he received.


Isaiah 28:14-30:11

    The rulers, the elite, those who are in positions of power are all convinced that they have struck a bargain with death. They believe that they will be able to dodge the troubles and hardships which their actions have set in motion. With lies and deception they have fortified their positions, they are convinced that those fortifications can never be swept away. However, God has placed a foundation stone from which He will test all fortifications against the measuring line of justice and all walls against the plum-line of righteousness. Those whose fortification is made from lies will be swept away. They will discover that the bargain they struck with death is null and void. However, those who build on God’s foundation will have a fortress which will never be shaken. Those who establish their position on justice and righteousness will be secure. Look at our current crop of politicians, they are all convinced that the only way to rise to power is lies and deception, and the voters believe they are right. This path leads to destruction.

September 17, 2015 Bible Study — God’s Grace, Not “Do This, Do That.”

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:17-18

    It is a mistake to envy sinners. If you continue to fear the Lord, you will be rewarded by God’s good will. It is important to remember that those who fear the Lord often find reward in things that others do not view as a reward.


Psalm 61

    When my heart is overwhelmed I will cry to the Lord. As I read this today, my heart is overwhelmed in a different way than the psalmist is referring, but still I call out to the Lord and trust that He will answer. The psalmist was overwhelmed by his own problems. I am fortunate that I do currently have problems which overwhelm me. However, I read the stories about the refugee/migrant crisis in the Middle East and Europe and I feel overwhelmed. What am I to do? The answer is, as always, cry out to the Lord and beg the Holy Spirit for guidance (not that we need to beg for guidance in such situations). God will answer our cries and show is how to deal with this tragedy.


Galatians 3:10-22

    Paul points out that if we seek to be justified before God on the basis of our good works, we must never have done anything wrong. Unless you are capable of getting it right every time, you cannot measure up on the basis of your own actions. It is only by accepting God’s grace, His forgiveness, that we can be made right with God. We need to acknowledge that we have sinned and are guilty before God. It is only then that His Spirit can transform us into someone deserving of being in God’s presence.


Isaiah 25:1-28:13

    There is a lot on this passage about God drawing all peoples to Himself. However, the part I want to focus on is where Isaiah addresses those who say that God’s message is just a bunch of rules:

Do this, do that,
a rule for this, a rule for that;
a little here, a little there.

God tries to be clear that He offers them a place of rest and safety. He speaks to them in multiple languages trying to get His message through. Nevertheless people refuse to listen. All they hear is:
Do this, do that,
a rule for this, a rule for that;
a little here, a little there.

When will people listen to God’s true message?

September 16, 2015 Bible Study — It Is No Longer I Who Lives

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:15-16

    When children exhibit wisdom in their words and their action it gives their parents joy (at least, it does so if their parents are not complete fools). The best way to honor your parents is by acting wisely.


Psalm 60

    The psalmist reminds us that whenever times get difficult God raises a banner to which those who fear Him may rally. When we face attack for our beliefs, God will raise a banner to rally His supporters. If we gather at that point, we will find others willing to battle at our sides and God will be there as well, fighting for us against our foes. Are we willing to gather at God’s banner? Even though it means declaring ourselves to His enemies? I pray that your are, and that God will give me the strength to do so as well.


Galatians 2:17-3:9

    We cannot make ourselves right with God by following the rules. This does not mean that the rules are meaningless. It instead means that we should live by God’s grace, or as Paul states it, “It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me.” We live by trusting Christ, and living as the Scripture and the Holy Spirit indicate to us that He would live. The biggest problem with living according to a set of rules is that we can always find loopholes in the rules. There are no loopholes to be found in living according to what the Holy Spirit tells us is right. Perhaps the most important thing for us to recognize is that we cannot win our salvation by our own effort. No matter how good we are, we have still done some things wrong. Let us not live our lives so that people will see us as good, let us live our lives so that people will see Christ as good.


Isaiah 22-24

    The people of Jerusalem took all of the basic precautions. They stockpiled weapons, they inspected and repaired the city walls, they made sure they had stores of water and food. However, they did not do the most important thing. They did not call on God and listen to His instructions. He told them to repent in sorrow for their sins. Instead, they continued to celebrate and party. Let us turn to God in mourning for what we have done wrong.

September 15, 2015 Bible Study — What Are Your “Credentials”?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:13-14

    Parents, discipline your children. Corporal punishment will not kill them, and it may teach them a lesson which will save their life.


Psalm 59

    Yes, each morning I will sing God’s praises. I will sing with joy about God’s unfailing love.


Galatians 2:1-16

    Paul continues the argument he started in yesterday’s passage by pointing out that when his teachings were challenged by others, the Apostles sided with Paul. The point here being that Paul, having learned the Gospel primarily through studying Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit, had a better understanding of that Gospel than some people who had learned it by listening to the other Apostles teaching it. The lesson here is that listening to the Holy Spirit is more important than credentials. We in the Church have gotten too caught up with the idea that our pastors should have the correct credentials. Paul points out that even Peter, who was the first to recognize that the Gospel was meant for the Gentiles as well as the Jews, got caught up in the error being promulgated by the “credentialed” teachers.


Isaiah 19-21

    Isaiah predicted in this passage that there would come a day when Egypt and Assyria would ally with Israel and worship the Lord. I believe that this prophecy will still come to pass.

September 14, 2015 Bible Study — There Is Only One Gospel

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:12

    The key to gaining wisdom is to commit yourself to learning and never stop. If you ever think you have learned all that you need to know, you have become a fool.


Psalm 58

    It may seem as if all of those in positions of authority have lost sight of the meaning of the word justice, or if they know the meaning they do not think it important. However, the time will soon come when God will sweep aside the wicked authorities and punish them for their sin. God demands that those in positions of authority deliver justice to those under their power. If they fail to do so, if they free the guilty and punish the innocent, God will bring His judgment down on them.


Galatians 1

    There is only one Gospel. There are not many different versions of the Good News, different ways to get to Heaven. Those who argue otherwise always start out with the argument, “How do you know that you are right and others are wrong?” The answer is that I may not be right, but it is not possible that the Gospel as taught in the New Testament is true AND these other religious teachings are true. Paul is here reiterating this fact, if what he taught was true than these other teachings, which contradicted what he taught, cannot be true.
    It took me a long time to understand the point which Paul makes next. Initially, it seems as if Paul is bragging that what he taught was independent of what was taught by those Apostles who had walked as Jesus’ disciples. However, I have come to the realization that that is not what Paul is saying here. Rather, he is saying that the fact that the Gospel he teaches is the same as that taught by the other Apostles is evidence of its truth. He did not learn the Gospel from them. He came to it through direct revelation. However, when he later went up to Jerusalem and met with the Apostles, what he ha learned by studying Scripture and Divine revelation was consistent with what Peter had been taught by Jesus (another form of Divine revelation).


Isaiah 15-18

    I know there is another message here, but I will write on the one which strikes me today. We need to be call our neighbors to follow God because when God’s judgment comes falling on them, it it will not stop at the borders to their land. Let us seek to reach our neighbors with God’s message before their sin brings God’s judgment upon them. Otherwise we may get caught in the backlash.

September 13, 2015 Bible Study — Examine Yourself. Is Your Faith Genuine?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:9-11

    There is no point in arguing with fools, nor in trying to give them advice. No matter how good your argument, or how wise your advice, they will continue in their foolishness.
    The second proverb is just as important, although only remotely related to the first. Do not think you can get away with cheating your neighbors by trickery or taking from those who do not have the connections to defend themselves. God will act as their redeemer in each case and will argue their case before the Judge of final recourse (which is Himself). You will lose that case.


Psalm 57

    When danger threatens I will turn to God. I call on you to do the same. He will shelter you from the dangers. If your enemies have set traps in your path, and I promise you that they will, do as God has instructed and you will not be caught in those traps. Instead, your enemies will be caught in the traps which they have laid for you. I am confident in God, which is why I sing His praises (well, in my case, not so much “sing” as “bellow”, but God appreciates it anyway).


2 Corinthians 13

    Let us examine ourselves, test our lives. Do our actions reflect the faith we claim to have? If our actions reflect the fact that Jesus is within us than we have passed the test. If not we have failed. Paul reminds us that it is more important to do what is right, than that it appear that we have done what is right. Even more importantly, when we advise, guide, lead others, we need to be more concerned with them doing the right thing than with us being seen as a success. I will happily be seen as a failure if those to whom I have given advice, guidance, and/or leadership faithfully serve the Lord.


Isaiah 12-14

    God lifts up people and nations to serve His purposes. Time and again these people and nations have come to believe that the power they have gained is theirs to use solely to satisfy their own desires. They begin to believe, and to act on that belief, that the only standard of what is right or wrong is the standard of what pleases themselves. When that happens and they do evil because it pleases them to do so, God will bring judgment against them. God will bring destruction upon them and raise another in their place. Wherever we are in life, let us examine our motives and our actions. Do we choose our actions based on what is right? Or only based on what pleases us?

Semptember 12, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:6-8

    Don’t go to dinner parties hosted by someone who is stingy. They will be more concerned with what it is costing them than with socializing. Any social benefit from being there will be outweighed by their resentment of how much you cost them. And the food is unlikely to be very good.


Psalm 56

    People may slander me, they may twist my words in order to put me down, but I will not fear them because I put my trust in God. I will praise God for His promises. What can any mortal do to me when God is defending me? I will seek to serve Him, so that I need not fear anything, or anyone, else.


2 Corinthians 12:11-21

    Paul reminds the Corinthian believers that he worked hard among them to demonstrate that he was a true apostle of God. He was in no way inferior to those who came after him who were flashier and better orators. He points out that he was never a burden on them and yet, even so, some people are claiming that he tricked the Corinthian believers. Paul indirectly asks the question, if he tricked them, to what end did he do so? Paul did not exploit them. The people he sent to them did not do so either. This is always an important point to remember when looking at what prominent teachers teach, what benefit do they gain from their teaching?


Isaiah 10-11

    Isaiah begins this passage with a warning that the wealthy and powerful would do well to listen to in every generation. They may deprive the poor of their rights. They may oppress God’s people for a time. They may by robbing widows and the fatherless. However, where do they think they are going to be able to flee when the day of God’s judgment arrives? When God sends judgment against you, where will you turn?
    Even those used by God to bring His judgment against sinners will not be exempt from His judgment. Isaiah refers to how God used the Assyrians to bring judgment against the people of Israel. When they then arrogantly assumed that they could ignore His laws, He brought them down. God has used various peoples and powers throughout history to discipline His people. Time and again, those He used have come to believe that their rise to power gives them the right to mistreat others. Time and again, God has brought them low in judgment for their arrogance.